It is a sunny day here in Pictou County and it looks like spring maybe possibly be here.
Today I would like to use scripture from our Bible for the our time together.
Philippians Chapter 4 verse 4 in my Amplified Study Bible reads:
Rejoice in the Lord always (delight, take pleasure in Him); Again I will say rejoice.
Paul wrote these words while imprisoned in Rome, so history says. Imagine, while in prison to have such a heart for God. We are asked to stay in our homes for a month or so and we are complaining. Shame on us. We are being asked to stay in for our own good. The government officials and the medical professionals are trying to protect us. Let’s find something constructive to do. I am sure we can keep active and stay fit at the same time.
So, let’s feed our minds with good words from the Bible. “Rejoice in the Lord always and again I will say rejoice”. That was our opening scripture. Now let me share versus 5 to 8 with you , from the same chapter, and you will find your mind will be clear of negative thoughts and concerns and your voice will be lifted in thanks and praise to our Lord.
(5) Let your gentle spirit (your graciousness,unselfishness, mercy, tolerance and patience) be known to all people. The Lord is near.
(6) Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything (every circumstance and situation) by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your (specific) requests known to God.
(7) And the peace of God (that peace which reassures the heart, that peace) which transcends all understanding, (that peace which)stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (is yours).
(8) Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and a good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things (centre your mind on them, and implant them in your heart).
Paul certainly has given us lots to think about here and if you read one line at a time you will understand what he is trying to tell us in these four scriptures. He wants us to see that by following God’s word we can rest in the arms of Jesus. Paul tells us to have a gentle spirit and not to worry or be anxious, but rather, to pray about all things with a thankful heart. He says peace will come upon us, a peace we cannot understand or explain with our human understanding, but, our minds and hearts will be “at peace”. Wow, that is good news, (especially after what Nova Scotia has just been through this past week), and we need some good news to carry us forward.
Then Paul goes on to say, whatever is true, honourable, respectful, right (confirmed by God’s word), pure, wholesome, lovely and brings peace, admirable and of good repute, (report), excellent, praiseworthy, to think on these things. Here are a number of things to think about and this will keep us busy for a while, and, we will find ourselves lifted from the burdens of this world with its daily struggles, concerns, and pain. Paul tells us to practice all of the above and we will be an example every day of how God wants us to live, live like Jesus, and God who supplies all, will be our peace and well-being.
I am assured, when we take these Scriptures to heart, we will live a better life, being an example to others, and people will see Christ in us, and we will not be worried or anxious, as the world around us is; because God, the source of abundant life, will keep us in the palm of His hand.
As we face the struggles of life, we may not understand why things happen as they do, but we can be confident in knowing God is in control. He sees our suffering and wants us to come to Him for comfort and peace. His peace will go beyond what we can understand and it will clear our heads of any ungodly thoughts and mend our broken hearts in such a time as this. As all Nova Scotians grieve the loss of so many wonderful people whose lives were taken too soon, we also mourn with the loved ones left behind who are now faced with the challenge of moving forward. I pray that in this sorrow we all will find “strength” in God to move on, “comfort” at a time when this world is turned upside down and “peace” when our minds are overwhelmed with questions and our hearts are broken. I pray after the pain, hurt, anger and disbelief of this tragedy is in the past, that our future stands in a hope and a promise given to us by God. That when life here comes to an end when our physical life is over, a new life begins for us when we come into our eternal life, where we live forever, as promised in John chapter 3 verse 16 in the Amplified Study Bible. It reads:
(16) For God so (greatly) loved and dearly prized the world, that He (even) gave His (One and) only begotten Son , so that whoever believes and trusts in Him (as Saviour) shall not perish, but have eternal life.
The day will come when we all will join our loved ones in heaven and we will truly rejoice in the Lord and thank him for John chapter 3 verse 16. We will bow and worship our Heavenly Father as we live in the fullness of joy with Him, forever more.
Again I say rejoice!
Please join me again Monday as God brings a new message, fresh for the day. Tomorrow (Sunday) I will do a video and it will be posted in the late afternoon/ early evening for you viewing. I pray God is touching your heart as we try to stay connected in His love.
Remember God loves you and me, and we are special to Him.
Again I say rejoice!!
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