Is Church?
me tell you about the term Ecclesia. In ancient times, this was commonly used
to describe an assembly or gathering of the citizens or those who held rights
within the city to make decisions for the community. Over time, it came to represent
the gathering of the faithful of the Christian nation to learn, discuss and grow in their faith. There can be some rather heated
discussions but so long as the focus was on the Lord, just about anything can
be overcome and the whole is strengthened through intense respectful
discussion. So why does the church go through such turmoil at times and why do
people leave? I am going to be brutally honest here so if you do not want to be
offended, look away.
is turmoil in the church because the church is filled with people. On more than
one occasion people have confided in me that they have left the church because
the church did them wrong. This is an opportunity to ask what they mean by that
and in most cases, it is not the church that caused the issue but rather the
people in the church. Now, don’t get me wrong, most people do not purposely set
out to cause issues, in many cases it starts with a misunderstanding that
escalates. There are those who are in it to win it, that is, they want to win
the argument at all costs while others have no idea that they have caused an
issue. Again, I am going to be completely honest here, many times the “in it to
win it” are forgetting one important thing; we are all in this together, it is
the selfish who want to come out as the ultimate victor over the needs of the
faith family.
observed yet another example of something meaningless under the sun. This is
the case of a man who is all alone, without a child or a brother, yet who works
hard to gain as much wealth as he can. But then he asks himself, “Who am I
working for? Why am I giving up so much pleasure now?” It is all so meaningless
and depressing.
people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one
person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is
in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other
warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked
and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even
better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. Eccl 4:7-12 NLT
Sunday, Pastor Todd will be expanding on this passage and other supporting
passages from the New Testament. Please
plan to join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service
will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms) or you are more than welcome to join us in person at
402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
The Record
do not know about you but over the past few months I have been watching the
news and watching as the press and the people of our country are getting yanked
all over the place by contradicting stories that are causing all sorts of
chaos. There are stories where some say the trade deficit is at a certain level
and then later in the week, the number has risen, then the story rebuttal where
the number is reportedly very skewed, and this is the real number. My personal
view is this; there are two sides to every claim and then there is the third
version somewhere in the middle that is the truth. All sides are trying to
manipulate the feed so they can get the most support and be declared the keeper
of the truth.
the question is this; do you take the word of one side or the other and allow
them to make up your mind or do you take a moment to fully research both sides
of the equation and seek out the actual truth? Here is an example for your
consideration. One group says you need to be a member of the church in order to
take communion while another group says that you simply need to be a follower
of Christ, membership has nothing to do with taking communion. Both sides argue
their point and camps are made, people are recruited to one side or the other
and, in the end, the split is made and the faith gathering is fractured and
hurt, in fact, I have seen families divided because of these issues. Let us
keep on with this illustration. On one side, members only can take communion
and on the other, it is open to all who proclaim Christ as Saviour. Research
the supper in the upper room. How many were members of an organized church? How
many in the room also shared in the meal besides the disciples? Do you have to
be completely without sin to take communion? Consider who ate with Jesus at the
table. Was Peter going to deny, was Judas going to betray, were the others
going to run in fear and abandon the Lord? This is only one example of what
research can do for understanding and, yes, it does take effort to consider all
the information available for the time to create an environment of
12 Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your
leaders in the Lord’s work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual
guidance. 13 Show
them great respect and wholehearted love because of their work. And live
peacefully with each other.
14 Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who
are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are
weak. Be patient with everyone.
15 See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always
try to do good to each other and to all people.
16 Always be joyful. 17 Never stop praying. 18 Be thankful in all
circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
19 Do not stifle the Holy Spirit. 20 Do not scoff at prophecies, 21 but test everything that
is said. Hold on to what is good. 22 Stay away from every kind of evil. 1 Thes 5:12-22
did underline this last bit for a reason. Do not let people lead you down the
garden path by tempting you with a piece of fruit. Ask questions, be open to
the advice from others even if it differs and do not stifle the Holy Spirit,
allow Him to guide you in your pursuit of the Truth. This is also very true in
life as well. Use the wisdom that God has provided to make good choices for the
betterment of all. You may find that being the peacemaker will be a blessing
and you shall be called a child of God (Matt 5:9)
This Sunday,
Pastor Eryn is going to bring us a delightful message. Please plan to join us
either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be
broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms) or you are
more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Prayer as the First
other day, I was asked about the tradition of the prayer altar in our
denomination and I had to say I had no clue. They had always been there and if
you ever thought to remove them, there were those who would suggest that was a
hard no. You see, the prayer altar is that place in the church were people come
to offer sacrifices, prayers and intercessions to God. In the Nazarene church,
this place is at the front of the church running, in most cases, across the
front of the platform and has a padded kneeling area so it doesn’t hurt so
much. In some Catholic church, there are drop down kneeling benches right in
the pews where you can kneel in prayer without leaving your pew. I have also
seen prie-Dieu (pray to God) which can be single or double stand alone kneelers
that have s slanted table where you can put your elbows in prayer or even place
your Bible for those times of contemplative meditation and prayer. There are
those who go into a closet to pray in their special prayer room, others like
Susanna Wesley would cover her head with her apron as a signal for others that
she was in her alone time with God and there are those who will cover their
heads with a tallit, a prayer shawl, and spend time with the Father there. No
matter what, however, the purpose is the same, to spend quality time with God.
attended a church where the prayer altar was always full. We had an altar
ministry where people were willing and able to come alongside those at the
altar and pray with others should they wish it. There was never a force call,
none felt they had to go to the altar during prayer time, they just came
forward and knelt in prayer. Some prayed in intercession for others in their
lives, some prayed for healing and comfort while others prayed with tears of
joys for answered prayers. Regardless of what their prayers, they were never
alone at the altar and it was a wonderful place of communication with the
Father and the faith family came alongside to share in the good and the
hardships. I do remember one person who went to prayer at the altar and I asked
if I could pray with him. He was about to go into an interview the next day and
wanted to thank God in advance for what was about to happen. Whether the
results were positive or “try again”, he wanted to let God know he was fully
leaning on Him for strength and that His will be done. He was there again the
next Sunday giving thanks for the opportunity presented (he did not get the
job) but also praised the Lord for the better job offer he got two days later.
is the thing that really troubles me. I have seen the prayer altar go empty for
months, even years, because people think that the congregation will assume they
are there for confess all manners of sins but, truth be told, in that church I
was in years ago, most of the prayers were intercession for others and prayers
of thanksgiving for answered requests. This is not meant to brag or anything
but on Sundays, I am usually at the altar an hour before I start to crank up
the computers and get things ready. I am usually there again once the computer
messes up but that’s a story for another time. The altar is that place where we
can go for that time with Him, it is not a requirement for God to hear prayer
but it is symbolic of kneeling before the Lord. The key is to pray, pray and
Always be joyful. Never
stop praying.Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you
who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thes 5:16-18 NLT
let pride get in the way of kneeling before the Lord. This Sunday, Pastor Todd
is going to dig a bit deeper into the blessing of prayer.
Please plan to join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The
service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms)
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
About It
few days ago, I was watching a show where the big joke was a guy trying to tell
his girl he lll... that he llloooo... that he looooovvvvv...that he loved her.
Here is the thing, he did truly love her in his heart, but his lips did not
work. Why is it so hard to say that, to say it from the heart? I hear it
bandied about at times where it seems so fake, but there are those declarations
of a heartfelt love that comes right from the soul. I have said this before and
I will say it again, God is love and His Word, His Law, is love. An author
quotes the prophet Jeremiah in his letter to the Hebrews:
But this is the new
covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day, says the Lord: I
will put my laws in their minds, and I will write them on their hearts. I will
be their God, and they will be my people. Hebrews 8:10 NLT
declares His love for us, for all of us, by letting us know His love is written
in minds, and on our hearts so that we might lead with that right out of the
gate. He has no problem saying that He loves us and that we only know a small
portion of the fullness of His love. My second thought on this is that if we
truly wanted to even start to understand the depth of this love, we would make
it the priority of our lives in absolutely every aspect of our being. I fear,
however, this is not the case. You see the world would
rather we lead with anger and might rather than love and compassion. I feel
the world has come to embrace the fallacy that caring, compassion and love is a weakness, but I would argue that the power of His
love is far greater than anything this world can even imagine. Something else
to consider in all this is the fact that to forgive is probably the greatest
act of love one could ever bestow upon another person. Once again, God leads
the way in this aspect of life:
And I will forgive
their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins.” Hebrews 8:12 NLT
“I have loved you even
as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. When you obey my commandments,
you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in
his love. I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy.
Yes, your joy will overflow! This is my commandment: Love each other in the
same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life
for one’s friends. John 15:9-13 NLT
has gone before us to show the way of agape love, the perfect love where grace
is extended and is the preferred way rather than the way of the world. The
strength of His commitment to us all, the fact that Jesus stayed on the cross
rather than abandon us in the time of His greatest pain at the hands of those
He truly loved is a guide that we should all follow. Remember, love always and
forgive perfectly, and remember, not all will reciprocate but that is not your
issue, let God deal with that.
Sunday, we welcome a very special guest speaker from Voice of the Martyrs
Canada, Rev Greg Musselman. Please plan to join us either in person or online
at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website
(https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms) or you are more than welcome
to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
The Empty Box
is a box that sits atop the shelves over my desk. It is a plain black box with
nothing in it, just air. I used this box as an illustration years ago and it
sits there as a reminder, but I cannot remember what for, but it does serve as
a primer for this week’s article. Something that struck me a couple weeks ago
was when someone asked me why I believe in a myth, a story that is not
empirically substantiated or confirmed and it occurred to me that I needed to
ask this person to elaborate a bit further. I had just given a person with a
loaded weapon the opportunity to take the first kill shot. Funny thing about
this volley was he was very predictable the first shot missed the mark.
one has seen God and, therefore, no one has proven Him to be real.”
asked him, “have you ever seen air?”
see, I have never seen air, but I know it to exist because I breathe it, and I
can assure you I would know if it did not exist because I would suffocate. To
add to this, I have faith that air in the correct mixture exists so that I can
live but even if you did not believe in air, you would still be alive because
it exists. Now, after years of reading about the various probability factors
involved in intelligent design versus the “poof there it is” theory where a
single cell organism evolved over time to become everything we know on earth, I
was prepared to enjoy a wonderful debate with regards to faith. You see, in my
opinion, it takes a ton more faith to believe in the theories of evolution (you
see there are hundreds of ideas of how things started) then it does to grasp
the truth of intelligent design. According to science, matter can neither be
created or destroyed so the question is this; where did the original matter
come from to become every single particle, planet, star, or galaxy in the
entire immeasurable universe? The big bang theory has a major question to
answer yet it is not far off.
the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and
empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering
over the surface of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there
was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light
from the darkness. God called the light “day” and the darkness “night.” And
evening passed and morning came, marking the first day. Gen 1:1-5 NLT
bet you that made a big BANG! Did you also know that the earth sits at the
perfect distance from the sun so as not to lose its atmosphere to the searing
temperature of the sun’s rays or be in a constant state of frozen if it were
further away? Did you know that the mixture of gases is perfect, even now, for
the proliferation of life? Enough carbon dioxide for the plants and enough
oxygen for the animals. That is not something that evolved, it was created on
purpose. Which brings me back to the box. The box seems empty, but it is not
completely empty, you see it has the elixir of life, air and it also has a
reminder for me; there is a sheet of paper in the bottom that simply says
“forgiven” and a picture of the cross. You see, Jesus went to the cross for us
all, but we need to believe that He went there for each and every one of us,
whether we believe or not, but for those who believe in Christ as Lord and
Saviour, there is a promise of Glory. Secondly, God breathed the breath of life
into His creation, Adam, and thus began our journey. Following up on the sermon
from last week, this is what I believe, and you are more than welcome to
dispute or confirm this, but I do know one thing that will never change, the
grave may be empty, but the Breath of Life ensures the receptacle is never
Sunday, our Community Pastor, Eryn will
be bringing the second message of 2025. Please plan to join us either in person
or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our
website ( https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms ) or you are more
than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
the Seeds of Understanding
other day, I was talking to a person about my faith in Christ and was asked why
I put my hope for eternity in what some would call a mythical being (his words,
not mine). The conversation at this point could have gone two ways but I chose
the path of helping this person understand why I believe what I do because, as
I have stated in numerous counselling sessions over the past twenty some years,
it is difficult to argue personal feelings as they are just that, my own. I
took this as an opportunity to share the seeds of understanding, my
understanding, with others so they have a wider base of knowledge to make their
own decisions. You see, my relationship with Christ is so much different than
anyone else's, that is why it is called a personal relationship. Where the
foundation of my faith is in Christ and His message, I relate in a way that is
different than that of my wife, Natalie yet we both love the Lord with all our
heart. While the experience is different, our God is the exact same for us all
and His love for us is perfect and exactly the same for each of us.
shared this with my friend, and we chatted even more about matters of faith,
love and peace until we got to the big question on his mind; how do I develop
this relationship with Christ? There are many ways to explain this one and if
you talk with the scholars or great leaders of a church or denomination, there
are many “methods of declaring your faith in Christ” but truth be told, there
is only one thing a person needs to do and it is very, very personal; “For
this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone
who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son
into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.” John
3:16-17 NLT. This is the foundation of faith in Christ and from this, we
can develop a deeper understanding through research, fellowship (bible studies,
prayer groups etc.) and, over time, sharing with others. A while back, a friend
confessed that their faith walk had become rather stagnant and boring, so I
asked, “when was the last time you gathered with other members of faith in a
prayer time or a bible study?” Their reply, (I don’t go to them because
everyone talks above my head” to which I responded, “did you ask them to slow
down and explain things a bit better?” You see, the seeds of understanding can
only grow if you water them with the water of Life, His Word, and take time to
let this river of knowledge wash away the doubts and allow Him to speak into your
am going to be rather blunt here; if you are not going to take advantage of the
resources God has placed before you, you have only yourself to blame. If I give
you a pry bar to pull out a nail and I help you understand how to pull said
nail and you still just sit there staring at the nail and getting upset because
it is not coming out on its own, then the issue is not with the pry bar or the
messenger but rather it is with the individual. Sow the seeds of understanding,
take time to walk with the person during the growing stage, help them to
understand their new relationship and introduce them to others who are also on
the same journey. This, in my opinion, is how to develop a strong, personal
relationship with Jesus Christ and how to grow in your own faith walk.
Sunday, Pastor Todd will be bringing the first message of 2025. Please plan to
join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be
broadcast online on our website ( https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms ) or you are more than welcome to join us in
person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
the Perfect Gift
got a text from a good friend and peer (he is also my wife’s cousin) that got
me thinking about the perfect gift for Christmas. Now I know there are some out
there who are thinking “oh, he is going to talk about Jesus” and you are right,
He is the reason for the season and the hope of the world and, yes, the perfect
gift for all of us because He is the Saviour but I want to go for perfect gift
part two. We talked a couple weeks ago about the citizens of Whoville and the
drive for the perfect Christmas celebration. I refer to “The Grinch” starring
Jim Carey where the competition was on for the best of the best, the best
cooking, the best light display, the best celebration and how that took over
the season, but it took a catastrophe to recognize what was the foundation of
the season; it was all about relationships.
“It came without
ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he
puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of
something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a
store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.” Dr Seuss, The
best gift you can share with anyone is yourself; your time, your fellowship and
your love. A gift bought is a finite gift, but relationships are forever. That
super itchy sweater you got from Gramma comes out a couple times a year near
Christmas for office parties, but the rest of the year sits in a closet or
drawer. That “awesome etch a sketch” might make it through the night but after
that ends up in the bottom of a toy box until twenty years later when it is
found and sold because it is in “mint condition having never been used”. The
best gift is that given from the heart, the gift of love and caring for those
around us. It is one that will last forever and is more precious than gold.
There are “things” in this world that are judged precious by human standards,
then there are gifts that are considered precious in God’s eyes, and we are it.
back to the text. We exchanged news about what we were doing and who we were
going to see. We talked about sharing with our families and said nothing about
the store-bought trappings of the season. Even the text from my brother in
Christ was a precious gift that I will never forget. This is the season where
we share of ourselves, our hearts and our time, with all those around us just
as our Father in Heaven shared His Son with us to bring us all hope, joy,
peace, and love. This is the season of celebration of the King of kings, let us
all rejoice as the angels did that day so long ago. The perfect gift of the
season, share this gift with everyone you can throughout the year and may God
bless you all richly in His love and joy.
We Need Is Love
this, when a baby is born, the first thing that happens for those around is
usually a sense of peace and calm. There can be a room full of people helping a
newborn greet the world and a feeling of joy and relief as the baby lets out
the first cry of life. Moments later, there is a collective sigh as everyone
gets a glimpse of the newborn and a feeling of love fills the room. The moment
I saw my son I immediately fell in love with him. There was no period of “I
need to get to know him” or “I wonder if he will like me”, it was
instantaneous. In comparison, it took months for me to get to know my wife, my then
girlfriend, before we started to really connect on a deeper level than friends,
it took a while longer to fall in love and it took a bit more time to make that
commitment to love and protect for all time. A split second for me to fall in
love with my son, a bond that grows stronger over time and continues to grow
every day, a little longer with my wife. The fact is, I fell in love with my
son before he was even born, I also fell in love with my grandson the day I
found out he was coming.
“For this is how God
loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in
him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 NLT
All praise to God, the
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual
blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ. Even before
he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without
fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by
bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and
it gave him great pleasure. So we praise God for the glorious grace he has
poured out on us who belong to his dear Son. He is so rich in kindness and
grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our
sins. He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and
understanding.Eph 1:4-8 NLT
can only imagine how much the baby Jesus was instantly loved the second He came
to earth. The angels rejoiced with a sound that shook heaven and earth, the
shepherds gathered at His abode and they left praising His name. All we need is
love and, in that moment when the Christ child was born, Love came to live with
We know how much God
loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live
in love live in God, and God lives in them. 1 John 4:16 NLT
celebrate the season of love, but we should practice this love every single day
of our lives; this is the proper way for us here and now and it will be the way
in Glory!
Sunday, Rev. Glenn Reeder brings the message of Love on this fourth day of
Advent. Please plan to join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM
this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website ( https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms ) or you are more than welcome to join us in
person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
We will be having a Christmas Eve Service, 24 December at 6:00 PM
go back a few years, back to the days that Pastor Doug, Pastor Mark and I were
working at Calgary East Church of the Nazarene. Pastor Doug had started a
series on JOY that, I believe, was going to go for an entire year. A whole year
focused on JOY. I must say that, for me at the time, making it through the week
in a joyful state of mind was not all that easy. You see, Natalie and I lived
up the Deerfoot Trail and, if you have ever been on that stretch during
rush-hour, there is little joy in Whoville by the time you get home. I was
trying to figure out how Pastor Doug was going to stretch out a sermon series
for a year based on JOY. How much can you say about JOY? Well, let me tell you,
there is more to joy than just the regular dictionary definition, you see JOY
is Jesus, Others and You. This seems like the perfect time to take a look at
this in context of the world around us.
there is not a place anywhere on the earth that isn’t lacking perfect peace and
joy. An argument can be made for those little places where no one has any
issues with anyone but reflect on this, someone always has a neighbour with a
pet that does damage to lawn or garden and there is always that one relative
that causes issues at the family dinner. Countries having issues with each
other regarding territory, trade, religious differences or even the old
argument of “we are right and they are all wrong”. Even in the church there are
arguments; King James Version verses the Message (they are both the inspired
Word of God, get over it), the three wise men beside the manger or thousands of
miles away on their trek. There have been church splits over the wording above
the door into the sanctuary. Where is the joy in selfish arguments or
self-righteous indignation? I had to look that last one up to make sure I was
using it correctly and, yes I was, but it is rather harsh. Here is the thing,
when we lose focus on JOY, chaos and anger reign because the foundation of JOY
is overshadowed by the cloak of darkness.
the J in JOY, is the Son of God, the Prince of Peace and the Saviour of all
people and He is the reason for this season we are in. Sorry folks, Santa and
presents are not central to the Christmas celebration, it is Jesus. Remember
when the Grinch stole all the presents from the people of Whoville and they
came out in the morning lacking all the presents and trimmings of Christmas and
they held hands to sing joyfully in the square? The Grinch listened for the sad cries but he
did not hear that! He says:
came without ribbons, it came without tags, it came without packages, boxes or
the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before, “Maybe Christmas” he thought,
“doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more”.
Dr. Seuss, How The Grinch Stole Christmas.
came to earth to give us all a hope and show us the proper way to live life.
Find the JOY in the Lord through Christ the King and remember that we are all
His children. Instead of fighting with others or starting wars over stupid
trivial things, find the good in Others and rejoice in their happiness. Gather
in the square and sing out:
welcome Christmas bring your light
welcome in the cold, dark night
Christmas, fahoo ramus, welcome Christmas, dahoodamus
Christmas, while we stand, heart to heart and hand in hand
hand in hand with those around you and celebrate JOY and let your heart burst
with love and happiness. When you have Jesus in your heart, Others around you
to celebrate alongside you, then You will be blessed in the miracle of His
grace for all of us. Hundreds of years before Christ’s birth, Isaiah prophesied
of His coming and told of His blessing for us all.
For a
child is born to us, a son
is given to us. The
government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful
Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isa 9:6 NLT
is none greater than the Messiah, no government can conquer Him, no powers can
break His perfect peace. He is born to us all and there is no end to His love
and peace. JOY; Jesus, Others and You. Celebrate Him this Christmas and may
peace reign supreme in your hearts.
Sunday, Pastor Todd brings the message of JOY on this third day of Advent,
Peace. Please plan to join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM
this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website
(https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms ), or you are more than
welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
In The Still of The
was a time many years ago when the darkness of the night scared me witless. The
monsters that feared the light would hide under my bed and in the closet just
waiting for the darkness of night to free them from the confines of their below
bed cells and they could then do all sorts of evil during the night. I can
remember my parents saying, “don’t be silly, there is nothing there…to be
scared of”. So, did that mean there was nothing there so don’t be scared, or
did it mean there was something there but don’t be scared of it? My Grandma was
the best, she left a night light on to keep the monsters away. The threat of
the unseen in the darkness had a real hold on me to the point that I would not
even put my feat on the floor for the fear of them grabbing a hold and dragging
me under the bed and don’t even get me started about going down into the dark
basement! I was safe so long as there was light because I could see all things
around me and there was a wonderful sense of peace. The light of day seemed to be
the cure for all the fear and anxiety that came with the loneliness of the
darkness. The lack of light seemed so cold and, when you could not seek very
far, the sense of being alone and defenseless was overwhelming.
forward a couple decades and I am now a grown adult and very little scares me.
I don’t need the nightlight anymore, a trip to the basement is not filled with
stress and I am, in my mind, invincible. I am doing great in the business
world, making a name for myself and there is very little that causes me any
angst until a very close friend passes away and the reality of life’s end
really hits me. I went to his funeral and the minister said “Do you know where
you are going when your days on earth are done?” That was a strange question,
of course I do, I am going to heaven because I am a good person. Then he said,
“Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus because it is only through
Christ that you will live in the land of Eternal Light with the Saviour”. It
was at that moment that I realized that I truly did not know the absolute peace
of living in relationship with the Messiah and knowing that only through Him
was influence the darkness of evil completely dispelled. You see, total
darkness is the complete absence of light and the moment the light shines out,
even just a little bit, there is no longer total darkness. The moment we
recognize the Light is the instant we realize we are not alone and, in that,
there is peace and comfort.
spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If
you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the
light that leads to life.” John 8:12 NLT
light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.
John 1:5 NLT
your trust in the light while there is still time; then you will become
children of the light.” John 12:36 NLT
you discover this peace, the comfort of knowing that you are never alone,
embrace the Light and then, like my Grandma did at one time, set out the night
light so that those around you will also know the eternal peace He has set
aside for us all.
are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be
hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a
lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the
house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so
that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.
Sunday, we welcome Rev. Bob Hillock as he brings the message on this second day
of Advent, Peace. Please plan to join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM
this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms ),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
on The Cross
you find joy on the cross? I was having a great conversation with my buddy Bob
at Bible study. We were chatting about how the world demands proof before they
believe, yet the miracles are all around us. Here is the thing, both Bob and I
have numerous acquaintances who do not believe or have a relationship with
Jesus, and they tend to ask for proof of existence. Now, I have no problem with
answering questions or even debating the issue. So many in our society are
dismissive of a faith walk because they don’t have proof, they have proof but
refuse to consider it as plausible, or they don’t want to listen because the
proof that was presented did not match their needs or preferred understanding.
it does not look like the duck I have in mind, then even though it walks like a
duck and sounds like a duck, it is not a duck”.
does take more effort and understanding to recognize not only the divinity of
Jesus but also the existence of God because it requires one to be open to all
sides of a discussion, willing to be objective and interested in a dialogue
designed to enhance a fuller understanding.
Consider this question, who was filled with joy on the cross?
Two others, who were
criminals, were led away to be put to death with him...
And the people stood
by, watching, but the rulers scoffed at him, saying, “He saved others; let him
save himself, if he is the Christ of God, his Chosen One!” The soldiers also
mocked him, coming up and offering him sour wine ...
One of the criminals
who were hanged railed at him, saying, “Are you not the Christ? Save yourself
and us!” But the other rebuked him, saying, “Do you not fear God, since you are
under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we are
receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.”
And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And He said
to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke
23:32, 35-36, 39-43 ESV
who were mocking the King were demanding proof on their terms. “Prove to us by
dancing for us monkey and we will worship you! Save yourself and us and we will
buy into your message!” The thief who defended Jesus was under the same
sentence as the first thief and yet he got it. He may not have been happy that
he was about to die but his joy came when the Messiah declared that he would be
with Him in paradise this day. I have a very tough time understanding how
anyone who is faced with death can hold so tightly to nothing, a hard stop as
the breath of life leaves them. There is no hope, no joy in that understanding.
The first thief wanted answers but asked the wrong questions and most likely
faced that dark abyss as the light faded but the second thief was blessed with
the promise of eternal life and his final moments would have been filled with
hope and a deep joy.
come into a season of love and joy where many will share a smile and open their
hearts to the true meaning of the season. This is the time where we embrace the
celebration of the birth of a Savior, the birth of a new hope. Sunday, we begin
the season of Advent with a message from Eryn, our minister of community, and
celebrate the start of the season of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.
Please plan to join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this
Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website
(https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms ), or you are more than
welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
With the World
to come clean, I have, for the past month or so, been dealing with numerous
attacks and it has been tough to hold it together at times. It takes everything
I have not to lash out at friends and family but there are moments when I feel
I am not coping well. It is almost like trying to climb up a sand dune, no
matter how much you try to crawl out of the valley, it seems like you are
moving in the wrong direction. Over the past three months, I have put my faith
in the word of others and have come to find out they are paying lip service to
their “customer service”. Here is an example; “we are going to escalate your
request up to my supervisor”. Translation, I am going to tell you what you want
to hear just so I can end this call and get you off the phone. How about this
one; “we are so sorry for all of this, I have forwarded your letter to the
director for his consideration”. Translation, your letter is going to sit on
the reservation director’s desk in the hope that you won’t remember our
conversation and disappear. You may think that I am upset about this one
incident but no, it has happened with three different organizations and their
modus operandi is identical. It is almost like they all took a class on “Lying
to Others 101”. I remember the day when your word was your bond, and you would
rather walk over hot coals with bare feet than purposely slide problems under
the rug and hope they go away.
how does this affect the average person, this onslaught of lies and deceit? It
makes a person rather short with those who are closest to them because, in most
cases, they will take it, but they should not have to. This line of thinking
led me to focus on something else. Those who are closest to us should not have
to take on the stress that we carry and yet they do because they love us. You
see, the stress comes from selfish people that have taken advantage of us and
will lie to shut us up or make us think there may be a chance. That is the
foundation to this stress and if we truly want to move away from this stress,
this cancer, we really need to consider a couple lessons from Christ’s
teachings. First, consider this: A new command I give you: Love one another.
As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know
that you are my disciples, John 13:34-35. When people purposely try to
upset you, try this one on for size; “But I say unto you, Love your enemies,
bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them
which despitefully use you, and persecute you” Matt 5:43–44.
more thing, no matter how many times people let you down, remember that Peter
really let down Jesus in the final moments before He was tortured and killed
and yet He blessed Peter upon His return and said, “... Jesus said to Simon
Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”
Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”
said, “Feed my lambs.”
Simon fell asleep, cut off ears, denied the Lord and lied about his involvement
with the Lord, Jesus still loved him perfectly and forgave him. Forgive me for
projecting my anger and stress into your lives as of late, please know I love
you all and will try better to live the love of Christ. I think we all can
learn a thing or three from His example and others will also learn this from
how we react to their actions.
Sunday, we will be focusing on forgiveness as a means to cope with the world
and how this can affect the lives of those around us. Please plan to
join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service
will be broadcast online on our website
(https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms ), or you are more than
welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Don’t Poke the Bear
I am going to throw this out there; complacency is the
work of the devil. Let me expand a little bit on that. If you are rolling
along, avoiding the challenges by bending to the will of the world and not
really planting your flag on any hill, do you think that you are making a
difference or are you following the path of the church of Laodicea? If your
ministry is lukewarm and no one is really challenged to move against worldly
influences on the faith, do you think the devil is going to disturb you or take
shots at you? Now, I am not saying that all ministries that are moving along
well are ineffective but I am suggesting that we take time to examine our
ministries, our lives even, and ask the question, “are we making the devil nervous
or angry?” A few weeks ago, I had a decision to make and I chose a path that
led me away from a position of comfort and put me onto the path of ministry
that looks very much like that of the Apostle Paul. Natalie and I decided to
retire from the church and, moving out in faith, followed the call to that of a
tent maker. You see, Paul went from province to province and helped those new
churches get established and healthy, plus he taught a new generation of
preachers and spoke in the new lands to all who would hear. Natalie and I have
embraced this new opportunity and move. I did, however, fail to remember that
Paul did not walk around all happy and feeling secure, he was hammered by those
who listened to the world, the same world that the devil plays in, and was
never really safe (just read through his letters). Through it all, he
persevered and was protected by the One who was in ultimate authority, Jesus. I
have learned that life is not always going to be a bowl of cherries but if you
lean fully on His guidance and strength, He will not let you fall.
The devil has no power over us and would love to let
sleeping dogs lie for fear of disturbing the faithful to action. Last week, we
talked about a society that has forgotten the love of God and the travesties of
the past, the time has come to poke the bear, arose the sleeping nation of
faith and rally them to take back what the devil has stolen and this Sunday, I
will delve into this subject more.Please plan
to join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will
be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms ),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Lest We Forget
the next week, many will don the red poppy over their heart in remembrance of
those who served in the military, the RCMP and other agencies. For those who
gave their lives in support and protection of others and for the thousands who
serve and have served Sovereign and country over the past, we remember their
sacrifice of their own lives and their time. We do this so we do not forget the
horrors of war and abuse that have occurred. In remembering, we also seek ways
to prevent the deadly losses of the past to repeat in the future. I will speak
this truth, however; when the memories fade and are forgotten, history tends to
repeat and the horrific events of the past are once again realized by the
actions of those who do not hold onto the sanctity of life. I do understand
that some may not appreciate the harshness of this declaration but I fear that
the importance of remembrance is slowly being forgotten. You see, fewer people
are taking a time out to stop and truly remember those who sacrificed their
lives, both their mortal lives and their daily lives as they set everything to
the side in order to come to the aid of others. The less society remembers or
ignores the past, the more likely society is to repeat the mistakes of the
me shift to the messages from the Bible. Jesus came to live amongst us all and
to teach us the way of love and compassion over war and destruction. As Peter
cut off the ear of the servant, Jesus healed him and claimed;
away your sword, those who use the sword will die by the sword. Don’t you
realize that I could ask my Father for thousands of angels to protect us,
and he would send them instantly? But if I did, how would the Scriptures
be fulfilled that describe what must happen now?” Matt 28:52-54 NLT
tend to forget the part where Jesus healed and asked compassion on those who
came to persecute Him. Many more have forgotten the sacrifice He made on our
behalf so that we would not know the pain and suffering associated with death.
Jesus promised us before He left that He was going to prepare a place for us, a
place in Heaven where we would no longer know pain, sorrow or evil. The world
has lost faith in this message and doomed itself to repeat the errors of the
past when the needs of self overshadowed the compassion and love for others
that Jesus taught us. We will remember them, the motto of the Royal Canadian
Legion. Our battle cry of the faith family should be “We Will Remember Him”.
Love God with every ounce of your being and love all others around you as you
are loved by the Creator.
week, we gather on the Sunday before Remembrance Day and will take a few
moments to remember those who have passed in service to our nation and our
Sovereign and Pastor Todd will reflect on the sacrifice made by our Lord and
Saviour centuries ago so we can live with the assurance of a future without
pain and oppression, plus an eternity filled with love and fellowship with the
Father. Please plan to join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this
Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms ),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Next Big Thing
I have a question, but I want to clarify the reason for the question in
advance. You see, Natalie and I have told my family, her family and our church
family about our future plans. We have let others know that we are moving back
to Nova Scotia in April of 2025 and now you know. Many have asked why and,
while we are very transparent about the primary reason for the move, there is
another bit of information that weighed in on our decision. You see, there are
no such things as coincidences, but there are opportunities. We spent many days
praying over our decision to move and to retire from leading a church and,
while Natalie and I will truly miss our Sundre faith family, as well as our
Alberta family & friends, the time has come to “go and make disciples of
all the nations”. Now, you need to understand, there were numerous
opportunities that presented themselves over the past few months but the one
that we, Natalie and I, chose was one that truly spoke to us in a special way.
When you lean on His calling, there is a peace, an excitement, and even a bit
of nervousness, but in God we trust.
question is this; what is the next big thing? It has been an amazing 25 years
in church ministry, but God is opening doors for several opportunities outside
the formal church setting. He has
provided and we are willing to go where He leads. There are a variety of
teaching & training opportunities, plus transitional ministry and
more. We look forward to finding ways to
continue to be relevant in our dailylives, and move forward in faith. When we
came to Sundre, at the time it was the nextbig thing in our ministerial life.
We feel God has used us well in this community but there is a calling to the nextbig
thing. The passage that came to mind as I was contemplating the change was from
Matthew 28:19-20 NLT.
Therefore, go and make
disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the
Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I
have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of
the age.”
time has come to take this message to the east coast of Canada, to be His
representative and build relationships as He guides & directs. These past
two weeks, I have been referred to as Padre and Chaplain and numerous
individuals have come forward for spiritual guidance and advice. Was this
confirmation of His calling for the next chapter in my ministerial life?
Another opportunity was very interesting to say the least, but we are confident
this is the path He has set our feet upon.
week, Darryl Wicks, President of our local Missions Ministry will be bringing
us a message that touches on Kingdom news throughout the world. Please plan
to join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service
will be broadcast online on our website
(https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms ), or you are more than
welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
More Into The Fray
you ever had one of those days, those weeks, or even those months where you
have had the rug pulled out from under you so many times that lying on the
floor looking up at the ceiling seems like a natural position. You see, when
you have an expectation of how things should flow, and others decide that there
needs to be more to it than that, well, things must change. It seems that fully
relying on others to help in the successful completion of an activity was
rather naive of me. Now, don’t get me wrong, most of the time this is not the
case but, let’s be honest, we can default to the negative when it comes right
down to it and some things can overshadow the goodness that is around us all
the time.
me try this illustration as an explanation. I remember a couple years ago I was
given some gourmet jelly beans. I was
intrigued by all the wonderful colors, but I realized I have come to expect a
certain taste to accompany the visual queue. For me, a deep vibrant red and
orange jellybean builds up an expectation of a taste explosion of possibly
orange and grapefruit but instead it was a hot cinnamon. The next one was a
nice bright green which would make you expect a lime but alas it was green
apple. Disappoint me once, shame on you, disappoint me twice, shame on me. The
jellybeans went into the garbage. My expectation was that the jellybeans would
be a wonderful treat, and yet it turned into a negative memory.
are those out there who will not lift a hand to help others up from the dumps,
there are also those who will throw roadblocks to trip you up and will stand by
to see just how you handle the trial. I have seen so many people who have such
kind and caring hearts, who would drop everything to lift a friend up, get so
downtrodden that eventually their “give a care” runs out or is busted. Truth be
told, we are all human and are fallible. We will fall short, at some time, and
cause others some disappointment but we should always try to err on the side of
compassion when we can. I know this can be rather difficult to maintain but
think about this;
It is better to trust
in the LORD Than to put confidence in man Ps 118:8 NLT
“For this is how God
loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in
him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not
to judge the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16-17 NLT
things get me sliding into that dark place, when people laugh at my expense,
when people make promises then fail to carry it out, I cry out to the Lord and
ask for strength, and I will testify to this for the rest of my life, He has
NEVER let me down.
week, Pastor Todd will be on holidays but we have Eryn, our Community Minister
blessings us with a message. Please plan to join us either in person
or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our
website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms ), or you are
more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Thanksgiving to One And All
is the time of year when we take a deep dive into the past year and pull out echoes
of the previous year and give thanks. We gather
together, share with family and friends the memories of the year past and
celebrate good times and blessings. For many in our country, there is a
celebration of good luck or positive karma, unless you consider the position of
the turkey, and that opportunity to have that one extra day off. But I do have
a question, who are you thankful to? Think about this for a moment, who, or
what, exactly, are you thanking? Let me throw this out there.
“I am so thankful for my wonderful
is a wonderful thing to be thankful for, isn't it? So, are you thanking them
for being your friends? Are you thankful for karma or luck that you all met?
Did they just pop into your life courtesy of cosmic forces? When I think of
being thankful for wonderful friends, I thank my Heavenly Father for bringing
them into my life. I also give thanks to my Lord for providing for my needs and
for His protection. The one thing I am most thankful for every single year,
every single day, is His promise of Heaven and His forgiveness. Christ’s grace
has given us all hope of a perfect life in glory, and we can get there through
His sacrifice. His promise is for all, we only need to declare Jesus as Lord,
leave our sins with Him and give thanks for the ultimate gift that He has
am so thankful for my friends and family; I am grateful for all that we have
been provided with and I am filled with gratitude for all He has done for each
and every one of us.
I will praise you,
Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.
I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O
Most High. Ps 9:1-2 NLT
thanks with a grateful heart and praise Him for all He has done for you, for us
week is a bit of a change as we will be not only gathering to celebrate but
also to share the wonders He has provided for us throughout the year.
Please plan to join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this
Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Once Again, Did You Know?
want to start this article with a reference from scripture: Psalms 37:7-9 NLT
Be still in the presence of the Lord,
and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or
fret about their wicked schemes. Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not
lose your temper— it only leads to harm. For the wicked will be destroyed, but
those who trust in the Lord will possess the land.
other day, I watched as road rage took hold of a person who did not feel it
necessary to stop at one of the two stop signs on Main Avenue in our fair town.
When the person following honked the horn at the next intersection, the person
got out of the vehicle, went back to the honking vehicle and proceeded to yell
and beat on the window. I was outside the church watching this all unfold and,
truth be told, I was getting a bit of a chuckle, but I could see this
escalating to the next level. As I started to move towards the intersection to
intercede, a big semi loaded with wood chip laid on the air horn and the
skirmish quickly ended. The second vehicle decided to avoid further issue by
turning right and head out in another direction.
are times in life when time is not on our side, and we start to bend the rules
to suit our personal needs. A full stop at a stop sign becomes a rolling stop
which then becomes a modified yield and then a full-on disregard to the rule or
law. When traffic does not flow to meet my demands, do I disregard the rules to
accommodate my needs, or do I remember this for next time and leave a bit
earlier? This has been a tough lesson for myself over the years, but I am
getting better at practicing patience. Six hundred years before the birth of
the Messiah, Isaiah told the nation of Israel the King of kings was going to
come and free mankind from oppression. The nation went through many situations
where they needed the Messiah to come and save them but what they did not
realize was that He was coming to save mankind from themselves. He came to save
us all from our sins.
in the day, the Israelites were oppressed by the Ammonites, the Amalekites, the
Canaanites, Greeks, Romans, Persians and the list grows even today. The names
change and the reasons change but what does not change is the evil that is
through the devil and the sins of mankind. Did you know that Jesus came to
change all that? Did you know that He will not abandon us, nor will He forsake
us? The selfish desires of the world will always be with us but when we wait
patiently upon the Lord and pray for His guidance and strength, there is no
power that will conquer the Lord. This is His promise to all of us.
week, Pastor Todd will be continuing a mini series on “Did You Know”, a look at
little known facts in the Scriptures and how they still relate to our lives
today. Please plan to join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM
this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website
(https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms ), or you are more than
welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Did You Know – Part Two
Over the past few weeks, I have been
having a ton of fun with this series. You see, last week, I gave the
congregation a small glimpse into the way my brain works when it comes to
prepping for a sermon. For example, in 25 years of preaching, I have never used
the same sermon twice and, in each case, I have wandered down so many rabbit
holes that I have a wealth of useless trivia that would rival even that of the
almighty Cliff Claven. Now, I will admit, I come from it honestly because my
Dad could rattle off all sorts of trivia for just about every occasion. Not all
the trivia is useful, such as “what is the boiling point of mercury at sea
level?” (347 degrees Celsius). Here, however, is a very interesting thing about
rabbit trails when it comes to rabbit trails, at times, it does add a better
understanding to Scripture when one reads in context and applies the wisdom
with that in mind. I was once told that Eugene Peterson spent years honing his
skills as a scholar and pastor, reading and researching all he could before he
carefully and thoughtfully translated the Holy Scriptures into conversational
English so that even more would be able to appreciate and read God’s Word. He
did not pursue this to rebel against those translations that were widely
accepted as proper, in fact he invited biblical scholars to read through his
translations and asked them for their input and approval. I met Mr. Peterson a
couple decades ago and listened as he not only opened up about his adventure in
researching and writing the Message but was also fascinated to listen as he
wandered through the rabbit trails that helped him better understand the Word.
With all that said, this week I will
continue to work through the book of Judges and the story of Gideon. Did you
know that Gideon was chosen to not only free the people of Israel from their
oppressors but also to condemn their idolatry? Here is a guy with next to
nothing for an army, a man who was witness to the absolute power of the Lord
while leading a very small force and who turned down the kingship. Did you know
that his actions afterward the battle led to the Israelites once again worship
false gods after he used the spoils of war to create an ephod? Did you know
that we, too, face these issues still? Jeremiah 10:1-16 is very clear about
idol worship and the power that false idols have upon the world and I will
touch on this Sunday but let me throw this out there as an appetizer:
Say this to those who worship other
gods: “Your so-called gods, who did not make the heavens and earth, will vanish
from the earth and from under the heavens.” Jer 10:11
Idols are worthless; they are
ridiculous lies! On the day of reckoning they will all be destroyed. But
the God of Israel is no idol! He is the Creator of everything that exists,
including Israel, his own special possession. The Lord of Heaven’s
Armies is his name! Jer 10:15-16
Why is this so important when
studying Gideon? What does this have to do with today? Tune in Sunday to find
This week, Pastor Todd will be continuing
a mini series on “Did You Know”, a look at little known facts in the Scriptures
and how they still relate to our lives today. Please plan to join us
either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be
broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms ),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Did You Know?
I have questions, as many others do, about
things in the Bible and about faith. Did you know that life was very different
back when Christ was alive? Even back in the days of Abram and Sarai (Abraham
and Sarah) there were things considered very commonplace that we do not
recommend today. Consider this:
After Terah was 70 years old, he
became the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran Gen 11:26 NLT
Abraham replied, “I thought, ‘This is
a godless place. They will want my wife and will kill me to get her.’ And she
really is my sister, for we both have the same father, but different mothers.
And I married her. When God called me to leave my father’s home and to travel
from place to place, I told her, ‘Do me a favor. Wherever we go, tell the
people that I am your brother.’” Gen 20:11-13 NLT
Now, in no
way do I want anyone to think that I am condoning or supporting anyone marrying
their sibling but, in those days, it was not out of the ordinary. Science has
proven that relationships with those way too close in the family lineage can
cause health issues, back then, there was no such proof. As time went along,
this practice was discarded and today, the law in Canada states that “A person
may not marry their grandparent, parent, child, grandchild, or sibling (brother
or sister).”
Do you like
bacon? Did you know that eating pork in days gone by was forbidden? Eating
bacon and eggs with a couple pieces of toast, hash browns and a slice of orange
on the side is one of my favorite ways to break the evening fast and start off
the day right but in Leviticus 11 there is a list of things you cannot eat.
The pig has evenly split hooves but
does not chew the cud, so it is unclean. You may not eat the meat of these
animals or even touch their carcasses. They are ceremonially unclean for you.
Lev 11:7-8 NLT
Why? What is
the reasoning behind this? Well, in those days they did not have refrigeration,
and they probably did not prepare pork properly to destroy the parasite that
causes trichinosis, so it was declared unclean. There were also many other
animals that were declared unclean in that chapter because of a variety of
reasons (bottom feeders, garbage guts, carrion eaters, etc.)
About noon the following day as they
were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to
pray. He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was
being prepared, he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened and something like
a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. It contained all kinds
of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. Then a voice told him,
“Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.”
“Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I
have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”
The voice spoke to him a second time,
“Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” Acts 10:9-15 NLT
There are so
many preferences that have infiltrated the church and have become “Law” but if
you take a close look at the Truth, take the time to research the reasons for
the rules and even attempt to understand them in context, you may be amazed at
some of the wonderful messages and truths that are revealed. Did you know Jesus
loves you? The bible tells you so.
This week, Pastor Todd is back and will be
starting a mini series on “Did You Know”, a look at little known facts in the
Scriptures and how they still relate to our lives today. Please plan to
join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service
will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms ), or you are more than welcome to join
us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Are You?
I am going to say something here that many
denominationalists could find blasphemous, but it will be backed up with logic
and scripture. Over the years, we have all seen or been involved in situations
where people are arguing over who is right. There was one person years ago who
suggested that my denomination was not a recognized denomination by their
organization and, while I am not one to start an argument over which Christian
church should designated as a “properly recognized” church, I am guessing the
look on my face prompted the person to proceed to tell me why we were not a
true denomination/church. Here comes some of the logic; was it not the Pharisee
and the Sadducee who were denying the deity of the Christ? Were they not
looking for ways to discredit Him, attack Him and get the nation to turn away
from Jesus and only follow the true faith? Did they not realize that when they
called Him a heretic, calling for His demise, they were attacking the very God
they served? This is my thought; if a faith gathering, a fellowship of
believers in Jesus Christ, a Koinonia, meet each other in His presence, then we
come together in His name, not the name of the denomination.
“I also tell you this: If
two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven
will do it for you. For where two or three gather
together as my followers, I am there among them. Matt 18:19-20 NLT
This passage is a red-letter passage, Jesus Christ
spoke these words and nowhere does it say a denomination. The message plainly
says, “where two or three gather together as My
followers”, followers of Christ, Christians. He says nothing about being
followers of this sect or that group, Jesus says
“as My followers”. I spoke at a faith gathering in Nova Scotia not long ago and
in that hall, they were not a mixture of Nazarenes, Baptists, Presbyterians,
Evangelical, Full Gospel, etc., but rather a collection of Spirit-filled
followers of Christ who were on fire for the Lord and declared through songs of
worship and a time of fellowship their love for Him and for each other. Some do
not recognize this beautiful gathering, this blessed koinonia, as a “proper
church”, but I would argue that this group is doing the will of God for the
Kingdom, and I will defend them to the end of time.
Those churches that met in the homes of the faithful,
met, at times, in secrecy for fear of death by the religious, all came together
to praise the King of all kings. The disciple Peter denied Christ three times
because he did not want to be found out yet when Christ went forth into Glory
to be with the Father, Peter, filled with the Spirit, boldly stood up in front
of thousands and declared the majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ and thousands
were saved. Paul, filled with the Spirit, declared Christ as the Son of God and
preached the Good News for all to hear in Damascus (Saul stayed with the
believers in Damascus for a few days. And immediately he began preaching about
Jesus in the synagogues, saying, “He is indeed the Son of God!” Acts 9:19-20
NLT) and fearlessly spoke of the Son of God throughout the land.
So, here is my question for all not only individually
but also as a faith family: who do you say you are? This week, our Minister of
Community, Eryn, will dig into how we, as a faith gathering, see ourselves as
not only a koinonia but also as a community resource. If you are joining us
online, please feel free to converse with us/me in the chat on Facebook as your
input is very valuable to us all, remember, you are a part of this family.
Please plan to join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The
service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms
), or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in
Sundre, AB.
The Cost of Walking Away
over twenty years, I have been counselling couples, helping them to deal with
their disagreements and giving them the tools they need to overcome whenever arguments
threaten to drive a wedge into their relationship. You see, the key to a strong
relationship is not covering up issues with a big thick blanket but actually
dealing with it with a mindset that focuses on finding a good solution for both
parties and also treating it as an opportunity to grow stronger in your
relationship. Here is a quote from a fairly wise counsellor.
“If every time you walked away when
you did not get your own way, very soon you will be living alone in a very
quiet house.” JTM
about this for a moment. There is not a single person in this world who is
exactly like another. Each of us has our own opinion that differs from others
in some way. Should there be a difference of opinion that leads to an argument,
there are two primary methods to dealing with the issue; plant the feet firm,
close off the listening device and determinedly focus on getting your own point
across, or open up a dialogue, listen to each other and, together, develop a
plan that will be mutually beneficial.
many will take the easy road, the third road, the route of avoidance. Here is
an example. Two friends, Jon and Jin, had an argument that started small but
slowly developed into something that resembled a full-on feud. Jin would not
budge and changed his daily routine so that he would even breathe the same air
as Jon. In doing this, he alienated others as a preventative measure including
those who were trying to help the both of them. Jon tried everything to mend
fences but it just didn’t work. Soon, Jin found himself alone, his friends
moved forward and he was left behind.
have also seen this in many churches, it happened in our church decades ago. When
you hear the term church split, it is because no one wants to focus on the primary
message, unity in Christ, but instead focus on their own wants to the point of
disharmony. I remember a split that happened quite some time ago where one
person was so demanding and steadfast that they said “if you don’t like it,
leave. This is the way it has always been done and nothing is going to change.
This is my church!” It took six months for the remaining people to leave. In
the end, four people and one clergy remained and the doors finally closed for
good. The devil had won and the Kingdom was in mourning for those who left the
faith family for good. Here is my question; what have you done lately to contact
those who have left, to re-build the relationship and invite them back into
fellowship with Christ and the faith family?
“If a man has a hundred sheep and one
of them gets lost, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others in
the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it? And
when he has found it, he will joyfully carry it home on his shoulders. When he arrives,
he will call together his friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me
because I have found my lost sheep.’ In the same way, there is more joy in
heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over
ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away! Luke 15:4-7 NLT
are those who find ways to bring peace and love into a situation and work hard
to build up the body for they will be surrounded by a faith family united in
Christ to promote strong community. There is no worse place to be, lost in the
wilderness, alone and without the love of those around us. If you are the one
who is lost and alone, shake off the bonds that are keeping you hidden and grab
hold of the hand reaching in to help you up.
week, we welcome members from Teen Challenge. They will be bringing a message
of hope and redemption. Please plan to join us either in person
or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our
website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms ),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Doing It My Way
was going to write an article on a particular subject, but, due to
circumstances, I have chosen another subject and will hold off on that one
until a later date. Today is not the day to open that can of worms, I’m not
fishing for an argument.
few weeks ago, I was struggling with a few choices that required some rather
big decisions and, while I am fairly good at thinking things through
analytically, this required much more wisdom then I was able to provide. I was
stuck looking at a massive wall that seemed to be rather formidable and
suddenly a massive waive of doubt rolled over me and I was sucked into a well
of despair and self-doubt. I am a fairly confident leader but when so many
choices come to light and the need for answers comes on like a tsunami, it
feels like I’m drowning and suddenly I am grasping around for any answer that
will do in order to come up for air. That has been my summer and, yes, I have
made some bad decisions as a result, but for the past few weeks, I have heeded
my own advice and taken time out to focus on prayer and waiting on my Lord for
His input. There have been some who demand instant answers and throw the
burning embers of fires at my feet for immediate attention, but I am becoming
more and more aware that our society is suffering from immediateness obsession
disorder, yes I made that up, where they want an answer or results right now.
this, if you want an answer right away and you are relying on me for a quick
response, then 1+1=5, math is not my gifting, but if you wait upon the Lord,
the answer will come back 3. Do not become so reliant on the world, or even
Google for that matter, just because it is convenient or you can find the
answer you want by trying to manipulate the data, instead, take the time to
ask, pray, and then listen. Secondly, don’t get all uppity with the person if
they are not quick to respond, not everything in life is a home makeover
reality show. Trust in the Lord, take time to listen, He is a lot smarter than
any of us.
everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. He
will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your
cause will shine like the noonday sun. Be still in the
presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry
about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. Psalm
37:5-7 NLT
This week, Pastor Todd will be bringing
a message, what it will be is still to be determined because he is waiting on
the Lord to calm his heart and mind so the message will touch the hearts and
minds of those who tune in. Please plan to join us either in
person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online
on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms ), or you are more than welcome to join us
in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Time Has Come
my life, I have heard this term, and I have also communicated it to others.
There was “the time has come to get off the couch and look for a job” and “the
time has come to shake off the ughs and embrace the happy”. When a good friend
passed and I was going through a rough time letting go of the grief, someone
offered up sage advice and told me “The time has come to let go and move on
with your life”. Now, as a counsellor, I can tell you that it is not the best
advice but that was then, this is now. I will, however, say this – the time has
come to make a decision that will affect not only your life today but also the
lives of those around you going forward. The time has come to repent, declare
Jesus as Lord and Savior and let Him bless you in ways that you could never
the past decades of ministry, I have seen and heard of people who have some
very questionable theories about salvation and grace. There were some who
thought they were going to heaven because they were good people but when asked
“do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?” they were rather put off. “I
have read the Bible; I know what it says” but the question remains; do you have
a personal relationship with Jesus. Have you repented of your sins and claimed
Him as the King of your life? The time has come to evaluate one’s own
relationship with the King of all kings and ask yourself, “have I asked Him to
forgive me, have I asked Him to direct me on my journey to Glory?” Decades ago,
my life took a turn for the worse and I idolized the things of the world over
my relationship with my Lord. One day, I ended up back at the church I was born
into and was challenged by the speaker, Dr. Alden Aikens, during the sermon. He
was talking on the perfect healing through the Blood of the Lamb in Acts 3.
16 “Through faith in the name of Jesus, this man was
healed—and you know how crippled he was before. Faith in Jesus’ name has healed
him before your very eyes. 17 “Friends, I realize that what you and your
leaders did to Jesus was done in ignorance. 18 But God was fulfilling what all
the prophets had foretold about the Messiah—that he must suffer these things.
19 Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped
was crippled in my own sin because I had lost sight of the Savior, but, in that
moment, I went to the altar and laid my sins at the foot of the cross and
turned away from my past. Since my birth, I was in the church, I was in VBS, I
memorized bible verses and knew the Lord’s prayer but until I realized that the
time had come to repent and declare Jesus as my Savoir, I was still lost. I was
one of the people who said, “I am going to heaven because I am a nice guy”, but
now I know I am going to Glory because I have repented of my sins, and I know
Jesus and declare Him as my salvation. Don’t wait for it to be too late to
repent, the time has come to embrace His saving grace.
This week, Community
Minister, Eryn Austin-Bergen, will start a two-week series where we will be seeking
direction for our faith family’s journey for the next year. Your input either
online or in person will truly help us continue to be relevant in our
community, both online and in our town. Please plan to join us either in person
or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our
website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms,
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Touching the Edge
I get started on this article, I want to make one thing perfectly clear – I am
not knocking His church, I am questioning the misconceptions of His Word by
members of the establishment. If I have to listen to one more person make false
assertions on the validity of a person’s faith or whether a church is
legitimate because it does not meet the criteria of an individual’s preferred
belief, I am going to push back a bit more than I have in the past. Yes, there
are churches out there that add rules and regulations to the already perfect
Message, and there are those who make up criteria to judge a person’s whereabouts
in their faith walk, but I would suggest they are adding their own finite
parameters to an already perfect, infinite Message. She can’t be a Christian;
do you see the way she is dressed? He can’t be a preacher; he is covered in
tattoos. This isn’t a real church; they don’t follow the liturgical calendar.
This church is not a proper church, it’s full of homeless people and drunks.
They don’t do communion properly, the preacher wears shorts and sandals, the
music is not to my liking. I was watching a video from Zach Williams called
“Heart of God” and the chorus, in my opinion, says it all:
this for a moment, in Luke 8:43-48, a woman who had been suffering for twelve
years could find no relief from her affliction. She could not go to temple,
could not talk to the holy men, could not have contact with anyone for she was
considered unclean. Jesus went out into the market place and she took a chance
at a miracle, she snuck in and simply touched Christ’s robe. The second Jesus recognized
her touch, He stopped and called her forward and said to her “Daughter,” he said to her, “your
faith has made you well. Go in peace.” A man stricken with leprosy,
suffering great pain not only physically but emotionally and spiritually
because he was shunned and unable to attend worship ceremonies sought out the
Son of God (Matthew 8:2-3), knelt before Jesus and said “Lord,” the man said, “if you are willing, you can heal me and make me
clean.” Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be
healed!” And instantly the leprosy disappeared.
heart of God on full display. There was no room for shame in His presence,
there was no question of whether they were in good standing with the church,
with the holy leaders, there was only compassion and complete healing. As I
mentioned in last week’s sermon, we are a broken community with churches
divided by manmade rules. If His churches came together as one united voice
calling out to the world that “… everyone has sinned; we all fall short of
God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his
sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for
our sins.” Rom 3:23-24 NLT and accept that we all stand on equal footing
before the Lord, division would disappear. You see, no one is better than the
next person, His infinite love and forgiveness is available to all who call
upon Him, to all who have faith in Him, to all who give over their sins to the
Master. Do you have the courage to reach out and embrace His perfect
forgiveness, His perfect healing? Are you willing to touch the hem of the
Master’s robe? Are you willing to tell the world that He has saved you?
week, Community Minister, Eryn Austin-Bergen, will start a two-week series
where we will be seeking direction for our faith family’s journey for the next
year. Your input either online or in person will truly help us continue to be
relevant in our community, both online and in our town, Please plan to join us
either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be
broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms,
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
The Heart of Jesus
As I started to write this, I had nothing but
issues with the tablet, the keyboard and the word program, but I carried on and
persevered. You see, there are things of this world that are manipulated to
cause us angst. Many times, we ask God “why me” when we should really be asking
for strength to overcome, to persevere and to overcome. The question should not
be “why did You allow this to happen” but rather we should be speaking the
heart of God and leaning on His strength and wisdom to overcome. Think about
this for a moment, if you want to build up your body, you do not sit around in
front of a big screen TV in a plump recliner and expect to get buff, rather you
go to the gym expecting there to be some resistance and pain as you work
through the cycle and use the resistance to strengthen.
Now, I’m not saying that we should
intentionally place ourselves in harm's way but rather we should seek the
counsel of those wiser, strength training coaches, scholarly mentors, Jesus, to
help us grow in body, wisdom, and spirit. You see the heart of Jesus is for all
of us to be filled with love and compassion for God and for each other.
Proverbs 3:5-6 does not say lean on your own understanding, rather it says lean
NOT on your own understanding, trust in the Lord. In all situations, don’t look
around for someone else to blame, rather seek the heart of Jesus, let Him show
you the path to take. Reading on a bit further, the Scriptures also say, “Don’t
be impressed with your own wisdom, instead fear {respect) the Lord and turn
from evil”. You can take the victory lap but make sure to acknowledge His part
in the win. I can, at times, feel compelled to “flip over the tables in the
Temple courts” and I have to remind myself to calm down and seek His will
before I throw the tablet and the keyboard across the room. The devil loves the
chaos and anger, Jesus loves all His children. Remember to take a breath, a
spiritual breath through the power of the Holy Spirit and seek His heart before
losing it over something that really doesn’t rate the angst or anger.
This week, Pastor Todd, will share a message
with us, a message and a challenge that will help to share with those around us
in a powerful way. Please plan to join us either in person or online at 10:30
AM this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are
more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Walk In the Light
years ago, I had a dream that was so real, I remember the vivid details to this
day. I have referred to it many times in print and sermon and it begs repeating
again. You see, I was walking down a very well lit path heading towards a
distant point of light. The path seemed very safe but there was an uneasiness
in the darkness beyond the path. There was a constant murmur just beyond the
light, in the cold just outside the safety of the path. After a few more steps,
I paused to peer into the void beyond the light and suddenly a hand exploded
from the darkness, flailing in the hopes of grasping onto anyone or anything
that would serve as an anchor to pull themselves out of the grips of the void. It
was almost as if they could not sense the path but could see the Light that was
within and were pleading for help, for a release from the suffering. As I got
closer, the hand grasped my arm, the only thing I could think of was to call
out,” in the name of Christ, release him!”
he came out from the shadows, even more reached out and the cycle was repeated
over and over again but they all just hung around, not knowing what to do, some
even falling back into the darkness. That was when it came over me to tell them
to look to the Light, that point in the distance, and walk towards the point of
Light with a laser focus for in Him, the Savior, for in Him is perfect hope, a
release from the grip of death. Those who listened walked into His perfect love
and, by the grace of God, they were saved. In this message, this vision, I
realized two things; if someone is reaching out for help, take the time to stop
and lend a hand. Second, once they are on solid ground, they still need
direction and guidance to walk on the path and not fall into the ditch of
despair. In our lives, we will run into
those who are seeking help, please, take the time to help them up. Also, we
will run into those who are on the path but they need a gentle nudge or
guidance to walk the path to Jesus and His Glory. For some, the hardships of
life can throw a wrench in their path and they get turned around a bit. Point
them in the right direction because, one day, we may be the ones in need of a
gentle nudge.
This week,
our Community Minister, Eryn, will share a message with us. Please plan to join
us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be
broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you
are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Thinking About Tomorrow
article is very late in getting out, in fact I was thinking that since I am on
holidays, I was going to take this week off from writing. This would have been
the first time in nine and a half years with Main Avenue Fellowship that I did
not write. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to chat with friends over lunch and
we started talking about the future. We did reminisce about the past for a
short time, it was a bit of a rough season for both our families, but the
conversation quickly turned to the future. We walked around the back yard and I
was taken aback at the changes there. New buildings that were, at one time, only
a dream, now a reality, and there were four. There was now a garden that was
much larger than the one I remember from the last visit. We walked around the
property and he shared the dream of a fruit garden and some additional
expansions and that would be there before we returned in a couple years. So
many changes, and yet the foundation to the relationship has never changed for
the disciples chose to follow Jesus, they did not fully understand what was
going to change for them in the future. Thinking about tomorrow meant what will
we have to eat and where will we be sleeping. They did not think that the hard
times were going to truly test them, but Jesus knew. When He sent them out, they
were paired up so they would not be alone. There is comfort in going out into
the unknown with a buddy who will support you and help you up when you fall
down. Better yet, there is even more comfort in knowing that, together, friends
can overcome a great many things, but with Jesus at their sides, there is an endless
hope for a great tomorrow.
“So don’t worry about these things,
saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things
dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows
all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously,
and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:31-33 NLT
we both have those needs that only God can address, we also have those needs that a friend, a brother or sister in
Christ, can help with and I truly believe God brings people together not only
for great relationships but also for support in those times of need. We may
look at tomorrow with a sense of trepidation and some fear, but with good
friends and a mighty Saviour, there is nothing we cannot overcome.
week, Pastor Todd and Natalie return from Nova Scotia with fresh hearts and a
tan. Please plan to join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM
this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are more than welcome
to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
When Your Hope
Is In the Lord
I am
currently in the wonderful province of Nova Scotia where the days are hot, the
beach is near and the salt water is so cool and refreshing when you need to
wash off the sweat. The temperature was hovering around the 30C mark when we
got out to The Merb, slang for Melmerby Beach, and, for Natalie and I, beach
time is relaxing time. The moment we arrive, we look up and down the beach for
what would be our base camp. We have a routine, Natalie says she is headed for
a walk which means she is going to hunt for shells and sea glass, while I set
up the towels, move the sand around to make perfect indentations and piles so
that I am comfortable. Once that is accomplished, I close my eyes, thank God
for a perfect moment in time, and listen as the waves caress the shore. Most
times, I tend to drift off into a light slumber until Natalie comes back to
inform me as to the temperature of the water.
this time was rather different, thank you Lord for the inspiration on this, because
there were two ladies about thirty feet away who were carrying on a
conversation that was not all that quiet. The more aggravated the one lady
became while recounting the events of what I can only assume are events from
the past many months, the louder she became. The stories, which one could not
ignore unless one chose to move out of earshot, were so negative and so causticthat
it got me to thinking about life in His presence verses the lack of hope so
many have these days. I was on a beach, surrounded by the beauty He has
provided, smells that are so soothing and sounds that calm and yet these two
were so focused on the garbage cards that someone had dealt them that they did
not see the wonders around them. Big thing going through my mind on all this
goes back to Genesis where we were made in the image of God and God is love.
Focusing on that helps to eliminate some of the stress of the anger because we
are also commanded to love as God loves and that includes our enemies. Once
again, I find that forgiveness is a great stress reliever but it is also a hope
for a future. Pray for your enemies, for those who vex you, just as your Father
in Heaven forgives you. Another great stress reliever!
seek out the joy in creation all around you and let that which He has provided
for you, for us all, be the thing we look for. In the whole time they were at
the beach, they missed the laugher of the two kids down the beach as they threw
the football around, they missed the sound of the puppy as he chased the waves
coming onto shore, and they missed the wonders God provided for them and all
others who were enjoying the beach. When your hope is in the Lord, things seem
just a bit brighter, life a whole lot easier and the future filled with the
promise of joy and love.
This Sunday, we welcome Rev Bob Hillock as he brings a message of hope to our faith community. Pastor Todd is still on the east coast but will be bringing a message to our faith family in Nova Scotia at Master’s Hand Church. Please plan to join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
This is Not Me – Really!
This article took me awhile to put to post
because I had to look back on the weekend and examine my attitude. You see in
Luke 9:23-25, Jesus said this:
And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny
himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his
life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. For
what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits
You see, most of the time I am a rather
easy-going guy who is very focused on the needs of others, but for the past few
weeks I have been “off my feed”. My mood has been rather morose and, instead of
taking much more time than I have with my God, I have been fighting my way out
of the hole on my own by my own strength. Go ahead, ask me how that worked out.
It got so bad that I split logs for over an hour using my new splitting axe and
was feeling exhausted but not emotionally or spiritually renewed. Truth be
told, I was feeling worse, and I had no explanation for my foul mood. Natalie
asked me what was wrong, but all I could say was, “I don’t know, I’m just mad
at everything and at nothing”. I had forfeited my spiritual and emotional peace
for a darkness that was of the world. This was not doing anyone any good.
The next night, I opened
up to Natalie about how I was feeling, and it was then that I realized my
emotions were based on selfish dark thoughts. The people around me were all
loving and supportive, and I am guessing that Natalie was praying for peace and
contentment. As I set my head down on the pillow, I felt at ease because He was
washing away the anger, and, as I took some much-needed time to converse with
the Father, I gave up the stressors that had taken hold of my thoughts and came
into a place of His calm. Give up the darkness to the Light and let Him take
control of the future. God wants only the best for us, but we must get out of
our own way to see His blessings. I am at peace today, praise the Lord, and
tomorrow I start my holidays.
Pastor Todd is going to be on holidays for the
next couple weeks, so we will be welcoming our own Rev. Glenn Reeder this week.
The team will be working together on a series concentrating on the work of the
Holy Spirit. Please plan to join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this
Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are more than welcome to join us in
person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Back To Basics 2.0
If you missed the service last week, you
missed quite the fashion show. I was informed that my jungle camo shorts did
not match up with my blue Aztec pattern shirt and my dark green camo Keen
sandals. Come to think of it, they also noted it did not really match up with
my position in the church on a Sunday morning. Here is the kicker though, when
I changed into a head-to-toe tunic and a prayer shawl, that was also not the
norm for a preacher, well not in Canada at least. Was I uncomfortable preaching
the Message in either outfit? Not at all. You see it is not whether you present
the Good News in a particular outfit, it is the fact that the Salvation story
was presented. There are so many who feel the Gospel must be presented in the
church by an ordained clergy member. Well, guess what, that is not how it
Moses stuttered but Aaron was with him as was
the Lord, Gideon was fearful, yet God provided in the victory, Peter denied yet
God made him the rock upon which the church was built. So long as you have
breath in your lungs and the breath of the Spirit living in you, giving you
strength and wisdom, preach the Good News in shorts and a tee shirt. The world
needs your voice to communicate His perfect hope Message.
Pastor Todd is going to be on holidays for
the next couple weeks, so we will be welcoming our Minister of Community, Eryn
this week. The ream will be working together on a series concentrating on the
work of the Holy Spirit. Please plan to join us either in person or online at
10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are
more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Back To Basics, Again
Years ago, I remember a story of a woman who
was of meager means but still tithed and then some to the church. When the
doors were open, she was there, when help was needed, she was the first to
raise her hand. Her husband had passed years before and had left her enough to
cover the bills for years, but she still had to pinch pennies to make sure
there was enough to make her commitments when the payments came due. The only
items of true wealth she had, besides the home, was a silver tea setting
inherited from her mother and her wedding band, which she wore in remembrance
of the love of her life.
Now, the church was in rather a tough spot and
was in need of some extra funds to cover a rather major expense so the
preacher, at the request of the elders, went out to the congregation asking for
whatever they could afford to build up the church. After some time and a couple
cups of tea, the pastor walked out the door with the silver tea service, washed
of course, and a wedding band. The pastor did not feel right about what he had
done, but the deed was done, and the perceived crisis was averted. It was not
long afterwards that she left the church, moved away to relatives and never
darkened the doors of a church again. Her thought was that if one church could
be so uncaring, they must all be that way.
There are so many things wrong with this in my
mind, the church is not the building, the fellowship is the church, and we must
do everything in our power to build up the fellowship and not tear it down.
Secondly, the building is only temporary, the fellowship is forever, it
flourishes on earth and will become perfect in Glory. For years, I have
questioned the rationale of some of the practices in religion and wonder “what
would Jesus think?” The time has come to
re-prioritize our faith lives. Jesus did not say “go out and make more church
buildings”, He said “go out and make disciples”. We need to remember that basic
fact and not adapt the Message for personal gain or for the glorification of
the temporary. Our eternal reward is in Glory, and the more that show up, the
merrier it will be.
Pastor Todd is going to dig a bit deeper into
some of personal preferences that have no Biblical foundation. Please plan to
join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be
broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are
more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
The Perfect Father
For 34 years, I have questioned my
ability to be a good father. I was talking with my son and many things he said
were things that I thought of way back then. Before I found out I was going to
be a father, I wondered if I was good enough to be a proper dad. Did I have the
patience, the knowledge, the care to be a loving father? My memories of my
father are all over the place. There were times when things were not so good
and then there were times when he and I got along famously but through it all,
I knew I could count on him if I was in dire need. There were times I pushed my
father a bit too much and I deserved the punishment I got for some of my
transgressions. I look at my role as father to my son and I will acknowledge
there were times and situations I wish I could go back and do it over
differently. You see, all have sinned and fallen short. Consider this passage
from Luke.
“So, he returned home to his father. And while he was still a
long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he
ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. Luke 15:20 NLT
Two things spark my curiosity with
regards to this passage; the father was so hurt by the son demanding his
inheritance, yet he was watching for his return. Secondly, how bad did the
father feel when he sent his son away rather than look for ways to keep him at
home? I believe this passage helps us to understand our Heavenly Father when it
comes to wayward children. The love the father had for the son was so great that
not only did he wait upon the son’s return but when he returned, the father was
so overjoyed, he did not care who was watching, he ran out to the filthy,
stinking son and embraced him. His sense of loss was replaced with an
overwhelming joy on his return. With the son’s return, the burden of separation
and the guilt of thinking he was responsible for the separation was removed
when the son walked through the gates. You see, there are no perfect fathers
save our Father in Heaven. We all will mess up; we all beat ourselves up with
that one question “could I have done something differently?” Allow me to
propose this suggestion; celebrate your fathers, forgive them for their errors
(they are only human), celebrate them and lift them up. Most will move heaven
and earth to protect and love their children, give thanks.
This Sunday, we will look at three
fathers from scripture who did all they could to guide, protect, and love their
children. Join us as we celebrate fathers and reflect on their influence in our
lives. Please join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The
service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Our Mission “To live the love of
The Holy Breath of Life
I was watching a movie the other day
where the hero was in danger of getting sucked out the airlock into outer space
where there was no air. The panic in the face of the actor was very convincing
and, had this been real, I am sure there would have been a lot more urgency in
his scramble to maintain his grip. You see, his grip slipped and he suddenly
found himself on the way out of the complex and faced certain death. Spoiler
alert, his friends showed up in a cool spacecraft and grabbed him before he was
lost but the other guy was not as fortunate. You see, the other guy had, over
time, lost his way and, in the end, did not find that outstretched hand that
would afford him a better outcome. I have said this before and I will say it
again, we need oxygen to live. The heart can pump the blood through the system
but if there is no oxygen to enrich the red blood cells for the body’s cells
live, the body dies.
According to numerous websites and
authorities, the definition of death is this:
Clinical death is the medical term
for cessation of blood circulation and breathing, the two criteria
necessary to sustain the lives of human beings and of many other organisms.
In the beginning, the breath of the
Lord filled the lungs of Adam and he lived. When Jesus appeared to the
disciples in John 20:21-22 He greeted them in Shalom and blessed them.
Again Jesus said, “Peace be with
you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he
breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit has always been with
us, is all around us and will be with us into eternity but we, as His children,
need to recognize where life comes from and give thanks and recognition. In the
book of Psalms, chapter 104, verses 29-30 (NLT), the psalmist is acknowledging
God as the great provider of all things including the breath of life.
When you take away their
breath, they die and turn again to dust. When you
give them your breath, life is created, and you renew the face of the
This goes much deeper than just
taking away mortal breath, but I would suggest that should an individual decide
they do not need the Breath of Life, eternal life is no longer an option.
And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of
God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Eph 4:30 NIV
He is our life, our eternal life and
our guide. The world would be a much better place if we all would heed His
direction, embrace His wisdom and just take a moment out to breathe. All the
world needs to reach out and grasp a hold of His grace before it’s too late and
they are swept into the vacuum of space.
This Sunday, Pastor Todd talks more
about the gifts of the Spirit. Please join us either in person or online at
10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website
(https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are more than
welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Our Mission “To live the love of
Special Place In Heaven
Usually my article has something to
do with the Sunday service but this week, not so much. Sunday, we will still
focus on the gifts of the Spirit but today, I want to take a moment to address
something I heard this past month.
Overheard at a table in a coffee
shop, “Our church isn’t like most others, we preach the truth the way it was
meant to be presented.” My ears perked up and I mentally leaned in to eavesdrop
on the conversation. You see, I’m always on the lookout for the perfect church
and could hardly wait to be amazed. Hate to say this, but I was rather
disappointed. The only thing I heard was how bad the other churches were
compared to his and the fact that the only people who were going to Heaven were
those who believed like they did.
There are days I would have enjoyed
stepped into that theological debate, but this was not one of them. The
commitment to his position was obvious, and, I dare say, not open for
discussion. With that said, it did get me to thinking about positions in Heaven
and the request from Salome in Matthew 20:21 when she asked for special
considerations for her two sons. Jesus then let them know in verse 23 “Jesus told them, “You will indeed
drink from my bitter cup. But I have no right to say who will sit on my right
or my left. My Father has prepared those places for the ones he has chosen.”
How I longed to walk up to him during
his monologue (I heard little from the other person he was talking to) and
suggest there is a special place in Heaven for him, right beside me and all
others who proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior. Pride goes before the fall but I
do think people need to be ready to come alongside and help the prideful fallen
back to their feet. None of us is perfect and the only perfect church is in
Glory but we do have a Savior who fully understands this and is there equally
for us all. Scripture says:
For you are all children of God
through faith in Christ Jesus. And all who have been united with Christ in
baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes. There is no longer Jew
or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ
Jesus. Gal 3:26-28 NLT
For God does not show favoritism. Rom
2:11 NLT
So, for those who are out there
thinking that you or your gathering is the only way to Christ, remember this:
John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the
way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
John 3:5 Jesus answered, “Very truly
I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water
and the Spirit.” We can't get to heaven by works, because God doesn't pick
This Sunday, Pastor Todd talks more
about the gifts of the Spirit and yes, there is a test. Please join us either
in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be broadcast
online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or
you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Our Mission “To live the love of
Order Now And You Will
get a bit twitchy when I hear people talk about the church as a business, but I
do get it, there is a business side to the church. There are bills that need to
be paid, the facility needs upkeep, staff and payroll needs still require
addressing and a hierarchy that have statistical requirements so they can do
something with them (I have no clue). This past week, I watched an online
church go about their business, no I will not tell you which one, and was
rather perplexed by the presentation. Yes, I said presentation because the
majority of the service was business rather than Message. The pastor was a
former classmate of mine and, in one of our preaching classes, he came forth
with a powerful message that truly lifted us all. That was almost two decades
ago, and I wondered how he was doing now. His sermon was sandwiched in between
some great worship music and about fifteen minutes of what I will call
commercials. His message was good, but I left feeling that it was not the
central part of the service. This led me to reflect on what truly is important
to the overall Message that God would have us communicate.
and foremost, I want to say this; if Christ is not the center of the service,
then something is missing. If the central message is focused on donations to
the latest cause and, if you donate over a certain amount, we will also include
a bottle of holy water derived from the springs of the Jordan, then the focus
is wrong. If the message is that you need to up your giving so the pastor can
buy a new plane so he or she can get to more remote areas to preach the Word,
then, in my opinion, the message is on material things and not on the message
of Salvation. I have preached this over and over and I will continue to preach
it until the day I die; Jesus paid the price, His grace is sufficient for all
of us and you don’t need to win Lotto 649 to buy a ticket to Heaven, your
freedom from sin is paid in full through the sacrifice of the Messiah. You can
write all the DIY books on getting to Heaven but it is not through self that
you enter Glory but by the grace of God through the Son, it is that simple.
Some preachers say name it and claim it and it will be yours and they are
talking of great financial wealth, but I say this; name the love of God and
claim His grace on your life and you will be eternally rewarded in Glory.
a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple
gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those
going into the temple courts. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he
asked them for money. Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter
said, “Look at us!” So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get
something from them. Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I
do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking
him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and
ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began
to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and
jumping, and praising God. Acts 3:2-8 NIV
His name in word and song, give your heart to the Savior and ask Him to take
away your sins and claim His grace over your life. The prize is not the amount
of money you have in your savings account or the size of the plane in your hangar,
it is actually the Word of God written on your heart, the promise of salvation
through the sacrifice of the Son on the cross and the cleansing of your sins
through your confession to the Master that makes you richer than any
billionaire on the planet. Cast away the cloak of sin, and in the name of
Christ, get up and walk. The time is now to refocus on Him, rather than the
things made to be important by mankind.
Sunday, Pastor Todd talks about the centrality of Christ in all His churches
and what is truly important in the faith gathering. Please join us either in
person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online
on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Are You Waiting For?
Sunday is going to be a different sort of service because two of us are going
to tag team the sermon, one will do the pre-Spirit contact and the other will
talk about the thrill of the infilling. See if you can figure it out from this
article penned by Pastor Todd,
we talk about the Holy Spirit, we must remember He is one of the three that is
Yahweh. So many people try to come up with elaborate methods to explain the
Trinity of God, but I want to toss this out there; before the start of time,
God decided to create and the Father, who is God, spoke the universe into
being. The Son, also referred to as Logos or “the Word”, was there because all
was spoken into existence.
In the beginning God
created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and
darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the
surface of the waters.
Then God said, “Let
there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then
he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day” and the
darkness “night.” Gen 1:1- 5 NLT
Holy Spirit has been with us since the earth and universe was created so why is
Pentecost so important and why do few even understand the significance of the
day? The Father created Adam, Holy Spirit breathed life into him. When Adam was
created, the Word was written on his heart, and he carried the love of God,
agape, with him his entire life. So, consider this, Jesus was with the
disciples from the resurrection until forty days later when He ascended to the
right hand of the Father. Ten days later, Holy
Spirit came upon the faithful in the upper room and breathed a fresh new life
over them, in them and through them. The account of the upper chamber has not
changed in almost two thousand years yet there are those out there who will
deny the work of the Spirit, the gifting of the Spirit or the miracles of the
Spirit. The proof of the miracle has stood the test of time, there are signs
and proofs of the miracles every day and yet there are those who need more
here is my question; what do the people, the skeptics or even those who do not
believe, need for proof? Jesus talked of Holy Spirit in John chapter 16, verses
“But now I am going
away to the one who sent me, and not one of you is asking where I am going.
Instead, you grieve because of what I’ve told you. But in fact, it is best for
you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate won’t come. If I do go
away, then I will send him to you.
will it take for you to believe in the promise of God? Open your heart and mind
to the proof before you and ask the Holy Spirit to make it all clear. Yes, it
is that easy, so what are you waiting for?
Sunday, Pastor Todd and Pastor Eryn celebrate Pentecost. Please join us either
in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be broadcast
online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Is Love
is a big question so let us look at one segment of society, our Moms. I was in a store the other day and I heard the
screams of a child from the next aisle. The sound was very distinctive. They
were in the cereal aisle and the tirade was preceded by, “but I want the Lucky
Charms”. The noise started low but ramped up like a siren, gaining to full volume in a matter of moments. How
glass was not broken in the store was beyond me. As I came around the corner, I
could see so many emotions in her eyes. She was embarrassed over her child’s
actions, furious because he was throwing a tantrum and not listening to her
request for silence, and exhausted because this was not the first time it had
happened that day. I gave her that understanding smile that signaled I had been
there and done that and she responded with that skyward sigh that I think all
mothers have done. As I stopped to grab something off the shelf, I noticed out
of the corner of my eye that she had knelt down
beside him, held him by the shoulders, whispered something to him and then gave
him a big hug. She did not give into his demands but did let him know that he
was loved and forgiven.
often, the actions and influence our mothers have in our lives is overlooked
and we save one day a year to let them know that we appreciate their role in
our lives, but I would suggest we need to remember this every single day of the
year. Sunday, I want to focus on all we owe to our mothers but let me share
this with you as an appetizer.
She is clothed with
strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. When she
speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.
She carefully watches
everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. Her children stand
and bless her.
Her husband praises
her: “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass
them all!”
Charm is deceptive, and
beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.
Proverbs 31:25-31 NLT
Sunday, Pastor Todd will bring a message of joy and celebration of mothers.
Please join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service
will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Mind Your Tongue
last week, I was focused on the fact that so many people are steadfast in their
own opinion and will not admit to the fact they could be wrong or even be open
to listen to the opinions of others. The actions of those who are so stiff neck
not only drives wedges in relationships but they can also affect the reputation
of the obstinate individual. As I sat
back on Monday morning, I took another look at the message from Sunday and
discovered there is another energy drain in not only the church but also in
life as well. I will be the first to admit that I have done this and am not
proud of my actions. There was a cartoon on Facebook and I wish I could give
credit to the artist but I could not find a reference.
are a few things I noticed about this cartoon. Firstly, it looks to me like
this was prayer time and, rather than hold off until after the service, the
complainants chose this time of fellowship with the Lord to point out the
shortcomings of others. Second thing I noticed was that they were being
admonished in public and not off to the side which would have been proper and
professional. My question is this; were they trying to sow the seeds of
dissension within the faith family? My final point regarding this illustration,
the folks praying on their knees are associated with leadership within the
congregation. Should they not be allowed to have their day of Shabbat? There is
a time and a place for everything and this was neither the time nor the place.
I know what you are thinking, this is just a cartoon but it does hit a bit
close to home if we start to look around us.
me to paraphrase a passage from scripture, namely Matthew 27:38-44. Two rebels
on the cross either side of Jesus and the one is needling the Savior. “If you
are in charge of all things, if you truly are the Son of God, why don’t you fix
this little issue we have so that we can go back to enjoying life?” Could not
have picked a better time to bring this complaint forward. Hanging on a cross,
about to die for the sins of all mankind, kind of going into uncharted
territory and someone decides to mention that the water closet is out of toilet
paper as it were. I had this happen to me quite a few years ago when I was just
starting in ministry. I was just about to go up to the platform and a member
came up to me and mentioned that the toilet in the women’s washroom was
plugged. I suggested they try to plunge it themselves but was told it was not
their job. It has been well over two decades and I still remember the day. Now
don’t get me wrong, church is not the only place this happens, it can happen at
our places of employment. It is a subtle killer of joy and peace and can really
turn the day in the wrong direction. You see, Jesus wants us to lift each other
up and support each other, not talk smack or take the feet out from under
anyone. Peter said it best:
“Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from
evil and his lips from speaking deceit; let him turn away from evil and do
good; let him seek peace and pursue it., it can happen in our homes. 1 Peter
3:10-11 NLT
week, Pastor Eryn finishes up her series. Please join us either in person or
online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our
website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Not Always Right
simplicity of His message is so easy to understand and even easier to accept
yet so many try to add further rules and regulation to appease their own sense
of superiority over others salvation. My question for those who feel it necessary
to add more rules to God’s gift for all peoples of the world is this; “who do
you think you are, a god?” I have sat through so many lectures and
conversations where learned people try to explain salvation by deeds (which is
what their ideas lean towards) where if a + b x c equals G then salvation can
occur. All throughout the New Testament, the Master’s message is very clear.
For example, read 1 John 2:1-2 NLT.
John 2:1-2 NLT
dear children, I am writing this to you so that you will not sin. But if anyone
does sin, we have an advocate who pleads our case before the Father. He is
Jesus Christ, the one who is truly righteous. He himself is the sacrifice that
atones for our sins—and not only our sins but the sins of all the world.
see, if we add all these idiotic man-made rules to the simple message that
Christ lived, communicated and told us to preach, then we end up with division,
stress a feeling of unworthiness. Here is something to consider, God’s message
has never changed but the additional rules His creation has added is very akin
to a game of Calvinball where the rules change to meet the needs of the person
carrying the “ball”. For those who keep changing and adding to His perfect Word,
could I suggest they are so in doubt of His way that they have to set up proofs
in order to have confirmation of salvation. Read through John 3:16-17 NLT.
God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that
whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For
God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save
the world through him.
hold to this Truth rather than the sometimes ridiculous rules made by the
doubters of the world. An old joke about marriage comes to mind regarding
happiness. I could be happy or I could be right. In the case of following the
Lord I am happy and I am right when I stick to His perfect Word.
it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not
from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one
can boast. Eph 2:8-9 NLT
week, Pastor Todd brings a message of victory over doubt and worry. Please join
us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be
broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Who Do You Say I Am?
I worked in security, I came across a person who was trying to break into the
office I was guarding. While I was discussing with him the error of his ways, he
asked me if I knew who he was and who his father was. Well, this was something
I had never heard before. Never had I heard anyone, who was incredibly
intoxicated, ask me that question as I was holding them until the police came
to take the person away. In fact, it is so kind of them to inform me of their
name and also inform me their father was a famous lawyer. I would ask who that
person was as I may know them. To follow this up, not two minutes later when
the police are presenting him with a brand-new pair of chrome bracelets, the
individual clams up when he is asked his name. That is when I look at the
officer and ask “don’t you know who this is? This is John Doe, son of the
famous defence lawyer Jack Doe”.
morning, I was having bit of a pity party because I am exhausted, frustrated, argumentative
and sore. I am just waiting for someone to recognize my mood and either tell me
to get over it or try to get me to see the sunny sky (it is actually overcast
and snowing). Either way, it is going to take all I have to keep it on the down
low and not blow-up causing people to ask “who do you think you are?” Here is
what changed it around for me this morning; God recognized my mood and I felt
led to take an extra bit of time in bed in conversation with the Lord. That is
when it came to me, scripture has Christ asking Peter in Matthew 16 “who do you
say I am?”, I asked the Father this morning, who do you say I am?
am a child of God (1 John 3;2) and I belong to Him (John 14:18) and He loves me
as a perfect Father loves His children (John ,3:1), “and lo, I am with you
always, even unto the end of the world”. God claims us all as His own and He
tells us that we are His children. Jesus testifies who we are to the Father and,
I suggest, He loves it when we testify as to who He is in our life. It opened my eyes this morning to the fact
that I identify as a child of God and should always be ready to ask, “do you
know who my Father is?” The rest of the morning is going very well and, even
though it is still snowing, my chat with the Lord has changed my mindset.
week, we welcome Pastor Eryn as she continues her series. Please join us either
in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be broadcast
online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Sunday, Pastor Eryn brought a wonderful and thought-provoking sermon. There was
a part that tied into some research I was doing over the past month, and I
thought it would make a great tie in for this Sunday. About halfway through the
sermon Pastor Eryn stated, “Jesus came to free you from that death. He came
to free you from regret. He loves to forgive. He loves to make all things new.
God loves to forgive you and to “remember your sins no more”.” He went to
the cross to make all things new, to take the sins of mankind upon Himself and
to clear the slate for us all. You see, when the life was leaving Christ, He
declared “It Is Finished”. Now I thought this meant that the prophecy up to
that moment had been fulfilled and it was finished but two things about that;
there were still more prophecies to be fulfilled and He knew He would come
is finished is a rather crude translation and means much more in both Greek and
Aramaic. You see, in Greek the term is “τετέλεσται” (tetelestai). This term
comes from the Greek root “telew” meaning to bring to an end, finish, or
complete. But let’s look at it in another context. In business, tetelestai
means that the debt has been paid in full, nothing else is owing. In the
courts, it meant the sentence had been fully served and the person was free
from all further persecution for the sin. There is also a military aspect that
refers to the battle that had been won. Much more meaning than just “it is
finished”. As He hung on the cross, Jesus declared, your debts are paid, there
is nothing to be held against us and the battle over the evil is won.
would Jesus have declared this in Greek or Aramaic? Yes, the New Testament was
translated to English from the Greek, but I would suggest He called out
“Meshelem” which is Aramaic for “to be finished” in its passive form. The root
of this word is shelem which is from the family of shalom meaning peace. So,
consider this, in English, Jesus declared it is finished and in Greek we have
been declared free from our sin through the sacrifice of the Son on the cross.
He declared publicly that our past would not be held over our heads and that
the slate was clean, and the battle was won. There would be peace in His name
and our future was secure in His grace. To be finished was fulfilled when the
stone was rolled away and Jesus was not there, He had risen and had defeated
death; tetelestai. So here is the great news, Jesus does not hold our past over
our heads, He is peace and declares a peace over our hearts and souls. Jesus has
made all things new, and we are the recipients of His Shalom. He asks but one
thing; give over your sins to Him and declare Him as Lord and Saviour. He
already paid the price; you only need to embrace this perfect gift.
week, Pastor Todd will walk us through these three simple words that means so
much more for our lives. Please join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM
this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website
(https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are more than
welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Mission “To live the love of Christ”
There Ain’t No Grave
the past few weeks, my prayer time has focused on the end of my days. Now,
don’t go calling mental health authorities and telling them I am having
thoughts of ending it all but rather hear me out. As noted in the past two sermons,
Jesus willingly went to the cross and in doing so eliminated the power of the
grave. You see, Sheol was that place where all went when they died in ancient
Judaism but around 100 BC the Pharisees posed the notion that there is a reward
for following God’s ways in the afterlife called Olan Ha-Ba (World to Come). There was also the
teaching that when the Messiah came, there would be a bodily resurrection (T'chiyat
Ha-Metim). I got this bit of
information from an article from Rabbi Howard Jaffe. Now, lets take a look at a
piece of scripture from Matthew 27:50-53 NLT:
Jesus shouted out again, and he released his spirit. At
that moment the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from
top to bottom. The earth shook, rocks split apart, and tombs opened. The
bodies of many godly men and women who had died were raised from the dead. They
left the cemetery after Jesus’ resurrection, went into the holy city of
Jerusalem, and appeared to many people.
to their very own understanding and teachings from a century before, the dead
in God were raised from the graves and they did not take off for the hills but
rather they wandered around and made themselves known to the residents of Zion.
There was no denying two things; Jesus is the Messiah and the T'chiyat Ha-Metim is real. What the Pharisee
had declared and the Rabbi taught was the truth and yet they did not declare
Jesus as the Messiah. The grave could not hold them and they arose, Sheol was
under the rule of the Son of God and no longer something to be feared. Molly
Skaggs sings a song called “Ain’t No Grave” where she declares there “ain’t
no grave gonna hold my body down, when I hear that trumpet sound, I’m gonna
rise up outta the ground.” Truth is this, the followers of the Lord Almighty
in the Jewish nation and the Christian nation have seen the promise fulfilled
the day Christ died on the cross. He has risen and the grave holds absolutely
no power over the children of God. I think Paul said it best in his letter to
the Thessalonians;
the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the
voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the believers
who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them,
we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds
to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever. 1 Thes
4:16-17 NLT
prayer thought was this; will it hurt when we are washed absolutely clean from
our sins and iniquities and step into the perfection of Glory? Gone will be the
doubts and fears, the pains and sorrows and we will enter His gates with
infinite thanksgiving in our hearts. As the crippled beggar rose up on healthy
legs at the Gate called Beautiful, so shall we dance in His Glory.
week, we welcome Pastor Eryn as she brings us all a message of hope. Please
join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be
broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Cry Out To Jesus
This is the time of year when we are
on a bit of a roller coaster. Take the first few weeks of the month here in
Alberta for example. We were, at one point in time, basking in sunshine and
temperatures in the high teens. There was almost no snow in the yard, the buds
were getting ready to open up, and the shorts had been pulled out of the bottom
drawer. Suddenly, the snowstorm hit and there was close to two feet of snow
everywhere. No bare patches on the lawn, the buds had pulled back on bursting
forth, and the shorts made way for long johns and gloves once again. Today, I
look out my office window watching the snow melt off roofs and lawns once
again. So many times I have heard this week “enough already, this is supposed
to be spring and I should be sitting in shorts on the patio!” Cars drive by the
church and they are all the same colour, dirt grey. No need to go get them
clean because the second they drive out of the wash, they are messy again.
Consider this, Jesus was having one
of those weeks centuries ago. He made His triumphant entry into the Holy City
having a wonderful time and then got a bit upset at the money changers in the
Temple. Later that week, He enjoyed fellowship with the faith family only to be
betrayed later, nailed to the cross and killed. Three days later, He arose and
carried on with the fellowship, teaching and preaching as He went along. Talk
about a rollercoaster week! At one point in all this, Jesus cried out in
“Father, if you are willing, please
take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not
mine.” Then an angel from heaven appeared and strengthened him. He
prayed more fervently, and he was in such agony of spirit that his sweat fell
to the ground like great drops of blood. Luke 22:42-44 NLT
I highlight this because I believe
this was the only time in all this that Christ called out for His own relief.
He did not call down legions of angels to destroy those who were scourging Him
with whips and nailing Him to the cross, He did not call down curses upon those
who falsely accused Him and demanded His death, instead, He called down mercy
and grace on those who watched as He suffered for us all, suffered for our
sins. The one thief on the cross chastised Jesus taunting Him to save them,
prove He was who He claimed to be. The other thief simply asked forgiveness,
“remember me when you come into your Kingdom”.
Cry out to Jesus, remember me Lord,
forgive me Jesus.
We deserve to die for our crimes, but
this man hasn’t done anything wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me
when you come into your Kingdom.” And Jesus
replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke
23:41-43 NLT
Jesus did not destroy the Holy City,
He did not destroy the population. He could have easily done just that but
instead He called for mercy and grace.
Jesus said, “Father, forgive
them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34 NLT
When the world cries out demanding
personal justice because they are hard done by, Jesus called mercy on those who
were persecuting Him. Does the world fear the Message because it means they
have to soften their hearts and turn their back on evil? Jesus awaits us in
paradise, we just need to cry out to Jesus and give over to Him, it is that
This Good Friday, we will be
gathering for a message from His Word and then again Sunday to celebrate the
resurrection. We invite you to gather with us as we proclaim Christ’s victory
over the darkness. Our service is at 6:30 PM on Good Friday and 10:30 AM
on Easter Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website
(https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are more than
welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Our Mission “To live the love of
Out For Jesus
we were young, we cried out for nourishment when we were hungry, and our
parents made sure they went out of their way to ensure we were fed. There were
times when they went hungry in order to make sure we had full bellies. They
laid the foundation for us as we grew older, had kids and, in some cases, took
portions off our own plate to fill theirs.
Father in Heaven watched over each and every one of us as we took our first
steps in faith and cried out for more. We demanded leadership to oversee us in
times of turmoil and strife and He gave us judges to guide us with wisdom. The
people demanded a king and Saul was chosen. This turned out to be a poor choice
but out of the chaos of deceit and jealousy came a great leader in David. There
were good leaders who gave it all for those around them in those days but there
were also those who changed once they started to feel and crave more power and
more wealth.
this, at the time when the people of Israel bowed down to the rulers from Rome,
the hierarchy of the Jewish ruling family, the courts of the Sanhedrin and the
Priests plus the tax collectors of all the groups, the atmosphere was ripe with
deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all unkind speech. The nation, under the
burden of such chaos cried out for relief and God sent forth His only Son to
feed the masses a message of love and peace.
So, get rid of all evil
behavior. Be done with all deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all unkind speech.
Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow
into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment, now that you
have had a taste of the Lord’s kindness. 1 Peter 2:1-3 NLT
came to nourish the hearts and souls of all and once we began to feed on the
Message, we craved more, and He provided for all. He provided an example of
living a life filled with love, Jesus showed the way to forgiveness of others
and compassion to those who cried out for healing. The more we sought out
wisdom, the more He provided, and, in the end, He gave it all on the cross for
our salvation. God has held nothing back and, in the future, He will be back to
take us all into a place where glory reigns.
are heading into the Easter week starting with the triumphant entrance of Jesus
into the Holy City on Palm Sunday. We invite you to join us as Rev. Glenn
Reeder shares a message with us all. We invite you to join us either in person or online.
Our service is at 10:30 AM both online and in person. The service will be
broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are more than welcome to join us in person
at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Jesus on My Terms
I started working on this sermon
series well before I went on holidays last month and I am looking at the world
a whole lot differently as of late. This is probably the toughest sermon to
write because I had to face the fact that I am guilty of what I am about to
write about and, this Sunday, speak about. Let me start this off with a
personal illustration. Natalie and I went to the Caribbean last month and I
will say this right off the hop, we had an amazing time. Even the one day it
rained, we went to the beach and rejoiced because there was next to no one
there. There was, however, a hiccup in that our room was not available for us
for three days so they were going to put us up in a hotel, a better hotel,
close by. Here is the personal confession – I was rather upset because this is
not what I paid for and it was the second time our plans were shifted in a
month concerning this vacation. Truth be told, I was rather upset that we were
not getting the vacation we paid for or deserved. My vacation on my terms or
else! I was a total bear until the next morning when I had a fabulous breakfast
and then put my toes in the soft, smooth sand on the beach. There were a few
times I grumbled again while we were at the “better” hotel but that was all
about the condition of the room rather than the circumstances. When we got to
the hotel we were supposed to be at, there were a few guests that were livid
that they did not get what they paid for, what they deserved, but Natalie and I
could not wait to get changed and onto the beach.
There are those in the world that
want everything their way and will fight for their right to achieve their
desired results and that is alright. We are all entitled to our opinions, and
I, for one, will respect another’s opinion but what I will not tolerate is when
someone says I have to follow their ways, buy into their preferences or else. I
believe in the perfect power of the Lord, the grace of God through the
sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the promise of eternity in Glory for those who
embrace the love of Christ and follow Him in faith. What I do not believe in
are those who use Jesus as a weapon or a tool. There are some who manipulate
the Word for their own preferences, who declare judgement on others because
they are not following Him perfectly. I have heard those who claim the love of
the Lord and preach that Jesus forgives and in the next breath claim that
so-and-so is going to hell because of their wicked ways. Did the cripple man at
the Gate called Beautiful rise up and walk through the power of the Holy
Spirit? While all who walked through the Gate called Beautiful overlooked him,
Peter and John stopped, spoke with him and, in the name of Christ, helped him
to stand up. How many priests and temple leaders walked by him without a single
message of hope? This is not the Message of the Messiah; this was the
preference of mankind.
Jesus returned to the Sea of Galilee
and climbed a hill and sat down. A vast crowd brought to him people who
were lame, blind, crippled, those who couldn’t speak, and many others. They
laid them before Jesus, and he healed them all. The crowd was amazed!
Those who hadn’t been able to speak were talking, the crippled were made well,
the lame were walking, and the blind could see again! And they praised the God
of Israel. Matt 15:29-31 NLT
So many look for reasons to argue,
fight and hold onto ill will but, truth be told, Jesus wants us to become more
like Him, not the other way around. Those who were trying their best to help us
on our vacation did so with open hearts and cared for us so much that they
truly did make this a wonderful vacation. We could all benefit immensely if we
took the time to study what Jesus wants for us and shift our thinking to His
ways. What would Jesus do?
Then he said to the crowd, “If
any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your
cross daily, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will
lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. Luke
5:23-24 NLT
This week, Pastor Todd will be
continuing the series on Acts 3 and 4. We invite you to join us either in
person or online. Our service is at 10:30 AM both online and in person.
The service will be broadcast online on our website
(https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are more than
welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Our Mission “To live the love of
Preach It In His Power
I would like to take you back to Acts 3 when the crippled
beggar at the gate called Beautiful was lifted off his mat and miraculously
healed. He was lame since birth, considered filthy and without worth and yet
Peter and John stopped, took notice of him and healed him by the power of
Christ. Can I suggest this for your consideration; when the Spirit of the Lord
poured through the beggar and the moment his legs were healed, the man formerly
known as the beggar preached the power of God. As the formerly lame man jumped
for joy and then entered the Temple grounds, his actions testified to the power
of God. I personally do not think that he could have contained the joy and
excitement of being able to walk, of having the opportunity to be declared
clean and made a part of the community as a full member. He was preaching the
Message in his actions and, filled with the Holy Spirit, he walked arm in arm
with Peter and John through the Temple grounds and up to Solomon’s Colonnade,
one of the more prestigious locations at Temple. Were they noticed? Yes, they
were, and they were arrested for preaching His message. The next day, they
stood in front of the religious leaders and ...
Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers and elders of our
people, are we being questioned today because we’ve done a good deed for a
crippled man? Do you want to know how he was healed? Let me clearly state to
all of you and to all the people of Israel that he was healed by the powerful
name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, the man you crucified but whom God raised
from the dead. For Jesus is the one referred to in the Scriptures, where it
stone that you builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.’
There is
salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we
must be saved.” Acts 4:8-12 NLT
Here is the question I ask myself less often than I should.
Am I as on fire for the Lord and so filled with the
Holy Spirit as the former beggar at the gate called Beautiful as I could be or
as I should be? This is a question I believe we all need to reflect on all the
time. There will be those who would argue the point, but I stand firm in my
belief. There is always more we can do to communicate the Good News throughout
the world. Do our lives reflect the love of God within us, and do we jump for
joy in His name, so high and so loud that those around us notice and want to
know more? Are we so strengthened in His power that we stand up to those who
would persecute us for faith in Christ or do we shrink into shadows like Peter
did when confronted before the crucifixion? Consider this then.
members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and
John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training
in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus.
But since they could see the man who had been healed standing right there among
them, there was nothing the council could say. So they ordered Peter and John
out of the council chamber and conferred among themselves. Acts 4: 13-15 NLT
Peter and John, filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke boldly and
the man formerly known as the beggar was there with them. The same Peter who
ran away in fear was now helping others to realize the power of the Lord
through his testimony. Lean not on your own strength but rather testify of your
faith in the Messiah with all the joy and love He provides you. We are all
healed in the name of Christ, rejoice and praise His name.
This week, Pastor Todd will be continuing the series on Acts 3 and 4. We
invite you to join us either in person or online. Our service is at 10:30
AM both online and in person. The service will be broadcast online on our
website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or
you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
We Are All Equal
Natalie and I were away on holidays,
hence the reason for no article last week, and had a fabulous time. We had been
saving for quite some time and even splurged a bit on an upgrade to the room.
This was the first time in many years that we had taken time out for just the
two of us with no appointments or deadlines. Once we hit the ground, the day
consisted of us wondering what we were having for breakfast and were we going
to start at the beach or by the pool. We had already decided where dinner was
going to happen so that was a matter of just showing up. There was a slight
problem, however, because when we arrived at our hotel, they informed us they
did not have a room for us and we would have to shift to another hotel for
three days. They apologized profusely and told us we were staying at a better
hotel and they would be back but for us, we just rolled with it, we were on
We got to the new hotel and realized
we were not in Kansas anymore, this was swanky, in fact it was so posh we found
out that to eat a la carte, we had to make reservations and there was a dress
code. One had to reserve first thing in the morning otherwise they were already
booked so we booked early and showed up early for the reservation. Here is
where it gets interesting. There was a couple who were waiting for their table
and had arrived just before us. They were dressed to the nines and when we were
called for our table, one of them shot up and made it known that they were
there before us. They had also asked another couple who were going in when
their reservation was for. As we sat down, the young couple were escorted to a
table just down from us but there was a difference in the atmosphere. You see,
Natalie and I were elated with our table, with the treatment we were receiving
and with the food. It was a fabulous evening with perfect company. The other
two seemed fixated on the fact they were done so wrong by not being treated as
royalty and their experience appeared to be rather tainted.
This really got me to thinking of a
passage from Acts 3 where Peter and John are on their way to Temple and came
upon a man who had been lame since birth begging at the gate called Beautiful.
Those entering the Temple would have passed him by and considered him unclean
but Peter and John stopped to talk with him.
When he saw Peter and John about to
enter, he asked them for some money. Peter and John
looked at him intently, and Peter said, “Look at us!” The lame man looked
at them eagerly, expecting some money. But Peter said, “I don’t have any
silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus
Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!” Acts 3:3-6 NLT
Here is the thing, this man was
considered below all others who could walk to the Temple to be in union with
God. He has to be lifted and taken to the gate and removed from there in the
evening. After receiving this healing gift, he jumped for joy and then went
into the Temple with them. By one miraculous act, he had become equal to those
around him in their eyes but consider this, Jesus walked among the lame and the
sick, He cleansed them of their infirmities and laid a blessing upon them
rather than casting them aside as damaged and full of sin.
But now God has shown us a way to be
made right with him without keeping the requirements of the law, as was
promised in the writings of Moses and the prophets long ago. We are
made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for
everyone who believes, no matter who we are. For everyone has sinned; we all
fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes
us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from
the penalty for our sins. Rom 3:21-24 NLT
You see, when one looks upon others
through their own eyes, one judges based on human standards but when one looks
at others with God goggles on, one can see past the infirmities and can help
others up from their place in life and show them the truth. Money and position
can get you a fancy table at a restaurant but when we come to His table, we are
all equal in His eyes, we are all forgiven perfectly and completely. Take the
time this week to plant a seed of hope in the life of someone you may have
considered a write off, the beggar at the gate called Beautiful was thankful
that Peter and John stopped, that’s for sure.
This week, Pastor Todd will bring a
message fresh from the beaches of the Caribbean (BTW, the white stuff here in
Sundre is not white sand, just saying).
year, I was booked for a sabbatical and, for six months leading up to it, I was
so excited. I had so many plans that included taking time to reflect and
consider the future. That may have been a bad thing because I did take a long,
hard look at not only my future but also the future plans for my family. During
the time I was on my sabbatical, I noticed a couple of people I went to high school
with had passed away and that hit me rather hard. I spent a ton of time in anticipation
for my sabbatical, looking forward to taking time away and reinvigorating myself
for my return to work but what I was not anticipating was contemplating my
future after ministry and my future after my lights go out for the last time.
see, there are three things in my life that take priority, faith, family and friends.
Jobs come and go, money comes and goes, power comes and goes but faith, family
and friends are precious. There are people in my life I have known since I was
a kid and when we chat, its like no time has gone by. My family has been with
me through thick and thin. When it comes
to my faith, even though I wandered away for a time, He has never left my side.
Since my sabbatical, my priorities have shifted and I am looking forward with
great anticipation to what the Lord has in store for me, my family and my
friends. For you see, God has shown us all the way to Glory and it is with
great anticipation that I look forward to being with Him in that place and I know
He will be with me, with us, until that day comes.
I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his
work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Phil
1:6 NLT
are better things to come, I promise you that, because Jesus has promised it.
When we focus on the things of this world, we focus on that which is temporary,
finite. But to seek His will with anticipation is to seek an infinite future,
eternity in Glory. Earnestly and eagerly seek Him in all you do, in all you are
and, with all the power of the Holy Spirit, help others to see and embrace His
are confident that you are meant for better things, things that come with
salvation. For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have
worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other
believers, as you still do. Our great desire is that you will keep on
loving others as long as life lasts, in order to make certain that what you
hope for will come true. Then you will not become spiritually dull and
indifferent. Instead, you will follow the example of those who are going to
inherit God’s promises because of their faith and endurance. Heb 6:9b-12
God for His blessings and grace and let us all anticipate the fulfillment of
His promise soon to come.
week we welcome Pastor Eryn Austin-Bergen and eagerly anticipate the message
God has laid upon her heart. Our service is at 10:30 AM both online and in
person. The service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Mission “To live the love of Christ”
It Is All About Perspective
Today, I was asked about an event that was scheduled to
happen. The question was regarding the temperature and the chance of snow. You
see, we got a bit of a dump overnight and the temperature was going to get down
to about –8 C tonight. I am all about safety while traveling and all that and
am very appreciative that my advice was sought concerning this. My response was
quite quick in this regard because I have been on social media and texting our family
in Nova Scotia who, in some cases, are having trouble getting out of their
homes because the snow is two thirds the way up their doors. I saw a picture
from my niece where the snow was two feet over her head after the sidewalk was
cleaned. For the record, I have been there when we got hit with that much of a
dump not once, not twice but rather three times in one week. Temperature-wise,
they are not in a deep freeze like we were a few weeks ago (-46 without the
windchill is very cold). In making my quick decision, the weather events in
Nova Scotia helped me to realize that, from a safety standpoint, we were just
Perspective is a very individual thing. There are some who do
not feel there is a Heaven and that is okay, it is their perspective. I can
take time to chat them up with His message and pray the seeds take root, but,
in the end, it is their choice. There are some who think they can get to Heaven
by being a good person but without that heart and soul commitment to Christ,
being good will get you a bunch of friends and that could be about it when it comes
to eternity in Glory.
this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone
who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son
into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. John
3:16-17 NLT
told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father
except through me. If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is.
From now on, you do know him and have seen him!” John 14:6-7
Now, I know I am coming from a perspective of a follower of
Christ and I trust that His promise is solid. My life both here and into Glory
is based on my faith in a living God who died for me and for all. Even within
the faith family, there are numerous perspectives that can cause some angst
between denominations, and they can affect the relationship amongst us all even
affecting our own perception of another group but in the end, Jesus Saves.
This week, Pastor Todd brings talks about the blessings from
God. Our service is at 10:30 AM both online and in person. The service
will be broadcast online on our website
(https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are more than
welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
God’s Will for All Mankind
I know a person who
is NEVER wrong. This person does everything perfectly and will be sure to let
me know when I have messed up. Over the years, I have been on the “corrective
side” of some learning moments, and, in many cases, I have learned some new ways.
Here is the problem, this person does not want to be reprimanded or given any
advice. You see the tried-and-true ways are proven to work flawlessly – until
they don’t. There have been a couple opportunities to apply constructive input,
but the concept has always been met with “that’s nice but we will do it this
way.” I have given up trying to help as I feel rather stupid when I try to
I have learned
something by this. There was a young lad who thought he knew it all but when he
made a mistake, he would ask me how I would fix it or do it differently or he
would ask my opinion on a new idea and, in the end, we both learned and grew.
Now you must understand, this all happened many, many years ago and I am
certain this guy is still doing it the same as always but the young lad I was
working with is a very successful contractor.
This has happened
in the past and I am afraid it still happens today in the faith community.
There are those who are steadfast in their ways to the point of harm to self,
but Jesus told the Pharisee that they may not know everything, and in fact,
they were very wrong about the Messiah, the one they were trying to not only
challenge but also destroy.
Jesus answered them, “Healthy people
don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think
they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent.”
Luke 5:31-32 NLT
If they were able
to understand the message He was giving them, they
would have realized that it was their own preferences not being in harmony with
Christ’s Word that was making them sick. They did not realize that they were
trying to cut down the tree of life and would not cease because they were
right, and the Master was completely wrong. While they thought themselves
righteous, they were actually sinning against the
Creator. Here is the hope, the hope for all.
For everyone has sinned; we all fall
short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right
in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the
penalty for our sins. Romans 3:23-24 NLT
I do not hold any
ill-will towards the person who is always right but instead pray that God’s
wisdom and grace take root within them, and they come to realize that He has
set them free. Pride is a terrible master; our Saviour is far greater though –
praise God for that blessing.
This week we
welcome Pastor Eryn Austin-Bergen and celebrate with her as she receives her
local minister’s license. Our service is at 10:30 AM both online and in
person. The service will be broadcast online on our website
(https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are more than
welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Our Mission “To
live the love of Christ”
I Know Where You Are
...And I know what is to come. If we go way back in my life
to the days of chaos and stupidity, I was not a joy to live with. My father
worked his tail off trying to get me to stay on the straight and narrow and,
when it really went sideways, he was still watching over me. Both of my parents
saw such potential and tried to get me to see it, but I was having none of
that. I know better than anyone and you can’t tell me anything. Interesting
thing, the older I get, the smarter my parents become.
Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept
holy. May your Kingdom come soon. Matt 6:9-10 NLT
There was a moment when I was
at the fork in the road, continue the road I was on and possibly end up in jail
or call for help. I knew exactly who to call and I knew just where to find him.
You may be thinking I called on Jesus, but you would be wrong, I called my dad.
Even though we did not see eye to eye, he was there to gather me up within
twenty minutes, he took me back in, gave me a place and, yes, gave me the talk.
“You are more than welcome to come home but you are expected to get a
job, finish school and change your ways.”
I knew exactly where my father
was, and I knew he would be there if needed. He also made sure I knew there was
a standard to keep and wanted only what was best for me. Decades later, I came
to understand that my Father in Heaven is also right there, all the time. My
Father is in Heaven and His name is Holy. To call upon the name of the Lord, to
call out for HIs help, is to ask for His guidance is not a sign of weakness but
rather a nod to wisdom.
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and
he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James1:5-6 NLT
This Sunday, we continue the
series on the “Will of God”. Our service is at 10:30 AM both online and in
person. The service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or
you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Our Mission “To live the love
of Christ”
God’s Will Is Not Temptation
the years, I have heard the argument that God created evil and have heard some
compelling arguments but, truth be told, the arguments fall short of the truth.
Take a read through Genesis at the very beginning and you will see that when
God created, it was followed with “and it was good”. In fact, when God had
finished creating everything, He stated in Genesis 1:31 (NLT) “Then God looked
over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good”. God was pleased because
that which He had created was perfect. We do not know when evil slithered its
way into the Garden, we don’t know how it even existed in the Garden but we do
know this for a fact, the first temptation in the Garden was cast by means of
serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the Lord God had made. One
day he asked the woman, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any
of the trees in the garden?”Genesis 3:1 NLT
temptation went even further and finally the doubt got the better of Eve and
she succumbed to the temptation to know it all. The rest is history (read
Genesis 3). There is the example of falling to temptation and it is not the
last in scripture. Today, the temptation is even more powerful and it is not so
secretive, in fact advertising companies thrive on developing it. “If you buy
this, you will never have another issue for the rest of your life”. Temptation
to the dark side is always there and the powers of evil want you to focus on
the doubt, focus on the desires, focus on self, and not on the perfect answer.
You see, the devil wants you to be distracted because he knows that we have an
unlimited source of power to repel evil intentions through the Holy Spirit. We
need only to remember God’s prayer from Matthew 6:13 NLT:
And don’t let us yield to
temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.
you are feeling tempted by the devil, visit the Lord’s prayer and claim the power
of the Holy Spirit over the evils of temptation. Get thee behind me Satan, your
power is nothing compared to my Lord and Saviour. Don’t let evil fool you into
doubting God and turning to the darkness, God loves you so much that He will give
you the strength.
Sunday, Pastor Todd continues the series on the “Will of God” by looking at
temptation. Our service is at 10:30 AM both online and in person. The service
will be broadcast online on our website
(https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are more than
welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Mission “To live the love of Christ”
God’s Will
Is For Our Joy
There was a time where I was teased and bullied because I was different
or annoying or just not cool enough. There were days where I would race home
from school taking all the back routes so I wouldn’t get beat up...again. I tried
to disappear during gym class so I didn’t get targeted during the sports
activities and rarely, if ever, joined organized sports. You see I was not the
biggest kid in school, in fact I did not really grow much until after I left
school. There were times I would dream about what I would do if I were bigger.
I had some great plans for those bullies should I ever meet up with them again.
Someone was going to pay big time for all my pain and suffering. Then the words
of my Grandma MacDonald rang in my ears and it still does to this day:
Forgive us our sins,
as we have forgiven those who sin against us Matt 6:12 NLT
As God has forgiven, we/I should forgive. There are those out there who
did me harm not only as a kid but also as an adult that have no clue how much
they have been forgiven. I will admit, there are those who did me wrong that I
did get my revenge when I was younger and if I could ask their forgiveness to
their face today, I would. As I grew up, I realized retaliation only leads to
more reprisals and the cycle continues. Look again at the passage from Matthew
6 “Forgive us as we forgive others”. We have been forgiven perfectly and
completely without any note of a return to the sin for further review in the
Just recently, someone did something to me that could have escalated
very easily and I will admit this, we were both in the wrong. I was truly
apologetic regarding the event because I did mess up, but I will say this, I
was furious about the actions of the other person and was looking at ways to
get that person back – big time. I held the higher ground and strategically, I
was in the favourable position. This was going to get ugly but then Matthew
6:12 came to me and I reached out for forgiveness for my error and noted that I
forgave that person as well. There was a great deal of joy that came from that
because I found out that person’s response was delivered in haste and in anger.
What could have been a very difficult situation was avoided and we chat quite
regularly now. How many more issues in this world could be alleviated if we
forgave rather than escalated tensions?
This Sunday, Pastor Todd continues the series on the “Will of God” by
looking at forgiveness and forgetfulness. Our service is at 10:30 AM
both online and in person. The service will be broadcast online on our website
(https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W
in Sundre, AB.
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Thy Will Not My Will
Warning, contents might be rather
unsettling for some. Discretion is advised.
There are times when I wonder about
the future of our society as the trends of the world become more and more
self-centred. There are a multitude of perspectives out there that, for the
individual, could be found offensive or go against their own beliefs but here
is the thing, I may not agree with their perspective, so who is right? I am
going to try this social experiment knowing full well there will be some out
there who will start a discussion regarding their views on this simple topic.
Three people sitting around at a
coffee shop talking about cars (you can change this to whatever you wish). One
is a diehard Chevy supporter, has the bow tie light in the garage, a poster of
the latest muscle car that will soon be sitting in the garage and has a ton of
Chevy bling everywhere. The second person has the “Built Ford Tough” jacket,
drives the new Ford F350 with all the bells and whistles and defends the
beloved name brand to the point of heated arguments about the company that
built America. The banter goes back and forth for what seems like an hour.
People in the coffee shop are both amused and concerned as the conversation
does, at time, become rather heated. The third person at the table is listening
intently but not participating too much in the discussion. The two notice this
and one asks “well, what side are you on?” and without batting an eye, the
reply was “I chose the one that is paid for.”
This is only one
discussion/argument/debate that happens every second of the day and, for some,
it can cause irreparable damage. I have seen families torn apart over the
simplest of differences. There are disputes about lifestyles, religions,
political views, race and the list goes on and on. So many can get so angry
with one another that the division between sides grows over just about
everything once the ball gets rolling. Have you ever seen where a simple
argument over butter or margarine becomes so bad that everything one person
says, the other automatically counters and it grows to include the whole
family? There has to be common ground, the eye of the storm as it were, where
peace reigns despite the division. You see, while everyone thinks they have all
the answers and their answers are the only one that counts, it is all a matter
of perspective, and it should be examined next to the something that is
foundational to all.
In Matthew 6, Jesus was teaching us
how to pray and one thing that makes me take pause is in verse 10.
May Your will be done on
earth, as it is in heaven. NLT
Take this back to the car discussion.
Ford, Chevy, Dodge, import, domestic, electric, hybrid, diesel, gasoline—who
cares. Does it take me from point “A” to point “B” in relative comfort and is
it paid for? Baptist, Presbyterian, Nazarene, Pentecostal—who cares? Is Christ
the center of the teaching and has the price been paid? There is really nothing
on this planet that cannot be simplified to lowest common denominator, and, at
that point, the argument becomes rather mute. Consider the prayer “may Your
will be done” not my will, not the will of a particular denomination or
religious group but rather the will of God. May this be done on earth as it is
in Heaven. Do you think there are arguments, strife, backstabbing, wars or
fighting in Glory? Of course not. Love God with absolutely every ounce of your
being and love each other as yourself. I would say enemy, but you know what,
there will be no enemies in Heaven, plain and simple. What would Jesus do? He
loves perfectly and forgives abundantly. If that were done on earth as it is in
Heaven, would there be wars or worldwide strife?
This Sunday, Pastor Todd starts a new
series on the “Will of God”. Our service is at 10:30 AM both online and in
person. The service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Our Mission “To live the love
of Christ”
Ringing Out the Old
The other
day, I took the Jeep into the car wash because I was not sure what colour it actually was. I think the colour could best be
described as a brown, grey mash smattered with
white flake. Now the inside is very organized and fairly
clean compared to the outside. It is interesting how we can look at the
outside of a car, see the dirt and mess it is in, and make
the assumption the inside is equally a shambles. Actually,
it can happen with so many different things like houses, properties,
clothing. You see, so many people judge by what they see on the outside and
miss the importance of what is on the inside. I have seen some fabulous homes
that look amazing but, on the inside, the love was missing, and the home was
broken. There are those who are dressed to the nines, have rings on every
finger, drive the best cars and seem to have it all but are suffering on the
inside and take it out on those around them and on themselves through drug and
alcohol abuse but you don’t see it until they end up on the news or even in the
obituary column.
At one time,
I thought the external presentation was how society measured success and I
tried to live up to it. Was I ever wrong. I started to look past the grease,
grime and dirt, the bling, shine and pizazz and discovered this truth; there is
a blessing available to us all that is just waiting to be recognized. It is a
cleaning that sets every one of us on the exact same footing. The mess can be
cleansed, it is only temporary, and the rest can be washed away. What is truly
important is this, once the dirt has been cleansed, leave it alone, leave it
behind. Here is an example: I washed my Jeep and gave it a good wax job and
then I cleaned the dust off the dash, shook out the mud mats and threw away the
garbage. How ridiculous would it be to throw the mud I just cleaned off the
Jeep back onto and into the vehicle?
So, here is
the good news to end the year; Jesus saves! Jesus cleanses from the inside out
and does an amazing job. We can ask Him to cleanse us of our sins and He will.
We can ask Him to show us a way to live a cleaner life and He will. We can ask
Him to soften our heart and he will. You see, Jesus sees past the mud and grime
of our outside and knows us better than we even know ourselves, right to our
souls. So, when we ask Him to forgive us, cleanse us and take away our sins, we
need to trust that He will do this and leave it in His hands. There is a time
when we need to shake off the baggage of the past and ring in a new year. Is it
time to embrace a new life in Christ? Trust me, He sees you in a way most of
society does not understand and He looks forward to greeting us in person in
But the other criminal protested, “Don’t you fear God
even when you have been sentenced to die? We deserve to die for our crimes, but
this man hasn’t done anything wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when
you come into your Kingdom.”
And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be
with me in paradise.” Luke 23:40-43 NLT
The thief on
the cross was probably messed up big time but Jesus heard his heart welcomed
him in. This is the new start; this is the new year.
This Sunday,
Pastor Todd will bring the final messages of 2023. Our service is at 10:30AM
both online and in person. The service will be broadcast online on our website
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Our Mission “To
live the love of Christ”
Where There Is Strife There Needs To Be Hope
That statement may have you
scratching your head but I will say this, without hope there is little for
which to carry on. I have talked with many folks in counselling sessions, in
those conversations where one just needs to be heard and in the church setting
as a pastor where the issues of the day are just building and the only outcome
they can see is destruction or nothingness.
“Why should I even care?”
“What is the use?”
“It just doesn’t matter anymore.”
A few months ago, I took a refresher
course in Suicide Intervention and those statements were just a few indicators
that hope had been lost and the cry for help was being sent out. Some cries are
from those who are in the midst of the chaos while others are pleading for
understanding because they can’t make sense of the turmoil around them and are,
themselves, being sucked into the confusion. So much death and destruction in
this world. Where is the hope? Let me throw this out to the wind; could it be
we have legislated and denied the communication of hope, joy, peace and love
right out of our lives? Those who make the laws of the lands have mandated
religious silence because it is non-inclusive and yet Jesus states in Matthew
Then Jesus said, “Come to me,
all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you
rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and
gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is
easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” NLT
Jesus is the hope and the love of the
world, inclusive for all who want and need hope. He invites us into a
relationship with Him and asks only that we give over our sins and declare Him
as Saviour. It was through His death certificate that we were given a new birth
certificate. That is the hope we all need to hold onto and to declare. Jesus is
the bright morning star that is our guide in the darkness. So long as there is
light, darkness cannot fully reign. Remember this; “And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the
age.” Matt 28:20 b
Where does my hope lie? It does not
rest with our governments because they sway in the wind like reeds, bending to
the will of the breeze. There will always be strife because there will always
be differing views and all of society will be swayed by how they understand the
situation but know this, Jesus is the Rock and the Anchor. He is never changing
and on Him we can place our hope because He will prevail. He is “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His government and
its peace will never end. He will rule with fairness and justice from the
throne of his ancestor David for all eternity.” Isa 9:6b-7a
If we see someone dying of thirst and
give them a glass of water, they have hope. If we see someone drowning in the
depths of despair and pour into them with love and compassion, they will see
hope. If we see someone dying in the grips of hopelessness and we show them
Jesus, the Light will shine forth.
For God so loves the world He
gave His one and only Son so that all, every single person, who believe
in Him will not perish but instead have eternal life. John 3:16 NLT (emphasis
This Sunday, Pastor Todd will bring
the final messages of Advent. Our first service is at 10:30AM both online and
in person, a second service will be held in the Mountain View Senior’s Home, in
person only, at 1:00 PM and the third service will be the Christmas Eve service
at 6:00 PM online and in person. Following the evening service, we will gather
around the campfire behind the church for roasted marshmallows and hot
chocolate. The service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or
you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Our Mission “To live the love of
Why Does Evil Exist
hear this question all the time and will admit that I also have asked this a
few times but awhile back, someone pointed this out and I have yet to forget
it. You see, in light of all that is going on around the world, there is a cold
fear regarding the dark, nasty garbage that is so prevalent today and the media
seems to be stoking the flames of this fear to keep society glued to their
televisions and social media devises. Fear is a tool that, when used by the
forces of evil, can keep so many bound up that they are paralyzed to live life
to its fullest and best. Why does evil exist? Why did God create evil? Why
doesn’t God eliminate evil for good?
this, cold is the absence of heat. While we can define the lowest temperature
as that point where there is no energy, movement of atoms ceases and
temperature cannot go any lower there is no limit that we are aware of to the
upper reaches of heat. At minus 273.15 degrees Celsius, absolute zero, the
fundamental particles of nature reach their zero-point energy induced particle
motion. So cold is a measurement of a lack of energy. Part two to this,
darkness is considered by definition to be a lack of light energy. If there is
any energy at all, be it particle movement that generates heat or light energy
that provides a small spark in the darkness, then there is heat, there is
With that said, think about this for a moment, evil is the absence of faith and love. You come across a person who has just been fired from their job and the boss has just torn them down another notch and someone who has a big heart comes by and lifts them up, dusts them off and helps them out the actions of evil are displaced by the actions of love and compassion. A group of hardened criminals are in a hard place, locked up and considered outcasts by a society gather in the prison gym to listen to a singer with a message from God fall to their knees because they hear the power of His message in their souls and cry out to God in worship and celebration. The energy is added and the darkness recedes. A stadium filled with those seeking reassurance and a break from the harshness of an evil world are embraced by the energy of the Holy Spirit while the preacher pours out a message of hope and love and a community is filled with the light energy of a loving Saviour. The evil one sucks the energy out of a nation so that darkness moves in, the coldness of his world pushes out the energy of love and faith and the chaos fills in the void that was once bursting with hope and joy. The devil wants to suck all the energy out of the lives of all so that he can claim victory but remember this, there is a limit to absolute zero and to absolute darkness but there is no end to the energy that is in Him. God did not create evil; it exists because we allow it to take hold. Embrace God’s power through the Holy Spirit and claim victory over the darkness through faith and love. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Light and we will come to the Father through Him and on that day, there will be no more darkness, no more fear, no more evil. Evil does exist in the world but it holds no power because God is the power, the light and is infinite. The evil’s time is finite and the Light is coming.
So Tell Me Again How Christmas Is Illegal
According to the National Post dated Nov 24, 2023 (Tristin
Hopper), https://nationalpost.com/opinion/federal-commission-declares-christmas-holiday-is-religious-intolerance, “The Canadian Human Rights Commission,
which wields broad quasi-judicial powers, argued that a day off on Christmas is
The Canadian Human Rights Commission — an agency with broad judicial powers
that is fully funded by the federal government — has declared that the
celebration of Christmas is evidence of Canada’s “colonialist” religious
So, what does this mean for the average person in Canada?
According to the article, Easter and Christmas should not be statutory
holidays. You see they are based on colonialist religious intolerance and
should be eliminated as they are not in keeping with inclusion of all as the
other religions have to seek special permissions to get their days off. The
article does go on and it quite interesting (I have included the link above)
but, again I ask, what does this mean to the average citizen in Canada? It
means that those statutory holidays would be rescinded, and it will either
become another named statutory holiday or it will become just another day of
the week. Happy holidays all.
Here is another way to consider this push. The Christians of Canada would still
celebrate the birth of the Saviour because the celebration of Christmas (Mass-
the Holy Communion...of Christ) and of Easter, that is, the celebration of
Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection for us all, is more than a paid day off.
These holiest of celebrations for the Christian community are above and beyond
the laws of mankind and we, as a faith nation, would still celebrate regardless
of the situation. But what I want to know is this, why is this agency so
opposed to the celebration of the birth of the Prince of peace? The message is
about loving those around us and spreading the joy of the season. The Easter
message is not about bunnies that produce chocolate eggs but rather the
fulfillment of the promise of salvation. Do we need a statutory holiday, a paid
day off, to realize the birth and the sacrifice of the Messiah?
are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven.” Matt 5:10 NIV
Persecute the faithful and they will only grow stronger, try to
remove the relevance of the two seasons and they will only dig in their heels
and become stronger, eliminate the religious rights of the Christian nation and
nothing will change because we know the true reason for the season. Here is the
kicker, eliminate the statutory status of the holidays and those who appreciate
the extra day off, the extra cash on the pay cheque will rise up and demand it
reinstated. You cannot quench the Spirit, one can try but, in the end, He is
greater than the machinations of humanity and His will shall prevail. So take
away the the designation of a statutory holiday, make it another set of normal
days on the calendar and leave it at that. Jesus was born over two thousand
years ago, gave fully of Himself without concern for monetary rewards and died
for us all so that we would not know death and was resurrected as proof that
death had no hold on Him. This is what we celebrate and we can do that without
the stat designation.
This Sunday, Rev. Bob Hillock will bring the second message
of Advent. The service will be broadcast online on our website
(https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are more than
welcome to join us in person at 10:30 AM, at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
How Big A Sign Do We Need?
We are located on the corner of Main Avenue and 3rd Street in the wonderful little town of Sundre, Alberta. The community is
nestled in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains, and we are truly blessed by the
beauty that surrounds us. While the location is spectacular, there are a couple
of drawbacks to everyday life in the community. We are on the Cowboy Trail that
was, and still is, a major route of travel for a variety of goods and services
for the western province. It is a major oversize route for heavy, large loads,
freight runs and, along with the numerous tourists that pass through, sees over
7 million vehicles traveling through each year. Where am I going with this?
Consider this, there is one set of lights in the town on Main and Centre and
the rest of the intersections on Main (aka Highway 27) were controlled by two
way stop signs. Five years ago, we went to a series of three roundabouts for
the road to allow better traffic flow but this fall, the province began the job
of replacing the temporary roundabouts with permanent fixtures. This may not
seem like much, but it is going to take a while and the intersections are now
controlled by four way stops. I sit in my kitchen watching as hundreds of
vehicles fly through the intersection without even acknowledging the signs. In
fact, the other day, I was almost hit by a semi who was running the sign. So
here is the point, as soon as the large orange fixture was replaced, the rules
went out the window and it is now a free-for-all even though there are stop
signs in place. One driver was heard to say, “if the sign was bigger, maybe we
would be more likely to stop.”
Life is that way as well. I was going to say it is getting
that way but, in reality, it is there already. The scriptures warned us about
times like this and, in the past, many people were respectful of the scriptural
ways and of His word but today, they are turning their back on His wisdom and
guidance. The yield signs and stop signs have, over the years, always been
there to provide some sense of organization and boundaries that keep us safe
today and well into the future. But people are choosing to ignore the wisdom of
the warning signs and doing it their own way just like those who are running
the stop signs in our town. The officers who are there to inform and, yes,
ticket, the offenders of the law, are demeaned and chastised on many occasions
and yet they are there for the safety of the travelers. Those of the faith
family and the clergy are also chastised for being bible thumpers or the holier-than-thou
crusaders but we are not there to judge but are simply trying to show a sign.
“Why not make the signs bigger?”
Here is my question, why not watch for the signs, accept the
signs for what they are there for and respect the message they are
communicating? Life is not about blaming others for the mistakes made but
rather watching for the signs, using wisdom to discern the outcomes, should the
signs be ignored, and taking appropriate action to avoid pain and suffering.
God’s message is simple, Christ came to save all through His sacrifice and who
claim Him as Lord and Saviour. The signs of what is to come are very large even
though there are those out there who do not believe in the end times and push
back, but the time is coming when those who do not want to yield to the signs
will come to a sudden realization of the consequences. The signs are there,
they are noticeable, and it is up to all to acknowledge and not ignore.
This week, Rev Glenn Reeder brings the first message of the
Advent. The service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are more than welcome to join
us in person at 10:30 AM, at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
I Am No Longer a Slave to Sin
My wife Natalie showed me a meme the other day that spoke
directly to this article. It stated, “the devil knows your name but calls you
by your sin, but God knows your sin but calls you by your name.” Consider this
if you will, there was once a young man who was rather
ordinary, and I do not mean this as an insult. In a crowd, he did not stand
out, at work, he did his job satisfactorily and was neither a standout nor a
cause of concern. He was as grey as grey could be in his job and his perceived
private life. There was, however, a dark side that no one knew about, and his
secret life was fully immersed in the dark web where he was a completely
different person. His alternate identity was very
different, and he was, in this space, a giant, delving into criminal
activities. He could not stop even if he wanted to because he was so entrenched
in the lifestyle but, like all things, it had to come
to an end and the police force helped him to quit.
Let us call this guy John. When he was caught, no one even
thought he could be this person they were describing. John was definitely not going back to work after he was
released from prison and the only job he would get was working as dishwasher at
a local restaurant. He was tagged as a thief and scammer who could not, should
not be trusted. What was not known to many was this; while he was in prison
paying for his past transgressions, John found Jesus and he gave his life over
to the Lord. He gave up his past ways and started a new venture when he was not
working but it was an uphill battle. John was a convicted computer scammer and
a thief in the eyes of the business leaders but to those he served, he was
their knight in shining armor. You see, he started a small group composed of
individuals who had a desire to help those who were susceptible to scammers,
seniors, the less affluent and the lonely singles who were getting ripped off
by false promises of love and travel. The church they met in embraced the
ministry, the community was thankful for the blessing, and this group of
servants were called by their names and not by their sins. I feel this passage talks to our lives as much as it
did to the tribes of Israel.
But now,
O Jacob, listen to the Lord who created you.
Israel, the one who formed you says, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed
you. I have called you by name; you are mine.
When you
go through deep waters, I will be with you.
When you
go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.
When you
walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will
not consume you.
For I am
the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. Isa 43:1-3 NLT
This week, Pastor Todd brings part two in the sermon
series, No Longer A Slave To Sin. The service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 10:30 AM, at 402 Main Ave.
W in Sundre, AB.
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
I Am No Longer a Slave to Fear or Taxes
Carbon taxes, higher food prices, food banks not being able
to keep up with demand, fuel prices make it tougher to get to work and the
argument in the halls of government is all about money. Is anyone else besides
me getting tired of it all? As I sit here writing this article, all I can think
of is “what would Jesus do?” Go back in time when
the Romans exacted a tax on the people for their “protection” and then the
local rulers, the king and his people, would exact another tax. Combine this
with municipal taxes, the temple taxes and the skim by the tax collectors and I
dare say there would be much left to fuel up the donkey to get to work. Good
thing most worked from home or in close proximity to their jobs. So, consider
this, there are only two things that are certain, death and taxes. Levels of
leadership will always try to get the most of everything they can from everyone
but at some point in time they will either see the
errors of their ways and back down or they will find themselves on the outside
of the halls of leadership while another group rewards the common folk for
their support by lowering the taxes. This is only temporary (review history),
so why fear? Instead of fearing the taxman, prepare for the inevitable and
rejoice when you are correct in your assumption and preparation.
Same goes for fear of death. So many times, I have sat with
people who are facing their last moments on earth, and they inform me they are
scared. Going to get this out there right now, I am almost certain I will be
fearful when it is my time and I do hope that someone will remind me that my
Saviour is awaiting my arrival. You see, we are only human and tend to forget
there is more to life than what we know on earth. When my time is up on this
planet, there is still eternity awaiting where there is no more sorrow and no
more pain. Love rules and chaos is no longer in the
equation. I am no longer a slave to the fear of death because my Lord has made
us all a promise that should eliminate our fear.
let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. There is more
than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told
you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I
will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And you
know the way to where I am going.”
“No, we
don’t know, Lord,” Thomas said. “We have no idea where you are going, so how
can we know the way?”
told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father
except through me. If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is.
From now on, you do know him and have seen him!” John 14:1-7 NLT
Thomas noted that he had no clue where Jesus was going, and
Jesus made sure Thomas knew the full truth. There are a lot of people who are
fearful because they are unaware of Christ’s promise. I am no longer a slave to
the fear of death because I know there is something beyond the grave. My fear
would be not knowing what the future holds if I did not have faith in Christ.
This week, Pastor Todd returns with a sermon series on No
Longer A Slave To Fear. The service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 10:30 AM, at 402 Main Ave.
W in Sundre, AB.
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
I Am No Longer a Slave – Cut These Chains
For years, the fear of not making the
most of life has really been a burden, a chain that bound me to a way of life
where satisfaction could never be fully realized. There was a fear of never
being good enough to measure up to those around me and
also the fear of being left behind if I did not overachieve. I was a slave
to doing everything I could to stand out and be recognized for raises and
promotions. If the job required extra hours, count me in, if it needed more
knowledge, there were always courses to take and if it needed more dedication
to job than self, family, and friends, guess which one got the priority.
Chained down to the American dream of wealth, power, and the good things in
life. If those were not achieved, we were either not doing enough or trying
hard enough to be considered a success in the eyes of our culture. I can
honestly say that I am still somewhat trapped in
that ideology because that was the way I was raised but I am trying to break
free from more of the bonds every day. Bet you thought I was going to say that
ever since I found Jesus, things drastically changed, and all the chains of
bondage were broken but I cannot say that. You see, I still hold onto some of
the old ways, but fear is no longer the master of my life, Christ is, and I
find strength in Him. Focus has shifted, behaviours have changed, and continue
to change.
Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost
sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could
put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. Heb 12:2-3 Msg
The moment we realize that there is
more to life, eternal life, than the finite measurements of this world, that is
when we will truly break the bonds of this world and free ourselves from mortal
bondage. Consider this, gold is a metal that mankind
has given a value, and it is a measurement of wealth yet give a baby a rattle
made of gold, and it is simply a toy. In heaven it is a paving stone, nothing more
than a pretty covering for a path to be trod upon without a thought of being
worth anything. The paper/plastic in our pockets is simply a representation of
a wealth denomination and yet it can be wiped out with a simple declaration
that it is worthless. It is my opinion that the greatest wealth one could be
blessed with is a fabulous relationship with not only the Saviour but also with
those all around me. You see, in Heaven there will be no need for finite
measures of wealth but rather we will be amongst the greatest treasures, our
Lord, our families and our friends. If we refocus on that which is truly important, we are no longer a slave to the
finite but rather are set free to be blessed forever. For me, it takes time to
completely release from the behaviours of the past but, in His strength, I/we
can break completely free.
This week, we welcome, once again,
Craig Fisher who will share a message that God has placed on his heart. The
service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms),
or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 10:30 AM, at 402 Main Ave.
W in Sundre, AB.
Our Mission “To live the love of
I Am No Longer a Slave
These next two weeks we are going to
hear from a wise and knowledgeable speaker, Craig Fisher. I can assure you his
message will not only open our eyes but will also speak to our hearts. With
that said, the next two weeks, I will be focusing on the start of a series
called “I Am No Longer A Slave”. Now, before anyone starts getting up in arms
about “what do you know about slavery” and “who are you to talk”, I am going to
use these next two weeks to set up the series because we, as Christians, are
being oppressed by the world and it is time to recognize that basic fact.
Let me say this; I am no longer a
slave to fear because I am a child of God. The world can say “you are not
allowed to say prayers in our schools, in our places of government or even on
our battlefields” but I can assure you that I am praying. You can ask me not to
pray over the sick and dying but I promise you I will and there is nothing you
can do about it. The world can threaten to put me in jail if I do not cease and
desist praying but what they do not understand is this, I am a child of God.
There are those who deny the power and strength of prayer because it is not
tangible, it is not measureable and therefore it is not real yet I know the
power of prayer, I know His power. When a person comes up to me and says “I
know you are a man of God, can you please pray for my mom, my sibling, my
friend?”, I am the first to say yes and I make sure they know I am praying for
them as well. Only once have I ever heard someone say “it won’t work for me
because I don’t believe”. I tell them it works because God believes in you and
that is the truth.
Consider this, I am not a slave to
fear, to sin, the darkness of death because I am a child of God and I know He
has conquered the grave, not just for me but for us all. He went to the grave
and he arose because He believes in us all. The woman who had suffered for a
dozen years overcame her fear to reach out in the crowd and dared to touch the
hem of Christ’s garment overcame her fear and was healed.
But Jesus said, “Someone
deliberately touched me, for I felt healing power go out from me.” When
the woman realized that she could not stay hidden, she began to tremble and
fell to her knees in front of him. The whole crowd heard her explain why she
had touched him and that she had been immediately healed. “Daughter,” he
said to her, “your faith has made you well. Go in peace.” Luke 8:46-48 NLT
She was no longer a slave to her
infirmity, but was set free to live a life in the fullness of His love, joy and
peace. I had a dream not too long ago where I was struggling with several
issues and, in my dream, I reached out to touch the hem of a garment and when I
looked up, I saw Jesus smiling down at me. There was such a rush of joy that
came over me and my eyes were opened. That day, Natalie introduced me to a song
by Zach Williams called “No Longer A Slave” and the dream and the song opened
my heart and my eyes to what my future holds and while I should be fearful, I
am no longer fearful for I know He has it all under control.
Don’t be afraid, for I am with
you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and
help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. Isa 41:10 NLT
Fear not to pray for others wherever
you are, fear not to speak out for your faith, fear not to proclaim His
salvation message for we are all children of God.
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Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Jesus, Remember Me.
While sixty is just a number, the effects of ageing are a tell-tale.
After years of abusing my mind and body trying to stay young and keep up with
the youngsters, I am quickly becoming aware of my limitations as I am sure many
others are as well. Five years ago, I would strap on the skates and race around
the rink thinking “I still got it” only to realize everyone else has been into
the zone and the puck was in the other end. I have yet to get on the ice this
year but I am fairly certain I have lost another step or two. It is not just
the body that is slowing down but it is also the mind.
The other day, I was in a fabulous conversation with a group of my
peers when I realized I was a couple points behind the conversation and when I
did interject my thoughts I realized they were in context at the time but
rather disjointed in the current setting. Words that flowed from the tongue,
thoughts that just wound in and out of the conversation now take a bit more
time to bring together and memories are, at times, fleeting. It could be worse
and, I fear, it will get worse but I saw a video the other day that brought joy
to my heart.
A granddaughter had come to town and offered to take her
grandfather to church on Sunday. He spoke very little on the way into church, which
brought tears to her eyes, and, truth be told, to mine as well. All her
attempts to get a reaction from him were met with that far off stare, a
blankness that we can see but have no clue what it is like to live in. After
trying just about everything to communicate with him, she put an old gospel
tape in the radio and within a few moments, he was speaking the words of the
old hymn by memory. You see, the words of the old hymns are generally scripture
put to music and he knew his Savior’s message, it was still there and it was
still strong in his heart. When the mortal facilities of our being start to
fade, the Word of God, written on our hearts, never fades and it never fails.
Remember, O Lord, your compassion and
unfailing love, which you have shown from long ages past. Do not remember the
rebellious sins of my youth. Remember me in the light of your unfailing love,
for you are merciful, O Lord. Ps 25:6-7 NLT
As life goes on and my thoughts begin to fail a bit more often,
Lord, please, remember me.
For the next three weeks, we welcome two guest speakers who will share a message that God has placed on their hearts. The service will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 10:30 AM, at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
The Mission Seems Impossible
So much goes on all around us that we
are totally oblivious to that I am amazed we are
still able to function at all. A person walking down the street was totally unaware of the danger fast approaching and
even though there were others all around trying to get her attention she could
not hear because of the earbuds. You see she was so distracted because of the
loud music and, you guessed it, the texting, she was completely shut off from
the reality around her. Just moments before she was run over by the vehicle,
another person rushed over to her and pulled her out of harm's way, and she was
saved from possible death. Almost immediately, she
started to scream and fight off the person who had just saved her life,
berating him for his good deed rather than thanking him. You see, she had no
clue. The signs were there, a speeding car, people shouting at her to run,
oncoming traffic braking hard and tires screeching. In the end, one person put
himself in a difficult position, stepped up with a
rather aggressive message and was chastised for his efforts. Yes, when she
fully realized what had just occurred, she thanked him, but she never
apologized for her initial actions.
You see, preaching and sharing the
Message is almost the same as what happened to the
young lady on the street. There are all sorts of warning signs out there, in
fact there was even a book written warning people about the bleakness of the
future, and yet there are those out there who are completely oblivious to the
dangers. Missionaries, evangelists, clergy, and people of faith are all trying
to inform family and friends that the end times are near, that none on earth
will live forever on earth and yet the world turns up the music and digs even
deeper into their world of reels. My fear is that people are so wrapped up in
the world and the here and now they forget about what awaits them when life on
earth comes to an end. There is only one who will
be ready to jump into harm's way to protect but if we forcibly shrug off His
grip and continue on our way, there will be a time
when we won’t be able to come back from the brink.
I have shared my fear, now I will
share my stressor. I am not here to force people to come to Christ, I am simply
a messenger, a bystander on the sidewalk trying to get the person’s attention
to oncoming tragedy. It is heartbreaking to know that there are those out there
who refuse to listen to the message because they have come to believe it is just
a myth. Here is a crucial factor, if you come to believe and it is a myth, what
have you lost? Nothing, in fact, you have gained because you will look at life
from the side of peace, love and hope. My stress has been greatly decreased over the years, not because I no
longer care but rather because of a new understanding. I can only plant the
seeds; it is up to the individual whether they want to accept it.
But if a town refuses to welcome you, go out into its streets, and say,
‘We wipe even the dust of your town from our feet to show that we have
abandoned you to your fate. And know this—the Kingdom of God is near!’ Luke
10:10-11 NLT
For the next month, we are going to
explore what mission means and how we can all be a part of communicating His
promise to those who are seeking a new way to love, hope and peace. The service
will be broadcast online on our website (https://www.mainavefellowship.ca/socialplatforms), or you are more than welcome to join us in person at
10:30 AM, at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
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- Main Ave Fellowship
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Say What?
I have to say this, there are times
when I listen to well-meaning Christians try to explain Jesus and salvation to
people and it comes out sounding like a military sergeant barking out orders in
army acronyms. Now, I do not want to upset or insult anyone but trust me, if
someone does not understand the lingo, they are not going to fully understand
the message. In my mission courses at college, the professor let us in on a
story that happened decades ago that made us sit up and take notice of our
language when we are speaking to others.
A missionary went into the jungles of
South America and armed with tracts, an interpreter, and a Bible, He set off to
tell the unreached about the good news of Jesus. He wanted to keep the message
simple, so he chose to start with the birth of Jesus. Not where I would have
started but he felt it a great starting point. The conversation started out
well although the idea of God impregnating a mortal woman was a tad difficult
to explain but this was not the toughest part. You see, there are no sheep in
the area and to reference shepherds tending the sheep at night took a long time
to explain but that was not the obstacle. The tough part came when the
missionary referred to Jesus as the Lamb of God. To them, Jesus came as a boy
child, born of a woman whose father was God and He was a shapeshifter who
became a sheep, and this sheep was a creature they had no clue as to what it
So often we think that people
understand what we are talking about, but they look at you with that smile and
nod attitude and hope you will just go away. No one has ever said I am subtle
so take this as a word of advice, Keep It Simple, Seriously (KISS). Leave the
thousand-dollar words like sanctification, justification, or glorification in
the briefcase for those deep dives into faith at a Bible study and tell it like
it is. God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, even that one is a tough one, but
it is a good foundation to start on. Next, there is recounting the birth of Christ,
God among us and what this truly means for us all. Simplicity is the key, and
His message does not need words to satisfy a professor in a university but
rather speak to the hearts of the shepherds who did not have the education to
understand. The gospel was meant to speak to all, not just the elite so why
present the gospel to those today in such a way that can be confusing. Take
this for what it is worth, in my opinion, the Word
of God is so simple and so pure, we do not need to jazz it up with fancy words
or lofty ideas. For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one
and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have
eternal life. John 3:16 NLT
For the next month, we are going to explore what mission
means and how we can all be a part of communicating His promise to those who
are seeking a new way to love and peace. The service will be broadcast online
(see links below), or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 10:30
AM, at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Help, I Need Somebody
I am going to take some liberties with the Beatles song
“Help”. I know that they did not intend for it to be used this way but while
watching a show, the song hit me in a weird way and, after looking at the
lyrics in a different way, it hit me, we all need help. Take a look at the
lyrics with me.
When I was younger, nothing really troubled me, well nothing
major that is. I didn’t really need much of anything but as time went along,
things really didn’t do much of anything anymore and it always felt like I was
chasing after one thing or another but never really being satisfied with
anything. One day, I found the one who could answer my many questions, the one
who could open up the doors to a future that was so filled with hope and joy, I
wondered how I never really knew the fullness of life before Him. I was fooling
myself into thinking that the temporary things of the world could outshine the
gifts from a loving God. He truly got my feet back on the ground and He helped
me so much to get me rolling in the right direction.
Every time I had a rough time, He was consistently there,
with me, guiding me and lifting me back onto my feet when times were so dark.
There were those moments when I was a wreck and He helped me regain my way. So
much good comes from God and yet so many turn away because they either don’t
fully understand or they don’t want to trust without proof. Many will seek out
DIY to solve their issues but, truth be told, the answer to all life’s issues
is faith in a loving Saviour who only wants us to lean on Him and trust in His
way. When I needed help, He has never failed me. Is it time for you to call out
to Him to help you?
For the next
month, we are going to explore what mission means and how we can all be a part
of communicating His promise to those who are seeking a new way to love and
peace. The service will be broadcast online (see links below), or you are more than
welcome to join us in person at 10:30 AM, at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
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Main Ave Fellowship
Our Mission
“To live the love of Christ”
We Are Mission
There has been a lot of focus on missions for decades,
centuries even. Missionaries from Europe, North America and others sent
messengers of the Truth to countries around the world. Sometimes the messengers
used some rather violent methods to get the Word of God out there such as armed
crusades, others went into harm's way armed only with the Sword of Truth (a
Bible) and a stalwart faith in a loving God. Consider this, we do not have the
market on mission, in fact, the western world is not the originator of mission.
If we look back in history, the first missionary of the Christian movement were
the angels when they went into the fields to spread the Good News to the
shepherds in the fields. Go a few years into the future and we find the Messiah
gathering the messengers to join Him and He taught them the Way. Eventually
they were ready to set off into the world to share the Good News and this was
the start of missional ministry.
9:1-6 NLT
One day
Jesus called together his twelve disciples and gave them power and authority to
cast out all demons and to heal all diseases. Then he sent them out to tell
everyone about the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick. “Take nothing for your
journey,” he instructed them. “Don’t take a walking stick, a traveler’s bag,
food, money, or even a change of clothes. Wherever you go, stay in the same
house until you leave town. And if a town refuses to welcome you, shake its
dust from your feet as you leave to show that you have abandoned those people to
their fate.”
So, they
began their circuit of the villages, preaching the Good News and healing the
They went out into the nation, on the circuit, and they
helped wherever they were accepted but they did not force anyone to come to
faith. If they or their message was not appreciated or they were turned away,
they simply turned on their heels, wiped the dirt from their sandals and
carried on. They did not call down curses, they did not egg the houses or
chastised those who turned them away, they simply left and went on to the next
house, on to the next town. You see, not everyone wants to hear the Good News,
they do not want to make enemies but rather, they wanted to go into the world
and offer an alternative to the finality of death through the sacrifice of the
Son. Mission is all about communicating the eternal promise of hope to a world
in dire need of hope.
shouted to the crowds, “If you trust me, you are trusting not only me, but also
God who sent me. For when you see me, you are seeing the one who sent me. I
have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their
trust in me will no longer remain in the dark. I will not judge those who hear
me but don’t obey me, for I have come to save the world and not to judge it.
John 12:44-47 NLT
For the next month, we are going to explore what mission means
and how we can all be a part of communicating His promise to those who are
seeking a new way to love and peace. The service will be broadcast online (see links below), or you are more
than welcome to join us in person at 10:30 AM, at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre,
Facebook Live - Main Ave
Our Mission “To live the love
of Christ”
First Aid
For over a decade, I have provided
training for first aid to a variety of groups. The groups are very diverse, but
one thing remains constant, all who attend are preparing themselves for the
future. Many take the course so that, in case of illness or injury, they are
prepared to act and assist those in need of help. You see, the definition of
first aid, according to St John’s Ambulance is the help given to someone who is
injured or ill to keep them safe and to cause no further harm. The role of a
first aider is to give someone this help. Tens of thousands of people take on
the challenge and the responsibility to care for other’s lives in their time of
need every year and are ready to assist when others walk away. At times, those
in need are not found in favourable locations. Rarely have I come upon a
casualty who is found in a warm, comfortable location. Most of the time, I am
doing first aid in the rain or snow, it’s cold and I get very messy. In the
end, though, the person comes through it all and learns to be a bit more
careful going forward; usually.
There is a parable in the Book of Luke in
chapter 10 that talks of first aid.
30 A Jewish
man was traveling from Jerusalem down to Jericho, and he was attacked by
bandits. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him up, and left him half dead
beside the road.
31 “By chance a priest came along. But when he saw the man lying there, he
crossed to the other side of the road and passed him by. 32 A Temple
assistant walked over and looked at him lying there, but he also passed by on
the other side.
33 “Then a despised Samaritan came along, and when he saw the man, he felt
compassion for him. 34 Going over to him, the Samaritan soothed his
wounds with olive oil and wine and bandaged them. Then he put the man on his
own donkey and took him to an inn, where he took care of him. 35 The
next day he handed the innkeeper two silver coins, telling him, ‘Take care of
this man. If his bill runs higher than this, I’ll pay you the next time I’m
36 “Now which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who
was attacked by bandits?” Jesus asked.
37 The man replied, “The one who showed him mercy.”
Jesus said, “Yes, now go and do the same.” NLT
Consider this in all you do each day,
should you come across anyone in need of physical, emotional or spiritual
assistance, are you ready and willing to lend assistance when asked? Are you
trained to provide first aid for those who are reaching out in fear or pain?
Are you equipped to be there when needed? The question we all need to ask is
this, what do I need to do to help my brother or sister who is in need?
This weekend, I am teaching first aid to
a group of youth in Calgary, but we look forward to hearing from Rev. Glenn
Reeder who will bless us with a wonderful message. The
service will be broadcast online (see links below), or you are more than
welcome to join us in person at 10:30 AM, at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Relationship Through Grace
The other day, I
was pondering the question of an unconditional relationship.
You see, there have been occasions where, out of
the blue, events of the past have been brought back to awareness and it is
usually when others are around to witness it. Now, for those who brought it up
and for the subject person it is old news from the past and probably had been
put to rest way back when. For those who were just made aware, it is fresh
news, and their opinion of the subject person is usually tainted. It could have
happened twenty years earlier but to someone fresh into the conversation, it
could have been yesterday. In my opinion, if forgiveness has been asked,
remorse has been expressed, let the waters of forgiveness wash over it and
cleanse it away. So why do others feel it necessary to resurrect the past? Is
it to garner power over another? Is it to embarrass or cut someone down? Is it to deflect
attention from one's own deficiencies by putting a light on someone else’s? And
what if this person is a close friend who continues to bring up the past in
awkward moments? I tell you the truth (one of my favourite Christ sayings),
this is not a way to maintain a relationship, and yet so many people put up
with it. So, what can we do about it?
Consider teaching
people about the truth of Grace, Grace means forgiving and loving a person
unconditionally, in fact, it is extending perfect forgiveness when it is not
deserved, you know, the kind Christ extends to us all. I had a person bring up
my, not so pristine, past a few times in certain situations that could have
caused embarrassment, but I reminded my brother in faith that my past has been
forgiven by the one who counts. My past shaped me but it is my faith that
defines me now.
Since you have heard about Jesus and have
learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and
your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let
the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created
to be like God—truly righteous and holy.
And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy
Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own,
guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption...
Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger,
harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be
kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through
Christ has forgiven you. Eph 4:21-24, 30-32. NLT
We invite you to
join us this Sunday as Pastor Todd explores this Ephesians passage. The service
will be broadcast online (see links below), or you are more than welcome to
join us in person at 10:30 AM, at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
Our Mission “To
live the love of Christ”
Rest and Recovery
Years ago, I was asked to take a break from ministry while I
went through some personal issues. I was incensed because I felt like I was
being fired, let go, sent out into the boat without an oar, without any life
preservers. I tried very hard to get anyone to listen to me, to listen to my
plight. Nothing had changed except the fact I was having to deal with an issue,
but I could do that and my job without any added stress. In my humble opinion,
the people who were telling me to take a break had no clue what they were
talking about, I knew better because I understood more than they, just how much
I could handle. The scripture in Proverbs tells us not to lean on our own
finite understanding but rather to trust in the Lord in all things. At the
time, I was fooling myself and it completely clouded my judgement and
understanding. You see, God knows these things and, when we are not listening,
He uses others in our lives to speak into our situations.
youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But
those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on
wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not
faint. Isa 40:30-31 NLT
The incident was almost a quarter century ago and today, I am
called on to help others who were, or are, dealing with similar issues. So here
is to walking alongside those who are hurting or are feeling overwhelmed,
taking time to listen to what they are saying and lean on the wisdom of God to know
what to do and how to be there for them. I can attest that when we are in that
place where we feel we can deal with it and start getting defensive when others
offer to assist, the guidance and wisdom of the Holy Spirit seems to take a
back seat to self. I got hit with this over twenty years ago when my stubborn
streak kicked in:
The way
of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice. Pro 12:15
I may not be the wisest man but I do lean on the promptings
of the greatest wiseman going and He says wait and rest, let Me show the way,
who am I to argue? Today, I am thankful for the wonders God has provided me, my
family, my calling and the gifts of the Spirit. I am also very thankful for the
time away to refresh and renew. I did not know just how tired I was and, even
though there were signs, I thought I was doing very well. This has opened my
eyes to the fact I was a bit overwhelmed but had become blind to the reality
the stress was having on not only myself but also my family and my faith
family. Wise counsel suggested a rest, God provided.
All this to say thank you for not only the break but also for
the opportunity to reset and reorganize my life and ministry plus I would also
like to thank our faith gathering for all they did to keep His message front
and center. I look forward to seeing you all again this coming Sunday where we
will join together in praise and worship to a mighty God.
We invite you to
join us as we welcome back Pastor Todd from Sabbatical. The service will be
broadcast online (see links below), or you are more than welcome to join us in
person 10:30 AM, at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
Our Mission “To
live the love of Christ”
Fear of the Unknown
There are so many people out there who have abandoned hope in
a loving and gracious God who created all things, watches over all creation and
genuinely cares for every person on this planet. They have abandoned their
faith in the promises of an eternity in Glory for a future that holds little in
the way of life beyond the grave. I would like to tell you what I believe in
and why. First, I do believe in a loving and caring Lord who has created each and every one of us. He has designed us perfectly
and in His image, the image of love. We are, each
of us, social people that desire the loving relationship of those around us.
God created Adam and Eve for the purpose of relationship and, when they went
against His will, He did not destroy them but rather He did what many parents
do when a child errs, He punished them, but He still watched over them. Today,
many have abandoned God, but like in those days long ago, He has never left us.
Secondly, I believe that God has prepared a place for us in
Glory and that we should have no fear of death. I recently lost a dear friend, and while it hurts that she has left us there
is a joy in knowing she has passed into His Heavenly realm. She knew what her
future held and was always quick to tell others that she was looking forward to
being with those loved ones who passed before her. Her hope was in the promise
of salvation through Jesus Christ. You see, Christ went before to prepare a
place for us all and while some have lost that understanding or have abandoned
that hope, the promise is still very valid, and it was known and written down
long before He was even born.
Jerusalem, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will spread a wonderful feast for all
the people of the world.
It will
be a delicious banquet with clear, well-aged wine and choice meat.
There he
will remove the cloud of gloom, the shadow of death that hangs over the earth.
He will
swallow up death forever! The Sovereign Lord will wipe away all tears. He will
remove forever all insults and mockery against his land and people.
The Lord
has spoken! Isa 25:6-8 NLT
Finally, even though I cannot fully support the thoughts or
beliefs of those who deny my God, I will not mock them or berate them because
the choice to follow is a personal decision. I can only plant the seeds of His
message and pray that there will come a time when they will
see His light. And for those who mock us for our faith in God, relax, like
I said, the choice is yours to believe or not. I do not fear the end because it
is not the final resting spot, it is the doorway to a future in eternity.
The Main Avenue service will be broadcast online (see links
below), or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in
Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Don’t Stop Too Soon
Was watching a
video the other day that brought a scripture to mind.
I don’t mean to say that I have already
achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on
to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear
brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it,[d] but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking
forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive
the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. Phil
3:12-14 NLT
Many, many years
ago, I would run 10K races, and, while I was not in the upper echelons of the
racing elite, I generally finished in the middle of the pack. At the very
beginning I was very excited and eager to get the race underway, but it did not
take long for the negative thoughts to start entering my mind. At the start, I
tended to struggle to find my pace because I wanted to stay with the pack,
later I would start analyzing the various stitches and spasms wondering if I
was even going to make it through the race. As it got later into the race,
thoughts of “why even try” or “you’ll never be as good as these other guys”
crept into the fray and, yes, there were moments where I considered just giving
up, one time was when I was only a few hundred yards from the finish. So, the
question remains, why even try?
The video I watched
was about an elite racer who was rounding the final corner on a longer race and
had a commanding lead. He did not see another racer making a mad dash for the
lead and, on the final fifty or so yards, he started to celebrate, waving to
the crowd. With only a couple yards to go, the second-place racer who was
leaving nothing to spare, flew past the leader and won the race by inches. Now,
none of us is perfect, and there are occasions where we might set the cruise
control on and just coast along with the blinders on, or doubt can creep in and
set our minds into a protectionist mode, or, in this case, we can lose focus
and we get passed over.
Life can be like a
10K race as can our faith walk. At the beginning, there is an excitement that
is indescribable. We are at a quicker speed than we may want to be, but we are
only trying to keep up or, in some cases, catch up. While there are numerous
stages along the way where we can hydrate and receive some nourishment and
encouragement, there are those times when we start to focus on the wrong things
or just settle into a comfortable pace and let things happen as they do. “I’m
saved, that works for me” or “look at all the people waving and cheering for
me, I’m on my way!” That time where I was about to give up with only a few
hundred yards to go, I lost focus on what was just beyond the finish line. A
voice in my mind screamed “finish strong, there is rest on the other side of
the line!”
The journey to
glory is fraught with so many pitfalls and challenges, but there is always an
encourager in our corner cheering us on. Just like in the 10K, there are always
people around you cheering you on and the Lord is always at your side. As I
came upon others who looked like they were struggling, I was able to pour into
them and be an encouragement. We all need to lean on each other and our faith
because none of us is perfect. Press on through the finish line, there is rest
on the other side.
The Main Avenue
service will be broadcast online (see links below), or you are more than
welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
Our Mission “To
live the love of Christ”
Look At Me!
Hypothetical situation; let’s say there is someone out there
who takes every opportunity to toot their own horn so they are considered
indispensable and should be adored for their contribution to the success of a
project. They spend more time maneuvering their position through self-glorifying
conversations and boastful actions to promote their own ideation of self-worth.
Combine this with their need to stay at the top by downplaying the contribution
of those around them and you have the making of a very fragile team dynamic.
You see, if those who are relying on the accuracy of the person who is acting
in a very self-serving manner, more focused on self over the whole, they come
to discover the message was false, the whole team can suffer and even break
once the truth comes to light. Remember, this is only hypothetical, but I have
not only run across this in a variety of situations but have been guilty of
being that person at times. I can say this, true strength of leadership through
a servant attitude does not come from a boastful position but rather from a
position of support and care of one who is dedicated to the community rather
than self.
came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on
earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new
disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am
with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matt 28:18-20 NLT
All power and authority is given
as a gift from God to go out into all nations baptizing and teaching in the
name of the Lord, not in the name of the individual. Be careful of those who
teach and preach but do so to bring glory to self over the Almighty. The Truth
is for the benefit of the whole of creation and not for the glorification of
any one individual. There was not one specific disciple singled out in this
message from Matthew 28, they all had the same message to relay to the world.
In 1 Cor 15:9- 10 NLT, Paul even claimed that;
“...I am
the least of all the apostles. In fact, I’m not even worthy to be called an
apostle after the way I persecuted God’s church. But whatever I am now, it is
all because God poured out his special favor on me—and not without results. For
I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God
who was working through me by his grace.”
So here is a thought, when it comes to dealing with those who
are focused on self over the needs of the whole, let them boast and yammer on
because the truth will be revealed. For me, I have come to understand that I am
not in this for the recognition of self but to glorify God in my words and
actions, addressing the needs of those in our community.
don’t worry; we wouldn’t dare say that we are as wonderful as these other men
who tell you how important they are! But they are only comparing themselves
with each other, using themselves as the standard of measurement. How ignorant!
We will not boast about things done outside our area of authority. We will
boast only about what has happened within the boundaries of the work God has
given us, which includes our working with you. 2 Cor 10:12-13 NLT
The Main Avenue service will be
broadcast online (see links below), or you are more than welcome to join us in
person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Live - Main Ave Fellowship
Our Mission “To live the love
of Christ”
Where Do You See
Yourself In Five Years?
When I look back on my career in management, I can remember using
the line “where do you see yourself in five years” as not only a part of yearly
reviews, but also in the interview process. In the review process, it served as
a tool to not only find out an individual’s outlook for the future, but also
see if their goals or focus had changed. You see, as we get older, sometimes
our goals shift and it is a good thing to occasionally look at our focus in a
new light. Now, for a person in an interview, this question can be a bit of a
setup because I used it as an opportunity to see if the candidate did their
homework. I was hiring for entry level positions, and I was focusing on
succession planning for the future. If the candidate did their homework, they
would know what things would be available to them and what it could lead to. I
giggle at the thought of me asking that question in the fall of 2019. What
would you say to a person if they replied, “I see myself sitting at a kitchen
table in pajama bottoms and a shirt and tie with a fake background answering
questions in a virtual meeting at my home”? How about if the answer was this,
“I see myself retired, doing projects around the house, listening to the Guess
Who, and sipping coffee”?
To tell the truth, I was getting rather tired of asking people
“where do you see yourself in 5 years” because it was usually the same
rehearsed answers that changed like the sands on a beach. I do have my own
plans for the future and am working towards setting up for retirement, but I
have come to the realization over these past few weeks while working with a
couple of Padres in Cold Lake, that retirement is only a small aspect of my
future. You see, while Chaplain Tony and I were chatting about the next few
years, and I shared with him some of my thoughts about moving forward into the
“Golden Years”, he pointed out that we never truly retire from our calling.
This got me thinking about the future in a whole new way. You see, I was making
plans for the future, but I was not leaving room for His will in my life. We
are all messengers of the Truth, and we need to remember this is a life
calling, not just something for a time. This bit of scripture popped out at me
and has changed my way of thinking. It is not about where we see ourselves in
five years but rather where we see ourselves when the race has been run.
I’m not saying that I have this all
together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for
Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong:
By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on
the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and
I’m not turning back.
So let’s keep focused on that goal,
those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something
else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred
vision—you’ll see it yet! Now that we’re on the right track, let’s stay on it.
Phil 3:12-16 Msg
So please do, go forward and make the plans, and when you are
asked about where you will be in the next five years, be confident in saying
that you will be serving the Lord in whatever capacity He sees fit. I wonder
how that would go over in a job interview? Maybe I will give it a try should I
be asked that at some point in time, it could be a rather interesting
conversation starter. Remember, in all things praise His name, give thanks for
the time He has provided us and serve Him with all you are until the day the
race is over and He calls you home. That is where I see myself in the next
five, ten or twenty years.
The Main Avenue service will be broadcast online (see links
below), or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in
Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
What a Day That Will Be
At the end of June,
I said goodbye to my wonderful wife as she hopped in the car to head to the
airport. A few hours later, she arrived in Nova Scotia to visit with her family
and the very next day I jumped into my vehicle and headed northeast to start my
six-week tasking at the Cold Lake Training Centre. We left our pups in the very
capable hands of our good friend who was watching over our house and for the past
five and a half weeks, I have been missing Natalie, my pups, and my friends
terribly. As a part of the Wellness Team here on base, we have helped many
overcome the pains of separation from friends and family. Over time, the pain
of separation has slowly subsided and those here have started to form strong
bonds with others and, I fear, there will be many tears shed when we all depart
for home at the end of the week. Once again, these feelings of loss will
subside as we gather with our friends and family once again and things start to
return to a bit more normal. Here is the important thing, we will never forget
those whom we have shared a bit of our lives with or built relationships with. When
we see them once again, there will be a time of sharing and then we go on once
again. I am looking forward to being back with my wife and friends once again
but until then, we relish the times we can talk and share over the phone.
So, consider this,
how much does our Saviour’s heart earn to be with us in person? He was with us,
in person, for a brief time and the bonds He created in that time were
incredible. In that time, He built relationships that not only were for a time
but were for all eternity and even though I have not met Him in person, I know
Him in Spirit. I know His loving touch, I have felt the wave of love roll over
me and through me that day I fully got it, the day I asked Him to come into a
personal relationship with me. I can still remember that day. The tears rolled
down my cheeks as I came to fully understand just how much He loved me and
cared for me. And even though I have never met the Man in the flesh, I know I
could not walk away from Him, not even for a moment. There are times when I do
not feel close to Him, but I know He is near to me, He has never left me and
all I need to do is pick up the Holy phone (go to prayer) and have a great
conversation with Him. I know He waits for me, for us all, and we will one day
know Him, touch Him, and experience His perfect love for us.
The Main Avenue service will be broadcast online (see
links below), or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main
Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live
- Main Ave Fellowship
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Two children playing happily in the back yard when suddenly
an ear-shattering scream is heard followed closely by
another and two kids come running around the corner of the house, both in
tears, both trying to get the story out before the other. I am sure there are
those out there who know this scenario or who live it on
a daily basis. There are as many ways to deal with this as there are
parents and grandparents on this planet. For some, they separate the two
combatants, go calm down the one and then go to the other, calm them down and
proceed with a negotiated settlement that sees them return to a state of play.
When my brother and I acted out, we were sent to our rooms to think about it
and not come out until we were allowed. One thing was very common in that we
were told to say sorry for what we did. There were also times when our sorry was
as heartfelt as saying thank you for that scratchy wool sweater at Christmas.
Now before I get a bunch of emails saying they liked that scratchy sweater at
Christmas let me say this – you were one of the few. So, to continue, my
parents would make me say it over if they felt it was not heartfelt. There is
sorry, then there is sorry (I am going to be grounded for a month if I don’t
choke this out) and then there is the heartfelt “I AM SOOOOOO SORRY” that also
includes ugly cry and those hiccup sobs.
Let’s bring this back to church. How many times have you been
hurt at church and the pain is so bad you leave and then blame the church for
it? For the sake of honesty, I can admit that there are times when it happens
to me, and I feel like just walking away. Happened just before I was supposed
to preach, and I had to leave. I did come back in time to speak (the subject
was joy) and, while the person that caused me to burst into tears was absolutely oblivious to what they had done, I was
crushed. Later, a friend who had noticed what happened, and realized the
effects of the treatment, made mention and they were told that is not what was
meant. The apology came a few days later (I was not expecting it) and went
something like this; “I am sorry you took it the wrong way but...”. Where am I going
with this? Glad you asked. Forgive me my trespasses
as I forgive others who trespass against me. I did change it slightly to
personalize it but here is the truth. Forgive like you have been forgiven and
do so with an open heart. Ask forgiveness with that gut wrenching, ugly cry,
deep down hiccup sob request and on the flip side, forgive with tears of joy
and full-on heart embrace that says, “it's all good”. You see, relationships
can be destroyed because our own pride gets in the way of seeing past the
faults of others. I am not perfect, and I can upset other people. It is the
last thing I want to do but it does happen and the best thing I can do is to
ask forgiveness and not find a way to deepen the chasm with the word “but”. Why
not forgive as you have been forgiven? What is the outcome of all this? A
deeper relationship within our community and a blessing of Peace.
The Main Avenue service will be broadcast online (see links
below), or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in
Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main
Ave Fellowship
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Not Everyone Is a Believer
So, as you may or may not know, I am away from home at an air
force base in northeastern Alberta. There are so many people on this base from
so many different ethnicities and they all have such an array of religious or
non-religious backgrounds. I
could go down several paths with this article, but I want to focus on one
thing; we are all God’s creation whether we know it or not. Earlier in the day, my cohort and I were
discussing the big bang theory and the creation and, while our ideologies are
very compatible, we did have our own opinions. My thought is this; while
evolutionists conclude that all life came from a massive explosion of a small
and finite amount of matter which produced an infinite and massive universe
that continues to expand and will do so until sometime in the near or infinite
future when it may or may not collapse in upon itself. I do not want to get too
deep into this but will say this, according to Antoine Lavoisier in 1789, “Matter
can change form through physical and chemical changes, but through any of these
changes matter is conserved. The same amount of matter exists before and after
the change—none is created or destroyed. This concept is called the Law of
Conservation of Mass.” My questions regarding this are where did the original
matter come from and what was the “spark” that set it all off. Secondly, if
something that massive and that hot was the start of all life, how did the
organic material survive?
Let me throw this out there as a possible answer; In the
beginning God created... Gen 1:1. You want the spark to the start of all
that is, God created it. Intelligent design, He has a thought and a purpose and
He created the universe and it was, in my opinion a very large bang, He created
the heavens and the earth and all the stars in the sky, He took the time to
place the earth just where it needed to be, He set up the perfect amount of
water and air required, prepared the dry earth for food and animals and then
God created man, in His image. He set the foundation for life, He created life
and He then created man and woman. From Adam and Eve came all mankind and we
are all one in the Father, the creator of us all. Not everyone believes this,
not all will proclaim this but, truth be told, it makes much more sense in my
mind that a chance encounter of a series of proteins that somehow survived a
cataclysmic event and through some miracle, sorry, evolutionary event, became a
sentient life form, survived the harshness of a very inhospitable environment,
and somehow formed complex organisms that eventually became human beings.
Here’s a heads up for those who follow the theory of evolution, not everyone is
a believer of this. I, for one, can appreciate the differences in our
understandings and beliefs and I will never force my beliefs on anyone. It is
my calling to inform others as to what I believe to be truth and also to
respect the ideology of others. I try to keep an open mind just as I hope
others would to my ideas and beliefs. We all do not have to fully buy into the
thoughts or beliefs of each other nor do we need to fight wars over our
differences, we simply need to respect each other and, as in all things, keep
an open mind to the opinions of others.
I have learned so much from listening to others in my time
here and am grateful for the added knowledge and wisdom they have shared with
me. We are all family on this rock that circles the sun at an incredible speed
and for that I am truly humbled and grateful.
Who Is the Fool
A truly
wise person uses few words; a person with understanding is even-tempered.
fools are thought wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem
intelligent. Pro 17:27-28
I know I have written about this before on a few occasions
but there are times when we all, me included, need to be reminded that there
are times to speak and there are times to shut our pie holes. Prime example, I
was watching a show the other day and was in one of those moods where I was
hypercritical of the message being delivered. It was a comedy show but for some
reason I was watching it like it was real and was getting rather upset at one
actor. You see, the protagonist was asked a question regarding his opinion and,
if memory serves correct, the antagonist interrupted him and told him that was
not right and that this is how it really should be. The protagonist was very
patient regarding the interruption and when he was given the chance, he
continued with his opinion. He was interrupted on numerous occasions and when
it came time to provide an illustration, he could not even get through the
story and the antagonist was interrupting with a “better story” than the one
the protagonist was telling. I know these are actors and it was a simple skit,
but I have lived through discussions like this, and I am embarrassed to admit,
I was the antagonist on many occasions in my youth.
When I got into ministry, my mentor who is a very patient and
loving person, took me off to the side and suggested I read Proverbs 17:27-28.
I read it though a couple of times but really didn’t see the significance of
the verse as it pertained to me but over the years, I have come back to it
numerous times and have often quoted it under my breath on numerous occasions.
Abraham Lincoln was thought to have said “Better to Remain Silent and Be
Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt” This, combined with the
Proverb was the turning point to my life, I concluded that if you ask for my
thoughts or opinions on something, tell me I am wrong and then proceed to
relentlessly carry on, I will let you have your rein so you can keep on
galloping ahead. Following scripture, I will simply remain silent, smile and
nod and I may even let you know that I have never heard it presented like that
before. You see, I am trying to be wise and understanding, and I figure if I
keep my mouth shut, I can keep a ton of people guessing and I will be able to
reduce some of the stress in my life by avoiding useless arguments. Does it
work every time? No, it doesn’t but I am not perfect, just forgiven.
The Main Avenue service will be broadcast online (see links
below), or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in
Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Farewell For Now
Farewell my friend but it is only for a time, not forever. It has
been a while since I saw my friend Walter but I want to tell you a bit about
him. You see, he had a big smile and an even bigger heart. I would see him at
church and his joy was infectious. You could not help but smile when he was
around. I cherished those times he would share his nature pictures on Facebook,
such wonderful glimpses into the world just outside his back door. At the
church gatherings, it was truly wonderful to chat with him and hear the love of
God communicated through his words and actions. While I won’t see him again on
this earth, I look forward to seeing him once again in Glory. Such a wonderful
thought that one day we will be able to see those who have left before us in
Heaven. I do have to say this, there are those who will say that I am a fool
for believing in a fallacy, in a myth but I have to say this, I have faith in a
magnificent and wonderful Saviour and in His promise. My response to those who
mock is simple; am I hurting you with my faith? If not, pump the brakes, step
off my belief and continue on your merry way. You see, my faith in a living and
loving God is just that, mine. I don’t hurt you or force you to believe but if
you do want to ask the questions and ponder, I will gladly sit and chat...just
like Walter and many others like him.
There is a parable about three men who were given a task of taking
care of the master’s wealth and how the one servant took the time to grow the
wealth over time and when the master returned, there was an increase and this
was good. I want to challenge you to think about the things God has entrusted
us all with; His Message. We have not been tasked to save the world but rather
to share the love of God and the message of grace to all around us as we come
into contact with them, We don’t need to slay the mighty giant with a stone or
part the sea with a stick but rather spread the Word of God and see the fruits
grow for the Master. I only hope one day there will be those who will say that
I planted the seed of faith in their heart and they found salvation because
they heard the Good News. For me, however, what I want more than that is to
hear my Master say, “well done, oh good and faithful servant.” Those who
mentored me, who took time to share the Message and help me better understand
His Word, like Walter, I am certain they were met at the gates of Glory by the
Saviour and heard those words from Him directly. Praise God for faithful
The Main Avenue service will be broadcast online (see links
below), or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in
Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of
The Days Are Getting Shorter
Once we pass June 21, our days start
to get shorter and shorter. I have stood on a balcony in the far north and
watched the sun dip down to the horizon and then come right back up moments
later. It never did get dark that day and I was truly amazed. There is a downside
to this however, in the winter, it gets super dark for a very long time. It is
hard to stay super positive when you are lacking enough light to keep the
Vitamin D levels up. You see Vitamin D is critical in helping the body to
absorb and retain both calcium and phosphorus, both essential for building
strong bones.
Also, laboratory studies show that vitamin D can reduce cancer cell
growth, help control infections and reduce inflammation. Many of the body’s
organs and tissues have receptors for vitamin D, which suggest important roles
beyond bone health, and scientists are actively investigating other possible
functions…Vitamin D production in the skin is the primary natural source of
vitamin D, but many people have insufficient levels because they live in places
where sunlight is limited in winter, or because they have limited sun exposure
due to being inside much of the time. (Harvard TH Han https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/vitamin-d/)
Vitamin D is the “sunshine vitamin”
and without it, we would not have the vital foundation required to do the
amazing things we want to accomplish.
As the world gets smaller and smaller
through the instant communication network that is social media, conspiracy
theories, cancel culture, public shaming and negativity seems to rule the web
and many conversations, on a daily basis. No wonder depression and mental
disorders are so prevalent in our culture because there is so much darkness in all
aspects of our daily lives. The darkness that is out there is widespread
because the world wants us all to focus on that instead of the Truth that is
the Light.
Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the
world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will
have the light that leads to life.” John 8:12 NLT
Why is this message so scary? Jesus
did not come to the world to condemn but rather to save, to bring Light into
the lives of all. It is a message of love and kindness, peace and joy. This is
a message of caring for others and keeping the Light front and center. Even
though the world wants for itself, Jesus came to chase out the darkness and conquer
death for all. So, for a time, the lovers of the darkness have their time but,
in the end, the Light will destroy the darkness and He will prevail. As Harvey
Dent said in the Dark Knight “The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise
you, the dawn is coming.” Jesus will return, be ready and be vigilant. When the time
is right, He will come and chase away the darkness forever. Praise the Lord!
The service will be broadcast online
(see links below), or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402
Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of
Can We Pump The Brakes?
This sabbatical has been good for me
but it has also opened my eyes a bit more. You see when one focuses on the
needs of the faith gathering for the majority of the time, one tends to be
somewhat blind to the needs of the greater community around us and the warnings
contained in Scripture. I was perusing the internet for scripture paintings and
art that I could possibly purchase for my office when I came upon one that
grabbed my attention. The more I read it and read around it, that is the
passages before and after, and I realized this was a message that needed to be
studied and broadcast to the world.
You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very
difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money.
They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents,
and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving
and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will
be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be
reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They
will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly.
Stay away from people like that! 2 Tim 3:1-5 NLT
Many will call those who stand on the
street corner packing signs and pamphlets that declare “the end is near” yet
two thousand years ago, Paul was telling Timothy what the end days would look
like. There will be even harder times coming unless we, as a faith community,
take a stand and ask the world to pump the brakes on selfish attitudes and
shift the focus off dangerous and divisive self-centred desires and shift the
paradigm to one of love and unity in Christ. While the world looks for ways to
promote distinctiveness, Jesus promotes unity and peace.
There is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the
man Christ Jesus. He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. 1Tim
2:5-6 NLT
Over the next two and a half months,
I will be focused on Paul’s message to Timothy and will start a series on the
epistles to Timothy.
The service will be broadcast online
(see links below), or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402
Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of
The Church Is Not About the Speaker but the
A while back, I attended a service
where the person beside me was chatting rather loudly with regards to the
preacher. The conversation mainly focused on the delivery, the tone of the
preacher’s voice, and a variety of other issues that had nothing to do with the
message. I even overheard the person say, “if this person becomes more regular
in the church, I am looking for another church”. I will admit, I was not all
that into the delivery or even the attitude of the preacher, but I did keep it
to myself, but I will admit, the message was fully scriptural and right on
point. There are some who preach like Rev. Lovejoy from the Simpsons or preach
like a wind-up monkey with a set of tambourines but what we need to listen for
is the message. Let’s try this on for an illustration.
There are many out there who do not
like southern gospel. Some people love the old hymns, some appreciate the new
choruses and others a good old fashioned Gregorian chant. Over the past twenty-three
years in ministry, I have heard the same complaint with regards to music, “they
never play music I like”. Consider this, if I was to pull up some of the
worship songs from the days of Christ, not many would really fancy the tunes
but think about this, are we there to tickle the fancy of self or are we there
to share, worship and celebrate our Lord and Savior. Take some time to look at
the lyrics of the Christian songs you like and define the central message of
the song. Now, look at song you are not a fan of and analyze the central
message presented. Are they the same? Do they celebrate Jesus and encourage a
faith in God? Sure, not all messages tickle our fancy but not all of us like the
same things in life. My suggestions is this, instead of complaining about the
delivery, celebrate the fact that someone has taken time to listen to His
Message, that the preacher or worship team has been faithful to present His
Message to those who need to hear and celebrate and that they are doing
everything they can in a world filled with doubt and confusion to declare the
Grace of God. Celebrate God, lift His messengers in prayer and support the
faith family through encouragement and uplifting discussions. You see, the evil
one’s main tool is chaos, confusion and separation, don’t give into his nasty
One last thing before I sign off for
this week, if the church is missing something like a children’s program or a
youth group or even a young adult’s group, don’t walk away going “they have
nothing for us here”. Instead, ask around to see if there is an opportunity to
start something and then just do it. It takes time and effort to build up the
church, don’t wait for “someone” to get the ball rolling, be that “someone”.
Remember, Jesus said go out into all nations to share, baptize, and build up
the faith community (I paraphrase). He did not say go out and find a group that
is already up and running that suits your needs.
The service will be broadcast online
(see links below), or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402
Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of
Build It Up
I was watching a show the other day about engineering mistakes and
some of the consequences. There was a building that was erected on rather
sketchy ground, and after a couple of earth movements, it began to shift. Over a
few months, it had shifted enough that the experts were convinced it would soon
fall down and cause major issues to the buildings around it. The decision was
made to bring it down. It took a week to figure out how to implode it safely
and a couple seconds to bring it to the ground. Had the engineers taken some
time to work up the plans better, research the area better and build up the
foundation even more, the building would not have failed and had to be taken
down. There are numerous examples of buildings falling down due to people not
taking the time to fully appreciate the situation and working on ways to build
up the foundation on the way to creating something of beauty. It does take more
effort in the planning stage, but the results are evident in the end.
Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let
everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an
encouragement to those who hear them. Eph 4:29 NLT
It takes only a moment, a slip of the tongue, to bring down a
person. I have, unfortunately, been on the delivery end of some hurtful
comments and, even though I have taken time to apologize for my error, my
words/actions still haunt me to this day. It takes time to slow up, think about
what we are about to say and rework the message to build one up rather than
lash out and take the feet out from under someone. When we use foul or abusive
language (hurtful remarks), it is like setting dynamite at the base of a
building and letting it go off and rarely does the person who pushed the button
stick around to clean up the aftermath. It does take time to think our way
through a thoughtful way to build someone up and invest in them so they become
all they can be. How much richer is the community when we seek ways to build
each other up rather than take the lazy way out and tear down those around us?
As a person who has the legs taken out from under him on numerous
occasions, I can tell you the names of every person who has taken the time to
help me up, dust me off and encourage me to go forward with a new outlook and
strength. To those people, I give you thanks. To the ones who did not, I
forgive you completely.
As I am on sabbatical for the next three months, these articles
will still be coming out because it is an opportunity for me to share what God
lays on my heart. We invite you to gather with us at 10:30 a.m. to explore His
love and His message for our hearts through His messenger Rev. Bob Hillock. The
service will be broadcast online (see links below), or you are more than
welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of
Living on the Edge
You know,
one really does not fully realize just how close to the edge of the cliff one
is walking until you look back and see how close you were. Last week, I was out
in the back country and we hiked up to the top of a rather large hill. If I was
to name it like it felt, I would have called it a medium sized mountain. It
took a bit of time to actually get up to the top (except for two intrepid
mountain goats whom shall remain nameless who went straight up) because we were
being cautious and were zig-zagging our way to the crest. There was deadfall on
the path, some rather tricky parts on a side slope but we made it right to the
summit. One of our hikers had a slight sprain and I took a bit of time to
assess the ankle and, while I was doing so, someone snapped a picture and
showed it to me. Now generally I am a fairly safe person but I did not realize
just how close to the edge I was sitting because I was more focused on the
needs of the other person. Another thing I did not notice was there was another
person close beside me who was, it appeared, watching to make sure I did not go
for a tumble. You see, this cliff behind me was a rather large drop with
basically nothing on the face to arrest a fall and, when I looked at it from
the bottom on our way up, it was a shear rock face. I am very grateful for the
fact that someone was watching my back while I was helping another.
So this
leads me to part two. We can burn the candle at both ends at times and, as we
get used to the pace, we can get quite comfortable with that pace but forget to
take a look around us to see what all is being affected. Sure, there are things
we need to do and other things we are expected to do but there is a time when
we need to stop, take a look at what all is around us and assess our
surroundings. It may seem that we have it all in hand but when we stop to take
a look, we see the damage that is in our wake. An eight-hour day turns into a
nine-hour day and then into a ten-hour day. There are not enough hours in the
day so Saturday becomes an option. Suddenly the family and friends start to
feel neglected and out come the excuses. “Just let me push through this on the
weekend and next weekend we will go to the beach”. The beach never happens,
more promises get broken, and the stress begins to affect the health of not
only the individual but also the relationships around us. For those going to
church or participating in faith activities, it becomes a thing that can be
whittled away to make time for other things and it just keeps spiralling out of
control. The most important person who can speak into this chaos is the one who
is getting pushed to the back of the priority list. Scripture states that He
will never leave us or forsake us yet we are the ones putting up the wall and
shutting Him out. Ask yourself this, has the time come to do a re-org and
re-prioritize life?
As I write
this, I am in day one of my sabbatical and have already been warned to take a
break, a real break and re-org life. They took away my phone and distributed my
responsibilities to others who are more than capable of handling them. I am in
a time of rest and relaxation so that I might renew and rebuild. With God
watching over me and my friends and family watching my back, I know I will not
We invite
you to gather with us at 10:30 a.m. to explore His love and His message for our
hearts. The service will be broadcast online (see links below), or you are more
than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live
– You Tube
Our Mission
“To live the love of Christ”
The Church Is More
Than The Building
A few
weeks ago, I had a conversation with a friend regarding the church. It was a
common discussion where the person said they were a Christian but the church
had hurt them and they stopped attending because of it. Now I can understand
being angry with a person or leader of a church, I can even understand if
people were upset with the rules of the church but to stop attending because
they have an issue with a person is a bit of a stretch in my mind. You see, the
church is full of people who are fallible and prone to messing up. Jesus came
to allow us all to be on the same footing even though we are, none of us,
saints. When the girl in the square was being chastised by the masses by the
“clean” members of society, Jesus knelt down, declared “those who are without
sin, cast the first stone” and the “righteous” slinked off into the shadows.
Here is the key to this, there is not a single one of us who has not caused
angst to another but in Christ, we are all family who need to stick together,
support each other and forgive as we have been forgiven. It seems simple but it
is rather more difficult especially when God is not a part of it.
I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s
power for us who believe Him. This is the same mighty power that raised
Christ from the dead and seated Him in the place of honor at God’s right hand
in the heavenly realms. Now He is far above any ruler or authority or
power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world
to come. God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made
Him head over all things for the benefit of the church. And the church is His
body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere
with Himself. Eph 1:19-23 NLT
We are the church, the holy
gathering, and we all look to the great I AM for the hope, love and
forgiveness. None of us is perfect, none of us is above the other but we are
all made complete by the agape love of Jesus. If a person of the church hurts
you, spend some extra time and effort to love on them, forgive them and stay in
relationship with them because we are only complete when the family is all
We invite you to gather with us at
10:30 a.m. to explore His love and His message for our hearts. The service will
be broadcast online (see links below), or you are more than welcome to join us
in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave
YouTube Live – You
Our Mission “To live the love of
Lean On Me
Have you ever had that moment where
you think “If I get out of this unscathed, it will be a miracle”? Sitting in a
restaurant and someone yelled “stop that guy” and before my brain could
register time, place and circumstances I stood up and promptly was run over by
a guy who registered on the Richter scale the second he stepped out of bed. The
only thing I could think of as I bounced off his chest and rolled backwards down
the aisle was “what was I thinking?” I, like so many others, have had numerous
moments in life when we get into situations and realize we are well over our
heads. Some will scream out to the sky hoping for a lightning bolt to fix the
problem while others would rely on their own strength or smarts to find a
solution. When the going gets tough, the strongest lean on the Holy Spirit for
the strength and fortitude to overcome. When
the Holy Spirit is on your side, there is nothing that cannot be overcome.
Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right
alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t
matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless
sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows
our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be
so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something
good. Romans 8:26-28
I am a strong advocate of the immense
power of Holy Spirit and truly believe that our strength comes through Him for
He is above all things created and, by the Scripture above, He is making prayer
out of our wordless sighs. The details of our lives, the events of our past
shape us, our reliance on the Holy Spirit helps us grow in our faith walk and
gives us a hope and a strength that is only found in the love of our Lord and
There is power in the Holy Spirit
that is beyond our comprehension and knowledge, and I am sure He has acted in
our lives more often than we realize. As we pray in the Spirit, seek out His
wisdom and listen to His directions, we might learn to sidestep the great
monster that is trying to harm us and not get run over by a set of size
seventeen shoes.
We invite you to gather with us at
10:30 a.m. to explore His love and His message for our hearts. The service will
be broadcast online (see links below), or you are more than welcome to join us
in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of
Let His Light Shine Through
The last couple weeks we have been
talking about the Word of God written on our hearts and challenging each other
to live the love of God for all around to benefit from. You see, our faith is
one of love and peace. Yes, there are those factions who claim to be of the
faith family but, unfortunately, do not live the love of Christ in their daily
lives. There will always be peoplewho point out the failures of those who are
not in step with God like the gathered who are quick with their cellphone
cameras when we have a YouTube moment. Let me throw this out there for an
The other day I made a mistake and
for the life of me I cannot remember what the error was. It did affect a couple
other people and when the slipup was discovered, I did exactly what was
expected, I blamed someone else and deflected. Actually, I did the exact
opposite. I apologized profusely and took responsibility for the mistake. It did not cost me anything, this error, but
it not only made me feel better for living out my faith but it was also a
testament for others in that I was willing to name the error, claim the error
and seek forgiveness. You see none of us is perfect but we are forgiven, if we
seek His forgiveness.
This is the message we heard from Jesus and now declare to you: God
is light, and there is no darkness in him at all. So, we are lying if we
say we have fellowship with God but go on living in spiritual darkness; we are
not practicing the truth. But if we are living in the light, as God is in
the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his
Son, cleanses us from all sin.
If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living
in the truth. But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just
to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. If we claim
we have not sinned, we are calling God a liar and showing that his word has no
place in our hearts. 1 John 1:5-10 NLT
Walk in faith, take responsibility
for your actions, and make amends by seeking forgiveness. It is not all that
hard. Allow the Holy Spirit to be your guide and follow His directives. You
see, God does not set us up for failure but rather watches over us when we do
mess up and yes, we will mess up. Great thing about our Saviour, like so many
of our real good friends, He will not hold our mistakes over our heads. Praise
God for that!
We invite you to gather with us at
10:30 a.m. to explore His love and His message for our hearts. The service will
be broadcast online (see links below), or you are more than welcome to join us
in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of
It’s All About The Heart
The other day, I was thinking about something and before I
knew it, it was out of my mouth. Now don’t get me wrong, it was nothing bad, in
fact it was not even a word that got me in trouble, it was a sigh.
There have been times when I have said “sorry, did I roll my
eyes too loudly” or let out a rather loud guffaw but this past week I got to
thinking that this is all an external expression of what is in my heart. We
have talked about this before, what is the foundation of our faith? God said
that He has written His word upon our heart. Jesus has the perfect message,
“love one another as yourself”. Ask yourself this then, would you guffaw, roll
your eyes or, let’s kick this up a notch, yell at your friend or family member
if you truly loved them. Funny how I was taught that we are the hardest on
those we love the most and, in many cases, we will say things to them we would
not dare to anyone else. This got me to pondering why? I truly believe, and you
can correct me if you want, it is not the mouth that gets us in to trouble but
rather the heart. Think about this for a moment, if we were to truly love our
neighbour as ourselves or even love our enemy just as much, would we take jabs
at them and fan the flames of the anger? I mean Jesus told us “blessed are the
peacemakers for they will be called children of God” (Matt 5:9).
This may be an old cliché, but I feel it is the one thing
that may be missing in this world. I am talking about “what would Jesus do?”
Let’s take this down a parallel path “what would Jesus say and why would He say
it that way?” Yes, Jesus did raise His voice a couple times but for the most
part, He sought out ways to lift people up rather than let the situation
control His heart and temper. The Pharisees were looking for ways to mess Him up,
but Jesus’ mouth was in unison with His heart. The woman at the well was
waiting for chastising but she found love and compassion in His words. The
woman caught in adultery was waiting to hear the judgement of death by stoning
and yet Jesus said, “where are your accusers?” This is where His heart shone
through when He told her “Then neither do I, go forth and sin no more”. What is
in the heart, I feel, is what guides our mouth in the direction of hurtful or
helping comments.
Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be
good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear
them. Eph 4:29 NLT
Read on further in this chapter because this is where we will
be focusing on Sunday. We invite you to gather with us at 10:30 a.m. to explore
His love and His message for our hearts. The service will be broadcast online
(see links below) or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main
Ave. W in Sundre, AB.
Pastor Todd MacDonald
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
I Can’t Even Walk
There are those out there who are not
big fans of Southern Gospel so they may not know the song “I Can’t Even Walk”
by Cody Johnson. If you get a chance, Google the lyrics or search the song on
YouTube because the message is so appropriate for today. You see, the world is
reaching out and seeking answers to the issues that constantly bombard us every
single day either on the news or in our daily lives. Last week, I asked the
question “do you know of Jesus
or do you know Jesus? There is
a huge difference in that one single word. Consider the passage from John
Jesus shouted to the crowds, “If
you trust me, you are trusting not only me, but also God who sent me. For
when you see me, you are seeing the one who sent me. I have come as a
light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will
no longer remain in the dark. I will not judge those who hear me but don’t
obey me, for I have come to save the world and not to judge it.
For those who know of Jesus I say
this, even the devil knows of Jesus but that does not mean that he has put his
trust and faith in the Lord. If you know Jesus, if you have put you hope and
faith in Him and Him alone, if you have given over your life, your whole heart
is with Jesus and you trust Him completely, you know the power and grace of our
precious Saviour. This is when we all realize that we need Christ to walk with
us, to give us strength, to show us the way. As the song says:
I thought I could do a lot on my own.
I thought I could make it all day long. I thought of myself as a mighty big man
but I can't even walk without you holding my hand.
If I put my trust in the world, the
world will try to guide me in the way that it wants for it’s own benefit but if
I put my trust in the Lord, He will guide my path in the direction that will
benefit both myself and those around me. You see He wants us to be with Him in
Glory, when the time comes. He will show us the path that will work best for
our journey to Heaven and, through the Holy Spirit, we are strengthened and
lifted along this journey. You see, I can’t even walk without Him holding my
hand. There are big mountains and wide valleys that will provide some tough
obstacles and that is a guarantee. The position of strength is on our knees in
prayer, when the journey gets too rough. Reach out and let Jesus take you by
the hand, let Him give you the strength to carry on, the wisdom to deal with
the issues of life and the focus to keep on His path.
There is a friend who just found out
some terrible news. When we lose someone close and are left alone to wonder
why, we can seek out comfort and care from friends plus we can take time out to
pray for guidance and strength from the One who can truly comfort. I pray for
His love to ease the burden, His wisdom to be able to come alongside others who
are grieving and the strength to overcome the loss. Jesus is with us at all
times and always is on the ready to take our hand in these difficult times.
We will be gathering Sunday at 10:30
to celebrate Christ’s love for each and everyone of us. Service will be
broadcast online (see links below) or you are more than welcome to join us in
person at 402 Main Avenue W in Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of
Do You Remember?
Do you know Peter Ostrum? Mr. Ostrum
is a veterinarian in Glenfield, New York. He graduated from Cornell in 1984 and
went into practice shortly afterwards. He was raised in Cleveland, Ohio and
Hunterdon, New Jersey. In 1987, he married Loretta Lepkowski, and they have two
children. An ordinary man living an ordinary life. His son, Leif, is an up-and-coming
actor in his high school and may be following in his father’s footsteps. Do you
know who he is yet? His one and only role was that of Charlie Bucket, the sweet
loveable kid in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. He had a wonderful
relationship with Gene Wilder who, for five months, mentored young Peter during
the filming. An ordinary kid who did an amazing job for a brief period but his
contribution to the arts has a long-lasting effect on millions of people. Here
is the thing, there is a whole generation who do not know Peter Ostrum as
Charlie because the show was remade and the new Charlie was played by Freddie
Highmore, better known today as The Good Doctor. You see, today, very few
people survive the popularity rollercoaster because society is very fickle and
to tell the truth, once someone has had their “fifteen minutes of fame,” they
can just fade away rather easily.
Do you know Jesus? You know, if I ask
that anywhere, most people will acknowledge they know of Him, a few will
acknowledge they know Him personally. Like Peter, Jesus had a short public ministry,
but His work continues. Peter walked away from the film industry even though
they offered him three more films. Peter came back in a different way and
continued to do great works in a way that benefits so many. Jesus lived,
taught, showed us a wonderful way, and then stepped away momentarily, three
days in the grave, and He came back in a new and magnificent way. His return
signaled the fulfillment of a promise, He conquered death. After His ascension
(His return to the Father in Heaven), His new position as intercessor for us
all continues His message of Grace for all who call upon Jesus as Lord and
Saviour. Here is my worry for society, just as people forget who Peter was,
there are so many who are losing touch with the Saviour. This is the one person
none should want to forget about because Jesus is the only way into Glory and
to lose sight of Him is like losing the golden ticket.
Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can
come to the Father except through me. 7 If you had
really known me, you would know who my Father is. From now on, you do know
him and have seen him!” John 14:6-7 NLT
And remember this, the story is not
over yet for He will return, and none know when that will be. So many claim to
know but they are confused. Christ has made it clear that He will return.
“Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people
according to their deeds. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,
the Beginning and the End.” Rev 22:12-13 NLT
Do you know Jesus Christ? Do you
acknowledge Him as Lord and Saviour? Have you given your life to Him, laid your
sins upon the Saviour and asked His grace to be upon you? Do you remember Him
because I can assure you of this one fact; He knows you.
We will be gathering Sunday at 10:30
to celebrate Christ’s love for each and everyone of us. Service will be
broadcast online (see links below) or you are more than welcome to join us in
person at 402 Main Avenue W in Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of
We Shall Never Grow Old
I got up this morning and took a look
in the mirror and noticed a few more grew hairs in the beard a couple more
wrinkles around the eyes and a few less hairs on the mountain peak. It takes a
bit more effort to get out of the chair, I grunt sitting down and getting out
of bed sounds like a bowl of Rice Krispies when you pour the milk on; snap,
crackle, pop! When reading the newspaper, it rather looks like I am playing a
trombone and people tend to have to repeat themselves more and more because I
am either not paying attention or I can’t hear them. Afternoon scheduling must
include a nap time and staying up late means going to bed at 10:00pm. This
getting old is for the birds but I tell you the truth, one day this will all
come to an end. Yes, there are two things that are assured, death and taxes but
death is not the end but rather the new beginning for those who declare Christ
as Saviour. You see, Jesus went to the grave, He faced the darkness and He
conquered death. On the third day He arose and with that came the fulfillment
of the promise, that through Christ we will be with Him in eternity one day.
Paul wrote this inspired letter to the church in Corinth:
What I am saying, dear brothers and
sisters, is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. These
dying bodies cannot inherit what will last forever.
But let me reveal to you a wonderful
secret. We will not all die, but we will all be transformed! It will
happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For
when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever.
And we who are living will also be transformed. For our dying bodies must
be transformed into bodies that will never die; our mortal bodies must be
transformed into immortal bodies.
Then, when our dying bodies have been
transformed into bodies that will never die, this Scripture will be
“Death is swallowed up in victory. O
death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?”
For sin is the sting that results in
death, and the law gives sin its power. But thank God! He gives us victory
over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.
So, my dear brothers and sisters, be
strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know
that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. 1 Cor 15:50-58 NLT
Our bodies may grow old and weary but
every day we grow in the Lord, our souls remain strong and vibrant because the
Holy Spirit is with us, filling us to overflowing and giving us a renewed strength
as we reach for the eternal prize, eternity in Glory with the great Adonai! I
have sat beside some of the greatest faith warriors I have ever known as they
come against the wall of mortal life. The body may be failing but their faith
is still strong as ever and they face this obstacle with the knowledge and joy
knowing the Saviour paved the way for them and they face the new journey with
We will be gathering Sunday at 10:30 to
hear a wonderful message from Rev Bob Hillock. Services will also be broadcast
online (see links below) or you are more than welcome to join us in person at
402 Main Avenue W in Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of
Faith of a Mustard Seed
When I start an article, the first item
which needs to be addressed is the title. Usually this is not a big deal and,
even today, the inspiration came from a daily reading but there was a twist. As
I renamed the file it said “saving; faith of a mustard seed”. That got me to
thinking about the completeness of the message for the season. Think about this
for a moment. Christ had entered the city of Jerusalem, triumphant as the King
of kings, and the people cheered Him on and rallied around Him. A few days
later, He was falsely accused of crimes against the laws of the Temple,
sentenced to death and suddenly the masses were rallied against Him and they
turned. Suddenly they were calling for His death and willing to have a known
criminal, a ruthless criminal, released back into their midst rather than have
Christ set free. Their faith in Christ being the Messiah was replaced by doubt
and fear, even His closest friend had turned away and departed. Just like Peter
stepping out of the boat in faith, the second they took their focus away from
Christ, they began to sink away and disappear.
Christ had told them numerous times to
have faith, that salvation faith in the Son of God. Scripture is pretty clear
in this.
Then Jesus told them, “I tell
you the truth, if you have faith and don’t doubt, you can do things like this
and much more… Matt 12:12
“You don’t have enough
faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even
as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to
there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible. Matt 17:20
But when the people rallied against
the Messiah and their hope was left hanging lifeless on the cross, fear for
self replaced faith in Christ. The promise, however, was still in place and not
even death could silence His covenant, for Christ had already told them the
“Don’t let your hearts be troubled.
Trust in God, and trust also in me. There is more than enough room in my
Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going
to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I
will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And
you know the way to where I am going.” John 14:1-4
The world is in a tough way right now
and it is not the first time. Fear, doubt and self-preservation dominates the
news, people have lost focus on the Way and now rely on the world to right
itself. I hate to say this but the world will not fix itself, only through
Christ can there be a love and a peace not available in the world. The time is
now to refocus on Jesus, let Him lift you up from the waters of turmoil and set
you on firm ground for He is the way, the truth and the light. Let the seed of
faith find root in your heart and you, along with millions of others, can make
a huge difference in this world. It is time to rally around the Saviour, and in
one voice proclaim victory in His Grace, and we will be with Him always.
We will be gathering Friday, April 7
at 10:30 AM for a Good Friday service and then again Sunday, April 9 at 10:30
for an Easter Celebration. Both services will be broadcast online (see links
below) or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Avenue W
in Sundre, AB.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of
Prepare Thee the Way
This is a time of joy, celebration
and yet it is also a time of sorrow and loss. You see, this was the day of the
coming of the Lord. He came into the presence of the people, the victorious
King of all kings and the people sang praises to His name and shouted
Hallelujah and recognizing Him as the Messiah.
When he reached the place where the
road started down the Mount of Olives, all of his followers began to shout and
sing as they walked along, praising God for all the wonderful miracles they had
seen. “Blessings on the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in
heaven, and glory in highest heaven!”
But some of the Pharisees among the
crowd said, “Teacher, rebuke your followers for saying things like that!”
He replied, “If they kept quiet,
the stones along the road would burst into cheers!” Luke 19:37-40 NLT
Such a fabulous celebration and, as
it was foretold in the ancient texts, He arrived as the victorious Saviour, the
mighty Son of God on a small colt. For it was written in Zechariah 9:9 NLT:
He was lifted up as He should have been
but, according to the prophecies, He was destined to be betrayed, brutalized and
crucified beside the vilest of villains. The Saviour, victorious in life,
triumphant over death. He died on the cross so that we would have victory over
death through Him. He takes our sins upon Himself and, when we proclaim Him as
Lord and Saviour and live for Him, through His grace, we will, one day, join
Him in Glory. He went before us to secure our salvation in eternity. The
victory won that day was meant for those who knew Him that day and for those
who proclaim Christ as Lord of their lives today. Jesus paved the way for us
all going forward into eternity. In that, we can truly celebrate.
This Sunday, we celebrate His love
for us all in the lead up to Good Friday. We would love for you to join us
either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of
In What Do You Believe?
So, here are two questions to
contemplate; what do you believe in and what symbol represents it? You may
question what this illustration has to do with anything but stay with me until
the end. The bow tie on a vehicle years ago meant you identified with a
particular family, the Chevrolet family. This was a large family that had/has a
very large impact on our nation and, yes, they had their opponents. The Ford
family was/is also a very large family, and they rally around the big blue
oval. Both families, both communities, were and still are very brand loyal and
have a very distinct culture within the domestic scene. This is but one example
of symbolism in our society and I am sure you can come up with literally
thousands of other examples because we all rally behind a symbol as a part of
our need to belong to a specific community. These symbols can change over time
such as the Canadian flag and it does take time to get used to the change but once
we accept the symbol as part of the ethos, it becomes the image of the culture.
Consider this, when Michael Jackson
hit it big, the Jackson nation started wearing one white glove, when the
Beatles were all the rage, Beatlemaniacs started wearing their hair just like
them. The world today knows the swastika as a symbol of death and war when at
one time is was actually a symbol of spiritual well-being for the Hindus,
Buddhists and Jains for millennia. So let us think about the cross for a
moment. Before the death of Christ on the cross, it symbolized a cruel and
painful death. There were many crosses, the “X” cross, the pole, the “T” cross
but I can guarantee that not a single follower of Christ wore the symbol of
death around their necks as jewelry. They followed the Way, identified as His
family through word and deed. They led with their hearts, not with spears and
swords. Scholars feel that it was not until the 4th century that the
Christian nation actually adopted the cross as the symbol of the faith family.
So, here is the question; why does the Christian nation wear the symbol of
death, method of death for their Saviour, around their neck? Why is it a symbol
on their churches and in their sanctuaries?
The cross is a symbol of hope, the
sign of a promise fulfilled. By His death and resurrection, we have a hope of
life eternal through His sacrifice. The empty cross is a symbol of His promise
fulfilled, death has no hold over Him and through Him we are saved.
But it was the Lord’s good plan to crush him and cause him
grief. Yet when his life is made an offering for sin, he will have many
descendants. He will enjoy a long life, and the Lord’s good plan will
prosper in his hands. When he sees all that is accomplished by his
anguish, he will be satisfied. And because of his experience, my
righteous servant will make it possible for many to be counted
righteous, for he will bear all their sins. I will give him the honors of
a victorious soldier because he exposed himself to death. He was counted among
the rebels. He bore the sins of many and interceded for rebels. Isa 53:10-12
This Sunday, we take a look at the
symbolism found during this season of forgiveness and celebrate His love for us
all in the lead up to Palm Sunday. We would love for you to join us either in
person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of
It Could Be Worse
So, after a very mild January and
February, we start off March with copious amounts of snow, minus thirty temps and
a snow blower that decides it no longer identifies as a mover of snow. We went
from hoping to have a nice mild end to winter to asking the weather broadcaster
“what did we do to deserve this?” You know, the cold temperatures are not forever
and it truly could be worse. I think of those who are suffering through the
cold but they are living in a war zone and have lost all they own, their homes
are gone, friends have been killed and there is no end in sight with regards to
the hostility around them. The warming trend that signals the start of spring only
makes conditions slightly better. Here in Sundre, we are making plans for a
yard cleaning once the snow clears, clean the windows of the winter filth and put
away the winter clothes. In war torn countries, they are looking to start
rebuilding their homes and their lives while still dodging bullets and bombs.
I was chatting with a friend who
still has family in the Ukraine and he was telling me that the one thing they
are clinging to is the fact God is still with them even in the crisis. Some in
this country ask “where is your God in all the chaos” while his family is
thankful that God has not left them. They are relying on a compassionate Lord
to see them through this crisis and He is their only hope in a time of
darkness. When I think of this, I look back to the scripture where David and
his cohorts are fleeing the king and are doing everything they can to stay
hidden in the very back of the cave (see 1 Samuel 24). God was with them all
that day and, when David could have taken the life of his adversary, the wisdom
of God prevailed and then He softened Saul’s heart.
But the Lord watches over those who fear him, those who rely on
his unfailing love. He rescues them from death and keeps them alive in
times of famine. We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our
shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. Let your
unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone. Ps 33:18-22
When all things look bleak, consider
this message from David and hold it to your heart, write it on your heart. When
the darkness creeps into life, call on the Light, lean on the wisdom, strength
and compassion of Adonai. Think about it; things could be worse. We could be
wondering through life with no Heavenly Father to watch over us, with no
Saviour to advocate for us, with no Holy Spirit to bless us every moment of the
day to see us through. When we walk in the Light as He is in the Light, we
never walk alone for He will be with us at all times and for all time.
This Sunday, we welcome Rev Glenn
Reeder as Pastor Todd is away for the weekend. We would love for you to join us
either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of
He Will Never Leave Us Nor Will He Forsake Us!
I heard a story the other day. There
was a preacher who walked into a barbershop for a trim and, after a few
minutes, the conversation turned to occupations. The preacher told him a bit
about his responsibilities at the church and as the conversation went along the
barber confessed that he did not believe in an all powerful God. He said that
God was a good resource when people were not well informed about the ways of
the world, science and such and that now a days no one really needed to believe
in something they have never seen. Ancient people believed in many gods such as
the Greeks and their belief in the gods of Olympus but since there was absolutely
no proof of their existence, they did not exist. He ended the debate with this;
“if God exists, why are there so many sick people? Why are there abandoned
children in the world or so much suffering and pain. I can't imagine a loving
God who would allow all of these things."
The preacher quite enjoyed the debate
and, when it was all over, he paid for the trim and left behind a very nice
tip. The preacher walked out the door and noticed a homeless man who was in
dire need of a haircut so he brought him into the barber. The preacher then
said to the barber “there are no such things as barbers otherwise there would be
no one unshaved or improperly quaffed”.
"Ah, but barbers do exist!
" answered the barber. "What happens, is, people do not come to
"Exactly!"- affirmed the
customer. "That's the point! God, too, does exist! What happens is people
don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's why there's so much pain and
suffering in the world."
There is strength when we come
together in His name and work together to not only alleviate suffering and pain
but to also help the world to understand He cares much more than we realize. I
believe Paul addresses this in his letter to the Church in Corinth:
All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father
of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go
through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else
who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as
God was there for us. We have plenty of hard times that come from following the
Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort—we get a
full measure of that, too. 2 Cor 1:3-8 MSG
This Sunday, we will look at strength
through Christ and discover that God is there with us celebrating in the good
times and lifting us up in the bad times. Though many question how a loving God
can let bad things happen, we will delve into how He never leaves us alone in
the tough times. We would love for you to join us either in person or online
Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of
Diversity Is Strength
When it comes to the issues of our
day, it seems like there is more focus on the things that separate us then
there is on those things that can bring us together. For example, a friend of
mine is a huge fan of Levi jeans. He has numerous pairs of Levi jeans, many are
purposely purchased for a variety of occasions such as going to a concert or
for business meetings. He even has a pair specifically for funerals. Now, another
mutual friend of ours is a Wrangler guy and very devout at that. They would
argue and kibitz about which company has the best jean, finding fault in
everything they could to get the other to make the change. They tried to draw
me into the argument once but it was short-lived. You see, my brand, WIOS, Whatever
Is On Sale, could be Wrangler, Levi, Costco stretch jeans or thrift store
whatever jeans. For the casual observer, it could seem that these two would
soon come to blows and I have even witnessed some pipe up and get involved in
the discussion. As a counsellor, I sit back and watch the dynamics and, for the
most part, the debate degrades into a head butting contest and so many are left
with feelings of anger.
Differing opinions, preferences,
ideals and beliefs can be very divisive, especially when the people involved
are only interested in telling you why they are right and you are wrong or they
are not willing to really communicate, that is to both listen & speak. It
is when we recognize the value of another’s opinion that we truly grow and the
fullness of a relationship strengthens the whole.
Here is another example. My friend
had some leftover scrap wood hanging about in his garage. There were several
types of wood, a variety of colours and grains. It represents two things in
this illustration; diversity and worth. There are those out there who will only
use cherry and others who vehemently defend the use of maple for projects. When
someone who is looking for beauty and strength in diversity, the thought of
combining materials is intriguing, the idea of making something wonderful out
of what others would consider scrap is a talent. When people devote time and
effort into celebrating diversity rather than putting time and effort into not
only seeking out the negatives but also propagating divisiveness, we can revel
in the beauty of a united community. My friend took what others saw as scrap, a
collection of garbage leftovers, cleaned them up, trimmed them and glued them
together making a beautiful cutting board. Had there been an argument as to which
wood should have been used or how it should have been put together, I dare say
we would not have been privileged to share in the beauty of a one-of-a-kind
cutting board made with love and care. Apart, we are nowhere near as resilient
as we are bound together in community, strong and beautiful.
This Sunday, we will look at strength
in diversity and unity. We would love for you to join us either in person or
online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the love of
Where Does My Hope Lie?
I, for one, am so glad I
do not have to count on the judgement of mankind for my future. There are those
out there who would have me put into therapy for my faith in a ghost, in a
mythical being who has never before been seen. There are some who would take me
off to the side and suggest I keep the whole faith thing under wraps so that I
do not bring attention to my beliefs as it could hamper my career. How many
times has someone come up to you and suggested that if you would put career
ahead of faith, you could be making big money.
“You’re a born leader, why
are you wasting your time working part time in a church?”
This was once asked of me.
There was a time that honesty and integrity were more important than getting
something at any cost. A friend was once told by his boss to get the contract
no matter what.
“Do whatever it takes to
get that contract.”
He did not get that
contract, the owner of the company was not happy and a few days later, my
friend was let go. Think about this for a moment. If you placed all your hope
in an individual, your future is only as good as your last result. If the head
of the denomination was in charge of the Book of Life, how solid is your hope
of an eternal life with the Saviour?
“You mess up one more time
and I can assure you the gate to Glory will be closed to you.”
Where does my hope lie?
Where does our hope lie?
Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me,
and I will be whiter than snow.
Oh, give me back my joy again; you have broken
me— now let me rejoice.
Don’t keep looking at my sins. Remove the stain of my
Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit
within me.
Do not banish me from your presence, and don’t take your
Holy Spirit from me. Ps 51:7-11
Jesus came to save us, not
condemn. He brought with Him a hope that no man or woman could offer. By His
sacrifice on the cross, He purified us from our sins, He washed us clean. In
Him we have a perfect joy because He has healed us. Our sins are forgiven, our
hearts are cleaned and, just as He promised, Holy Spirit walks with us every
moment of our lives. Our hope is in His promise and not in the temporary
promises of mankind. Our hope is in the Lord, and we can truly count on Him
This Sunday, Pastor Todd
is on holidays and we are truly blessed to have Pastor Glenn bring us a
message. We would love for you to join us either in person or online Sunday at
10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
Our Mission “To live the
love of Christ”
Where Does Our Strength Come From?
What does it take to start a movement
or affect a change in direction? One day, I was looking up at a pile of snow
thinking “how am I supposed to shift all this with such a small shovel?” It had
snowed all night and well into the morning and there was no sign of it slowing
down. So much snow, so much work. It was even worse for many others because
their drives were so much longer and
much more exposed to the winds and drifts. All up and down the
Abercrombie-Granton Road, dozens of driveways with two to three feet of snow and
little to no movement from any of the homes. Slowly, figures emerged from the
homes, snow shovels in hand, and they began to carve out trails in the fresh
snow. Some pulled out snow blowers and made rather short work of their drives
while other driveways remained untouched. As driveways were cleared, the
community began to come together to tackle the drives that were still in need
of clearing. Many of the driveways were owned by seniors in the community who
were unable to shovel out. Within a few hours, the drives were cleared, seniors
came out to thank the community with fresh baked cookies and hot chocolate and,
in the end, all left with full bellies and warm memories.
The strength of the community comes
from the loving relationship of the fellowship. Each person looking out for the
needs of others, the strengths of the individuals combining to enhance the
strength of the whole. We can look at life in a variety of ways. We can stand
at the door and look out at the massive piles of snow and feel utterly beaten.
We can fear the thought of taking that first step into the unknown questioning
our ability to handle the situation and shrink back into our four walls or we
can rest in the knowledge that there are those out there who are watching out
for us. When all seems bleak, we need to remember there is a loving and
compassionate Saviour who watches over us and wants nothing but the best for
each of us. He sends help in the darkest of time, gives strength in our times
of greatest need and champions for us. There are those who do not know this
loving Saviour and rely on their own devices to make it through life’s
struggles but I can say this, life is so much brighter when one lives in the
love of Jesus and leans on His strength in all occasions. How does this play
out in life? Today, even though some thoughtless person decided to take a run
at me, I am at peace because my Jesus is in charge and He is my rock. Life on
earth is short but life in Christ is eternal, that is what truly matters and
that is where my strength lies.
This Sunday, we continue with the
series on God’s Provisions; Where Does Our Strength Lie. We would love for you
to join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Our Mission “To live the love of
Were Does My Strength Come From?
Have you ever had one of those day/weeks/years
where it is just one thing after another and all you can think of is “if I can
just make it to the end of the day”? I took some time to sit back and think
about this issue and realized I was wasting precious time and I needed to get
back to work. Where does my strength come from? There is a term out there that
is starting to really take off. Quiet quitting is not defined as grabbing your
gear from the office and stealthily making an exit out the door for good. This
movement is all about taking back the time that the job has been stealing. The
issue people are having is that the job is now demanding more and more, and it
is robbing so many of quality time with friends and family. They expect you to
keep your phone on for texts at all hours, answer work emails as soon as they
come in regardless of the hour or even take a phone call from workmates or the
boss during the supper hour. At the end of the day, which really is not the end
of day, there is little left for the things that are truly important.
Where does my strength lie? Family,
friends, faith, all suffer when the world takes so much of our time and leaves
us with the dregs. So many are burning out because they are burning the candle
at all ends and in numerous spots in the middle. When was the last time you had
a day completely to yourself? When was the last time you took a long moment
away from the world and focused on a time of prayer and meditation with the
Lord? When was the last time you turned off the world and focused on
I look up to the mountains—does my
help come from there?
My help comes from
the Lord, who made heaven and earth!
He will not let you stumble; the
One who watches over you will not slumber.
Indeed, He who watches over Israel
never slumbers or sleeps. Ps 121:1-4 NLT
My help comes from the Lord, my hope
is in Him and for that we are grateful. To rely on mankind is to rely on a
finite promise but to lean on the Lord for strength, wisdom and hope is to draw
from the infinite source of love. He knew what He was doing when He called for
a day of rest, the Shabbat.
Then Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of
people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath. Mark 2:27 NLT
Take the time to rest and communicate
with the Lord. Take that day of Shabbat to connect with the source of all hope
for all who are weary and need rest.
This Sunday, we continue with the
series on God’s Provisions; An Uplifting Account Of Christ’s Strength. We would
love for you to join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Our Mission “To live the love of
Jesus Will Meet Our Needs
I am watching the Chosen online right now
and quite enjoying it. One item that struck me had to do with daily life in the
disciple’s camp. You see, Thomas was counting the lentils trying to see if they
would have enough for the next meal and was coming up short. They were coming
into Shabbat and had no time to get anything before the start of the Holy Day
and would go hungry before the next opportunity to gather supplies. In the
show, the group had gone to temple and Jesus healed on Shabbat and while on their
way back to the camp, Peter Simon took up a handful of grain to eat since he
was hungry and the holy men demanded to know why Jesus allowed them to gather
food on the Sabbath. Jesus pushed back and told them:
I tell you, there is one here who is even
greater than the Temple! But you would not have condemned my innocent
disciples if you knew the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy,
not offer sacrifices.’ For the Son of Man is Lord, even over the
Sabbath!” Matt 12:6-8 NLT
As I pondered this passage, something hit
me; Jesus came to offer mercy and not condemn the children of God to a life of
servitude to an uncaring Creator. Something many forget is that the duty of the
faith gathering is to support those in the faith family, welcome in those who
hunger both physically and spiritually and to care for others as Christ cares
for each of us. Rules are good but when they overrule the foundational message
of Christ, are they for the needs of the faith family or to satisfy the ego of
Then Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath
was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements
of the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord, even over
the Sabbath!” Mark 2:27-28
Long after we are all dead and gone, after
Christ comes back and all things are made new, Shabbat will be everyday for it
will be a time of great rejoicing and rest. Can we not practice that everyday
in our daily habits? Rest in Him and He shall make your path straight. As it is
done in Heaven, let it be done on earth. Love one another as Christ loves you.
Love God with your entirety and let Him give you strength and direction. All of
this will make life that much better for us individually and as a community. I
challenge you to give it a try.
This Sunday, we start a new series on God’s
Provisions; An Uplifting Account Of Christ’s Compassion. We would love for you
to join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
He’s Got
Many, many years ago, I remember
singing a song called “He’s Got the Whole World, In His Hands”. This song could
go on forever and ever because you could add anything to the song and sing
about it. He’s got the itty-bitty possum, in His hands, He’s got the great
flying squirrel, in His hands, He’s got the ring-tailed mongoose, in His hands,
He’s got the whole world in His hands. We used to have fun seeing what we could
include in the song and, yes, it would get ridiculous after a while. I am sure
we drove the Sunday School teacher right round the bend, it was a great time of
laughing and playing while we were getting a wonderful truth. The truth behind
it all is that God does have the whole world in His hands. Even though there
are so many atrocities in our world today and it all seems to be heading in a
very destructive direction, we can rest assured that He’s got this.
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the
power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and
on earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as the one
who is over all things.
1 Chronicles 29:11 NLT
is the One over all things, that is, His creation, the wholeness of the seen
and unseen universe (we have no clue how far the universe extends) and the
realm of Heaven and earth just to name a few. If you think that He does not have
time to look after some of your issues or problems because they are so
insignificant in the grand scheme of things, think again. Our Father in Heaven knows
every hair on your head and cares deeply for our lives. There is not one person
in this creation who fully understands the absolute fullness of God. There are
some who will try to place Him in a box but, truth be told, we have no clue at
all. His love for us is absolutely perfect to the point that we don’t even have
a word that can properly describe the depth of this love. When we suffer, the
Son cries with us and the Holy Spirit brings comfort and strength. We are
perfectly cared for by Elohim, the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He
truly has this all under control and there should be a perfect peace and a hope
knowing that fact.
Sunday, we are excited to welcome Rev Glenn Reeder. We would love for you to
join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Live - Main Ave Fellowship
Live – You Tube
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Baruch Haba
Welcome, blessed is the one who comes. Shalom aleichem, peace be
with you. Aleichem shalom, peace upon you as well. Here is the question, if you
walked into work and were met with this type of a welcome, would your day be
looking up? How about Shlam'alokhon -- Peace be upon you in Aramaic. So
many ways to welcome, some heartfelt, some are rather sterile. I recently
walked into an establishment where the greeter was saying hello to everyone in
the exact same way.
“Hi there, how are you doing, that’s great.”
The person ahead of me said “not so
good, feeling a little under the weather” and the response was “that’s great, welcome
to the store.”
I am wondering if it ever did hit the
greeter what the customer had said. There are so many things out there we are
just conditioned to say or respond. There are times when those we come into
contact with would like to have a chat about how things are going but the other
person is simply going through the motions and secretly hope no one will talk
to them. I watched as a staff member walked down another aisle in order to
avoid a customer. There are times when we all need to have that bit of space or
want to avoid any personal interactions but when it becomes the norm, maybe it
is time to take a step back, review, refocus and refresh. As life closes in and
we start to disconnect from relationships, the trend is to build up walls, hide
the pain and wear a mask of false smiles. As the world becomes more weary, it
truly starts to feel like we are all alone, fighting against the current and in
fear of getting sucked down the drain. Turn
to the Lord, for He said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry
heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Another way to say that, welcome all of
you who are absolutely spent, let Me bring you relief from all that burdens
There is something about a heartfelt Baruch
Haba B’shem Adonai. When the Saviour calls out and says “take a break, review
the things in life that are important, refocus your priorities and refresh in
the power and comfort of the Holy Spirit”, are you willing to take on the
challenge of letting go the pressures of the world and welcome in the Lord for
a time of prayer and communion? Life is too short to spend looking at the walls
of the box we have put up to insulate ourselves from the world. Shalom
aleichem, peace be with you, His peace bring you comfort and joy. Call upon the
Messiah and welcome Him into your life. Baruch Haba B'shem ADONAI - -- blessed
is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
This Sunday, we finish up the series
on welcoming. We would love for you to join us either in person or online
Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Our Mission “To live the love of
The Welcoming
A few years ago, I was at an event
where numerous friends had gathered to celebrate the return of a cohort from an
injury. He had been involved in a car accident which nearly cost his life. You
see John (not his real name) was at a party and had consumed a great deal of
alcohol and, as the night came to a close, he tried to find the keys to his car,
but a friend had hidden the keys knowing he would try to drive home. They had
lost track of John and assumed that he took a cab or walked but that was not
the case. John got into the car with another party goer. To make a long story
short, they got into an accident and the driver, Steve (not his real name),
came out unscathed while John ended up battling for his life with head injuries
and multiple broken bones. It took almost a year of rehab for John to recover
enough to go back to work and while the scars on his face would still require
further surgeries the emotional pain would always be there. Steve: he
disappeared and no one really knew what happened to him.
The old crew got back together again to
celebrate John’s return to work. The party started off well (no alcohol was
consumed) and was completely relaxed and jovial until Steve walked in the door.
Many there were thinking what one of the lads shouted “what are you doing
here?” You see, the group had blamed Steve for almost killing John and then
when he just disappeared, they were really upset. From the back of the room we
heard John holler for us to pipe down and asked us to lay off Steve. You see,
Steve was arrested on the scene which none of us knew, he confessed to his
mistake, did his time, and went into a recovery program immediately upon his
release. What none of us knew was that Steve not only realized what he had done
but he also reached out to John every day he was in jail and every day he was
in recovery. Steve had, on the night of the accident, pleaded with God to spare
his friend and when he found out John was expected to live, Steve dedicated his
life to Jesus. John, already a man of faith, forgave Steve and their friendship
grew over the year. You see, John held firm to the message in the Book of
For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious
standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He
did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our
sins. For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made
right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his
blood. This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did
not punish those who sinned in times past, for he was looking ahead and
including them in what he would do in this present time. God did this to demonstrate
his righteousness, for he himself is fair and just, and he makes sinners right
in his sight when they believe in Jesus. Romans 3:23-26 NLT
John took the time to explain to us
that Steve had seen the error of his ways, asked forgiveness, and was forgiven.
He built the relationship with John and together, they both healed over time.
John could have held Steve’s transgression over his head, but he chose to
release John from the bond of his error and John asked the group to let go of
their anger towards Steve as well. Holding the past over someone’s head not
only hurts the other person but is an anchor that holds us from fully
appreciating the freedom of the good life. Forgive us our trespasses, as we
forgive those who trespass against us.
This Sunday, we will examine the gift
of forgiveness and what it means to welcome the grace of God. We would love for
you to join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Our Mission “To live the love of
Welcome To Our House
We have, as a modern western culture,
moved so far away from so many great traditions that could, in my opinion,
change the way people view and treat each other. Many cultures still have the
holy kiss, also known as the brother or sister kiss which signified a desire
for there to be a peace and a blessing upon those you meet. Combine this with
the traditional greeting of Shalom aleichem – peace be upon you, and the
response, aleichem shalom – unto you, peace and it becomes a very personal and
intimate greeting of hearts. There is still that type of a greeting, sort of,
in our culture but it is guarded at times and was interrupted by the pandemic
where people were fearful to come into contact with one another. Relationships
and our mental health took a terrible hit with the latter. Greetings are a very
complicated thing in western culture. For example, there are rules for the
pastoral hug, one arm only and side on. There is also the wave – we just met
usually from a distance, the handshake – formal and non-binding on first
meeting, the awkward handshake to fist pump – this is where one anticipates and
yet is mistaken and, well, it’s complicated. Upon researching this topic, there
are hundreds of different styles of handshakes with just as many meanings but
the one I like the best is sometimes called the hand hug or the arm wrestle
grasp. This is the one where each come together, grasp each other’s hand firmly
and pull the other into their personal space for an embrace. This is usually
reserved for the closest most trusted friends and family. This is, in my
opinion, the modern day version of shalom aleichem.
Where am I going with this? Well, I
could go on for pages defining just handshakes and embraces but I want us to
consider the most personal of spaces and how we approach the welcoming. I know
that not all are comfortable with being so open and vulnerable to greet another
with a hand hug embrace at the door of their house or even the church. It is
understandable that some are uncomfortable with this but the question is this;
do we embrace those who come into the church, the gathering of Christ
followers, with the same exuberance that Jesus welcomes us? There are so many out
there who fear coming into the circle of faith, into the church, for fear of
judgement or retribution yet we were given an example of the pureness of His
embrace in Luke 15:20.
So he returned home to his father.
And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with
love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him.
The son was fearful of judgement and
retribution yet the father sat there watching for his return and when it
happened he may have shouted “Baruch habaleveytnu: blessed is the one
who comes to our home”.
We put up fences to guard our
property and keep our families safe, we have attached garages so we can get
into our homes without fear, cameras stand sentinel to dissuade trespassers and
our property is chained down or locked in sheds so it does not go missing.
There is enough fear out there that vulnerability is shielded by distrust and
guarded with emotional walls. Jesus says in Matthew 11: 28 “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I
will give you rest.” Here is the challenge for us all; on the door of the
church, at the entrance to our homes, in our hearts is there a sign that says “Baruch
haba leveytnu: blessed is the one who comes to our home”.
This Sunday, January 1, will
celebrate New Starts. We would love for you to join us either in person or
online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Our Mission “To live the love of
A New Beginning
A few weeks ago, I was doing some
work on a project and slipped as I was getting into the truck. I smacked my
elbow and shoulder into the door, hit my knees on the metal running board and
got all twisted up trying to stop from hitting the ground too hard. I should
have just went straight down but, no, I had to try to save myself. One the way
home, I kept berating myself for such a dumb mistake and then there was the
constant reminder every time I put my elbow on the arm rest or knelt down. There
are still moments when I think “if I had only watched my step, this would not
have happened” or “if I could go back and do it again, I would not have had
those items in my arms and I could have caught myself”. How many things are
there in your life that you wish you could get a mulligan for? I would still
have all my teeth because I would not have been in the situations where I could
lose them. My choice of occupation would have been far different had I listened
to my Grandma when I was a child. I would still be in my then new Cavalier
rather than the ol’ busted car I replaced it with after the accident. After
these incidents and accidents, there was a moment when the thought “if I could just
get a do-over, things would be so much better.”
So many people will, on New Year’s
Eve, make a promise to do better, to resolve to be nicer to others, get in
better shape, to turn over a new leaf, a new beginning. Now, there is nothing
wrong with making New Year Resolutions but let’s face it, many do get broken
before the month of January even closes out. There is, however, something we
can resolve to do that would have a long-lasting even eternal affect on our
lives. A week before New Year’s Day, we celebrate the birth of the Great
Redeemer, the Savior of us all.
For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with him you
were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised
Christ from the dead.
You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not
yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our
sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by
nailing it to the cross. Colossians 2:12-14
This is the promise of a new
beginning with an eternal consequence, and I mean that in the most positive
way. When we make the conscious decision to acknowledge our brokenness, to
believe the power of Christ and to confess our sins to Him, that is the moment
of a wonderful new beginning. A friend of mine only came into the church when
there was a lunch going on and never came in for the service. He later told me
that he did not feel clean enough to be in the service and we helped him to
realize that this faith family wanted only to love on him and include him in
the family. At some point in time, something clicked for him and he realized
that his place was with the family and from that moment he rarely missed a
service until the day of his passing to glory. His new start was not by the
hand of man but the power of the Spirit in his life. He is with our Savour and
one day we will be reunited but until that day, I, for one, celebrate new
beginnings and new opportunities.
This Sunday, January 1, will
celebrate New Starts. We would love for you to join us either in person or
online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave
YouTube Live – You
We look forward to seeing you this
Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”
Love, the Ultimate Declaration of Vulnerability
Do you ever wonder why some of the
biggest hurts in life come from our family members? Why is it that some of the
harshest arguments or the deepest pains come from family disputes? Kirsty
Moseley stated “Unfortunately, sometimes we hurt the ones we love the most.” When we
allow those into that very vulnerable area where love and trust are so
intertwined, there is that chance that we might use their disadvantage against
them. Years ago, a friend of mine called me for a time of counsel and support
as he had just been taken down by a trusted friend, someone whom he trusted and
loved. They had an argument and the trusted friend had decided to push a button
that was hidden behind the trust panel. As the words were coming out of the
trusted friend’s mouth, a little voice inside the orator’s mouth was screaming
“shut up, shut up!” They both just stood there in silence wondering what had
just happened and the crowd around them just went silent. Damage done, relationship
changed. It took a moment to break trust, the question is this; did the love
Those who knew Christ understood He
was the Prince of peace yet they wanted Him to be so much more. He came to the
world as an infant, grew up amongst us all and built some pretty strong
relationships. He loved His family and would do anything for them, including
die but they wanted more. They would test His patience and His love. They would
ask for healing and when He did so, others would taunt Him or declare Him a fake
and demand His death. The thief on the cross even taunted Christ to show off
His divinity but the other thief saw the love in the Christ and did not push
His buttons but rather asked to be remembered. I personally think the greatest
declaration of love He had for us all is in the simple statement “forgive them
Father, for they know not what they do”. Jesus spent His entire life being
persecuted from the time King Herod wanted Him killed sometime before His
second birthday right up to Caiaphas demanding Jesus be crucified by the ruling
Romans. Yet through it all, Christ came to earth, lived with us, taught us and,
in the end, died for us so that we could be forgiven. He proved His divinity by
returning from the grave and yet, the world still doubts. Through it all, His
love for us reigns and this love is perfect, transparent and eternal so quit
doubting and embrace His love.
This Sunday, Pastor Todd will explore
the beauty of the love of Christ and what it truly means for us all. We would
love for you to join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Our Mission “To live the love of
The Joy of Life
Have you ever been so overjoyed that your
eyes sweat? I’m not talking about laughing so hard that the tears flow but
rather so completely overjoyed and you can’t explain to those around you the
reason for it. As the overwhelming joy completely encompasses, others come to
understand and also succumb to the emotional overload. Have you ever lived
through such a time of indescribable joy? If you have, can you fully explain
the emotions you went through at the time?
The day my son was born, I was completely
overcome with emotion, and I will admit this, I cried profusely with joy when I
heard him cry out for the first time. Moments later, they placed a beautiful
boy wrapped in a receiving blanket into my arms and said, “here you go daddy”.
I do not remember a single thing after that, but I can recall seeing him,
through tears, his wonderful face looking up at me. In one moment, life changed
completely for the best. This is only one example of what I would consider
unfathomable joy.
Consider this. A group of shepherds in a
field, another day another few baubles to keep food on the table. The only hope
they had was a chance to be employed and warm for the upcoming winter and to
maintain their cleanliness, so they did not find themselves on the outside
looking in. Suddenly an angel came to them, lowly shepherds, to proclaim the
birth of the King of kings, their long sought-after Saviour.
That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding
their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them,
and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were
terrified, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I
bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The
Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of
David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby
wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.”
Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of
heaven—praising God and saying,
“Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom
God is pleased.”
When the angels had returned to heaven, the shepherds said to each
other, “Let’s go to Bethlehem! Let’s see this thing that has happened, which
the Lord has told us about.” Luke 2:8-15
Can I ask this question; when the shepherds
came to fully realize the magnificence of this announcement, did they fall to
their knees, overcome with the joy to the point of tears? Were they speechless
and so filled with awe that they could not contain the best news to just
themselves? When you heard the fabulous news that you were forgiven, that in
Christ you are saved and through Him you will know glory, were you overcome
with joy? Do you still feel that way and celebrate it daily?
Live - Main
Ave Fellowship
Live – You
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Mission “To live the love of Christ”
The Final Frontier
Forgive me for daring to take liberties with such an iconic phrase but it just came to me while I was waiting for my breakfast at the Backwoods Bakery and Café this morning. For those of you familiar with Sundre, this wonderful little café is so welcoming and peaceful. As I walked in the door, it felt like I was being wrapped in a warm blanket of memories. There was the smell of fresh baking and of soup simmering on the stove. There was soft music playing in the background, conversational murmurings all around and a true sense of peace. I wish I could bottle that feeling and share it around, a wonderful peace to be sure.
Peace, the final frontier. As we venture through life, such encounters with these comforting moments seem to be fleeting. I can remember a time long ago when peace was laying back on a hillside on a summer afternoon, the sound of birds and crickets filling the air, the warm sun and the smell of the grass all around calmed one to their very soul. Today, you can have those moments but they need to be scheduled in and the peace is not complete because the watch on one’s arm is always reminding this is only temporary. Sorry to be a downer but it is true. Holidays end, vacations are short, and the time between work and sleeping seems to be getting shorter and shorter. Mornings like this are truly refreshing and much needed at times.
Peace, the final frontier. Think about this for just a moment. God worked on His creation for six days and on the seventh He rested. He told His creation to rest on the Sabbath because this was a day to rest and be blessed in what He created for us all. Jesus spent much of His day ministering to others, pouring out all He could for those who needed whether they knew it or not. In the evening, He retired to pray and meditate, to rejuvenate from the day and wrap Himself in the peace of the Father. As I think of this, `all I can think of is the prophecy of Isaiah.
For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His government and its peace will never end. He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David for all eternity. The passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will make this happen!
Isaiah 9:6-7 NLT
There is a time coming when peace will reign for all and the thoughts of war and conflict will be long forgotten. In my memory, the thoughts of those precious moments of peace where time was not important, the issues of the world did not matter are, for me, fading with time only to be brought back to the forefront on special occasions. I look forward to the day when it is the perfect peace that dominates and conflict, wars, disease and negativity are long forgotten. What a wonderful thought this beautiful morning. Lord, Prince of Peace, be with us all.
Sunday, Pastor Todd will once again be digging into the Epistle of Paul to the
Church in Philippi. We would love for you to join us either in person or online
Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Live - Main Ave Fellowship
Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Mission “To live the love of Christ”
A New Day
If I were to ask “How do you define
hope?” I am sure I would get a myriad of answers. For a starving person, hope
could be defined as an anticipation of a great feast that never ends. In the
case of a person wracked by a painful and incurable disease, hope could be
defined as an expectation of a cure or even just a relief from the pain. For
someone waiting for a loved one to come back from a military tour overseas,
this could be seen as a hopefulness that they come home safe and sound and life
can resume some sense of normalcy. Hope has, over the past, been seen as
something temporary or even a pipe dream because so often our hope has been in
the things of the world. Yes, this may sound harsh but, if we are to be truly
honest with ourselves, to put our hope in a person is not a perfect scenario.
Think about this for a moment. I love my wife beyond all understanding but
there have been times when she has placed her hope in something I promised and
I was unable to deliver. It is not that I did not want to fulfill her hopes but
I am fallible. There is not a single one of us who can claim perfection and if
anyone says they have never had their hopes dashed because of another, I say
think a little harder. You see there is only One who is perfect and you can
place your hope in Him because He has never failed any one of us.
Consider this, His hope is that all
shall come to know His love and joy and embrace His promise of life eternal in
Glory but there are so many out there who have been hurt by placing their hope
in people, and yes I will go so far to say in the church, only to be
disappointed but I offer this; God has not let us down, not even once, it is
the people who falter and this tests our faith, our hope. For many, they have
walked away yet Jesus remains committed to everyone of us, for you see “God showed his great love for us by sending
Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. And
since we have been made right in God’s sight by the blood of Christ, he will
certainly save us from God’s condemnation.” Rom 5:8-9. This is where we
should look for our perfect hope. This is the perfect promise that is already
paid for, is already waiting for all of us to claim and embrace.
This Sunday, we are celebrating
perfect hope, a hope in a Messiah who came for one and all. God sent His Son so
that we would all have access to the perfect hope of Glory. Christ loves us so
much that He came to take our sins upon Himself so that we may embrace the
promise of Glory and therein lies our hope. We can put our hope in our brothers
and sisters but our ultimate fulfillment will come from our Saviour.
This Sunday, Pastor Todd will once
again be digging into the Epistle of Paul to the Church in Philippi. We would
love for you to join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave
YouTube Live – You
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Our Mission “To live the love of
The Right Of Way
I would like to give you a small
glimpse into the life of Main Avenue in Sundre, AB. You see, we have
round-about intersections through downtown. If you watch the services on
Sunday, you may hear me refer to the intersections and see me cringe as I
witness almost accidents right outside the front door of the church. There are
daily outbursts of car horns as people let others know how wrong they are when
using the intersections and, in a few cases, some gestures of disappointment
were exchanged after the vehicular auditory expression of disapproval was
communicated. For me, I was taught how to navigate traffic circles when I first
learned to drive and remember the lesson my instructor told me; “the key to
traffic circles is yield to the person in the circle and be courteous to others
as this will ensure traffic flows easily. You see, the mentality of so many is
that the right of way belongs to those traveling on Main Avenue because it is
the main thoroughfare, it is the highway and it has always been that way. The
reason the circles were put in was so that people trying to cross Main Avenue
had the opportunity to cross the road more easily and safer. For those who do
not want to adhere to the principle of yielding to others and being courteous,
there will always be frustration because it hampers the way they want things
Self before others is the call of the
world but we can make a huge difference by reversing the trend; others before
self. You see, if we all embrace this motto, others will always have our best
interests in mind while we help others to succeed. If I yield to the needs of
another in the traffic circle, they will feel good and I will not be stressed.
This is the big win-win. This is not a new concept and there are times when we
need that opportunity to call out for a helping hand and, in the end, there is
a peace.
He went on a little farther and bowed
with his face to the ground, praying, “My Father! If it is possible, let this
cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not
mine.” Matt 26:39 NLT
Jesus was having a tough night. He
knew what was to come, the disciples were not fully onboard, Peter was going to
deny Him, Judas was going to betray Him and none of them could stay awake even
for a short time. Frustrated Jesus called out to the Father asking for relief,
asking to have the burden of it all removed but then remembered the will of the
Father was to serve the needs of others and Christ’s needs would be taken care
of shortly thereafter. Life was a bit chaotic but only a short while later, it
was done. Father, forgive them.
It is going to take some time for
things to change when it comes to understanding the benefits of the circle but
when it becomes like second nature, there will be more joy and less stress when
the whole embrace the new way. Others before self; so many benefits for all in
the grand scheme of things.
This Sunday, Pastor Todd will once
again be talking about others before self, a study of Christ’s sacrifice. We
would love for you to join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Our Mission “To live the love of
Remembrance Day 2022
There are times when I refer to my military career and it
rather blends into my clergy career. Some would have me refrain from mentioning
it but it is just who I am. On the military side of things, I am an instructor,
a leader and a former medic. On the clergy side of things, I am a teacher, a
spiritual leader and a counsellor/healer. Is there a difference? Canadian Armed
Forces personnel prioritize service to the country, the military and their
teammates ahead of themselves as a personal commitment to mission success. As
military professionals, we place service before self to maximize team
effectiveness (this is straight out of the military handbook). As a clergy
member, my commitment is to prioritize the needs of the community ahead of
personal needs in order to be a part of a team that spreads the Good News of a
mighty Saviour. So again I ask, is there a difference?
We come together this week to remember and honour those who
have served the needs of many, those who gave up their own lives to help others
who were, and still are, living in fear and need assistance. The members of the
Forces as well as those first responders in our own communities are committed
to entering into situations where all others around are running away in fear.
Police members making scenes safe, fire fighters rushing into burning buildings
to save others, paramedics going into perilous situations to save a life. Not
all make it out alive and on November 11th we take time to remember
their sacrifice, we also remember the loss their families and friends endured
through it all.
When you see or hear the sirens blaring, take a moment of
time to say a prayer for those who are heading into harms way to help others.
As the news reports on our soldiers coming alongside those suffering, lift them
up and say a prayer for them. As Christians, when you see someone who is in
need physically, emotionally or spiritually, why not become a spiritual first
responder and come alongside them. When Jesus went to the cross, He willingly
went into harms way for each and everyone of us. His sacrifice on the cross
saved millions. Seems so many in this world have forgotten the sacrifice of the
many (those who fought for the needs of others) and the sacrifice of the One,
our Lord and Saviour. My prayer to all is that this Remembrance Day, we take
time to remember those who went before us, those who continue to serve.
Sunday, Pastor Todd will be talking about others before self, a study of
Christ’s sacrifice. We would love for you to join us either in person or online
Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Live - Main Ave Fellowship
Live – You Tube
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Mission “To live the love of Christ”
What Answer Do You Want?
Now, I know there will be those out
there who will note that I have covered this topic a few times over the past decade,
but it does need to be said. If you don’t want to hear what I think, don’t ask
me the question. How often have people asked you a question only to argue your
opinion trying to get you to change your mind? Think about it, why ask the
question if all you are trying to do is start an argument or they want to hear
their opinion coming out of your mouth? A few months ago, I was asked a
question to which there were numerous answers that could cover a variety of
viewpoints. To answer wrong, that is, express a viewpoint that runs contrary to
that of the inquisitor, would have led to a rather one-sided debate. You see,
the person I was talking with does not appreciate the fine art of a good
linguistic joust but would rather take the “excessive volume equals a win” method
of discussion. As the discussion ramped up, I simply asked “what do you wish to
accomplish with this discussion?” The response was not completely unexpected.
My debating partner informed me that the aim of the discussion was for me to
see their point of view and to come around in my thinking. If you don’t want my
opinion, don’t ask for my viewpoint.
The Laws of Moses were supplemented
with the laws of mankind. When Jesus came and tried to let those around them better
understand the truth of the Law, the crowds yelled and tried to scream down the
message. Christ opened up a dialogue and the masses drove the Messiah to the
edge of the precipice and He simply walked back through the crowd and walked
away. I was once told by a very wise person that once the other person becomes
verbally aggressive, that is they hurl insults or try to shout you down or, in
the case of Christ, attempt to throw you off a cliff, the debate is over and
the discussion dissolves into an argument. According to scripture, God sent
his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through
him. (John 3:17). The debate is not whether Jesus was real or if God is
truly the Creator but rather whether one believes in the promise of the
Saviour. “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only
Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal
life.” (John 3:16). My position within the church, within the Christian
community is to present a message, be prepared to respectfully defend the
position and to be open to the viewpoint of others. Others can choose to follow
the Lord or not, it is not up to me to bully others into belief but rather to
be transparent and considerate of other’s position. Life is too short to get
overly stressed through arguing.
“Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all
who draw the sword will die by the sword. Do you think I cannot call on my
Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of
angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must
happen in this way?” Matt 26:52-54
This Sunday, we welcome Rev Darryl
Wicks who will be presenting a Mission Message. Pastor Todd is away on holidays
and will be returning November 8th. We would love for you to join us
either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Our Mission “To live the love of
The Silence Is Deafening
In today’s social media driven
community, the courage to speak one’s mind has been greatly hampered by the
fear of being bullied, aka cancel culture. When Simon and Garfunkel wrote the
Sound of Silence in the very early 1960’s, do you think they would have even
contemplated the extent of the silence today?
Again, this was in the early sixties
but think of how this relates to our communities today. Millions of people so
locked into their own preferences and wants that they forget to listen to the
needs all around and if one makes comment against a single belief or
preference, the backlash is quick, the walls go up and the act of compromise
and debate is silenced. Is there an opportunity to reverse the trend, for the
voices to be heard and not silenced?
Jesus stood before the masses in Luke
4 and gave all hope, showed them a way to help them move forward and spoke in a
language that was contrary to what the pharisees were preaching in their position
of power. When they could no longer argue against the Truth, they rallied the
group and decided to bully the Lord by coming against Him physically.
When they heard this, the people in the synagogue were
furious. Jumping up, they mobbed Him and forced Him to the edge of the
hill on which the town was built. They intended to push Him over the
cliff, but He passed right through the crowd and went on His way. Luke
Over and over again, the crowd tried
to silence the sound of hope, they did not want to hear but rather embraced the
sound of silence by shouting down the song of joy. In the end, Christ silenced
the naysayers when He rose from the grave, when He walked through the crowd
fully alive and declared by His action “I AM GOD”. Tens of thousands of people
around the world have been unable to hear the Truth because they have not
heard, have chosen to remain deaf to the declaration or refuse to participate
in active conversation or even debate and the sound of silence continues to be
the norm. Remember, you can try to silence the message of God but in the end,
He will walk through the chaos of this world and embrace those who have tried
to speak into the silence for the wellness of all.
This Sunday, we welcome Rev Bob
Hillock as Pastor Todd and Natalie are away on holidays. We would love for you
to join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Our Mission “To live the love of
A postscript from Natalie:
One definitionsays that“Culture
refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values,
attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial
relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions
acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual
and group striving.” Why would that
concept ever be put with the word cancel!?
Why would we want to take the array of colours and shades in our world
and try to make everything a shade of beige?
I Deserve This
I am not sure if this resonates with
a lot of people but, after reading my daily devotional, a memory of days gone
by popped into my mind and I thought I would write on it. Today’s verse comes
from the Book of Hebrews chapter 12 in verses 5-11.
And have you forgotten the
encouraging words God spoke to you as his children? He said,
“My child, don’t make light of
the Lord’s discipline, and don’t give up when he corrects you. For
the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he
accepts as his child.”
As you endure this divine discipline,
remember that God is treating you as his own children. Who ever heard of a
child who is never disciplined by its father? If
God doesn’t discipline you as he does all of his children, it means that you
are illegitimate and are not really his children at all. Since
we respected our earthly fathers who disciplined us, shouldn’t we submit even
more to the discipline of the Father of our spirits, and live forever?
For our earthly fathers disciplined
us for a few years, doing the best they knew how. But God’s discipline is
always good for us, so that we might share in his holiness. No discipline
is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a
peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.
When I was young, I remember thinking
I was being so hard done by when I was punished by my parents. There were times
I got a swat on the behind, got things taken away from me or was grounded for
my actions. I thought it cruel that my parents were so strict and I got
punished while others I knew received no punishment at all for what they did
and, much of the time, my stumbles were much less terrible than theirs. My sin
was minor compared to the massive sins of those and yet I was still held
accountable. That was completely unfair, right?
As I grew older, I came to realize
just how much my parents loved me. When I became a father, my son would make
his mistakes and I would, out of love, correct him so that he would not come to
harm through his errant actions. I love him so much that I will discipline even
though it hurts us both at times. He is now grown up and I can only hope that
the lessons of the past are not lost. There is nothing wrong with correction.
It is tough to go through the process of being disciplined and it is also very
tough to be the enforcer but it is done through love. It does pain the Father
to discipline but it is done through an infinite love. When we come through the
other end, we are so much better for it and much wiser as well. The really
wonderful thing about the Father, He will not burden us with more than we can
handle and His reason for correction is always with our best as the final
outcome. Fear not the discipline for it leads to a better living in the end.
This Sunday, we welcome Rev Glenn
Reeder as Pastor Todd and Natalie are on holidays. We would love for you to
join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Our Mission “To live the love of
What Matters Most
Many years ago, I worked with a non-profit
group who always had a tough time keeping the doors open and the lights on. You
see, it had a very good volunteer base and fantastic donors but what was
missing was the next level of support that would not only give the organization
some wiggle room in the budget but also help it to grow and help even more in
need. The economy was rather tight and the funds available were getting spread
thinner and thinner and while the pool did not grow, the needs within the
community had. It was, at one time, rather simple because so many were more
than willing to help out those in dire straights and the recipients were so
grateful for the love and support. As things tightened up, it almost felt like
we were looking for ways to sell the public on the desperation of those in
need. In a planning session, someone mentioned that we should crank up an event
with a few well-known celebrities and make a party out of it. We, myself
included, thought this was a fabulous idea and the plans were put in place. The
celebs were going to cost us a bit of money and the party was also going to cut
into the money available, but it was going to be a great fundraiser. Invitations
were sent out, response was incredible, and the celebration was a hit, but one
thing was missing, the people we were trying to help and many of the
hardworking staff and volunteers.
This event came to mind as I was
reading the book from Rev Bud Robinson “The Story of Lazarus”.
“To show you that church members are bound by the things of this world, I
was in a nice town in the month of October 1908, and there was a nice church in
the beautiful city with 588 members on the roll. One night while I was in the
town the prayer meeting was held and there were eleven persons present; the
next night there was a church entertainment and according to the report of the
town paper, there were 1, 100 out.”
This is not just in churches but also
in so many different areas of life. If you feed them, if you entertain them, if
you woo them, they will come. Sound harsh? Sometimes the truth must be stated,
the elephant in the room pointed out. Jesus started out with two, then four
then twelve who followed Him and learned the Way. Jesus did not use expensive
fog machines, have massive concerts with big name acts nor did he have image
specialists to market Him. Jesus met in the streets, preached and healed people
where they were and built relationships one heart at a time. Jesus fed souls
and hearts. It was not a popularity tour, it was a truth tour and, after He
left and the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, they fed the bread of life to
those who would listen in the streets and through the power of the Spirit,
thousands were saved.
So, here is a humble suggestion; when
you go to church on Sunday, do not critique the music (Psalm 100 says make a
joyful noise to the Lord) open your heart to the foundational message of the
worship and the sermon (pastors seek the wisdom of the Lord for the Truth) and
be in fellowship with those of faith so that you may celebrate together and
support one another in prayer and worship. If the church leadership is more
focused on entertaining rather than building relationships in Christian faith, how
strong a foundation will there be for the community? Feast with the Lord, feed
your soul and be fully alive in the joy of the Saviour.
This weekend, we finish the Lazarus
series by celebrating the joy of relationship. We would love for you to join us
either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Entombed and Putrefied
This stinks! In days gone by, the dream of owning
a reliable car, a nice home in a good neighbourhood and some recreational toys
to add enjoyment to life was attainable while working a forty hour work week, only
one person needed to work and the family life was the primary focus. To tell
the truth, I have never lived in this reality but I was told it was the best of
times. So, what changed? I am going to hypothesize and, if you think I am
wrong, please let me know.
As life got better, people saw a way
to capitalize on the prosperity of society and costs started to rise. As costs
rose and living became more expensive, something had to give. Spouses had to go
to work to help bring in more cash, children were suddenly needing afterschool
care which added more expenses which meant either cutting back on other things
or putting in overtime. Overtime led to more expenses for the employer which
led the company to cut back on full time and increase salaried positions. These
spots helped employers avoid overtime and could get more out of people without
having to compensate them for the extra time they put in. Many young couples
looked at the price of starting a family and would decide to put it off until
they could afford kids. This has, for the past fifty years, been building and,
even though it has been a subtle change, the agents that bind have so tightened
so much that society has accepted it as the norm even though it stinks so
There is a group of young adults who
are bucking the system through quiet quitting. They want to get back to a
simpler time when relationships and enjoying life were more important than working
themselves to death. You see, as many seek after the wants of life, a growing
number are wanting their needs fulfilled, a need for relationship and
community. If the focus is on spending every moment of life to fulfill the
temporary wants of life, we are essentially entombing ourselves in an ever-shrinking
lifestyle that is controlled by the things of the world. As the bonds continue
to dig in, the wounds caused by the ever-tightening bindings begin to fester
and life truly begins to stink. The easiest way to cover the stench is to add
scented oils to mask the smell. I must admit, the movement to taking back time,
build relationship and focus on community is a ray of light that could become
the turning point for a paradigm shift towards peace and forgiveness. The world
can fool themselves into thinking that happiness comes by way of “more stuff”
but I refer to these wise words; “three things will last forever—faith,
hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.” 1 Cor 13:13.
Many will believe that if they can
keep up with the Jones, they can be happy but, truth be told, if we ask the
Jones, they would most likely say they are not really happy but feel crushed in
the clamp of misplaced focus. This weekend, we will examine not the failures of
the world but rather at what life can look like once the stench of old bonds is
washed off. We would love for you to join us either in person or online Sunday
at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Our Mission “To live the love of
Conquering the Fear
A few months ago, I was out with friends
and we were having a great time chatting, laughing and basically being
ourselves. One of the guys referred to me as Padre and the conversation
stuttered for a moment. Most of the guys know what I do but it was the new guy
who took a stutter step at the mention of religious affiliation. I smiled and
waited for the shift and it didn’t take long for his behaviour to change. Every
time someone cracked a joke, it seemed he nervously looked over to see my
reaction. What you need to understand is this, I am used to it, in fact, I have
come to expect it. Later in the evening, I got up to order more wings and he
got up to come with me. He wanted me to know that he went to church as well and
told me that his preacher was nothing like me. I braced myself for a lecture on
how my demeanor was not representative of the clergy or the friends around the
table were not all fine Christians. The conversation did not go that way however.
He wanted to know how I could be so open with my faith in the setting we were
in surrounded by people who, by his assuming, were not all Christian. Simple
response, God uses us all in different ways and gifts us with the talents needed
to be relevant in our community. We all have the ability to affect lives but we
do not always do it in the same way. Some of us are able to go into certain environments
and boldly proclaim God’s message without pounding a pulpit and we do so
through the strength of the Holy Spirit.
As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at his tax
collector’s booth. “Follow me and be my disciple,” Jesus said to him. So
Matthew got up and followed him. Later, Matthew invited Jesus and his disciples
to his home as dinner guests, along with many tax collectors and other
disreputable sinners. But when the Pharisees saw this, they asked his
disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with such scum?” When Jesus heard this,
he said, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do.” Matthew 9:9-12 NLT
Jesus showed the way to getting His
message out there. Sunday church is only a small part of the plan. We need to
live boldly in our communities, living our faith each moment of the day and “preach”
the gospel as God has gifted us. None of us can be Billy Graham but we can all
be followers of Christ in our own special way. Yes, I will sit down with
friends in a pub and share in their lives. Jesus went to where the people lived
and affected the lives of thousands. He sent the disciples into the world to
deliver the Good News. He did not tell them to go build a church building but
rather build relationships, build a family.
We returned to the table and the
conversation took on a whole new life and through it all, my friend came to
realize that all at the table were brothers in Christ. For those of faith, be
bold and hold fast to the strength He provides. Honestly, it takes more courage
to not believe.
This week, we continue with a look at
the story of Lazarus where we will explore Lazarus the bound. We would love for
you to join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Our Mission “To live the
love of Christ”
It’s My Way or the Highway
Yesterday, we had our first board
retreat for the church since before the great lockdown. There were numerous
items on the docket that could have proved to be slightly divisive because,
going into the meeting, there were comments made on both sides of a couple
points that led me to think we could have a bit of a debate happen. The agenda
was out there, notes and reports were prepared and, when the point came up for
discussion, the conversation was calm and professional with all listening
intently to the information being presented and, in the end, all were
completely satisfied with the direction of the vote. No one person dominated
the discussion and we all chose the best decision for the faith family and the
church. Now, you may think, “okay, so what” but consider this; look around you
and, with open eyes and a discerning heart, dig into some of the arguments that
you have witnessed or even been involved in and ask yourself if the desired
outcome was self centered or other centered. You may be surprised at what you
Ten people got together one day and
formed a group to lobby the government to change a policy that they thought was
infringing on their personal right. They gathered together to form a plan and
get the ball rolling. They elected a leader, started to form up a vision
statement but found out that they did not all fully agree on some points and
cracks started to form in the group. Arguments started to erupt and, as lines
were being drawn, one person stood up and declared, “If you don’t like it, then
you can leave!” A few left with the person and started their own group and,
once again, cracks developed because they wanted the direction of the group to
service personal needs rather than the needs of the whole. We see this in so
many things these days and it divides families, communities and countries. If
the rally call is “it’s my way or the highway” the guarantee is that conflict
and strife will always be a key part of the movement and the chance of a
unified front will never be achieved. Consider the church. In the days of
Christ, a group of 12 went forth under the banner of the Saviour and the faith
grew. It did not take long for personal preference to trump divine principle
and the faith movement split. Look, I am being honest here. Read the Epistles
of Paul as he tried to get the churches to focus on Christ’s message rather
than society’s preferences. Strife, chaos and division are the tools of the
evil one and it works. Our focus should remain on the Son of God and His
example. My suggestion is quite simple and you can either take it or leave it –
Trust in the Lord with all your
heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to
him, and he will make your paths straight. Pro 3:5,6. If your
vision is “my way or the highway”, look around, you may be the only one on that
We invite you to join us this Sunday
for a message from Rev. Glenn Reeder. Pastor Todd will be away this weekend at
a conference. We would love for you to join us either in person or online
Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Our Mission “To live the love of
Lazarus Series Week 1
The Story of Lazarus is Death; Maybe.
If there was a simple rule such as
“you shall not do any work on the Sabbath”, it would seem to me like a fairly
easy thing to follow. For six days God created and on the seventh He rested.
Did God know something we didn’t? Talk to most experts in the field of medicine
and they will tell you that a day of rest, complete rest, helps reduce stress, reduces
inflammation and the risk of heart disease, boosts your immune system, adds
years to your life, restores mental energy, you're more creative, you'll focus
better and improve short-term memory. So, when I looked at what you can do on
the Sabbath according to the Mishnah, there were a ton of things that were
allowed so that life could go on and the Lord’s command did not get broken.
They talked the simple rule of resting to death and got to the point where you
needed a cheat sheet just to remember them all. There is more stress in trying
to relax as God commanded then there was in the simple act of rest.
When we start to over-regulate the
law, do we not create more opportunity to “sin”. As we cast judgment upon those
who are breaking the law of man, are we not committing them to death on a
spiritual level? Follow me if you will. God says rest, man defines rest and
states what does or does not define acts against the law. So, what about the
actions of Jesus in Matthew 12:9-12.
Then Jesus went over to their synagogue, where he noticed a man with a
deformed hand. The Pharisees asked Jesus, “Does the law permit a person to work
by healing on the Sabbath?” (They were hoping he would say yes, so they could
bring charges against him.) And he answered, “If you had a sheep that fell
into a well on the Sabbath, wouldn’t you work to pull it out? Of course you
would. And how much more valuable is a person than a sheep! Yes, the law
permits a person to do good on the Sabbath.”
This does not give us freedom to
breach the law for it is written “love God with every ounce of your being and
love your neighbour”. This means do nothing to bring grief to those around you.
This is the difference between preaching (or living) spiritually alive or being
mired in spiritual death. Rest in the Lord, know He has only your best interest
at heart and do not add to His message; it is perfect already. God says rest,
then rest – it is that simple. Spiritual life can be found in the message of
the Saviour for the law permits a person to do good on the Sabbath.
Take some time to look up “The Story
of Lazarus – Bud Robinson”. There is a free version on the web ( https://place.asburyseminary.edu/firstfruitsheritagematerial/96/
) and plan to join us this Sunday for week two of what should be a fascinating
series. We would love for you to join us either in person or online Sunday at
10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Lazarus Series Week 1
Have you ever had someone speak words
of prophecy over you? For some out there who do not believe in the Word of God
or of religions, an example could be something as simple as “that kid is going
to be an amazing artist” or “with a wrist shot like that, the kid is going to
be the next great one”. There were also some whom it was said, were going to
end up on the short end of the stick or be in jail before their fourteenth
birthday. I just watched a documentary about Dr. Billy Graham and, before he
was touched by God, some would say he was not going to amount to much. The one
statement that drives me right round the bend is when people spread false prophecy
over others when they declare a person is going to hell for what or who they
are. They have basically taken the position of God by declaring eternal
damnation upon another simply due to their own limited perception of that
person’s life. Let us consider Lazarus.
In John 11, it is declared that
Lazarus was a sick man. In those days, sickness was a sign of sin and it would
have been wrong for a Rabbi or a Priest to come into his home but Christ went
there for a visit with His friends. Unwell physically meant unwell spiritually and
Lazarus was, in essence, bound for the depths of hell yet Jesus knew better. Let’s
think about this for a moment. There were those out there who, when they became
unwell, were shunned because illness equals evil which was contagious so one
must stay away lest they be affected. I can assure you Lazarus did not want to
get sick but it happens, right? The keepers of the Law would be the first to
point out that Lazarus is dirty and must be avoided yet Christ sought out His
friends, Lazarus, Martha and Mary. While the keepers of the Law are blinded by the
fear of breaking the rules set before them, Christ is bent on being with those
who are in need of healing, desire release from the torment of the judgement
and simple want to be embraced in the loving arms of the Master. Isn’t that
what we all want? Scripture says “For this is how God loved the world: He
gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not
perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the
world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16-17 For God’s children
to think they are greater than the Master and declare judgement upon their
brothers and sisters is the greatest tragedy they could do. We are commanded to
declare the love and grace of the Saviour to all who will listen rather than
call down rivers of fire on those who will not listen. Remember, the thief on
the cross declared the glory of the Messiah with his last breath on the cross
and Christ declared “you will be with Me in Glory”. Do the world a favour and
point them to the Way, the Truth and the Light.
Take some time to look up “The Story
of Lazarus – Bud Robinson”. There is a free version on the web ( https://place.asburyseminary.edu/firstfruitsheritagematerial/96/
) and plan to join us this Sunday for the start of what should be a fascinating
series. We would love for you to join us either in person or online Sunday at
10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
The Story of Lazarus
I was recently given a book by
my father-in-law called “The Story of Lazarus” by Bud Robinson. Never heard of
him. Neither had I.
"Uncle Bud" Robinson (1860-1942), was a Methodist Episcopal
evangelist, who would later become a part of the Church of the Nazarene. Known
for his folk wisdom and colorful phrases, his preaching focused on the message
of entire sanctification.
His father made whiskey and ran a bar in the hills of White County,
Tennessee. "Uncle Bud" grew up in a poor family, one of thirteen
children, and did not get an education. After his father's death, his mother
moved the family to Texas, where he fell into a wild life of drinking and
gambling. In 1880, he attended a tent revival, was converted, and then joined the
Methodist Episcopal Church. It was a Sunday school teacher who taught him how
to read at 20 years of age. In the 1890's he studied at Southwestern University
and would become a major influence in the emerging Church of the Nazarene.
He experienced the call to preach at his conversion, and despite a bad
stutter remained an active evangelist for 60 years. He is estimated to have
preached over 33,000 sermons and witnessed more than 100,000 conversions. He
died in 1942 at 82 years of age, but remains one of the most colorful folk
evangelists in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. An example of one of his
well-known prayers is when he asked God to "help me sign the contract to
fight the devil as long as I've got a fist, and bite him as long as I have a tooth,
then gum him till I die."(My Life Story – Bud Robinson, Published by First
Fruits Press, 2015 Previously published by Pentecostal Publishing Company, 1096”).
One may wonder why I have included all this
information before we start the series but the reason is simple, God does not always
call the equipped but He will equip those He has (the) called. I did
take some liberty with the saying as you can see but I wanted to make a point.
So often, the ones who have not been with the church since their father’s, father’s,
father built the First Church are not truly considered worthy to lead the children
of God in the Holy of Holies yet Bud was an integral part of the faith journey
for over 100,000 people. Can’t read, doesn’t matter, God will equip. Have a
drinking problem, don’t worry, God can help with that. Have a gambling problem,
God can strengthen you and help you overcome. Have a stutter, the Holy Spirit
can work through you.
Take some time to look up “The Story of
Lazarus – Bud Robinson”. There is a free version on the web ( https://place.asburyseminary.edu/firstfruitsheritagematerial/96/
) and plan to join us this Sunday for the start of what should be a fascinating
series. We would love for you to join us either in person or online Sunday at
10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Pastor Todd
Construction Phase
have been talking about the fact that we are all under construction. The second
we take our foot off the pedal, the moment we stop questing to learn more or
even share what we know with others is the second we begin to stagnate. Last
week we talked about how we all have a purpose that does not have an ending.
Then the Lord said to
Moses, “Pay close attention to this. I will make you seem like God to Pharaoh,
and your brother, Aaron, will be your prophet. Tell Aaron everything I
command you, and Aaron must command Pharaoh to let the people of Israel leave
his country. But I will make Pharaoh’s heart stubborn so I can multiply my
miraculous signs and wonders in the land of Egypt. Even then Pharaoh will
refuse to listen to you. So I will bring down my fist on Egypt. Then I will
rescue my forces—my people, the Israelites—from the land of Egypt with great
acts of judgment. When I raise my powerful hand and bring out the
Israelites, the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord.”
So Moses and Aaron did just as
the Lord had commanded them. Moses was eighty years old, and Aaron
was eighty-three when they made their demands to Pharaoh. Exodus 7:1-7 NLT
this was a rather large section of scripture but the key here is the last two
sentences; Moses was 80 and his brother, Aaron, was 83 years old. I have more
years behind me than I do ahead and question if I have what it takes to be a
spiritual leader or an effective rabbi (teacher). Do those in the younger
demographics still look to us for direction or wisdom or are we supposed to
fade off into the background? I read this and realized that we will never be
ineffective unless we talk ourselves into it. Stagnation leads to degeneration
which, in turn can lead to a spiritual death. If Moses had decided he was too
old or not good enough to lead a nation, where would the faith be today? Read
Exodus 4 again, Moses said that he was not good enough, not ready to lead yet
God knew exactly what He was doing. We, as a society, need to not only check
our ageism at the door but also seek out ways to engage those who are older
(the grey hairs) as a resource for spiritual growth. When I hear those in the
community describe their congregation as senior heavy, I rejoice because there
is a ton of wisdom there and even more opportunity to mentor the next generation
of spiritual leaders. We need to encourage our seniors to reach out to these
generations and become the cheerleaders of future church mentors.
week we look to some of the greatest leaders in scripture who started their
ministry in their senior years. Youth should be encouraged and enabled but it
is the seniors who must be the ones to set them free to minister and grow. We
would love for you to join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM
Live - Main Ave
Live – You Tube
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Flip Flop
Have you ever considered the flip-flop? It
is a staple for most people in the summer, it is an easy item to pack and store
and it can be dressed up to match occasions. I have done a few weddings where
the bride and her attendants have opted for the simple flip-flop as a
comfortable and light shoe for the event. They come in so many colours and
styles, they are very affordable and can easily be accessorized. I have even
seen the groom and groomsmen wearing these laid back casual kicks. The sound of
the flip-flop is also very distinctive and had a large part in the naming of
the beach shoe. The versatility of this shoe plus the fact it has been in use
far longer than we think makes it an integral part of our society. In fact, if
you research it, the flip-flop goes back to ancient Egypt more than four
thousand years ago.
It is such a simple item to make, easy to
repair and almost every culture in the world has benefitted from their
existence. If you ask anyone, they can define the basic make up of the sandal
but it will differ slightly depending on where you are from. The ancient Romans
had a strap after the second toe, the Mesopotamians, the third toe. Were they
wrong? Nope, just different. Is it worth arguing over? Nope, not really. Do
people argue over it or disagree with where and when they should be worn? All
the time! I went to a really nice restaurant in Jamaica with my wife a few
years ago and I can tell you we were not the only ones wearing sandals, in fact
it would have been out of place to wear dress shoes. So why does society feel
such a need to make such a big deal out of such a small issue?
There are those in this world who look at
other religious organizations, other denominations within a religious order,
and they find ways to push these groups out of their own little circle of righteousness
because they do not hold the same ideals or beliefs of that individual or
group. Here is my question, in order for someone to be my friend, must they
hold the exact same values and beliefs as me? If that is the case, Natalie and
I would not be married because she would rather play with her plants than go
quadding with our group. Natalie would rather sing than beat on the drums. I
like a plain ordinary pair of flip-flops as opposed to Natalie who likes a
sandal with a bit more character. Here is the thing, I love my wife regardless
of her choice in sandals, despite her choice in hobbies or her choice in hockey
teams. I have many friends who do not believe in what I do and each friendship
is as different as one could imagine but there is something that is very much
the same – we appreciate and respect the relationships we have with each other.
My closest friend wears the most amazing sandals and we have a perfect
relationship. I am called to share this news, it is up to you if you want to
hear it. It won’t change our relationship going forward just like your
flip-flops won’t affect my walk. Love God, love each other – it is that easy.
Last Sunday, things went a bit sideways and
the message was not what we had planned. This week, we look at how we can
release the bonds of over doing it with the rules and leaning on the Word of
God. We would love for you to join us either in person or online Sunday at
10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Pastor Todd
So Hypercautious You Get Nothing Done
As we continue the “Under
Construction” series, I happened upon a thought that was triggered by last
week’s sermon. Now, before I begin, I am not saying that we are to be rebels
and push back against all the rules but I do want to explore common sense. Common
sense suggests that if you order a hot chocolate from a vendor, you should get
what you asked for—hot chocolate beverage. I remember the days a long time ago
when my dad taught me how to properly hold a beverage while he drove the
half-ton. You see, in a 1974 Chevy pickup there were a couple things missing
that modern trucks have; bucket seats and a center console with cup holders.
The truck was a standard which meant you needed your right hand to shift, the
left hand on the wheel and you could not hold the beverage between your legs
because of the need to clutch. The middle passenger never held the cup because
they were always dodging the shifter so the shotgun got the cup. Was there a
warning sign to say the contents were hot – no. Did I need to have it explained
what would happen if it spilled – no. Back in those days we did not have
“travel mugs”, instead we had the big old ceramic coffee mug that held a half a
pot of coffee. Dad taught my brother and I how to hold the cup properly, how to
lean it as we went around corners or sped up and how to absorb the bumps on
rough roads.
Common sense meant that we knew it
was hot, dad wanted his coffee at the end of the trip and if we messed up, dad
was upset and someone was getting slightly burnt. Now-a-days, we need to have
warnings on a coffee cup that states the obvious “contents may be hot”. The
thought that we need to express the fact it is possibly hot is hilarious but
the other thing we often overlook is the word “may”. If the person takes a sip
of the beverage and finds it to be lukewarm, the client can go back and demand
a hot beverage. So here is the thing, you have a hot beverage, in a cup holder
close enough to the driver as not to be a distraction or inconvenience and you
are driving in a province where distracted driving includes eating or drinking
while driving. Why is this? Because people may spill the contents of the drink
in their lap while they are driving and could possibly cause an accident. Hypercautious.
Common sense is being legislated for us and we are getting more and more
reliant on others to make our world safe. How long until our playgrounds are
enveloped in bubble wrap and everyone is required to wear protective gear to
play on the monkey bars?
It is the same thing with our faith.
Over the past centuries, church leaders have bubble wrapped the faith so no one
can be tempted to practice or grow in their faith. Common sense says God
created all things, Jesus died on the cross for us all and the Holy Spirit is
our loving guide and our strength. We are not invulnerable to temptation but
God has given us the means and the ways to grow in our faith and learn through
His word and by His example.
You learned about the Good News from Epaphras, our beloved co-worker. He
is Christ’s faithful servant, and he is helping us on your behalf. He has
told us about the love for others that the Holy Spirit has given you. So we
have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to
give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and
understanding. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and
your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow
as you learn to know God better and better. We also pray that you will be
strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and
patience you need. Col 1:7-11 NLT
This Sunday, we look at how we can release the
bonds of over doing it with the rules and leaning on the Word of God. We would
love for you to join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main
Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Time Has Come To Face Facts
Not long ago, I had a conversation with a person who seemed to
have a rather interesting viewpoint when it comes to entering into glory. Let
me try to explain it through parable. A young person decided they wanted to go
to a concert and had been waiting for most of their life to get tickets for the
event. There were more than enough tickets for anyone who wanted to go but you
needed to arrive at the venue at least three hours before the concert. The
young person did as instructed and dutifully waited in line. At the first stop,
the person was asked to provide identification and submit to a security scan.
This is not uncommon so the person accepted. With that test done, the person
moved back out into the line again. In the distance, the person heard a
commotion and turned around to look. There were numerous people approaching the
gate and being turned away. They were screaming that their rights were being
violated and that they were only a few minutes late. That is where it ended
because the line started to move once again. The next stop and another test,
this time it was a test of knowledge. They wanted to know if you were a great
fan or a poser. Fifty questions about the artist and the person could not have
more than two wrong otherwise they would be sent out. The test was completed
and only one wrong so onto the next challenge.
At the next table, there was a second knowledge challenge
involving the artist’s music. Three songs and the person not only had to know
the words but also had to identify other selected songs by hearing a very small
excerpt. This was now getting tougher and tougher. After making it past this
challenge it was back into the lineup for the next test. With every test there
seemed to be less and less people in line, kind of reminds me of Charlie and
the Chocolate Factory. The tests seemed to get harder and harder and finally
the young person got to the last challenge. Standing at the door was the
bouncer who looked the person up and down. If the bouncer thought you worthy,
you were in. The young person must have passed that test because the door was
opened and access was granted. Inside the hall were a handful of others, the
lucky few who made it through the labyrinth, who proved their worth to receive
the great gift from the great artist.
If I told you that in order to pass from this world into the
presence of the Father you needed to jump through a myriad of hoops and prove
your dedication through acts, would you even try? If you are being truthful
with yourself, you probably would not. But I tell you the truth the reality of
entrance into the Kingdom of God is far easier than what some would have you
believe. Consider the thieves on the cross.
One of the criminals hanging beside him scoffed, “So you’re the
Messiah, are you? Prove it by saving yourself—and us, too, while you’re at it!”
But the other criminal protested, “Don’t you fear God even when
you have been sentenced to die? We deserve to die for our crimes, but this man
hasn’t done anything wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come
into your Kingdom.”
And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in
paradise.” Luke 34:49-43 NLT
Name the love of Christ and His reign over your life and claim His
promise of eternal life in Glory.
This is the message we heard from Jesus and now declare to you:
God is light, and there is no darkness in him at all. So we are lying if we say
we have fellowship with God but go on living in spiritual darkness; we are not
practicing the truth. But if we are living in the light, as God is in the
light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his
Son, cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:5-7 NLT
I am here to make this very simple, in plain words. Love God with
absolutely all you are, declare Him as Lord of your heart and soul and give
over your sins unto Him and He will cleanse you. He will welcome you into Glory
with open arms and all Heaven will rejoice. It is not by works that you will be
saved but rather through the grace of God. Works do have a place but it is to
help and inform others around you that God is looking forward to sharing Heaven
with us all.
This Sunday, we will examine the entrance exam for Heaven and
rejoice. We would love for you to join us either in person or online Sunday at
10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Pastor Todd
In the past, I attended many a service where we were told that if we
do not live a perfect life, if we do not memorize scripture, if we do not look
and act a certain way that is pleasing to God, we will surely go to hell. Talk
about scaring a little kid to death. I mean who tells a kid, who is just
wanting to go out and play with their friends after church, they can’t because
it is wrong. “It is wrong” is associated with “against the church” which is
linked, in a young child’s mind, as sin and there is a special place in Sheol
for those who break the rule. Move forward a few decades and these kids have
grown up and away from the church because, as many research papers have deduced,
there is no way to live up to the expectations of the church. There was and, in
some churches, still is, such a concentration on sin and the consequences of
non-compliance, that the truth is not getting the proper billing. In Romans 3
starting at 23, it is noted that:
For everyone has
sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.
This is a common verse used by many a preacher to throw it out there
that none of us is truly worthy of the gift of God, that is Glory. But, as we
read on in that chapter:
Yet God, in his grace,
freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he
freed us from the penalty for our sins.
Everyone has sinned and fall short but hear me now when I say this
is not truly the focus for those who are trying to relay that absolute Truth. The
finger that points at the sinner (whom is all of us) in condemnation is doing
more harm to the family than building up the community of the Kingdom. Jesus
said it best in John 8 starting at 3:
As he was speaking,
the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been
caught in the act of adultery. They put her in front of the crowd…“Teacher,”
they said to Jesus, “this woman was caught in the act of adultery. The law
of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?” They were
trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus
stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger. They kept demanding an
answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has
never sinned throw the first stone!” Then he stooped down again and wrote
in the dust. When the accusers heard this, they slipped
away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the
middle of the crowd with the woman. Then Jesus stood up again and said to
the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”
“No, Lord,” she said.
And Jesus
said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”
While mankind looks for ways to point the finger at people’s flaws,
Jesus simply wants us to point others to Him. Think of it, Jesus said He did
not come into the world to condemn but rather to save. Why would we not point
others to Him? Life, love, and grace—this is the perfect message.
This Sunday, we will continue to explore construction of faith,
building people up. We would love for you to join us either in person or online
Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Pastor Todd
Under Construction
We just got back from our holidays in
Newfoundland and Nova Scotia and, while it was fantastic to be with family and
friends once again, it is wonderful to be back home. I dare say I need a
holiday to recuperate from our holiday. It was wonderful to see everyone but it
was also magnificent to see some of the changes going on. Our friends had not
changed much at all but the surroundings sure did. There were some things that
had to change, like the old buildings that were falling in on themselves but in
their place were a couple of beautiful parks and some new buildings that were
alive with new tenants. There is a road between New Glasgow and Antigonish that
is notorious for accidents and fatalities especially around Marshy Hope. After
years of research and deliberation, the powers that be decided to make a rather
radical change to that section of the highway, they are taking it over the big
hills and twinning it. These changes should make the journey a bit faster and a
lot safer. The construction is well underway but it will not be completed
overnight, it takes time when you want it done right. New construction to
change lives for the better. There are times we have to let go of the past and
embrace the future with a new passion.
For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down (that
is, when we die and leave this earthly body), we will have a house in heaven,
an eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands. We grow
weary in our present bodies, and we long to put on our heavenly bodies like new
clothing. For we will put on heavenly bodies; we will not be spirits
without bodies. While we live in these earthly bodies, we groan and sigh,
but it’s not that we want to die and get rid of these bodies that clothe us.
Rather, we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be
swallowed up by life. God himself has prepared us for this, and as a
guarantee he has given us his Holy Spirit. 2 Cor:1-5 NLT
We are on a journey and, while we are
on this planet, all have an opportunity to research the path they are on and
make choices on the route they will take. For those who embrace the Christ,
accept His promise of a future without end and hand over their sins to Him,
life begins anew. When we become a Christian, a follower of Christ, we enter
the construction zone. The old is stripped away and, through the giftings of
the Holy Spirit, we grow and become a new creation in the Lord. It does takes
time and the journey does continue until we are greeted in Glory but when it is
all done, our reward will be eternity in paradise, all safe and secure.
This Sunday, we will explore this
area of construction and also celebrate a wonderful 2022 Vacation Bible School
week. We would love for you to join us either in person or online Sunday at
10:30 AM MST.
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We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Holidays and Revival; Is There A
I feel like I am writing a thesis for
my Master’s but as all of you may know, the chances of me doing a Master’s
degree is slim to none and Slim has left the building. The fact is I have
started working on a new series for the fall and am basing it on a book by Bud
Robinson called “The Story of Lazarus”. If you want to get ahead of the game,
Google it and you will find a free download online. I have been reading this
intriguing book, all of 110 pages, and was prompted to think about how the
actions of the church in 1909 are very similar to society today. We change so
much yet we don’t really change. One tiny part of the book concerns how a
church of well over 500 relies on a very precious few to attend to the affairs
of the church and even fewer to do God’s bidding of preaching the Word.
Remember, this was in 1909!
For the past six months, Natalie and
I have been planning and preparing for holidays. I think this is the first time
we have done so with very little stress and, when the time came to depart, even
the threats of lost luggage and cancelled flights did not phase us. We were
ready for a rest. No rentals in St. Johns, no worries, God provided an answer
and U-Haul got our business. One day the weather did not cooperate but God
provided the answer; you needed the rest. In Nova Scotia, the morning started
off hot, muggy and overcast but by noon, the skies cleared and we made plans to
hit the beach; God announced we needed time alone in His beauty. Take the time God
provides and enjoy the beauty of His creation. So here is the key; listen to
His direction, rest when He provides the occasion and be ready to respond when
He opens up opportunity to share the peace and joy of the Lord with others. You
see, the world has become way too busy fully enjoy the gifts God has provided.
In some cases, society has become so earthly minded that they are no heavenly good.
As I write this, my grandson has come to me with, what some would call, an
interruption but for me it was an opportunity to share a laugh and hug. I am
still working on the article but it is not the most important thing right now. God
has provided the opportunities to relax and rejuvenate and, as we talked about
last week, has even commanded it. Keep the Sabbath holy.
What does it take for the pendulum to
swing to the Lord? We all need to take a break from the busyness of the world
and take stock of what God has provided. What would happen if we took a holiday
from the rush and stress of tight schedules and embrace the peace and relaxation
God has placed before us? Revival is defined as an instance of something
becoming popular, active, or important again. My thought or suggestion for
society is this; take a holiday from the hustle and bustle once a week, embrace
the peace and solitude of the Lord and find out what is truly important once
This week, we will once again welcome
a message from Rev. Bob Hillock. We would love for you to join us either in
person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
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Ave Fellowship
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We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Don’t Do It!
As I was growing up, I thought for
sure my nickname was “What where you thinking?” My last name was “Don’t do that
again!” My brother and I had a great childhood. We had a swing-set in the back
yard that needed to be tied down to the ground with a large piece of ready-rod
lest we tipped it over swinging too high. We were often told not to swing so
high because we were going to wreck the swing and if we did, we would not get
another one. Beside the swing was a very cool fort. It had three levels and
windows for shooting our cap guns out when the enemy came to attack. It later
served as target practice for shooting tennis balls at with our hockey sticks.
Then we got the bright idea to get people to go inside the fort and put their
face in the window and try to avoid getting hit with the ball as we fired the
dripping wet tennis projectile at the hole (we had dogs that loved to drool).
Apparently we were “not thinking” when it was discovered what we were doing and
we were told to stop it – NOW! Beside
the fort was our sandbox in the shade of a huge evergreen. We spent hours
playing with our Tonka trucks and Dinky cars and, like most boys, we also dug
holes. One day in our exuberance, we started digging and just never stopped.
After some time, mom looked out the kitchen window wondering where we had
gotten to and came out the back door to call us in for lunch. My brother and I
popped our heads out of the rather large hole to answer and we asked “what on
earth are you two doing?” We thought it was quite obvious but failed to realize
that as we dug down, hacking through roots as we went, we were weakening the
tree at the foundation. We were told very vehemently that what we had done was
wrong and to fill it back in and don’t do it again.
If you read the scriptures, the Old
Testament is full of rules God handed down to us. These were not meant to hold
us back but rather to protect us and, yes, direct us to a better path. God’s
creation, His children, often rebelled because rules are meant to be “broken or
tested”. My parents set up some very solid rules to live by, many of them
biblically based, and, while we did push back on them, they still are an
integral part of our personalities. When we were living as children, we needed
the parameters but as we grew, rational thinking became a part of our makeup
and our thought process changed quite a bit. The Old Testament had the pat
rules but take a look through the New Testament and count the number of times
Christ referred to the law and put it out there in a different way, “You have
heard that it was said…but I say to you.” Take Matthew 5:21-24 for example;
“You have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not
murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.’ But I say, if
you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgment! If you call
someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And
if you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell.
“So if you are presenting a
sacrifice at the altar in the Temple and you suddenly remember that
someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the
altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice
to God.
Here we see rational thought and a
positive solution being presented in such a way as to promote growth and peace
for all involved. This is the message of the Christ. This Sunday, we will
explore the “but I say to you” moments in the New Testament. We would love for
you to join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
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Ave Fellowship
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We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
The Fullness of God
When we start to think outside the
box and test the boundaries of limited understanding, this is when we can fully
begin to realize that we may not know everything. There are those who will
attempt to impress with their vast knowledge of a variety of topics but when it
comes right down to it I just want to know the basic facts. Consider this, I
was having issues with a solenoid for a garden tractor and, like a dope, I
forgot to take pictures as I pulled the solenoid and the starter off the
tractor. Part two to this, if enough time has gone by, I will forget or
question myself on how to put it back together again. Long story made short, I
could not remember which pole to put the positive wire on and I started to
question myself as to how it all went back together. So, like all guys, I
googled it and ended up even more confused and not at all confident. There is a
lot of conflicting messages out there and numerous “experts” who will be more
than happy to tell you how to do it even if they are bat crazy. We need to
question things (science relies on this to move forward) but we all need to
recognize that if the facts lead to a specific conclusion, we should really
heed the wisdom even if it runs contrary to our own preconceived notions. An
open mind is a wonderful thing, a closed mind leads to stagnation.
With all that said, consider this;
God, three in one, is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. In other words,
He is infinitely powerful in all creation, infinitely wise and infinitely
everywhere. He is the Father of all creation, the Son is perfect in word and
the Holy Spirit is with us always and forever. In John 1:1-5,
In the beginning the Word already
existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in
the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing
was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was
created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the
darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.
And in Genesis 1:1-2
In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered
the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the
In the beginning, God, the Father,
created and at that same moment, the Holy Spirit hovered over the surface and
eventually breathed life into Adam. In the beginning was the Word, the Son of
God. This from the word of God, witnessed to and faithfully followed for
thousands of years. It has been studied, questioned and tested well before the
thoughts of mankind had even begun to fully understand. I am not saying that
science does not have a place in our world, but I am saying that the Word of
God has just as much a right to play into the conversation. Many do not understand
faith in God but faith in an all-powerful divine Creator makes a bit more sense
than blindly following spaceships, aliens and zombies.
Do you want to test it? Join us this
Sunday as we seek the truth in the Word.
We would love for you to join
us either in person or online at 10:30 AM MST.
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We look
forward to seeing you this Sunday.
How Do I
Explain This?
I was in university, one of the discussions we had focused on the Trinity, or
Triune God. The question our professor wanted us to consider was this; how
would you explain the wholeness of God to a ten-year-old? Our class had some
brilliant students and we thought this was going to be quite simple but it
turned out to be more difficult than we first presumed. The group was fortunate
to have a parent of a ten-year-old and, as we began to formulate a method of delivery,
we discovered this was going to be more difficult than we first imagined. Let
me give you an example.
is like an egg. The egg has a shell, the yellow yolk and the white. While all
three are separate, they all make up an egg. The parent in our group just
stared blankly at us and we waited for the response.
is an egg? Do you know what the first question would be? Do you realize where
the questions are going to go especially in a Sunday school class full of
ten-year-olds? Is it a boiled egg or a raw egg? Is it a brown egg or a white
egg? Robin’s eggs are blue”
were just talking about eggs and hadn’t even started in on the Triune God. Explaining
the Father was going to be relatively easy since most children of faith already
understand that God, the Father, was Christ’s Father (don’t get me started on
when someone noted that Joseph was His father – there is always one). The
Heavenly Father, by way of the Holy Spirit (don’t use the term Ghost, that is a
story for another day) became pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit.
This is how Jesus the Messiah was
born. His mother, Mary, was engaged to be married to Joseph. But before the
marriage took place, while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant through
the power of the Holy Spirit. Matt 1:8 NLT
all thought we were going to nail this part but we soon found out how wrong we
were. Here were some of the possible questions:
Where do babies
come from?
Was Joseph mad?
Is Joseph the
What’s a virgin?
of us really saw that coming. We were thinking on an adult level and not a
child level. We were using adult speak where we needed to kid friendly
language. You see, the message of God is not complicated but we have made it
tough. Too many scholars trying to make everyone realize just how smart they
are rather than take the time to speak the truth in simple terms. This may
upset some of the highly educated and the professors but the truth is this,
Christ came for all and not just the highbrows. In fact, if you want to know
the Trinity read this bit of scripture.
One day when the crowds were being
baptized, Jesus himself was
baptized. As he was praying, the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit, in bodily form, descended
on him like a dove. And a voice from heaven said, “You are my dearly loved Son, and you bring me great joy.” Luke 3:21-22 NLT
God is the Father of all creation, Jesus the Son
who came to earth to save us all and the Holy Spirit who dwells with us 24/7.
All three are God and God is the great I AM. It may seem tough to wrap our head
around it all but we can think of it this way; God is creator, saviour and
protector wrapped up in one magnificent package. This is as simple as can make
This Sunday, we will finish the series on Pentecost. We would love for you to join us either in person
or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
The Way of Life
There are two phrases that I
question. The first one is when I hear people say “it is what it is” because
that means the person has resigned themselves to accept the circumstances
rather than fight for what they feel is right. The fight has gone out of them
and they accept that it is what it is and nothing is going to change it.
The second phrase is “it’s just the
way of life”. This is also known as “it’s the new normal” or “that’s the way it
is”. I heard a funny thing the other day where a politician was telling the
audience to trust the science yet Albert Einstein was quoted as saying “the
important thing is to never stop questioning”. If you adhere to the thoughts of
Vinod Khosla, an Indian-American billionaire businessman and venture capitalist,
when he states “Religion asks you to believe things without questioning, and
technology and science always encourage you to ask hard questions and why it is
important in science and technology. So I was always interested in science and
technology”, then the two phrases I hear so often take on an almost religious
attitude. I would like to counter with this; when Thomas was doubtful and
questioning the return of Christ, Jesus did not come up to Thomas and destroy
Him but rather Jesus provided the proof.
24 Now Thomas (also known as Didymus), one of the Twelve,
was not with the disciples when Jesus came. 25 So
the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!”
But he said to them, “Unless I see
the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my
hand into his side, I will not believe.”
26 A week later his disciples were in the house again, and
Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among
them and said, “Peace be with you!” 27 Then
he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your
hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”
28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
29 Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have
believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John
20:24-29 NIV
The final sentence says it all for
me. “because you have seen, you believe, blessed are those who have not seen
and yet they believe.” Thomas asked for proof but the key is this, he accepted
the proof. When people first come to hear the Truth, there are questions, there
are inquiries. This is, for many, not a blind following but rather an educated
choice based on research and facts. Like all inquiries, there are those who
will oppose, who will not listen to the proof and try to sway. This is a fact
of human behaviour. We all have a choice to make but those who are not willing
to hear the opinions of others and decide to default to accept the phrase
“that’s just the way it is” are only robbing themselves of the chance to grow
in knowledge and wisdom by testing, researching and asking for the proof. Put
you finger here, do you feel the nail holes, do you recognize the spear’s entry
point? The neutral path is to accept society’s lethargy and resign to walking
the fence between good and evil. Just remember, the evil one owns the fence.
This weekend, we welcome Rev Glenn
Reeder to bring us a message of hope and joy. We would love for you to join us
either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
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We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Where Does Your Strength Come From?
Where has the voice of the nation,
the faith nation, gone? The strength of those who were some of the mightiest
evangelists has, in my opinion, died when they passed and those who were
supposed to take up the challenge of the greats like D. L. Moody and Billy
Graham to mention a couple, have been attacked, bullied and abused by a nation
focused on self. Sure, there are some strong evangelists out there but listen
to the message, it is often watered down to meet the needs of the masses rather
than take on the needs of the lost. If you think I am being harsh, guess what,
I am and the one I will be the harshest is myself. I read a meme the other day
that said: “if you want everyone to like you, go sell ice-cream”. I can
guarantee you that regardless of how soft or “grey” a stance you take in life,
someone will have an issue with you. If you are trying to get through life with
your head low and hope to never be the cause of any issues, at some point you
will step on toes so why go through life fearful of causing a problem? Now
don’t get me wrong, I am not saying we should all rebel and fight the system, I
am, however, saying never be afraid to live your faith. There will be some who
will be rubbed the wrong way by your stance but hold firm and seek out strength
in the Holy Spirit.
Consider this, for forty days, the
disciples followed the risen Saviour and they learned at the feet of the
Master. They went to the chamber after He ascended and waited as directed and
the Spirit came upon them like tongues of flames, and they were filled with the
Holy Spirit. This Sunday we are going to look at this but I want us to focus on
this most important message; Peter, who denied Christ before the crucifixion,
who cried because Christ confronted him at the feast after the resurrection,
who hid behind locked doors after Christ was buried, this same man stood before
thousands after the Holy Spirit filled him with divine courage and he spoke
boldly to a crowd who were gathered to ridicule and bully the followers of
Christ. The passion of the message was so powerful that it touched the hearts
of many and about three thousand were saved! The message was simple, Christ is
Lord, He loves us all and died for our sins.
Peter’s words pierced their hearts, and they said to him and to the other
apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?”
Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God and
be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then
you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 This
promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away —all who have been
called by the Lord our God.”Then Peter continued preaching for a long time,
strongly urging all his listeners, “Save yourselves from this crooked
generation!” Acts 2:37-40 NLT
This weekend, we celebrate the
message of Pentecost. We would love for you to join us either in person or online
Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
What Can I Say
There are days when things are just
sort of, how do I put this; Meh. You know those days, right? It’s one of those
days where emails from the head office don’t really rate a reply because, it’s
all just – meh. Most days are full of hope and joy where you look forward to
the next meeting with anticipation, the sun looks just a bit brighter and even
the clouds glisten with a silver lining. There are also the days where nothing
is going right, the sunshine gives you a headache and the clouds only signal
rain and cold. Then there is Meh. These are the days where nothing really
matters too much but there is a chance that if one shoe drops, the day is going
to head south in a real hurry. Then again, there is also a chance that one act
of kindness could totally brighten up the day. Today is that day for me. Now
before people start sending in notes of concern and such, this is a “meh” day
and as I write this, I am taking note of how wonderful God is in the toughest
of times and in the meh times.
I remember years ago when we used to
see how deep we could dive before we had to surface. We had an idea of how deep
we could go and there is that point where you could either go a bit further or
turn back. I do recall getting to that point this one time and thinking I could
try just a couple feet deeper. Turned out that was the wrong call. I had gone
past the “meh” point and set myself up for the rest of the journey. As I turned
to go back to the surface, I realized how deep I had sunk and it was going to
be close getting to the surface. I raced to the surface, using up the oxygen in
the lungs at a greater rate and, with lungs burning, I realized I wasn’t going
to make it. The air escaped my lips in a scream and the void was replaced with
water but, at the last moment, a hand grabbed mine and, in the next moment, I
was on the surface coughing and sputtering. What a blessing and a miracle in
that one precious moment.
We have the opportunity each and
every day to grasp that hand of blessing. Remember, when the day is going
south, call upon the Holy Spirit for strength and guidance to help you get to
the surface. Those times when the world is that little bit brighter, call out
to the Holy Spirit in praise for what the Lord has provided. On those “meh”
days, take time out in prayer and meditation, ask the Holy Spirit to open your
heart and your eyes to the blessings around you and bask in the light of the
The Lord is good to
everyone. He showers compassion on all his creation. Ps 145:9
This weekend, we begin a new series
on the Holy Spirit leading up to Pentecost. We would love for you to join us
either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Tough Nut to Swallow
You want to know the absolute truth?
This is very tough to say but I do not know it all. Really, I don’t. In fact, I
truly admire it when others admit they do not have the answer but can out me in
touch with someone who does. For example, about three years ago I was having a
tough time with constant pain in my joints but I got to thinking that maybe I
could diagnose the situation and apply a remedy on my own. So, I called Dr.
Google and got to work. So many suggestions but nothing that really worked. One
night, the pain was so intense, I asked Natalie to drive me to the hospital but
I had to go to the bathroom first. No matter how hard I tried, I could not
close my fingers on the drawstring of my pants and I had to get Natalie to pull
up my pants and knot the draw sting. That was a tough one to take. Sitting on
the edge of the bed in the hospital, I began to realize that I may not have the
answers. This was truly humbling. The Doctor came in and started asking a bunch
of questions including some about my grandparents. At the end of the
discussion, the Doctor suggested it may be Palindromic Rheumatoid Arthritis. Never
heard of it. Neither had I. The Doctor was able to narrow down the
possibilities but she suggested I consult a specialist. Long story short, the
Emergency Doctor referred me to a specialist who took care of the situation and
my personal Doctor works with him to help me get better.
This is a tough thing to admit but we
are not perfect at all things but we can ask others who are specialists or more
knowledgeable to give us a hand. And it all works hand in hand. There will be
times where we will be asked to share our talents or expertise to help others.
Let’s consider this:
The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body.
So it is with the body of Christ. Some of us are Jews, some are
Gentiles, some are slaves, and some are free. But we have all been
baptized into one body by one Spirit, and we all share the same Spirit.
Yes, the body has many different parts, not just one part. If the
foot says, “I am not a part of the body because I am not a hand,” that does not
make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear says, “I am not part
of the body because I am not an eye,” would that make it any less a part of the
body? If the whole body were an eye, how would you hear? Or if your whole
body were an ear, how would you smell anything?
But our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part just where he
wants it. How strange a body would be if it had only one part! Yes,
there are many parts, but only one body. The eye can never say to the
hand, “I don’t need you.” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you.” 1
Cor 12:12-21 NLT
We are all gifted in some way and by
sharing our gifts and talents with others, we can make a difference in people’s
lives and in our overall health of our society. We all need to take a look at
the world around us and find a way to contribute wherever we can rather than
seek out ways to separate from the whole and take the ball and go home. Life is
much more than being the lone wolf.
This weekend, we welcome Singer/Songwriter
Trevor Baker who will be bringing the Message of God in word and song. We would love for you to
join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Perfect Harmony
Over the years, I have had discussions
with peers across numerous denominational lines and, while most of the time,
these conversations have led to a common consensus; our foundational beliefs
are very similar. If you compare our statements of faith, they are very close
and the differences are not worth fighting over. Let me be so bold as to say
this, so many arguments that happen within our own Christian faith family are
because of the interpretations of theologians who had a viewpoint and people
followed the teachings of a man rather than embracing the Truth of God. I know
I will get a bit of a backlash but I can tell you this for certain, there is
not a special place in Heaven for the Calvinists, the Wesleyans or the
Lutherans just to name a few. We are all of the same Creator and it is time we
embrace that truth. If you think I am way off base, please feel free to email
me or even call me because I love to read the Scriptures and they are very
clear. Let me reference 1 Corinthians 12 starting at verse 12:
The human body has many parts, but
the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of
Christ. Some of us are Jews, some are Gentiles, some are slaves, and
some are free. But we have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, and
we all share the same Spirit.
Yes, the body has many different
parts, not just one part. If the foot says, “I am not a part of the body
because I am not a hand,” that does not make it any less a part of the
body. And if the ear says, “I am not part of the body because I am not an
eye,” would that make it any less a part of the body? If the whole body
were an eye, how would you hear? Or if your whole body were an ear, how would
you smell anything?
Keep reading on further and you can
see where the message is this; we all need each other. There is no need to
argue how to interpret “kurios” but rather embrace the message, meditate on His
Holy Word and let it nestle itself into your heart. Once you capture the joy
and love of His Word, spread the joy and peace of the message in word and in
deed throughout the land.
Many years ago, I remember a
marketing campaign for Coca Cola that was a modification of a song by the New
Seekers called “I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing (In Perfect Harmony)”. Once
I put down the lyrics, it will be an earworm for many of you.
We need to present the Gospel in
perfect harmony with all the different denominations but we need to do so in
such a way as to honour the Body as a whole. This is not the time to declare
the righteousness of the denomination but rather proclaim the perfection of a
loving and gracious God. Truth be told, I am not the only one to think this
way. United for God, one voice for Christ.
This Sunday, we celebrate in songs of
worship and do a lil’ business (our Annual General Meeting). This is a time of
praising Him and thanking our Lord for an amazing year. We would love for you
to join us either in person or online Sunday at 10:30 AM MST.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
The Purple Jersey
The time has come for the faithful to
rise up and declare their faith once again. There have been those who have
denied their faith and others who followed other paths only to realize they
were wrong and must now choose to, once again, make a choice. The choice is not
as easy at it seems as there are many different options available. Do you
choose the odds-on favourite, the road well worn, or do you jump on board with
a new plan that may or may not have been your go to in the past? For some, the
ever faithful, there is that thought that no matter what, I will stay the
course and not deny my choice. There are also those who have jumped on and off
the bandwagon so many times, you can almost predict at what point they will
return. Others still, who have turned their back and will never return. No
matter what you do or say, they will never change their allegiance, nor will
they even listen to any reasonable argument. Tonight, the NHL playoffs started
and Leaf Nation’s ranks will swell. Not what you were expecting, right?
Cheering on your favourite team is
much like faith in a religion. There are numerous religions out there and all
considered, by the faithful, to be the only one. Wars are fought over who is
right, families are split when someone “changes teams” and relationships are
damaged when people argue over silly things like which translation is correct.
Here are a few tips when it comes to choices. Respect other’s positions. You
don’t have to like their team, but you can respect their right to choose. Your
team may not be the favourite of everyone else, but you can represent with joy
and humility. And finally, when someone jumps on board, welcome them with open
arms and celebrate. There is a time when the world will all come to know what the
Christian faith family know and that is Jesus is the way, and the
truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. John
14:6 ESV. There is, in my mind, no reason to argue or fight over differences of
opinion because one day we shall all call upon the name of the Lord.
14 When I think of all this, I fall to
my knees and pray to the Father, 15 the Creator of
everything in heaven and on earth. 16 I pray that
from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength
through his Spirit. 17 Then Christ will make his
home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s
love and keep you strong. 18 And may you have the
power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high,
and how deep his love is. 19 May you experience the
love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be
made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Eph
3:14-19 Msg
In my house, we celebrate the Leafs,
the Habs, the Flames and the other Canadian teams on the road to the cup. But
when it comes to faith, I ask you to consider this.
…if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for
yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served
beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are
living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua 24:15
This Sunday, we celebrate the message
of our living Saviour. We invite you to join us either in person or watch
online at 10:30 AM. You are invited to wear your favourite team’s paraphernalia
to the service.
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We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
The Son Is Up and It’s a Great Day
I am sitting in my office and have
already had numerous visitors come in to say hi. Things are always a bit better
when the sun is shining, friends are close and the coffee is fresh and hot. It
has been a long winter, a very long couple of years with all the restrictions
and the masks. I am not sure anyone will fully realize how much the masks have
affected our social wellness but am sure someone will do a study on that. You
see, part of the fullness of our overall health is the physical queues we get
from others when we communicate. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not advocating
for or against masks but rather am pointing out the importance of facial
expressions in communicating with each other. Those who are hearing impaired
need to see your lips when you speak, there are subtle nuances that they read
in your facial expressions that help them to understand the tone of the
conversation. There are those who will read your face as you speak to fully
understand your communication. If your words say it is a beautiful day but your
face says you are in pain, they will see the conflict. For us, this hidden
conflict can be a stressor and the body, as a whole, will suffer.
So here is a question for us all to
consider; is it really a great day in your faith walk? Let me explain this for
a second. We are witnessing so many people struggling with their faith because
they feel they must be perfect all the time, wear that smile constantly so that
everyone will see that Christians have no worries in life. I know this is not
the case for everyone but it will speak to some who struggle keeping that mask
on. Behind the mask, the smile is gone and the struggles manifest as hurt,
confusion and doubt. There are times when we fake it until we make it but what
is the price paid? The thought of being vulnerable and transparent is, in many
minds, considered a weakness and to reach out for help a sign of softness. Did
you know that God does not see us like that? He sees through the mask and knows
our heart, knows our pain. He sent His Son for us to relieve us of the stressor
of sin, He sent Holy Spirit for us to find strength and guidance. God is with
us at all times and provides the hope and strength for a glorious future. He
also knows we will trip up, have struggles and feel less than worthy to carry
on, that is why He walks with us at all times.
But he said to me, “My
grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in
weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses,
so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I
delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in
persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Cor
12:9-10 NIV
And in that, He will provide others
to come alongside, to comfort and care, pray and encourage.
He comforts us in all our troubles so
that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give
them the same comfort God has given us. 2 Cor 1:4 NLT
We are never alone, He is always with
us and provides in ways we can not imagine. The Son is up at all hours and it is
a great day when we look to Him.
This Sunday, we celebrate the message
of Christ, our living Saviour. We invite you to join us either in person or
watch online at 10:30 AM.
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YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Ever On the Defensive
For centuries, millennia even, the
Word of God has been the guide for so many people. There were many who
believed, had faith in the Almighty Creator, yet there were those who turned
away and went their own way. We have, one and all, a freedom to choose. Some
may choose to follow the ways of the world, to embrace the systems of mankind.
Power and wealth define the person and their position in society. Wars are
fought over it; lives are lost and chaos reigns supreme. For some, this is the
driving force of life, the singular focus for many but it has a price. In this
there are winners and there are losers. Hope is fleeting and the future is a
road that eventually ends. Wealth is defined by mankind and changes hourly,
power is held so long as people rally behind the person and, in today’s age,
loyalty holds until the novelty wears off.
The focus of the faith filled, the
followers of Christ, is one of peace and forgiveness. When the faithful focus
on the Word of God, when they devote themselves to following in the footsteps
of the Master and are dedicated to upholding the law of God over all others,
there is a hope like no other. Love your Creator with absolutely every ounce of
your being and love your neighbours as yourself. The focus shifts from self to
others and the wellness of the family is the responsibility of all. Love others
as you love God. Where there is peace and love, there is joy. Yes, there will
be hiccups as we go through life regardless of what we believe but through
Christ and with the faith family’s support, hope prevails. Jesus made us all
the promise that if we believe in Him, seek His forgiveness for our past, we
will not know the darkness of the grave but will find eternity in glory. That
is a wonderful message and, to tell the truth, it is not a threatening concept.
For those who are threatened by it, the question is why?
Why are you worried about my faith
and my actions as a follower of Christ? My focus is on the health and wellbeing
of those around me, so, where is the problem? Would it not be more advantageous
for you to worry about you own faith then to seek ways to knock down those who
only wish to be a blessing to their community? Seems like a huge waste of time
and energy considering all things.
This Sunday, we celebrate the message
of Christ, our living Saviour. We invite you to join us either in person or
watch online at 10:30 AM.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
The Easter
the past many years of writing these articles, not once have I ever penned one
while I was upset; until now. Quick overview, we have a company that provides
us a service and, over the past week and a half, we have left numerous messages
for them to provide said service as per the agreement. After about the sixth
message, I left a voice mail basically saying that I did not appreciate begging
for service and asked if I should seek an alternative provider. Are you waiting
for the rant? Do you want to know the provider or the service they offer? Well,
don’t hold your breath because the information is not relevant to this article.
I finally got a call back and my contact was very apologetic and wanted to make
it right. What would you do? I know what I would have done back in the day as a
business leader, but life is different now. It may seem easier to slam the door
and move on to find a new provider, I could bad mouth the company and rally
others to boycott their service, and don’t think that didn’t cross my mind, I
am only human after all. It is so difficult to turn the other cheek when you
realize that you may get slapped again. Human behaviour suggests that we lash
out in return, exchanging slap for slap but what does this accomplish? No one
that I know of has ever found a peaceful solution to a problem by matching a
slap for a slap.
told us that when we pray, let us remember to forgive as we have been forgiven
(see Matt 6:12). If we were to treat others the way we are being treated, the
road could go two ways. If we pay back bad for bad, is there a chance of
closure or healing? If we pay back kindness for kindness, what is the
by-product of that? If we pay back kindness where others are expecting negative
retaliation, what is the message there? Jesus was brought to trial for crimes
He did not commit. The hatred the religious leaders had for Him was unwarranted
and the punishment leading up to His death was not right. Truth be told, when
the religious leaders attacked and persecuted the Son of God, they were
violating God’s law, love the Lord your God with your entire being. It would
have been fully understood if Jesus called down the legions of angels to strike
down the oppressors for the injuries they instigated on the Messiah. They
demanded their brand of justice and, when given the opportunity to have God
released, they voted to have a known criminal released. Jesus suffered and died
on the cross paying back pure love and forgiveness in the face of persecution
and sin. In the end, Jesus called out to the Father in Heaven “Forgive them for
they know not what they do”. As of ten minutes ago, the provider made good on
the promise to provide their service and, as far as I am concerned, the matter
is forgiven and forgotten. Some may say this is enabling them to do it again,
yet I say we will remain vigilant but forgiving. How many times?
Then Peter came up and said to him,
"Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As
many as seven times?" Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you seven
times, but seventy times seven." Matthew 18:21, 22.
can only hope that others will do the same for me. This Sunday, we celebrate a
risen Lord, a living Saviour. We invite you to join us this Sunday either in person
or watch online at 10:30 AM.
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We look forward to seeing you this
He Did Not Come For the
Rich Alone
is a healer in the States who is considered by many to be one of the best
clinical psychologists in the country. There is a four year wait list to see
her and that is if you have the finances to get onto that list. She has worked
with celebrities, leaders of industry and politicians throughout the States and
will, on occasion, lend her advice to the media as an expert in the field. Only
the richest and most affluent can access her talents and there is no end to the
number of people who want to see her.
is wonderful to be so talented, so influential and in such demand. I do not say
this mockingly because it is so true. Just think if you were one of the few who
were granted access to her for a consultation. It would be absolutely
spectacular to have access to the incredible knowledge and wisdom if even just
for an hour. You would want to be prepared for this meeting by jotting down
notes, preparing your thoughts and recording every moment of the session for
later review. So much to ask with so little time to do so. When it is all over,
there is the need to put it all into a workable solution and script out your
life based on the wisdom that was communicated. So much to do, and so little
time. One of the greatest minds in psychology has poured out such a special
gift into your life, embrace it and grow!
my question is this; what about those who are not among the blessed, privileged
to partake in such wisdom and knowledge? Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not
getting down on the rich but rather I am throwing this out there; there is a
Counsellor out there who is infinitely wiser and more knowledgeable than this
famed clinical psychologist. This Counsellor is not only interested in the
well-being of the “client” but is also intimately aware of our needs and has a
staked interest in the “client” because He loves us infinitely and perfectly.
Wonderful Counsellor, the Messiah, our Saviour came to this earth to not only
fulfill the prophecy but to save all mankind through His eternal love for us
all. This love was so intense that He not only went to the cross to take our
sins from us and save us, He stayed on the cross until it was done. Jesus did
not do this for the rich, for the fanatical faithful, for the powerful. Jesus
did it for us all. We do not have to be the elite to access the infinite wisdom
and compassion of God, we do not have to wait in line or make an appointment
with the Almighty. Our healing and growth is not based on a one visit and you
are on your own, God is with us all the time through the Holy Spirit. Life is
not about getting to the finish line and just complete the race but rather it
is about embracing what He has provided perfectly all the time. There is no end
to His love for us all and no waiting line to spending time with Him.
we approach Easter we will continue to focus on His Message of Salvation
through the sacrifice of the Messiah on the cross. We invite you to join us
this Sunday either in person or watch online at 10:30 AM.
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look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
God On My Terms
If you have watched the services over
the past few weeks, you may have heard the frustration in my voice and may have
even heard my numerous apologies for being rather testy of late. The biggest
reason, as far as I can tell, is that I have taken on way too much and think
that I am fully able, on my own, to fulfill the obligations set before me. This
leads to stress which, in turn, leads to frustration in self and, in the
majority of cases, leads to the great snap. There just seems so much to do and
so little time to accomplish it that it all needs to fit into that nice
organized box which I made and I put the parameters in place by which it will
be judged upon completion. This is life on my terms and by my standards. Now,
many will wonder “what is wrong with that”, so let me throw this out there;
there is more to life than making sure everything around us is perfect. There
is only one perfection in life and I am not it.
I will be the first to admit that
when life starts getting tight and stressful, I am the first one to take back
the reigns and steer the cart in the right direction, my direction. No one else
is better qualified to steer this rig down the road. This is a fallacy and a
selfish point of view. When this kind of stinkin’ thinkin’ starts to settle in,
those around us start to worry. As we travel down the path we have set and
ignore or even forget the guidance of the Lord, we become very much alone.
Walls go up, few, if any, is qualified to offer advice and our life falls off
the right path and enters down a path less traveled, a road that only one
person knows the route.
Faith on my terms. I remember that
time from long ago. If I feel like helping out, I may, depending on the day.
It’s a beautiful day out, I think I am going to skip out on church today and
watch hockey on the tube. They won’t miss me at another prayer meeting. God
knows me, we are connected and I tell Him what my needs are all the time. Consider
this; life in Christ is not about self but rather about dying to self and seeking out the
richness of family and relationship with God the Father as the head of this
family. He wants us to be together, love on one another and care for each
other’s needs. This is the message; this should be our passion.
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can
be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one
another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting
together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the
day of his return is drawing near. Heb 10:23-25 NLT
This is not about getting God to live
life on our terms but rather us seeking out His will for our lives and for us
to live life on His terms. His terms are simple and the way is that of peace
and love.
He walked away, about a stone’s throw, and knelt down and
prayed, “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering
away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” Then an angel
from heaven appeared and strengthened him. He prayed more fervently, and
he was in such agony of spirit that his sweat fell to the ground like great
drops of blood. Luke 22:40-44 NLT
Jesus knelt before the Father in
prayer and asked that His will be done, not mine. That should be out plea to
the Father in Heaven day in and day out. Lord help me to become a reflection of
your love and compassion while I draw breath on this earth.
We are fast approaching Easter and
will be focusing on His Message of Salvation through the sacrifice of the
Messiah on the cross. We invite you to join us this Sunday either in person or
watch online at 10:30 AM.
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We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Living Dynamically In the Spirit
A question to ponder. Have you ever
gotten to a place in your life where there just seems to be no way out? I mean
you have been beat up physically or mentally to the point where there just
seems to be no more gas in the tank. Your spiritual determination is waning, and
the only thing still left is a chance that you can muster up one more bit of
personal strength to throw up that final hail mary. I have probably related
this story a hundred times, but I still remember coming home from school after
spending another day getting physically and mentally beat up. It was a normal
day in Junior High where I was ducking elbows, taking shots in the arm, getting
charlie horses while standing in line for milk at lunch and getting called all
sorts of names just because I was the new guy in school. What made it even
tougher, I was a farm kid in the city and was taught to control my temper and
not let it get the best of me. This one day, I sat on my grandmother’s lap bawling
my eyes out and she just rocked my in the rocking chair and sang “Jesus Loves
Me” over and over. This was the lowest of low in my life and yet, it was a
moment of great joy because this was the day the Holy Spirit spoke to me and
put me at ease. I did not realize it at the time, but this was the call upon my
life. I told grandma that one day I would be a preacher and she just said, “I
know”. It took 24 years of rather questionable living, but it finally happened.
So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time
he will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God, for he
cares about you.
Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around
like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him and
be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the
world is going through the same kind of suffering you are.
In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of
Christ Jesus. So, after you have suffered a little while, he will restore,
support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation. All
power to him forever! Amen. 1 Peter 5:6-11 NLT
We all have our times of suffering,
but the Holy Spirit is with us all the way and in Him we can stand on a firm
foundation. We can live dynamically in the Spirit, and we will make a huge
difference in a world that, at times, seems bent on self-destruction and violence.
God has a plan; it is a perfect plan, and we can do all things in Him who
protects and preserves us.
This Sunday, we will dig into 1 Peter
5 and examine life lived dynamically in the Holy Spirit. For those who wish to
know more about Dynamic Living, we invite you to join us either in person or
watch online at 10:30 AM.
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We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Living Dynamically in Today’s Society
This Sunday will be the last in our
Living Dynamically Series and, while Rev. Reeder’s series ended on our End
Times service, I was led to bring one more to the series. What is it to live
dynamically in our society today? We touched on this a little bit on Sunday
when I asked “How does the community look at us when we declare we are
Christian?” Do they guard their words? Do they find ways to walk away rather
than get into a conversation about the Bible? Do they act differently, talk
differently or look at you differently? Here is a tough one to hear; “Really, I
would never have guessed!”
Living dynamically for Christ in our
society, means not backing down from our conviction to lead a Christ-like life,
regardless of what the world thinks. Being a follower of Christ is not a job
but rather a calling and He has called every single one of us to follow Him. He
created us to have fellowship with Him! Do
you want to know what the most frustrating thing about being a member of the
clergy is, in my opinion? It has nothing to do with numbers, it has nothing to
do with counting converts. For me, it is simply this; finding the best way to
communicate to the world that we are all God’s creation and He wants only the
best for each and every one of us. This is where I put it out to everyone, we
are His and He is with us all the time. Name it and claim it, that is name Him
as Lord and Saviour and claim His love and peace in your life. It has
absolutely nothing to do with money, wealth or power but rather peace, joy and
grace. Live dynamically in His love, in His grace and you will find perfect
peace and those around you will be impacted. There are those out there who will
deny this, but I ask you; have they given it their all?
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the
sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and
marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Nothing in all
creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes,
and he is the one to whom we are accountable. Heb 4:12-13 NLT
Transparency in living is the key.
God knows our inner most thoughts, He knows our very essence. We cannot, should
not, think we can deceive Him. As we live before Him, so should we live in
front of our family, friends and neighbours. It is time to live dynamically in
His Light for we are accountable to our Creator in Heaven. Let His Light Shine.
This week, we finish the series of
Dynamic Living in End Times with Pastor Todd. For those who wish to know more
about Dynamic Living, we invite you to join us either in person or watch online
at 10:30 AM.
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YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Spreading the Good News, the Gospels,
is not the job of one person bit rather the calling of every single one of us
in the faith family.
It Was the
Best of Times, It Was the End of Times
truly drives me up the wall is when people come up and ask “Do you think we are
living in the end times?” My answer is YES!! Of course, we are living in the
end times. We started living in the end times the second we were told that
Christ was coming back, in the end time. It will be the end of the world as we
know it and the beginning of the new life with the Creator. The next push back
comes in when they say “No, no, I mean will the world end in our lifetime?” Let
me think about this for a moment; “I have NO sweet clue, in fact no one has any
idea except for the Lord Almighty. Do I look like the Creator of all the
Universe?” So, let’s wrap our head around this for a moment; the second we are
born is the moment we start to die. We all have a shelf life on this earth, in
fact there are those who may even say we have a best before date.
“However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not
even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows. And
since you don’t know when that time will come, be on guard! Stay alert!
“The coming of the Son of Man can be illustrated by the story of a man
going on a long trip. When he left home, he gave each of his slaves
instructions about the work they were to do, and he told the gatekeeper to
watch for his return.
You, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know when the master of the
household will return—in the evening, at midnight, before dawn, or at
daybreak. Don’t let him find you sleeping when he arrives without
warning. I say to you what I say to everyone: Watch for him!” Mark
13:32-37 NLT
is not a message of condemnation, it is a heads up, like preventative measures.
Brush your teeth to prevent tooth decay, take your vitamins to ward off
ailments, believe and follow Jesus Christ to ensure the end of times don’t
catch you napping. As a Pastor, all I can do is communicate the Message. There
are so many out there who would have you believe they know the date and time,
they have been doing it for eons but I say this; be prepared today, live
dynamically in Christ and you will not live in fear but rather in joy and
happiness. You need not ask when but rather rejoice in the promise of eternity.
Keep an eye out but do so with expectation of the best things to come, the best
life to live. There is absolutely no reason we should not live in dynamic joy.
Life, on earth, is short but what is to come is eternal, so while we are here,
dance like no one is looking.
week, we continue to explore the series of Dynamic Living in End Times with Pastor
Todd. For those who wish to know more about Dynamic Living, we invite you to
join us either in person or watch online at 10:30 AM.
Live - Main Ave Fellowship Facebook
Live – You Tube
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Dynamic Living During Times of Temptation
It was a moment of weakness that
drove a young boy to tears for days. His mom and dad were beside themselves
because they could not understand why he was in such a rough state of affairs.
They asked all the usual questions such as “are you being bullied?” and “are
you sick?”. They had no idea what was causing him to run straight to his room
after school. They inquired at the school and nothing had happened there except
that he was very removed and was not focusing on his work. He was not
participating in afterschool sports, his friends were wondering what was going
on and he wasn’t eating. Nights were filled with nightmares and they were woken
by his screams on more than one occasion. Finally, his father came in after one
of his episodes late at night as asked what was happening. The boy wrapped in
his father’s arms, crying uncontrollably, let out that he didn’t want to go to
jail forever and that he was scared.
It turns out that a couple of boys in
the neighbourhood had dared him to steal a toy from the department store. They
told him if he did so he could be in their super secret club. After much
coaxing, he did it but he felt terrible. The boys said “if you tell anyone, you
will go to jail for life and will never see your parents ever again!” From
under the pillow, the boy pulled out the toy, still in its original packaging
and he cried out that he didn’t want to go to jail and he didn’t want the toy.
The father held the boy tight and told him that it would all be better in the
The next day, father and son went to
the store and explained to the manager what had happened. The manager commended
him for his honesty but did say that it must never happen again. The young lad
never did steal again. He became a police officer and spoke at many schools on
being the best person you could for those around you.
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God
is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when
you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. 1
Cor 10:13
Though the temptations of the world
are great, they are finite. As the lights go down on this world, there will be
an end to the worldly things of life. What God has to offer in infinite and
perfect. Lean not on your own finite limitations and trust completely in His
infinite power. When temptation grows strong, when things are overwhelming,
wrap yourselves in the loving arms of God and He will provide the way. Name the
love of God in Christ the Son and declare freedom from sin through our Savior.
This is truly dynamic living in these times of temptation.
This week, we continue to explore the
series of Dynamic Living in Times of Temptation with Rev Glenn Reeder. For
those who wish to know more about Dynamic Living, we invite you to join us
either in person or watch online at 10:30 AM.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship Facebook
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Living in Tight Spots
Have you considered the early life of
King David? Think of it, he was thought to be the youngest of Jesse’s children
and when the battle was on with the Philistines, he was watching over the
family flock and ran food and gifts to his brothers who served King Saul.
David’s brothers were warriors and were prepared to fight, sort of, and the
lines had been drawn. Goliath demanded a champion but all the Israelites could
see was a huge warrior who was battle-hardened and hungry for blood. David’s
brothers told him to go home, Goliath mocked him and, I dare say, many in the
Jewish camp did not have much faith in David, especially when he refused the
armour offered. He faced the giant with a sling and some smooth stones.
The lines were drawn all around him
and David was in a tight spot. Behind him were those who placed their faith in
the physical strength of men, in front of him was a giant who looked at David
as an ant waiting to be stomped, not even worth his effort but he would make
short work of the youngster on his way to victory. And then in 1 Samuel
17:45-46, “David replied to the Philistine, “You come to me with sword,
spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of
Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 Today
the Lord will conquer you…” No fear because the Lord was with him,
and he fully trusted in his God.
Today, we watch the news of nations
setting boundaries while others challenge them, there are people setting the
battle plan for the fulfillment of personal preferences to the detriment of
others around them. There is no peace in the arms of chaos and division, only
heartache. We live in a tight spot where so many are afraid to speak for fear
of cancel culture, yet David loudly proclaimed to the Israelites “Who is
this pagan Philistine anyway, that he is allowed to defy the armies of the
living God?” The tight spots we find ourselves in are, in many cases, due
to our reliance on self but David has shown us the way when he declares “I come
in the name of the Lord”. When the world seems to be closing in and the
pressure gets too much, do not be afraid to yell out “LORD, GIVE ME STRENGTH!!”
We have a Champion in the Lord, and we can declare a dynamic life in His light.
This week, we continue to look at
Dynamic Living in Christ and will continue to pray for the Peace of God to rain
down upon our world. For those who wish to know more about Dynamic Living, we
invite you to join us either in person or watch online at 10:30 AM.
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship Facebook
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Dynamic Living in a Dangerous World
I don’t have to tell you that things
are a bit rough out there lately. Egos the size of planets deciding to butt
heads without fear because they are not the ones who are going to put their own
lives on the line. Change the rules and have them step into the octagon. There
is only one rule: last one standing wins. If that were the case, I am sure
there would be a lot more thought give to starting a fight. This world is in a
bit of turmoil as of late. The sides have been drawn, there are at least two
camps, maybe more. Each side is upset with the other for reasons unknown.
Family members squaring off against each other all trying to convince the other
to change sides before it is too late. Science say this while the other side
digs in because the science they found says this. In the end, no one wins and
life continues on. People are trampling on the rights of others all the while
claiming the truth and in their path, destroyed relationships and giant rifts.
This is a dangerous world we live in and one can always be assured there are
those on the fringes of the fight who crave the chaos and seek ways to feed the
flames of dissention.
So, what is dynamic living in this
dangerous world? I would suggest there is a whole group of people out there who
are on their knees begging God to bring peace, asking Him to open hearts and
minds to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and change their ways from division to
unity through the love of Jesus Christ. Let me ask you this; when is the last
time you saw a person drop on their knees in the middle of a tense situation
and ask God for wisdom and strength? Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane was
facing a situation so stressful that He went off on His own to pray to the
Father. He prayed with such fervour and intensity that His sweat dropped to the
ground like great droplets of blood. In times of great danger, Christ knelt in
prayer to gather His strength from the Father. Some may see this as a sign of
weakness and would gather others to come witness the fear. Yet this is what I
would call dynamic living. He knew what was to come and, at any point in time,
He could have walked away but instead He stayed. He could have called down
legions of angels to destroy the world but instead He chose the cross. The
first thief on the cross taunted Him, trying to get the Master to bend to His
will but Jesus did not. The second thief asked only to join Him in Heaven where
the love and peace of Glory reigned and he was rewarded.
Dynamic Living is not about might and
dissention. Chaos is the language of the world but grace is the language of
Glory. Take time today to live a dynamic lifestyle. Pray for those who lead the
nations, ask God to grant them wisdom. Pray that the truth will be spoken and
the lies will be like dust in the wind. Give praise to the Lord because when
all is done and Jesus comes again, what will remain is Truth, Peace and Love.
This week, we welcome Rev Glenn
Reeder. We will be starting a shared series over the next four weeks and will
pray for the Peace of God to reign down upon our world. For those who wish to
know more about Dynamic Living, we invite you to join us either in person or
watch online at 10:30 AM
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship Facebook
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
His Promise
the years, I have done some wild things, made some huge mistakes and, in almost
all circumstances, I have learned a thing or two from it. If you want the nitty
gritty of these escapades, I am more than willing to share but I will tell you
this; with every story I tell, I will also tell of the lesson. There were times
when I would indulge way too much but did not see the effects until I quit
drinking to get drunk. There was so much I missed during these times and there
is no way to get it back. I used to work far too much (still do on occasion)
and, again, I missed out on so much and, while there is no way to get it back,
I do try to make amends for the errors of the past. Like I said, there are
numerous things in my past that still haunt me, events missed, occasions
forgotten, and while I cannot change the past, I do try to learn from them for
the future.
much missed, so many things we wish we could do over. For some, the biggest
fear is missing something, forgetting to show up completely or overlooking the
big picture. We ought to fear this because, as a society, many are missing out
and, at some point in time, this miss will lead to a fairly important
consequence. The one mistake I fear the most for those around me is dreading
they may miss the opportunity to fully appreciate the promise the Father made
to us all through His Son. Life is full of distractions and indulgences, and
many have forgotten the perfection that is covering us all in His loving
embrace. His promise is for eternity and is easily achieved by simply
proclaiming Christ as Saviour.
promise of entering his rest still stands, so we ought to tremble with fear
that some of you might fail to experience it. Hebrews 4:1 NLT
the scales from your eyes and see what the Lord has set before you. Help others
to see that it is never too late. For those who are skeptical, my question is
why? Some will say they do not believe in a god so I ask, what do you believe?
Some will say they have been burnt by the church to which I say the church is
full of people who, at times, do or say the wrong thing but our God knows what
He is doing. Some say “we’ll see” and I respond “at least think about it”. Do
not wait too long to invite Him into your heart, don’t wait too long to
experience His perfect Grace.
Sunday, we will seek comfort in His message for all His children. For those who
wish to know more about the fellowship of Christ, we invite you to join us
either in person or watch online at 10:30 AM
Live - Main Ave Fellowship Facebook
Live – You Tube
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Someone Call for Help
I gotta tell you, as we get further and
further along in this pandemic, the greater the division grows. As people look
to various sources for information, for current theories or even for some sense
of hope, it seems as though there is more confusion and less clarity. I am not
going to get into who is right or wrong because regardless of what view I
present, there will be someone who wants to convince me I am wrong. Social
media is one of the biggest sources of dissention and strife. Try saying one
thing that may be slightly controversial and I can almost guarantee you that
that someone will grab hold of the opportunity to argue the point and begin to
rally others to come against you. As things escalate, you look at ways to stand
your ground and then, for many, they give up and either leave the conversation
or delete it all together. There are times when some will come alongside and
help defend but the hurt and confusion still linger. So, when this happens, what
do you do? Do you call out for help or do you curl up in a corner and look for
ways to escape and just disappear? What if I told you that help is as close as
a prayer?
I look up to the mountains— does my help
come from there?
My help comes from the Lord, who made
heaven and earth!
He will not let you stumble; the one who
watches over you will not slumber.
Indeed, he who watches over Israel never
slumbers or sleeps.
The Lord himself watches over you!
The Lord stands beside you as your
protective shade.
The sun will not harm you by day, nor
the moon at night.
The Lord keeps you from all harm and
watches over your life.
The Lord keeps watch over you as you
come and go, both now and forever. Ps 121 NLT
We may think we are alone, facing
attacks without any help at all but that is far from the truth. God is not one
who leaves us to paddle the boat without an oar, He is with us always and
speaks of joy, grace and love within the eternal relationship. He understands
the pain we face and stands ready to walk with us or even carry us when things
get overwhelming, we need only to ask Him to give us strength, to give us
wisdom. There is none greater than the Creator and none who can successfully
come against our Lord.
This Sunday, we will seek His strength
in these times of trial and dissention. For those who wish to know more about
the fellowship of Christ, we invite you to join us either in person or watch
online at 10:30 AM
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
So Bold?
while back, I read an article about a pro sports team that had performed well
above their level and had come very close to winning the championship even
though they were a very new expansion team. There was speculation as to why
they had gone so far in the playoffs and even grumblings that this new team did
not deserve to get so far into the playoffs or even make it into the
championship rounds. Some claimed foul because they had not paid their dues,
others lobbied to ratify the rules so that teams in their first few years of
existence should have to wait to get a chance. I understand this sounds rather
ludicrous but there were some very upset people out there. On the flip side,
there were those who loudly cheered them on, rallied around the little team that
could and jumped on the noob bandwagon. The deeper they went into the playoffs,
the more people started to believe until the wheels fell off in the final games
and they failed in their bid for a championship. The naysayers were quick to
point out that they never stood a chance, they should never have gotten where
they had and you won’t see them in the playoffs again for a very long time.
be told, based on their roster, the lack of playoff experience and their
mediocre talent pool, they should not have done well but they had something
going for them that no one really understood, they had faith. Their leadership
told them they could achieve greatness if they only believed and supported one
another. The coaches gave them all the opportunities to prove the naysayers
wrong by giving them the tools they needed to succeed and the players all
supported one another and believed in each other. You see, all the players on
the team were the ones their past teams felt they could do without and left
them unprotected but the General Manager saw potential and greatness in them.
The leadership brought them together and they did awesome things, together.
consider this. In 1 John 4 starting at 18, the early Christians are being
persecuted and there is a sentiment of fear and doubt but they are being told
that the love and protection of Christ is greater than all the evils they
Such love has no fear,
because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of
punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.
We love each other because he loved us first.
is becoming more and more common for those who do not know the love of God to
come against those of faith and try to stifle the Message or break up the team.
They bring forth tactics such as belittling, bullying or even cancel culture to
either shut the faithful up or to eliminate the message. I would ask that for
those who are so adamant there is no God, continue on your way and don’t worry
about the followers of Christ for our mandate is one of peace and compassion.
For those who are dedicated to the Message, band together, support one another,
pray for those who persecute and know that, in the end, there will be victory
in Glory.
Sunday, we will delve into examine the power of Christ through His love for the
world. For those who wish to know more about the fellowship of Christ, we
invite you to join us either in person or watch online at 10:30 AM
Live - Main Ave Fellowship Facebook
Live – You Tube
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Why So Joyful?
Heard at a shopping centre a few
years ago “chivalry is not dead”. A woman walking up to the doors of the mall and
a young gentleman noticed her coming. He paused before reaching out to grasp
the door handle and, as she approached, he opened the door for her then rushed
by her to the inner doors and opened them as well. It was not the act of being
polite that caught my attention, even though I found it to be quite refreshing
to witness it, but rather the expression on her face. She seemed quite stunned
that someone would not only pause to open the door for her but that he would
then race forward to open the second one. There seemed to be a lilt in her step
that was not there before and it was almost as if a joyful light had gone off
in her being. It played in my mind that this was an example of the mission of
Christ. What would Jesus do?
He is kind and loving, willing to put
the needs of others regardless of their post in society. He came for all, not just
the rich, not just the poor, nor the healthy or the lame but rather for all. As
the disciples stopped for supper, Christ loosened His robes, took up a towel
and a basin and washed their feet. I can only imagine the look on their faces
as He did so. Could they have had the same expression as the woman who had the
door opened for her?
“You want to wash my feet? But why?
There are servants paid to do that. I can do this myself.”
I realized my age a few months ago
when a young man paused at the door of the pharmacy and waited for me to come
near. As I arrived, he opened the door for me and, after I thanked him, he
wished me well and skittered off to do his own thing. My day took a turn for
the better after that one act of kindness. I wanted to ask him if he was a man
of faith but instead, I rejoiced in his kindness and asked God to bless him. Love
your neighbour and be blessed.
God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in
them. And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not
be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because
we live like Jesus here in this world. 1 John 4:16-17 NLT
This Sunday, we will delve into the
thought of What Would Jesus Do by discovering the attributes of Christ. If we
truly desire to live like Jesus in this world, it would be advantageous to
delve into His character. For those who wish to know more about the attributes
of Christ, we invite you to join us either in person or watch us online at
10:30 AM
Facebook Live - Main Ave Fellowship Facebook
YouTube Live – You Tube
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Why So Scared?
So many people are fearful of those
things they cannot see. Think of those things that are unseen that so many are
fearful of, things that can paralyse a person in fear or can change a person’s
attitude or actions purely based on a fear of a negative outcome. There are
those who will bow down to the fear mongering just to avoid the repercussions
and then there are those who will push back and rebel or just walk away and let
the chips fall where they may. This is a tough time, a time of uncertainty and
of fear. Conspiracy theories about, cancel culture rules social media and
people are not only fearful of the diseases and choices out there but they are
also afraid of saying the wrong thing to the wrong person and essentially
setting themselves up for social abuse and exclusion. That is a fear in the
human realm.
And God has given us his Spirit as proof that we live in him and he in
us. Furthermore, we have seen with our own eyes and now testify that the
Father sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. All who declare that
Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God. We
know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. 1 John 4:13-16
Let me preface this by admitting that
the church has done a disservice by preaching the whole fire and brimstone
message. Believe in God or face the consequences. Yes, there are consequences
but why try to motivate people with the negative? Read the message from Jesus, let the Truth
bring light to the real Message; Jesus saves. There is nothing to fear in His
message. Love God, love each other. Trust in Him and He will set you free. What
are you set free from? Your past is forgiven, your eternal life is guaranteed,
the world will look far different when you seek out the joy and love in the
world rather than dwell in the stressors the world would have us believe is the
norm. There is a choice to be made and it is yours alone, no pressure, no
threats. When we chose to follow Christ, our lives will change forever but if
the choice is to maintain the current direction in life, nothing much will
change so why are so many fearful of His message? My life changed for the
better when I decided to follow Jesus. When I started to write these articles, the
choice to read them or to ignore them was fully in the hands of those who had a
choice. Some do not believe, some have pushed back and some have even argued in
order to change my mind but there is one thing remains; I still love them all
regardless of their attitude towards me, towards my Saviour.
What is there to fear from the Lord?
The choice is yours just as there was a choice for me. I respect the choices of
others and appreciate the same in return. For those who wish to know more about
faith in Christ, we invite you to join us either in person or watch us online
at 10:30 AM
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Why Does The
World Fear Christianity?
I sat down to write this, I began to think back on the past and research the
“why” of this question. Under the banner of Christianity, all sorts of
disgraceful actions and sins have been carried out. It is truly embarrassing to
realize how much has been done to sully the name of Christ by those who do not
fully understand the basic foundation of the faith. There are those who
developed some rather far-fetched regulations and put into place punishments that
would scare many into falling into place through fear. Judgement by those in
position of power could and did overstep the bounds of mortal authority and, in
the past, could relegate those who faltered as outcasts from the faith family.
This was, at one time, terrifying because the church was the center of the
community and to be an outcast from the faith community was to be excluded from
many things in the community. We can also consider the damage done through
colonialism, crusades and inquisitions just to name a few as these were all
fodder for society to question the motives or mandate of the Christian church.
The atrocities of man carried out under the banner of God without the true
authority of God. I know this is a bold statement and many will question my
comments but if the Truth is to be told, it must be told with transparency and
with boldness for His Truth as suffered by His children’s actions.
7 Dear friends, let us
continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child
of God and knows God. 8 But anyone who does not
love does not know God, for God is love.
9 God showed how much he
loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have
eternal life through him. 10 This is real love—not
that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take
away our sins.
11 Dear friends, since God
loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. 12 No
one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love
is brought to full expression in us.
13 And God has given us his
Spirit as proof that we live in him and he in us. 14 Furthermore,
we have seen with our own eyes and now testify that the Father sent his Son to
be the Savior of the world. 15 All who declare that
Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God. 16 We
know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love.
God is love, and all who live in love
live in God, and God lives in them. 17 And as we
live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day
of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus
here in this world.
18 Such love has no fear,
because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment,
and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love. 19 We
love each other because he loved us first.
20 If someone says, “I love
God,” but hates a fellow believer, that person is a liar; for if we don’t
love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see? 21 And
he has given us this command: Those who love God must also love their fellow
believers. 1 John 4:7-21
know this is a rather lengthy passage for this article but it does talk to the
issue of fearfulness of Christ. I would suggest there are many, past and
present, who have forgotten this teaching. The old expression of “What Would
Jesus Do” has rather fallen to the wayside and, with it, the ultimate message
from God; Love the Lord with absolutely every ounce of your being and love
those around you just as deeply. If we truly love the Lord and those around us,
we would certainly not put up barricades to keep people out and we would not
cause others to suffer by our judgement on them. Jesus came to save all from their
past, from their sins. He did not come to condemn but rather to save. Why
should the world fear this message? Is it because this is not the message they
have come to understand as the Truth of our faith?
week, and for the weeks to follow, we are going to talk about Christianity,
dispel some rumours and look at how we can break the trend of fear within our
community and our nation. All change starts with the first step and so we start
this journey by addressing where we need to go.
invite you to join us either in person or watch us online at 10:30 AM
Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
New Start
what the birth of the Messiah means for the people of this planet. There are
the effects for those at the time and then there is the impact on us all today.
We talked about this a bit last week when we looked at the levels of governance
of the Jewish people. There were the rules of the Caesar through the levels of
government, administered by the governors and military. Add to this the rules
of the Jewish hierarchy and the leadership under the king, in this case, King
Herod. Then there was the rules and regulations of the priesthood, the Mitzvah,
613 Commandments of Jewish faith, along with the laws, traditions, and edicts
of the faith community. There were some delicate dances performed in the
administration of the nation by all levels of government and those most
impacted by all these rules, by all the bureaucracy; the common people. So many
rules, so much stress and, for many, little hope. At the bottom of the
hierarchy were the sinners, the infirmed, children, women, shepherds, and those
who were not Jews, just to name a few. So,
when you are living in a segment of society where there is little hope for any
appreciation, equality or forgiveness, life can be rather depressing or even
one night, the angels of the Lord came to the shepherds to declare the arrival
of the Messiah, God with us. He came to bring great tidings of joy, hope and
peace. Jesus came to grant all a new start. When we dig into the Holy
Word, we find that Christ came to forgive and not condemn. So many of the rules
and regulations by the many levels of governance were based on the things that
were not allowed and were punishable by incarceration and, in some cases,
execution. Our Lord, Emmanuel, came to give us a direction, a pathway to a
peaceful and joyful life filled with hope rather than fear. Love God with
absolutely every fiber of your being and love those around you fully. Jesus
said when you pray, give forgiveness as you ask the Lord to forgive you. Love
as God loves, forgive as God forgives, claim as much of the Grace of God as He
is willing to provide. How much Grace does He have for each of us? Who really
knows because His love for us is without end.
where is the hope for us today? Jesus came for us all. Look back into the
Scripture for examples. Jesus walked among the sinners, healed the sick, dined
with thieves (tax collectors), defended prostitutes and blessed the black sheep
(Samaritans). Christ sent the Disciples into the nations to minister to all,
Jews and Gentiles alike. When the Son of God came, He did so with a purpose in
mind; to save and to offer a new beginning. When Scripture talks of being born
again, it is not that we return to the womb to start over but rather that we
are offered the opportunity to die to our past and be reborn in His love,
forgiven by His Grace and we live with a hope for an eternity in Glory with our
Creator. Yes, we are under the law of mankind in our daily lives when it comes
to daily living and, yes, some of those laws are rather hard to rally behind,
but the hope of our future is in the two commandments of God; Love the Lord
Almighty and love each other as yourself. Embrace what Jesus has provided each
and everyone of us, claim victory over the sins of your past by declaring
Christ as Saviour, ask Him for forgiveness, and begin life anew in His love and
by His Grace. Happy New Year and Happy New Beginning!
week we celebrate the new beginnings in a new year at 10:30 AM. We invite
you to join us either in person or watch us online.
Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Fægen Hāligdæg!
I don’t mean to start an argument or be
seen as uncaring of other’s right to enjoy this time of year in their own way
so I will simply wish you all a Fægen Hāligdæg! Perhaps I could wish you a Kala
Christougena or Feliz Navidad? Are you perhaps awaiting a joyous “Seasons
Greetings”? So many people get so easily offended by these words and find ways
to either avoid or, in the cases of some businesses that wish not to offend any
particular group, mandate that their employees avoid certain phrases. I recall
a memo that came down from the higher echelon when I worked in retail that
stated “please inform your store managers that the staff should refrain from
wishing our customers a Merry Christmas as some of our customers are offended
by it.” For me, I was offended by the fact they expected us to deny our right
to freedom of expression because of possible lost sales. I could go down this
road for a long time but that is not the purpose of this article. I am here to
wish all a Fægen Hāligdæg! It is pronounced Faegen Haligday or Happy Holiday.
In Old English, this literally means Happy Holy Day. How many people get up in
arms about being forced to say Happy Holidays rather than Merry Christmas?
Seriously, when we say Happy Holidays, we are wishing others a blessing on a
Holy Day. What is the Holy Day in December? For Christians, it is Christmas,
the celebration of the birth of the Messiah. Bring on Happy Holidays!!!
The other term that is a safe,
non-religious declaration is Season’s Greetings. Let’s tear this one apart for
a moment. To use this term is to declare to another that you wish the other
person to enjoy the celebration of this particular time of year. This is the
time of year when people gather to share in the love, peace and joy of relationship.
We gather together when we can, break bread with each other, rejoice with old
and new friends alike and share mementos of our appreciation of each other
through gift giving. Now, the reason for the season is a celebration of the
birth of the Messiah, the Saviour, the Son of God. God sent His Son for us all
because He loves us and wants us to find and grow in relationship with Him.
showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so
that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love—not that we
loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away
our sins. 1 John 4:9-10 NLT
This is the spirit of the season in my
opinion and when we ask a blessing upon others by greeting each other in this
manner, are we declaring to others that we wish them love, peace and joy? Think
about it for a moment. I declare to you a greeting in love, peace and joy. The
name of that love is Christ for He is love and He is the reason for the joy of
the season. So consider this, whether we declare Happy Holy Days, Feliz
Navidad, Joyeux Noel, Season’s Greetings or Merry Christmas, let us do so in
the Spirit of the Season, with joyous hearts, love for all those around us and
let’s strive to make this more than a blip on the calendar in December. Let us
declare the love, joy and peace throughout the year for all those around us
friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each
other. No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in
us, and his love is brought to full expression in us. 1 John 4:11-12 NLT
This week we celebrate the birth of the
Messiah at 6:30 PM on Dec 24th and new beginnings on Dec 26th
at 10:30 AM. We invite you to join us either in person or watch us online.
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
What Is True Might?
When I was younger and we were on the
farm, I remember a time when this guy came out from the city to load up some
straw bales to take back with him. This guy was huge, weightlifter huge before
the time of Arnold and Lou. Dad was in great shape, but this guy had some
pounds on him. If an outsider was to take bets on who could load the truck
faster with less sweat, I am sure that most would go with the bodybuilder
rather than the skinny farmer. Now, this guy was chucking the bales around
pretty good, launching them onto the truck with relative ease and rather
quickly but it didn’t take long to realize that the initial fervour was going
to wane with time. You see, we can look at the size and build and make an
assumption based on preconceived notions but when it comes right down to it,
there is more to true strength than looks. This guy did reps in the gym working
in a specific pattern to build the muscles up over a specific time but what he
had failed to do was work on his endurance. Dad, on the other hand, threw these
bales around every day plus he loaded buckets with chop and carried them the
length of the barn every morning and night. Dad lifted gates into place, shoved
pigs and cows out of the way, cut boards with a handsaw, pounded nails, fixed
fences and basically had a twelve-hour workout every single day. Dad had
stamina, an inner strength that many could have missed if they were looking for
a stereotypical “strong man”.
There are many people out there whom I
greatly admire because of their strength. There are those who are not afraid to
show their feelings rather than hide behind a façade, those who show strength
in their transparency, the ones who are not too proud to admit when they are
wrong or even lost and need directions. Some of my greatest mentors are the
first to go to prayer, acknowledge the Saviour, Jesus Christ, as Lord and lean
upon the Spirit for guidance and strength.
I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of
everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited
resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then
Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will
grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to
understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how
deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great
to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of
life and power that comes from God. Eph 3:14-19
Christ did not come as a giant king on a
white stallion ready to destroy all who opposed the Jewish nation but rather,
He came to show the way in a very different manner. He brought the love and peace
of God in a tiny, vulnerable package. His might was in the stamina, His coming
is still celebrated today. He came to show the way to live a wonderful life
wrapped in the power of the Spirit. His love for us is far greater than we will
ever realize while we walk this earth but when we meet in glory, the fullness
of His agape (love) will be revealed completely. He is in this for the long
haul and those who claim the fullness of grace will share in the joy now and
forever. Do not be fooled by the false might of those of the world for their
power is fleeting, instead put your faith in the King of the universe.
This week we celebrate the Might of
Christmas, week four of Advent. We invite you to join us this Sunday either in
person or watch us online at 10:30 AM.
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
We are coming into the third week of
Advent and what a week this is to celebrate. We have been using a series that
Rev Reeder introduced to us a month ago and it has been such an eyeopener.
Paul’s letters to the churches throughout the Mediterranean served as both
encouragement and warning for those new to the faith family but what truly
amazes me is how relevant they are today. Consider this, the world is slowly
losing touch with the majesty of the Creator. He is being reduced to a “once a
week” visit, if that, and the fear of His majesty is getting so watered down
that the urgency to seek Him out is falling down most people’s priority list.
This past Sunday, we looked at the Ministry of Christmas and really drilled
down to the foundation of faith, that being, we are more than observers of the
majesty of Christ but rather are called to be ministers of the Word. Many will
ask “what do we say?” Consider seeking it out in His Word!
I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of
everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited
resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then
Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will
grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to
understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how
deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great
to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of
life and power that comes from God.
all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to
accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the
church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen. Eph
His majesty has overcome the world and
His Word is the perfect place to start sharing from. Don’t water it down
because He who created the universe has empowered the faithful to speak through
the power of the Holy Spirit. One can only wonder if Jack Hayford had this
passage in mind when he wrote “Majesty”.
worship His Majesty.
Unto Jesus be all glory, honour and praise!
Majesty, Kingdom Authority,
Flow from His throne, unto His own
His anthem raise!
This week we celebrate the Majesty of Christmas,
week three of Advent, with Rev Bob Hillock. We invite you to join us this
Sunday either in person or watch us online at 10:30 AM.
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
The Passion of God
There was a time, decades ago, when my
family did not have much for extras. December was always a hard month for our
family because, while we had enough for the necessities of life, the extras,
like Christmas presents, were not top priority. My brother and I could hardly
wait for the Simpson Sears Christmas catalogue to come out so we could pour
through the pages and make up a wish list. There are very few gifts I can
remember from back in those days save the mandarin orange in the toe of the
stocking, some comic books to round out the sock, a chocolate bar, a candy cane
and one of those small puzzles with the tiny metal balls that you had to fit
into the holes in the picture. I remember those but I also remember all of us
sitting around, opening presents, eating a wonderful breakfast and then heading
out to visit friends and relatives. My parents always went all out to ensure we
had a great Christmas regardless of how things were financially. In fact we
never knew that things were tight because we always had so much fun together. As
I look back over my life, I can understand just how much my parents gave up for
us. It still is my mom’s passion to make sure her kids and grandkids and her
great-grandchild are well taken care of, not just at Christmas but all the
Christmas, it is literally the
celebration of the Holy Communion of Christ. He left His place beside the
Father to be amongst us all, to show us a better way than what we were and are
experiencing. The day the Father sent His Son to earth was the beginning of a beautiful
relationship. He came forth into a world that was full of chaos and darkness. It
was a time of uncertainty about the future, yet Jesus gave His all for those
around Him. He healed the sick, comforted the hurting and gave hope to those who
had lost all hope, the outsiders who had no one to turn to. He gave His all for
everyone including those who persecuted Him. Jesus has a passion for all His
children and gives us the gift we will never forget; peace on earth, goodwill
towards all. “For this is how God loved the world: He
gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not
perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the
world, but to save the world through him.” God gave the perfect gift without
thought of the cost. That is His passion for us all. This Christmas season, let
us take the time to celebrate peace, love and joy in the same way Jesus celebrates
each of us.
This week we celebrate the Ministry of Sainthood,
week two of Advent. We invite you to join us this Sunday either in person or
watch us online at 10:30 AM.
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Promise of the Father
A few years ago, I had an issue with a vehicle and
took it into someone for repairs. This person came highly recommended and I was
told he was very reasonable when it came to prices. The shop was out in the
industrial section so it was a somewhat distant from walking distance home but
that was okay because I could get Natalie to run me home. Now, I was a tad skeptical
because I have rarely had good experiences with shops so the first visit, for
me, is always the test to see if he truly lives up to his reputation. As we
pulled up, I noticed the usual gathering of parts vehicles in the compound, the
shop was rather sparse of tech and the owner/operator met me in the shop
office. Now, for some, this would be a warning flag but it took me right back
to the days when I would go into the shop, have a quick chat with the mechanic
and walk away knowing I was in good hands and, to tell the truth, I was
comfortable right from the start. There are those who want to see a bright and
shiny shop with all the bells and whistles, mechanics with fresh uniforms,
fresh coffee and nibblies available while they watch the TV or surf on the free
Wi-Fi but for me, I want to drop off my vehicle, get an idea of how long and
then get on with my day without worrying. Looks don’t mean a thing for me, it
is the outcome I hold onto. I went back to pick up the truck and he told me
what he had done, told me what would need to be looked at in the future and,
when the bill came, it was within a few dollars of what he quoted. He proved to
me that what was said about him was absolutely true and I have not gone anywhere
A couple thousand years ago, an entire nation was
looking for a Person, a Messiah, who could help with personal repairs. For
centuries, there had been writings about a Saviour who would come to earth and
free the people from tyranny and evil. They were told by many including Isaiah
that the Messiah would come and how He would appear to the nation. Somehow, in
the translation throughout the centuries, the message was garbled and people
came to expect the Messiah to come as a warrior, be born in the palace of God
and conquer the enemies of the chosen similar to the way He took care of Sodom
and Gomorrah. Instead, they got a babe, born in a stable, a drafty, dank,
smelly cave. He was born to a carpenter and a woman of ill repute (she was
having a child outside of wedlock) and not to a king in a great palace. Here
comes the best part, Jesus had no proof of His divinity, he was a simple child
of a simple family with no pedigree. Jesus gave us His everything from the day
of His conception until His ascension to repair our lives through His ministry.
He gave up His place in Heaven to come to us on earth, He gave his blood, sweat
and tears to ensure we would understand the Word and He gave His all on the
cross for our eternity. We are in good hands with Christ. He promises us a
future in eternity, we simply need to follow Him, declare Him as Saviour and,
when the bill comes due, the price has already been paid. Jesus does not need
to prove to me He is the King of all kings, the Saviour of us all, He has already
been good to His word. If you know Christ, spread the word to your friends and
neighbours. If you do not know the Saviour, let me tell you about the best
mechanic out there.
This week marks the start of Advent. We invite you
to join us this Sunday either in person or watch us online at 10:30 AM as Rev
Glenn Reeder brings us week one in the Advent journey.
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live –
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Pastor Todd
I Have a
years ago, a friend of mine was looking to buy a house and I went through it
with him to see if there were any glaring issues he needed to be aware of
before the purchase closed. It was an older home that was going to need some
care and repairs right off the hop but there were also some precautionary items
that should be scheduled that would greatly reduce the risk of costly repairs
in the future. We walked through the home noting issues such as some soft spots
in the washroom, staining under the sinks, some of the electrical would require
replacing and the insulation was a bit lacking. The list was not huge, but it
did add a few thousand to the equation plus there would also be the
inconvenience of repairs before moving in. This was nothing major, there are
always repairs to be made, some extra cleaning to be done, you just need to
plan for it.
bought the house, did the repairs and settled in but completely forgot about
the other pages. The section marked “Items that will need attending to in the
future” was forgotten once the paint went on the walls and the mess was cleaned
up. The basement was unfinished when they bought it and I suggested he replace
the copper pipes in the basement in the future as they were showing their age.
I also suggested a new sump pump and a full clean out of the sewer pipes before
they finished the basement. One day, the hot water pipe let go in the basement,
the clean out in the laundry room was packed with garbage and was useless and
the sump pump, which had never come on in the time they were in the house, was
inoperable and the basement flooded to the point it was going out the toilet
and the bathtub in the basement. I got a note a few months after the flood from
my friend who stated “you never told me that the basement plumbing was messed
up and now my basement is destroyed. Thanks a ton buddy”. As he stood over the
carnage in the basement, all he could think of was “who can I blame other than
myself” and I guess I fit the bill.
look at the story of Noah and think about those outside the Ark pounding on the
door demanding to be let in as the waters rose screaming “you never told us
this would happen!” You never told us we would wander lost in the wilderness if
we strayed away from the teachings and worshipped a golden calf. You never told
us that the city would burn if we didn’t stop our evil ways. My passion is to
share the Good News and invite people to consider the blessing of His grace
available to each and every person on earth. My desire is to live fully in His
passion for us all and to communicate that in word and deed everyday. I do not
want to be standing at the gate and looking out to those who just realized that
they did not heed the call of God on their lives and when the end came, they
found the gate closed. When, not if, that time comes, will you be ready to
answer the question, “do you know Jesus as your Saviour?”
Jesus replied, “I have already
told you, and you don’t believe me. The proof is the work I do in my Father’s
name. But you don’t believe me because you are not my sheep. My sheep listen to
my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they
will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given
them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s
hand. 30 The Father and I are one.” John 10:25-30
am passionate about sharing the Good News, but I am not going to force anyone
to believe. I can lead the horse to water, explain just how good the water is,
and the benefits of the water on our lives, but it’s the horse’s choice to
drink. This week we explore passion. We invite you to join us this Sunday
either in person or watch us online at 10:30 AM.
Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
We Will Remember
I am going to cheat this week by posting
a poem that many will know from days gone by. There are many who want to bury
the past, tear it down and hide it but when it comes to war, I truly believe we
should not forget. We should not forget those who laid down their lives for the
freedoms others cherish today. We should not forget those who willingly joined
up to defend and those who continue to serve Queen and country to this day. We
should not forget the horrors of war for if we do, it will surely come around
again. Let us remember the past, pledge to never let it happen again and seek
out ways to prevent it from happening in the future.
For me, I remember my great uncles,
Malcolm, Murdoch and Howard who served with honour in WW2, my Grampa Dallas who
served during the war here in Canada, friends lost in Afghanistan and my
brothers and sisters who continue to serve both in the military and with the
police forces. Thank you for your service!
In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing,
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset
Loved and were loved, and now we
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies
In Flanders fields.
And The Act of Remembrance from the
Legion Ceremony Handbook:
They shall grow not old, as we that
are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
We will remember them.
This week we welcome Rev. Tim Kirby. We
invite you to join us this Sunday either in person or watch us online at 10:30
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd (Captain J. Todd MacDonald)
Unity in the
know I harp on this a lot and so many of you must be getting tired of hearing
it, so I invite you to gather as one united voice and do something about it.
The only way to get me to stop writing and speaking about this issue is to come
together and make a difference. I could speak of the division of the church
through the applications of denominationalism but when we break it down to the
essential basics, faith in the Almighty Creator, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
and the promise of eternal salvation through Christ, the rest is rather
trivial. Consider this, the version of the Bible that you read is not as
important as actually reading and embracing the Word of God. There is nothing
in the Scriptures that states you will not be allowed through the gates of
Heaven if you do not consume the proper juice and cracker for the Holy
Communion. If you do not say the prayer of salvation during the declaration of
faith, your conversion to Christianity is void, said no one ever in the Good
question is this, when did we become puppets for the whims of the newest
power-players; social media moguls and media spin-masters? Leaders of nations cow
down to the media because they need the support of this group to remain in
power. Cancel culture now rules the way many live their lives, and this causes
so much division. I want to hear my opinion coming out of your mouth is now the
attitude and having a respectful debate has been replaced with yelling and
social bullying. Unity has been replaced with division caused by fear of
ostracism, social shunning, and loss of standing in the communal order. God did
not intend us to be a solo act, He intended us to live in relationship with
each other, to watch over each other in times of need and celebrate with the
community when life is going well. This is not to say we all have to exactly
like each other, but we should really work in cooperation with each other to
seek out a life of joy and unity.
For just as each of us has one body
with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in
Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the
others. Romans 12:4-5
here is the challenge; seek out ways to raise one another up, to strengthen
your brothers and sisters in their journey and to lift up those who have been
tossed aside and are left beside the road. For those who are hurting, they
don’t care what denomination you are, they only remember that you took the time
to stop and take time with them. We are all on the same journey and it is tough
enough with those out there trying to divide and create chaos. In the famous
words of the great Canadian philosopher, Red Green, “Remember, I’m pulling for
you, we’re all in this together.
week we finish our series on the grace of God. We invite you to join us this
Sunday either in person or watch us online at 10:30 AM.
Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
What Do We
Run On?
in a small community has its ups and downs. If I was to drive an exotic
vehicle, rest assured I would have to travel to the big city for servicing and
repairs. Now, I could gripe and complain that every time I had to do something
to the car, I am inconvenienced and, in many cases, direct my displeasure to
the fact that my town does not have a reputable place to service my needs.
There is one set of lights in my town and yet there are complaints that they
never seem to be green when we get to the intersection. Some people in our town
complain bitterly that we have round-abouts in the intersections but there are
many of us who, having taken our drivers course in a town or city that has
them, don’t mind them at all. I have come to realize that fifty percent of the
time, the light at the intersection will be red and I will have to stop. I have
a recreational vehicle, the brand of which is not supported by the dealer in
town but they will order in parts for me, I have learned to do my own servicing
with the help of my friends who know how to do some of the minor repairs and
maintenance. There are primarily two camps in this world, the ones who find the
silver lining and can adapt to changing circumstances and those who hold onto
the negative and work hard to recruit others to join their cause. Divisiveness
is the work of the evil one and lately, he is grinning from ear to ear.
Galatians 5:16-17 NLT
So, I say, let the Holy Spirit guide
your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. The
sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit
wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful
nature desires.
is so easy to slip into the negativity and follow the crowd. My question is
this, what does it accomplish? Negativity leads to anger, leads to stress,
leads to health issues and, for the most part, a rather discontented life. The
sky is never blue enough, the water is never the right temperature, the lights
are never going in your direction, the service is never good enough, the
preacher never addresses the issues I think he/she needs to, and the list goes
on and on. It is a constant battle with the power of goodness on the one side
and sinful desires on the other. Now, I know I am going to get responses to
this concerning the term sinful and questioning my right to judge but let me
state this, I am not the judge but rather the messenger. If you feel the conviction,
it is not me but rather Someone else trying to get your attention. Take a read
though Galatians 5 from verse 16-26. I read through this passage frequently as
a reminder of what not to do and also what the Holy Spirit is providing when I
surrender to Him.
But the Holy Spirit produces this
kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There
is no law against these things! Gal 5:22-23
is enough anger and division in the world today that there is no need for me to
add to it. Instead, I have decided to follow in His way and seek out the peace
of God in all things. Take hold of the joy of the Father, name the love of
Christ and claim it as yours, immerse yourself in the embrace of the Holy
Spirit and live life to a fullness that is forever.
week we segue into a journey of understanding the gifts and fruits of the Holy
Spirit. We invite you to join us this Sunday either in person or watch us
online at 10:30 AM.
Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
What Is Your Focus?
For those who know me, you know that
Sunday afternoon is generally spent in front of the television watching NASCAR.
I have my favourites and really enjoy watching them as they not only strategize
the race but also display amazing driving skills. This past race, one of my
favourite drivers was bumped and ended up wiping out and smashing up his car.
The person that did it seemed to bump into him on purpose but there was no
proof that it was his intention to do damage. The other driver was very upset
because they were both looking for a spot in the chase and the wreck should
have taken him out of contention but they worked hard and got him back on the
track in fairly good order. The car was a mess, his hopes of going forward were
slim and his anger was about to get the better of him. He took time to settle
down and changed the focus from getting even to getting ahead and by the end of
the race, he had worked his way up to the rear bumper of the guy that wrecked
him. Now, whether it was a nervousness from hearing footsteps behind him or
not, he lost his composure, spun, lost control of the car and put it into the
wall. His day was over and my favourite driver finished the race and moved up
in the standings.
Life is very similar to this race. There
are times when we are just cruising along, focused on the things around us and
suddenly, out of nowhere, we are blindsided by the unexpected. Someone did us
wrong and, for some, the focus moves from getting back in step with our lives
and moves to finding a way to get back or even find ways to wreck the other
person. These divisions can last a lifetime if we let it, but there is another
way. Shift the focus from self and look to the scriptures because there is a
better way and a better peace that can come of it. Read Matthew 5 where Jesus
taught us to pray and focus on part of the message of peace and forgiveness. “Forgive
us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, lead us not into
temptation and deliver us from evil” When our focus is on the grace God has
given and we follow His leading, we will soon find ourselves in a place where
the chaos parts and a newness appears. The young driver could have focused on
putting his bumper into the back of his nemesis and wrecking him but instead
focused on the race and on gaining the points required to move forward. There
are many out there who need to get past the short-term focus, take time to
refocus on what is truly important and reset their effort in a way that will
last into eternity.
Forgive as you have been forgiven, focus
on a path of righteousness rather than temptation and gather your strength from
the Holy Spirit to avoid evil ways. This week we continue the series on “The
Way, Truth and Life, Sufficient Grace”. We invite you to join us this Sunday
either in person or watch us online at 10:30 AM.
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
To Whom It
May Concern
you ever got a letter like this in the mail or by email? Here is a hint for
anyone wanting to send a note like this to me; do your research! The other day
I got a call from a marketer asking to “speak to the person in charge of our
debit machine”. I stopped for a moment and thought “should I play this out for
a bit or cut the conversation short?” there have been numerous occasions where
I have played around with the calls that claimed I had a parcel at customs that
was suspicious and I was being investigated or, the best one in my opinion, my
computer was acting up and they needed to help me fix it. Playing dumb is not a
hard stretch for me at times so I can make this process drag on for some time.
My friend plays country music at high volume for them, another buddy will share
the gospels with them while another…let’s just say there is an air horn
involved. For those who are trying to sell me a product, I have a hint, those
conversations usually start with “Good day, Todd” or “How are you today, Mr. MacDonald?”
This means I may know them and I will take a moment to listen and give them the
courtesy they deserve, whether I know them or not. Letters in the mail that
start “to whom it may concern find the trash bin quickly unless there is a free
gift inside, then the letter goes into file 13 and the gift goes on my desk.
Sound harsh? Just remember this, people love to hear the sound of their own
name and will pay attention if you use their name right off the hop. It is our
why do I say this? There is a Christian song by Tommy Walker called “He Knows
My Name”. Some of you may know the song but if you don’t, Google the lyrics and
read the words. The chorus goes like this:
He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
And He hears me when I call
Isaiah 43:1
But now, O Jacob, listen to
the Lord who created you.
O Israel, the one who formed you says,
“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you.
I have called you by name; you are mine.
Creator knows our names, He calls us by name and knows us more intimately than
we realize. He knows our hearts, He knows our dreams, He even knows the number
of hairs on our head. There is a relationship by Him for each of us but is it
reciprocal? When He calls, do people play the mind tricks and try to play Him,
do they screen the call and figure He may just leave a message that can be
ignored or do people shout so loud trying to drown Him out? When God calls, He
calls you knowing full well who we are and what we have done. He knows each
tear that falls and He knows our voice when we call. His invitation does not
start off with “To Whom It May Concern”. What a joy to know that!
week we continue the series on “The Way, Truth and Life, Sustaining Grace”. We
invite you to join us this Sunday either in person or watch us online at 10:30
Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
A Step Above
So, usually I do an article on Monday or
Tuesday of the week but this week, nothing came to mind and I was left with a
half finished article that was making little to no sense. I will revisit that
article at a later date but today, God gave me a message to pass along. To tell
the truth, as I was riding around today on the quads with my buddies, this
message also spoke to me. So, with that said, allow me to share.
About a month ago, I ran into a few
issues with my quad. Had a problem that was self-inflicted, that is, I tried to
turn my quad into a submarine. After two oil changes to flush out the system, a
couple of us went for a rip and I ended up wrapping a tow cable around the rear
axle and destroying the CV joint. After getting a new axle and installing it,
the V-belt blew apart, took out the gasket on the cover, one of the cover bolts
seized and had to be cut out, my winch caved on me and the seal on the axle I
just put in leaked because I nicked it during installation. Everything was in place
to do the repairs and all the parts were purchased except for one thing; the
seal was the wrong size because the differential had been changed out and the
seals were different. I found two seals, one was in Vancouver and the second
was in Calgary. I ordered both but the delivery company from Calgary had taken
the day off so we were not able to complete the repairs in time for our outing
today. So, you may ask what does this have to do with anything? Where is the
devotional message I spoke of? Wait for it.
The night before we were supposed to go
out, I had resigned myself to the fact that I was not going out with the crew
but something changed. I got a text message from my buddy Steve that I could
use one of his quads so that we could enjoy an awesome day out with friends on
the quads. This morning, I was picked up by Al and we rolled out to Rigs Street
(Google it). Once there, Steve showed up with both quads, one a 2018 and the
other, a very new 2021 quad, barely broken in and nary a scratch on it. We unloaded
the machines and I started to load my gear into the older and smaller unit as I
had assumed I was riding that one but Steve jumped onto that one and told me I
was riding his new quad. I was beside myself. It was a grand gesture to offer
me a ride for the day but to offer the best ride in the stable. I was
completely floored but, if you know Steve, that is the type of guy he is. This
was top of mind for the majority of the day and then it finally hit me and no,
I did not fall off the machine and hit my head. My friend had offered me the
best he had without expectation of return. Mind…blown!
Consider this, God did not hold beck His
best for us. He created the world and gave us everything we needed to succeed
in his realm. We had the Garden of Eden, had all we could ever need to live in
perfect relationship with our Lord and He had provided us with perfect love. As
time went along, God continued to provide numerous opportunities for all His
children to know and experience His grace and live with a hope of a returning
to Him in glory. Over two thousand years ago, He gave His Son to us all. The
Father did not hold back. God did not send a second cousin twice removed or the
son of a guy who used to be a servant to a land owner He used to know but
rather He gave us His one and only Son, the best He had to offer. Now comes the
interesting point. Steve knew of my track record as of late yet he gave me his
newest machine without hesitation. God knows all of our track records yet He
gave to us His Son, perfect in every way, so that we live our lives in a
wonderful relationship with our Lord. Steve did not want our crew to be missing
a member on a wonderful day that the Lord had made. God does not want a single
one of His children to miss out on the perfect eternity He has made for each of
us. Let us be glad and rejoice in this.
This week we continue the series on “The
Way, Truth and Life, Saving Grace”. We invite you to join us this Sunday either
in person or watch us online at 10:30 AM.
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Entangled In
Barbed Wire
are times I get caught up in the YouTube view loop. If you are not sure what
that is, it’s when you watch a video that leads to another interesting video
that leads to another vid and before you know it, you’ve lost an hour of your
day. What’s even worse is when the boss is standing right behind you and is
also captivated by that same loop. I quite enjoy watching those heartwarming
videos from Dodo. The video I was watching had a deer caught up in a barbed
wire fence by the horns. The more the deer struggled against its binds, the
more entangled it became and, when the video was taken, the deer had basically become
so tired that it had given over to the bonds had laid down, given up and given
over to its fate. The deer had a bit of fight left in it when a group of men came
by to help it out of the fence but it only lasted a short time and it let the
men minister to him. They carefully adjusted the deer so as to untangle him,
they cut away the wire that was stuck in the antlers and, when the deer was
free from the binds that was holding him back, they let him loose and he took
off for freedom only briefly looking back as if to say thanks.
is a lot like that. There are so many things in life that hold us and bind us. I
am going to be very blunt and honest here so if you are offended, I am so
sorry. There are people who bind us and keep us from knowing true freedom. We
just had a video on Sunday about human trafficking and there are millions upon
millions of people who are bound to serve people who profit from their suffering.
There are people out there who are under the bondage of a harsh work
environment who have nowhere else to go, they can’t complain lest they lose
their job and, for some, their housing and benefits. Here is the big on as far
as I am concerned. There are millions out there who are affected by sin and are
under the bondage of embarrassment of being called on it or even being found
out. Like the deer in the fence, many keep struggling and pulling back from it
only to find the more they struggle, the more tangled they become. There comes
a point where those tangled in the bondage of sin just give up and give into
the fact they can’t get out of it. There is, however, a bright spot in this.
Jesus gave up His life for us and cleanses us of our sins. In other words, He came
to free us from the bonds of the barbed wire and sets us free from the certain
death we would have faced in the ever-tightening bondage of sin. This is the
truth and we can count on it.
for the part that may offend; church, it is our responsibility to be the ones
helping to cut people free from the bondage. We are the messengers of His
message, of this Truth. The church is not here to add more wire to the antlers
but rather help people out of their predicament and help them find the freedom
that is in Christ. Sin is universal. Why would we add to the binds of others
when we, ourselves, have been set free by someone with a pair of wire cutters
and a willing heart. I challenge those of faith in Christ, to be a part of the
solution and not the one holding the cellphone, taking the pictures of the
calamity, and judging the world through the lens of social media. It is time to
unite under Christ’s banner and assist those around us to realize the freedom
available to all.
week we continue the series on “The Way, Truth and Life, Different Story, Same
Need”. We invite you to join us this Sunday either in person or watch us online
at 10:30 AM.
Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Seeking Grace
I spent almost
an hour looking for my glasses a while back. This was not the first time and I
know for a fact it will not be the last time. They sell strings for glasses so
that, when you take your glasses off, they hang down around your neck and you
know where they are. There are numerous glasses around my house. Prescription
sunglasses, regular sunglasses, my prescription glasses, my bifocals, cheaters
and so on are laying about the house, office and in my truck. Now, I looked
high and low for my glasses but to no avail, they were nowhere to be found.
When I took my hat off, however, they fell from the brim of the hat and onto
the floor. They had been with me the whole time, safe and sound. Funny how the
only time I start hunting for my glasses is when I truly need them. They had
been on the brim of my hat for hours, but I did not truly start to seek them
out until I needed to read the fine print on some instructions. It is
interesting how we only truly start to seek when we are in dire need. Consider
this, you have put your cell phone down somewhere and are in dire need of it
because it contains so much of your life and it would be a travesty or even the
end of the world for some, if the phone was to be lost for good. So much of our
lives is tied up in this one object and the elation felt when the phone is
found is such a release. There may be some reading this who have never had the
experience of losing their glasses or a cell phone and that is just fine but
for those who have, there is a fear of loss, a panic to seek out and joy when
it is found.
There have
been many occasions when I have sat with people who feel they have lost their
way and are, in some cases, panicking because they figure they are forever lost.
I have seen the worry on their faces, heard the sorrow and fear in their voices
as they relate the facts but, like those strings that we had on our mitts when
we were young, they aren’t truly lost because there is still an attachment, and
we only need to come to realize God will never leave us or forsake us. This is,
for some, hard to understand but allow me to explain.
13 You made all the delicate, inner
parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully
complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter
seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my
life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single
day had passed.
17 How precious are your thoughts about
me, O God. They cannot be numbered!
18 I can’t even count them; they outnumber the
grains of sand!
And when I wake up, you are still with me! Ps 139:13-18 NLT
You, Lord, have
known me before I was even aware of You, and I have never been lost because You
have always known where I am. There were times when I have walked away and
become lost in the world but when I come to realize where I am, I find You
right there, watching over me and caring for my. Like my glasses on the brim of
hat, You have been close by, I was just too caught up in other things to
realize where You were. And when I wake up, You are there, still there with me
and protecting me. This is not only a personal revelation but also one I have
shared with many others throughout the years. God has promised He will not
leave us or forsake us. He is there in the good times celebrating with us and beside
us in the times of greatest sorrow, protecting and comforting. Seek out His
grace in your life, call out to Him because He is never far away, His love and
grace goes with us and before us. Praise God for His commitment to all His
This week we
continue the series on “The Way, Truth and Life, Seeking Grace”. We invite you
to join us this Sunday either in person or watch us online at 10:30 AM.
Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live
– https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look
forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Pastor Todd
Grace as the
were talking today at our study and the conversation turned, as it usually does
in our Bible studies, away from the intended topic to that of foundational
Christianity. Now you may ask, “what is foundational Christianity?” It is
getting back to basics and getting rid of the human rules that get in the way
of God’s intentions for His children. Let me give you an illustration that may
help. When I was younger, I challenged my father at every turn. His rules made
no sense to me and I did not agree with many of them. We butted heads on
numerous occasions and my mother was the buffer between the two of us trying to
keep the peace. Many is the times I heard my father say, “when its your house,
you can make the rules but until then, you follow my rules.” This makes perfect
sense to me now but back then he was just a controlling figure that was
clueless to the way things really work in the real world. These rules stifled
my personal rights and I knew I could do better on my own. I could hardly wait
for the day I was in charge and the rules would be much more fair in my home. Speed
forward and I came to appreciate that not only were my rules very similar to
the ones my father laid out but there was also a realization that the rules
were in place out of a sense of love for family and friends. In fact, when I looked
closely at the rules, they are very similar to the rules God set forth for us
all; love God with every ounce of your being and love your neighbour.
to the basics does not mean throw out the manuals and bylaws but rather measure
them against the known Word of God. If a rule countermands the rules God set
forth, then it should be examined, tested and modified to come into parallel
with His Word. Consider this, the act of circumcision does not make you a Christian
just like standing in a garage does not make you a Ferrari. It is Christ, the
foundation of our churches, who sets us free and delivers us from our sins and
delivers us to eternal life.
So Christ has truly set us free. Now
make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the
2 Listen! I, Paul, tell you
this: If you are counting on circumcision to make you right with God, then
Christ will be of no benefit to you. 3 I’ll say it
again. If you are trying to find favor with God by being circumcised, you must
obey every regulation in the whole law of Moses. 4 For
if you are trying to make yourselves right with God by keeping the law, you
have been cut off from Christ! You have fallen away from God’s grace.
5 But we who live by the
Spirit eagerly wait to receive by faith the righteousness God has promised to
us. 6 For when we place our faith in Christ Jesus,
there is no benefit in being circumcised or being uncircumcised. What is
important is faith expressing itself in love.
7 You were running the race
so well. Who has held you back from following the truth? 8 It
certainly isn’t God, for he is the one who called you to freedom. 9 This
false teaching is like a little yeast that spreads through the whole batch of
dough! 10 I am trusting the Lord to keep you from
believing false teachings. God will judge that person, whoever he is, who has
been confusing you. Gal 5:1-10 NLT
is time to return to the basics of our faith. It is by grace we are saved and
Jesus is the way to salvation.
week we begin a series on “The Way, Truth and Life” that brings it all back to
the basics. We invite you to join us this Sunday either in person or watch us
online at 10:30 AM.
Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
At The End of the Rope
What does it take for you to reach the
end of your rope? Growing up, I heard this quite a bit, along with “you are
getting on my last nerve”, “I have just about had enough” and “you’re enough to
make a saint swear.” I never understood that last one until I realized just how
much the saints had to put up with in their own lives. Over the past two years,
we have endured health calamities, droughts, storms, more health pandemics (we
are on wave four of how many?), the Leafs failing to make it out of round one
of the playoffs, again, terrorist attacks, elections, more elections, and even
more elections. There were promises made that were not kept, promises made in
secret that came to light that should not have been made, discoveries that have
rocked a nation and unspoken secrets that have yet to be revealed. I now think
back to my youth, “I have reached the end of my rope! You go to your room until
you learn better!” I head up to my room, the curtains are drawn, music plays
softly in the background, and I close my eyes to contemplate the world around
me while taking time to pray for peace and comfort. This is the place where I
find the greatest comfort, wrapped in the arms of my wonderful Lord and feeling
His strength as the world challenges that perfect peace.
Do I sound pessimistic? Please don’t,
for a moment, think that I am in a dark and desperate place because it is the
exact opposite, for I am confident in the Lord and find encouragement to carry
on, I find power in my Saviour. When I get to what I think is the end of my
rope, God says to me “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I
will bring you rest” Matthew 11:28. When I hear the news speak of another
atrocity, another nation splitting revelation, God says to me “For I hold
you by your right hand— I, the Lord your God. And I say to you,
‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.” Isa 41:13. When I have had just
about enough, the Holy Spirit says to me “Give your burdens to
the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to
slip and fall. But you, O God, will send the wicked down to the pit of destruction.
Murderers and liars will die young, but I am trusting you to save me.” Ps
55:22-23 There are many out there who have reached the breaking point and
do not have a place to turn for relief. It has been a rough couple of years for
so many and I fear there is more to come. How can we best respond to those who
are at their last straw? Pray for them, encourage them to seek out the beauty
and miracles that surround them and help them to “Trust in
the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” Pro
We invite you to join us this Sunday
either in person or watch us online at 10:30 AM.
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
I Can Feel It Coming
It all happened in a moment. I could see
it happening but it was too late to avoid it. Had I been more aware, had I been
more observant, I would have been able to avoid it but it happened. This incident
happened many, many years ago. On my way to work in the lower mainland of
British Columbia, I found myself, once again, stuck in traffic heading towards
the Pattulo Bridge. It was backed up for almost a mile but the lane I wanted
was open so I just motored along grinning as I passed the stalled traffic in
the other lanes. I was blissfully unaware that the power was down and the
traffic lights were not operating. As I came up to the intersection, which I
assumed was green for me, a car came out of nowhere and I realized I had a
front row seat to an accident. From sixty to zero in two feet then nothing but
white as the airbag went off. Funny what a bit of inattention can cause.
My parents put me through defensive
driving before I got my license and, for many years, I practiced everything my
instructor had taught me. “Look well down the road for hazards, always expect
the unexpected, slow when coming to an intersection, always be vigilant”. Over
the years, I developed some bad habits, wandered away from some of the
teachings and had begun to rely on my own great driving habits. Nothing bad had
happened to date so why continue to do this and that? We never know when the
lessons that we have ignored come back to haunt us.
obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing
to do. “Honor your father and mother.” This is the first commandment with a
promise: If you honor your father and mother, “things will go well for you, and
you will have a long life on the earth.” Fathers, do not provoke your children
to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline
and instruction that comes from the Lord.
6:1-4 NLT
There is a time coming when life will
come to an abrupt halt and we will be simply a passenger as the events unfold
around us. Are we prepared; are you prepared? Is your seatbelt fastened, is the
stuff in the car fastened, have you ensured your children or even grandchildren
secured in place? The time to start worrying about these things is not while
the accident is happening but rather well in advance of any situation that may
occur. Have we taught our children, our grandchildren about the wonders of our
Lord and Saviour or are we going to let them figure it out as they go along? I
hate to say this but there are thousands, if not millions, who have, in the
past, decided to let those around them figure it out for themselves, make the
choice on their own as it were, because they did not want to infringe on their
rights. Tell you what, show them how to use a seatbelt and to store things
under their seats and explain the importance of following the safety protocols
so they can make an informed decision, after that it is up to them. Bring them
up with the basic instructions so they at least have a fighting chance to
survive that big collision.
invite you to join us this Sunday either in person or watch us online at 10:30
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
The Way, Truth and Life
Back to Basics should be the theme for
the Christian movement in our world. We get so caught up in dissecting the
Bible that we miss the most basic of messages that is as plain as the nose on
our faces. I sat in a conference with a whole bunch of my peers who are far
more educated than I am and was taken aback at the conversation. Not only did
the discussion get hung up on the tense of a couple words in Greek but it also
started a rather heated debate as to how it affected the meaning of the passage.
As a counsellor, I have, over the past many years, developed a passion to help
others come to an amicable decision that would alleviate the tension but, in
this particular situation, I opted to remain silent and observe. There have
been numerous times I have been thought the fool because I did not interject
and there have been many more occasions in the past where I have opened my
mouth and proved it.
Over the past few weeks, we have been
talking about going back to basics, simplifying the message so that it is not
some major effort to attain the grace of God. Our Father in Heaven did not want
the journey to Glory to seem like a daunting task that only the very best of
the best would be able to attain. Last week, we boiled the commandments of God
down to two basic principles; love God with all your passion and love others
with the same passion God has for us. Would you harm your neighbour in any way
if your passion was to see them succeed? Would you turn your back on a friend
if they were hurting? Would you turn your back on God if you didn’t get your
own way? Tough questions but these are the things we need to look at when we
are sharing the message with those around us. So, now the big question. Would I
purposely harm those around me by not sharing the simple, basic message that
God shared with us?
answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No
one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6
Jesus had just finished telling the
disciples that He was going to prepare a place for them, to trust Him and to be
prepared. Jesus has prepared the way for eternal joy in Glory through His
sacrifice for us all and then simply stated “I am the way, the truth and the
life”. I have heard so many complex methodologies to salvation using words I do
not understand where a simple basic statement would suffice. Jesus, I am a
sinner, forgive me for I now declare you as Lord and Saviour. Trust in Jesus
with all you are and believe that He is way to Glory, to eternal life. Let us
resolve to avoid the crazy arguments over semantics and simply embrace the
basic message, He loves us so much that He sent His Son for each and everyone
of us; those who embrace the love of the Son will not perish but rather enjoy
life eternal.
We invite you to join us this Sunday
either in person or watch us online at 10:30 AM.
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Back To the Basics
When I first became a member of 12 Med
Coy in Vancouver, I still remember the first day like it was yesterday. The
central supply had issued me my uniform, gave me a quick tutorial on what went
with what and how to wear it. It was all a blur, and I was fairly certain I
would forget some things but I still showed up at the headquarters at Jericho
Beach with, what I thought, was a fairly good presentation. I could not be more
wrong. The Sergeant spotted me as soon as I came in the door, looked me up and
down, gave me my first dress down as a member of the Canadian Armed Force, CAF,
and instructed a private to make me look presentable, show me around the place
and keep me out of trouble. I did everything I could to keep in step so the
private would not get in trouble because of my mistakes. All I had to do was
stay close to him and do what he did. I was at the Corps for almost five months
before I shipped out for my Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) Course in Shilo.
In that time, I had learned so much from a great group of people who truly
wanted us to succeed when we went off to our BMQ. Our no-hook chinooks, or newbies,
came back sporting many awards for excellence because we had such wonderful
examples of leaders to learn from. We hit the ground with a firm understanding
of the basics and we built on that throughout the course.
Many people my age, were brought up with
a good understanding of the Gospel and of faith in Christ but, stepped away
from the church due to a variety of reasons. I am not here to chastise anyone
for not being a part of the church but rather to encourage us all to take a
close look at our faith, our position in the Kingdom quest and challenge you
take the next step. There are so many out there who do not have a clue how to
put on the amour of God, they don’t know how to hear the commands of God
properly and are frankly lost when it comes to understanding even the basics of
faith. They need those who have been there and done that to help them find
their way, to understand some of the pitfalls that lurk in the periphery and
help them become the best they can be as they face each new and daunting
challenge. Some of the best instructors out there are the ones who have been in
the trenches, faced the enemy head on and can share their wisdom and knowledge
with the no-hook chinooks.
You may say, “I walked away from the
church for a reason”. That “reason” may have left the church a while ago or the
focus of the church may have shifted but I can say this for certain, the
primary focus of the church has not changed, He is still King and the church is
His family. God has not walked away from any of us so is it now time to rejoin
His army? The world is divided and there is no end to the amount of chaos that
is lurking on the horizon.
replied to the Philistine, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but
I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of
the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 1 Sam 17:45
David went back to basics and declared
the true power of God before the enemy and knocked the giant down. Let us rally
and declare the power of God, let us go boldly into the world, invite back
those who have been absent and ask them to help train up the Army of God. The
time has come, the time is now.
We invite you to join us this Sunday
either in person or watch us online at 10:30 AM.
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Peace and Quiet
numerous occasions, I have been asked my opinion only to be argued with and, at
times, ridiculed because the answer I gave was not the one they wanted to hear.
Now, I am no snowflake, that is, I do not melt under pressure, I can handle
push back, but I still walk away wondering what just happened. Over the years, I have taken many courses on
effective communication, conflict resolution and crisis intervention and one of
the biggest hindrances to attaining a respectful and healthy conversation is
the art of listening. Many of you may think “Todd, you have talked about this
before” and you would be correct, but this seems to be something that is
becoming more of an issue these days. I am not writing this because someone has
recently confronted me but rather it is something I am observing every day in
our communities and in our media. So, allow me to post this one reference to
scripture and add a bit of my own thoughts to the equation.
Understand this, my dear brothers and
sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.
James 1:19 NLT
often these days, people are half listening, or not listening, to the input
from the person they are talking to and, instead, are formulating their
response or preparing their next talking points. In many cases, if you
paraphrase what they just said, they will stop to listen because you are saying
what they want to hear. Just be aware, the second you begin to go away from
their opinion, you will see their eyes shift and they are back to formulating
and not really listening anymore. For me, I quite enjoy listening to the opinions
of others because it gives me an opportunity to learn more about their stance
and about them as well. A wise person once helped me with a great ideology; “do
not confuse my silence for acceptance, I just want to know your side first”.
Proverbs 12:15 states “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a
wise man listens to advice” and Proverbs 18:13 says “If one gives an
answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame”. The world seems so
divided lately and people just seem to be deaf to the words of others. As some
try to get their opinion across, others seem bound and determined to shout them
down. The common theme seems to be “I want to hear my viewpoint coming from
your mouth!” Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding.
Pro. 2:2. Even if you do not believe in God, there is incredible wisdom in the
Proverbs. For those who are looking for an argument or want to bully people
into silence, remember this; “Even a fool who keeps silent is considered
wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent” Pro. 17:28.
invite you to join us this Sunday either in person or watch us online at 10:30
Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
For some of you, this
drawing makes perfect sense, or does it? Look at it closely and try to focus on
one or two points that may make sense and then work your way out from that
point. Do you see it? Dig deep and look at the numbers then find a point of reference
that will make it clearer. Now, do you see it? Still nothing? I am sure there
are a few out there who have a degree in engineering or are skilled
tradespeople who have figured one part of this out; it is upside-down. When you
flip it over, do you see the four wheels on the bottom tray? How about the
control knobs for the burners in the middle of the page or the distinctive
shape of the hood at the top of the picture? Now, consider this. You are the
recipient of this wonderful gift yet you have no idea what a portable gas BBQ
looks like and haven’t a clue as to how to put one together. You are given the
tools required to figure it out but instead of clear and concise instructions,
you are given this blow-up parts diagram and told to assemble the item in two
hours because that is when the guests arrive. Add to this the stress of having
to assemble the item on the patio, in the rain with no help.
Years ago, I was told that if you want
people to fall in love with Christ, use the KISS method; Keep It Simple Silly.
While learning all that was needed to be a preacher in God’s house, I started
throwing around these big words like ecclesiastical, eschatological,
dispensationalism and marmalade only to be told that these are words that
people in the church, or in a Christian university, know and relate to. We
have, over the past many years, made the message so hard to understand through
big words and tough concepts that it isn’t relational but rather institutional.
I have said this numerous times and will go to my grave preaching it; faith in
Christ is not about knowing the right words but being in right relationship
with our Creator, our Saviour. Jesus said it in John 3:16-17 “For this is
how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone
who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his
Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.”
In the beginning of any relationship, we
need to know the basics and build on this. It would be the same as having
someone show you a picture of the BBQ before you started to do the build. Once
you have that understanding, the time comes to build the BBQ, or relationship,
using simple terms and descriptions like a basic instruction guide. Consider
the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, BIBLE. I would like to make note
at this point, it is always easier to build the BBQ, or relationship, with the
help of a trusted friend or two. Once the BBQ is completed, there is a time to
rejoice and enjoy the wonders of it all but also a chance to help others when
they find themselves in the same position as you once were. Same goes for
building the relationship with Christ. We can bask in the knowledge that we are
saved by His sacrifice, we are forgiven for what He accomplished on the cross
and we can build that relationship over time until the day of Glory comes but
wouldn’t it be so much better if we could share this love and joy with others?
The message is simple; Jesus cared so much that He laid down His earthly life for
all of us, He asks only that we believe, follow Him and mirror His love for us
to all we come into contact with. Yes, it is that simple and it all begins with
a willingness to trust in Christ the Saviour.
We invite you to join us this Sunday either
in person or watch us online at 10:30.
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Pastor Todd
A Child of the King
Did you realize that each and every one of us is royalty? We are all a child of the King and yet many do not realize just how glorious that is or how important it truly must be in our lives. Do we pass over the accounts of Christ taking the time out to lift up those around him, those who were the downtrodden and forgotten? In so many of these cases, the religious leaders questioned His wisdom as He sullied Himself with the dregs of society but the truth is this; we are all His children and He loves all equally. I have, in the past, been told to avoid certain people, told not to associate with certain people because if I did, I would be jeopardizing my relationship with them. What kind of person would put such restrictions on another? Would these same people be willing to stand in front of the Master and demand He overlook a certain person? Would we or could we shun one of our own children because someone told us not to love them or associate with them? I can only imagine the pain and sorrow in the heart of Christ as He listens to such a demand.
here is my question, how can we, as a faith community, not share this good news
with every person in our community, in our lives? Over the past 22 years of
ministry, I have been told where to preach the message, who to teach it to and
how to teach it properly. I declare this, however, that those who truly need to
hear the glorious message that they are children of God and that all are worthy
of His love and forgiveness are those at the well in the middle of the day, those
begging outside the gates of the temple, those who have only known exclusion
from the blessed gathering.
For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past, for he was looking ahead and including them in what he would do in this present time. God did this to demonstrate his righteousness, for he himself is fair and just, and he makes sinners right in his sight when they believe in Jesus. Rom 2:23-26 NLT
I challenge those who know they are a child of the King, spread the Word throughout your community of influence. Be a spokesperson in word and deed for those who are on the outside looking in. Show them what the love of Christ looks like and help them know they are an integral part of God’s family. It is time to welcome back the lost sons and daughters who are in dire need of love and comfort.
invite you to join us this Sunday either in person or watch us online at 10:30.
We are blessed to have Greg Dole from Mission Aviation Fellowship bring us a
message this Sunday.
Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
The Joy of the Day
I was sitting in the backyard on a hot
summer’s day having a glass or two of iced tea with a friend. We have some
interesting conversations most of the time and today was no exception. One
topic we bandied about was regarding the pandemic and how people have managed
to survive these strange times. He said, “how have people managed to make it
through this without faith in Christ?” Without hesitation I said, “The CERB”.
This sparked a very interesting conversation because I was referring to a
needed program for those in financial distress that is starting to run its
course, but the government will not shut it down because it would be political
suicide to take it away just before an election. So many people were blessed by
the government intervention during a very difficult time, but they are now
relying on federal and provincial assistance that can, at any moment, change
and, I’m afraid, not for the better. The help is there for a time, but it is
not there for all time.
There is a better way through it all and
those of faith have come through this with a bit of a bonus, our help cannot be
pulled back because God is with us all perfectly and for all eternity. There is
not a claw back of services because God has to balance the budget, His blessing
is for all and, for those who accept the Son as Lord and Saviour, it is
eternal. Consider Psalm 121 (NLT)
I look up to
the mountains— does my help come from there? My help comes from
the Lord, who made heaven and earth!
He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not
slumber. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.
The Lord himself watches over you! The Lord stands
beside you as your protective shade. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the
moon at night.
The Lord keeps
you from all harm and watches over your life. The Lord keeps watch
over you as you come and go, both now and forever.
This is a wonderful promise that has no
expiry date, it does not rely on an election promise or budgetary allotments.
This is a promise from the Father to us all and should be the central message
to our faith testimony. Why did we, as a faith nation, come through the
pandemic a bit differently? I would suggest our priorities are a bit different
because our hope is in the Lord and not on finite promises of mankind. Praise
God for His provisions in our lives, for meeting our needs in times of trouble
and for always being there for us, at all times.
We invite you to join us this Sunday either
in person or watch us online at 10:30. As Natalie and I are on holidays, we are
blessed to have Rev. Bob Hillock bring us a message this Sunday.
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Pastor Todd
Summertime and the Living Is Easy
Things seem so different in the summer.
Iced tea replaces hot chocolate as the go to refreshment, jackets fit into a
belt pack or easily tie around the waist and socks are optional. We have our
casual shorts, our swimming shorts and our “going out to dinner” shorts and
long sleeve shirts are reserved for those chilly nights around the fire. The
days are longer, the light seems brighter and, now that masks are optional, the
smiles we see are a bit bigger, or so it seems. I was chatting with someone the
other day and they made mention that since it got warmer and the masks were
discarded, there seems to be a new attitude that has been lost for many, many
months. People were acknowledging each other while walking down the street.
When holding a door open for someone, the gratitude can be seen on the face and
kind nods are exchanged. It is funny what a mask can do to the psyche. For
months, we have been trapped behind the mask, unable to utilize a language that
has been a part of our makeup since forever. It hard to tell if a person is
smiling or downtrodden when the mask is hiding the subtle nuances of the silent
language. The language of us all is a combination of the spoken word, what is
seen by the eyes and what is felt in human contact.
A couple days ago, I got to hug my son
for the first time in over a year and got to kiss my grandson for the first
time in both our lives. I got to smell his hair, hold his hand and hear the
contentment in his breathing as he sat with me drinking his bottle. For eleven
months I drank in every nuance of his being over the internet but the
connection was not complete, there was still something missing. When I caught
up to him and my son at the airport, what was distant was made whole in only a
moment. The days are even more sunny this week, the leaves are even more green
and life is good. The bond has been made and I can honestly say to my grandson
that nothing will ever separate him from the love of Grampa. We are made in the
image of God and therefore are very protective and loving of those around us.
In Romans 8 it is said:
I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death
nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our
worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s
love. No power in the sky above or in the earth
below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the
love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
As I look upon the face of my grandson
as he smiles up at me, see the joy in the face of gramma as she shines with joy
and watch as my son displays perfect love towards his own son, I can only
imagine the joy and love our Father in Heaven has when He looks over each of
us. Summertime, and the living is easy, we bask in the love of our Creator,
marvel at the wonders He has made for us all and reflect the light of the King
in all we do. My suggestion for us all, grab a tall glass of iced tea, take a
moment out of your busy schedule and reflect on the wonders all around you and
give praise to the Master and Saviour.
Once again, an FYI; the Board of
Directors for MAF voted all in favour that masks are personal choice in
accordance with the AHS Protocols but still ask that if you are feeling ill,
watch us online until you are feeling better. We invite you to join us either
in person at 10:30 AM Sunday or online at:
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Is It Hot
Enough For You?
two phrases that drive me up the wall are “Is it hot enough for you” and “Is it
cold enough for you”. This past weekend, Natalie and I had the honour to attend
a wedding for a wonderful couple. We were in Banff and the weather was amazing
albeit a tad warm. As we were arriving at the location, the temperature,
according to the truck thermometer, was already in the high twenties. By the
time we had finished setting up and the service was about to begin, we were
into the high thirties. We were outdoors on an open field with only the tents
to provide relief from the heat. I had thought well ahead and decided to wear
my khaki kilt, Kathy, the mother of the bride, and Natalie had on light dresses
but poor Mark had pants, dress shirt and a tie. The only relief he got from the
sun was the fedora that provided some shade for him. Needless to say, there was
a significant amount of water being consumed and moist napkins were a
necessity. The wedding went off without a single hitch and there were no cases
of heat stroke and, in the end, the heat will long be forgotten but the joy of
the day is forever etched in our memories.
the wedding was complete, the celebration continued for the younger crowd and
we helped the now exhausted parents get settled in their new hotel room in
Canmore. I brought the bags into the room and felt immediate relief as the
freezing cold air of the air-conditioner gripped a hold of me. We helped them
get settled but I really did not want to leave but realized the restaurant we
were heading to was air-conditioned as well. Once seated, the waitress asked us
for our drink order and we all said the same thing, a big pitcher of ice water
and please keep it coming. You don’t realize just how refreshing and comforting
a tall glass of ice water can be. We all rejoiced as the body absorbed the life
refreshing moisture and the coolness began to lower our body temperatures. With
bodies refreshed and minds made clearer by the rehydration, we settled in for a
great meal and wonderful conversation. This brings to mind the healing power of
the Living Water, Jesus Christ. While our bodies scream out for the life
sustaining water on a blistering hot day, our souls also scream out for the
life sustaining Living Water that is our Lord and Saviour. While the world
races around trying to find just the right source of fulfillment from a variety
of sources, Jesus offers the perfect, life refreshing solution.
Jesus replied, “Anyone who
drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water
I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within
them, giving them eternal life.”
“Please, sir,” the woman said, “give
me this water! Then I’ll never be thirsty again, and I won’t have to come here
to get water.” John 14:13-15 NLT
the promises of the world dry up, the promise of Christ never fades. He offers
so much and asks so little in return. I would offer this up; be like the woman
at the well, ask Christ to cleanse you and refresh you with abundant living
water so that you never thirst again.
week, our team is back together again and we celebrate a fresh start to the
summer. The Board of Directors for MAF voted all in favour that masks are
personal choice in accordance with the AHS Protocols but still ask that if you
are feeling ill, watch us online until you are feeling better. We invite you to
join us either in person at 10:30 AM Sunday or online at:
Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
The Start of Holistic Healing 2021
In Canada, July 1 is a national celebration
of our nation. There will be people in the millions decked out in red and white,
waving the Maple Leaf and enjoying the freedoms we have in this wonderful nation.
Differences will be put aside and many will come together to sing O Canada,
voices raised in somewhat perfect harmony. In Alberta, the celebration will be
two fold. The Covid restrictions will, for the most part, be lifted and we will
be able to celebrate a new beginning and a fresh start to the summer. Now, as I
said that, there was a shiver went down my spine and it was not one of fear and
trepidation but rather of relief and joy. You see, for the past fifteen months
we have focused primarily on physical health and healing. In order to tackle
the virus, we have put the priority of spiritual and mental health of the
nation into a hold pattern. You could meet with a counsellor but it had to be
virtually or in a Covid safe manner. There was the loss of an aspect to
counselling that was lost in the absence of in person sessions. Churches were
either closed and had to rely on virtual services or they were under restrictions
that took away from the spiritual health that a faith gathering nourishes. The
wellness of the nation took a hit but July 1 marks a new start to personal
Let us hold
tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep
his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and
good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but
encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing
near. Heb 10:23-25
This wonderful piece of scripture deals
exactly with what has been missing. By gathering together, supporting one
another in prayer and compassion, we can be the catalyst for a healing. Many
will cling to the past and to the darkness of the past fifteen months but I
challenge you to consider the hope that comes with the new day. July 1 marks
the start to the second half of the year. Let us leave behind the darkness of
the past many months and embrace the newness of community fellowship. Not only
will this renew our emotional health but will build upon the foundation of a spiritual
wellbeing for us all. Let us not neglect meeting together and sharing in each
other’s strength and joy but also encourage one another to embrace the
wholeness and unity of our faith. There are so many distractions in this world
right now that divide and weaken us as a community, as a person but if we focus
on the healing and the gathering, we can find a greater peace and a new outlook
going forward. The time has come to rise up from the ashes of the past year and
a half, embrace the Light and reach out to help those around us to rebound from
the chaos.
This week, our District celebrates our
annual assembly; Reunion 2021. On Sunday, we will be broadcasting the online
from our General Superintendent but will lead into the service with a time of
worship and praise from our own Worship Team. We invite you to join us either
in person at 10:30 AM Sunday or online at:
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Pastor Todd
Build Up the Body
Let me take a stroll down a path that is
becoming way too common these days. I
will do so by taking a well-known verse and adapting it to the ways of the
world. The truth will cause those around you to bind you and make you slaves to
the culture of cancellation. Okay, this may be a tad harsh; or is it? Think of
this for a moment while I tell you about a recent post I read on social media.
There are those on social media who are on there for one main purpose; to stir
up controversy. These keyboard cruisers love nothing more than to throw out a
barb or a slam just to set the ball rolling. It is almost like the spark in a
sea of gasoline. Should you decide to take a peaceful approach and suggest an
alternate way to look at things, not only do they jump on the chance, but they
also enlist the help of their entourage and will bully a person into
submission. Say one wrong word and you are a target, respond and you feed the
flame and if the foul is, in their opinion, so hurtful to their own stance,
brace yourself for you could find yourself culturally cancelled. This is not a
new thing, by the way, for many have been subject to cancellation, rejection,
shunning and isolation just for speaking their mind.
In the Book of John chapter 8 verse 33, the
people of the time were convinced that they had never been slaves “But
we are descendants of Abraham,” they said. “We have never been slaves to
anyone. What do you mean, ‘You will be set free’?. They were convinced that they were fully set
apart because they followed the father, their father Abraham and would do
anything to see the Abrahamic law be seen through to the fullness of their
knowledge but Christ came to them with a reminder.
said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you
remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the
truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32
The Truth is not to bind us, it is not
to be the agent of separation but rather it is the Word of the Father and is
intended to set us all free, free from sin and despair. It is the Word of love
and unification and not of hate and cancellation. Those who hear the Word,
respond to the Truth and communicate the Message, truly understand the joy of
selfless servitude, whereas those who promote chaos and disharmony, are more
into serving selfish desires. A while ago, a group of people organized a
charity fundraiser that was going to cause a small inconvenience for the people
of that community but the benefits for that community far outweighed the disruption
of personal activities for a short period. A few people complained (mostly out
of towners), but for the most part, it was well received. Thank you to those who
saw past the personal and poured into the lives of others and waited patiently.
My challenge for those who find it so necessary to be a part of the noise of
the world, seek out the peace and compassion of the Lord, think of others
before self and choose to be a part of the solution rather than a creator of strife.
If we commit to building each other up, what a wonderful change we could make.
This Sunday, we are able to open up to
1/3 capacity and are looking forward to welcoming a few more people in person.
We invite you to join us either in person at 10:30 AM Sunday or online at:
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Find Your Perfect Rest
There is a memory that I will take to my
grave. It is a memory that is embedded into my mind and every time I think of
peace and rest, this image reappears in my mind’s eye. When my son was very
young, he had tummy issues and would wake up in the early hours screaming in
pain. I would go into his room, roll him over on his belly across my legs and
gently pat and rub his back. Slowly, the gas would work its way out and he
would calm down. As the pain settled and he calmed down, I would swaddle him in
his blanket, gently rock him and stroke his hair. When his eyes started to
slowly close, his breathing deepened into a contented rhythm and a small smile
replaced the stressed features, there was peace and rest. That peaceful state,
the look of utter contentment, meant he was at rest and, in my heart, I also
found rest. For what seemed like hours, I watched as he rested in my arms and
was always amazed at the trust he had in me in his time of distress and in his
time of rest.
Cleland B. McAfee wrote a beautiful song in
1903 called “Near to the Heart of God”:
There is a
place of quiet rest,
Near to the heart of God;
A place where sin cannot molest,
Near to the heart of God.
O Jesus,
blest Redeemer,
Sent from the heart of God;
Hold us, who wait before Thee,
Near to the heart of God.
We have just come through a season of
seclusion and separation. The darkness has shifted and the light of hope now shines
ever brighter. Through it all, one thing remained constant; He was with us all
the way. God’s message for us all during this past year and a half; rest in Me.
God is our
refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.
So we will
not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.
Let the
oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge! Ps
46:1-3 NLT
Let us all take time to rest in His Word,
in His promise. Let us find peace and safety in His promise. As the protocols
change, the restrictions are lifted and some semblance of normality prevails,
peace should flow back into our lives. There is a deeper love and a deeper
peace. God wraps us in His arms, swaddles us, He brings comfort to our souls
and rejoices when He sees the peace in our faces as we settle into His arms. He
is our perfect refuge, our infinite strength and, when the time comes, the
Author of our perfect eternal rest in Glory.
This Sunday, we are grateful that we can
gather with a few more people than last week. We invite you to join us either
in person at 10:30 AM Sunday or online at:
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Pastor Todd
Seek Out Rest
I have heard this over and over, in fact
I have said it myself; “I need a rest from my holidays”. With the hectic pace
of life and the norm of life being filled with stuff every waking moment of the
day, every day of the week, it is not hard to understand that we look at our
holidays as a chance to get away from the rat race and fill every moment with
fun activities and events. For years, we would make plans for a getaway, and it
was all about getting to the location and making sure we saw everything we
could. If we were awake sixteen hours, we could jam in eighteen hours of
“stuff” to enjoy the vacation. Something happened a few years ago when we went
to Jamaica for the wedding of my son and daughter-in-law, we actually relaxed
and enjoyed our time with family and friends. We had four things planned; a
rehearsal, a wedding, a reception and scuba diving at Montego Bay. Outside
those set times, we did something we rarely ever did; we relaxed. We got up
when we woke up, we ate when we were hungry, we walked around, swam, laid on
the beach, napped, swam and just plain out relaxed. When we returned to Canada,
we were refreshed and renewed. Last year, Natalie and I, along with some other
friends, went for a week of camping and we did the same thing; we got up when
we woke up, we ate when we were hungry, we spent time together and we spent
time alone. When it was all done, we parked the RV in the yard and prepared to
go back to work. Again, we were relaxed and refreshed and at peace.
Too often we pack each and every day to
the max and beyond. We stress over missed timelines, things get forgotten and those
events that we should place high on the priority list are often pushed down to
the bottom of the sequence or are rescheduled for the next day or even the next
week. Family and faith are generally the casualties of over booking both on a
daily basis and, I fear, during those times when we should be focusing on
relaxing with the family on a well-earned holiday. I will admit that I have
been guilty of cheating my holiday by going into work just to answer an email
or attend a quick meeting. I cheat three groups or people in all this. Those I
work with who will not have the benefit of a refreshed and renewed member of
the team are cheated, my family who see that work is more important than the
family and myself for not attending properly to the wholeness of self; mind,
body and spirit. Psalm 23, the Psalm of David says, “The Lord is
my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in
green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.” NLT. We are
coming into a time of vacations and gatherings and, after coming through an
intense time of stress and seclusion, I ask you to consider this; as you plan
your time, purposely make time for family and faith. Take the time to be thankful
for that which He has provided in you life and bask in the peace and renewal
that God provides. Not only will you be better for it but those around you will
also benefit immeasurably by your new strength.
This Sunday, we welcome the fact that we
can gather with a few more people than two weeks ago and anticipate further
relaxation of gathering restrictions the following week. We invite you to join
us in person at 10:30 AM Sunday or online at:
Facebook Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
YouTube Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
My Mama Always Said…
When I was a child, I remember sage
advice from my Mom and my Grandmother. If you cannot say anything nice about
someone, keep your pie hole closed. Okay, maybe they did not say pie hole, but
the message is very clear. Now, for those who would argue that Disney’s Thumper
was the one who first came up with the saying, I would say the writers got it
from my Mom. The one thing that we can agree upon with this saying is this; so
many of today’s occurrences of strife and break ups come from someone either
purposely or unintentionally saying something hurtful. I have seen families
break apart because of words. Television shows are, for the most part, based on
someone saying something to another that cuts to the bone. Yes, there are those
who do not realize what is said is hurtful but, in the mind of the person hurt
by the remarks, it does not really matter. There are a couple groups on
Facebook that have to do with our community and the remarks are cutting,
hurtful and, for many of us, rather embarrassing. To think that people can be
so cruel to let fly without regards for those around them is rather insensitive
and uncaring. On Facebook there is a like button and a wow button but I would
suggest we put a bunny button on there that would denote a hurtful comment and
advise them to reflect on Thumper’s wisdom; if you can’t say anything nice,
don’t say anything at all.
In scripture, Paul spoke of this rule
and I would suggest that the foundation for the saying did, in fact, come from
the Holy Word.
everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an
encouragement to those who hear them.
do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has
identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of
rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all
types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted,
forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. Eph 4:29-21
The world has enough examples of how
people can be cruel to each other in social media, on the television and in the
news to name just a few. Can we not find ways to curb the negativity in our own
language in order to not add to the hurt and anger that is already so prevalent
in society? When I was young, my Dad used to say “think before you speak” but
when I was a youth, I thought like a child and inevitably spoke words of hurt
rather than take the time to seek out words of encouragement. I have learned
over time and continue to learn every day that a kind word can make a world of
difference in a person’s life. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this act went viral?
One day it will and on that day, the world will experience a joy like it never
has before.
As per the latest orders from the
Alberta Government, our church will, on May 30th, be allowed 15%
capacity in attendance. Praise God for this move and we look forward to
welcoming a few more people into the building. We invite you to join us in
person at 10:30 AM Sunday or online at:
Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
We look forward to seeing you this
Pastor Todd
Locked In a
of Tarsus wrote many a letter to churches and individuals throughout his
ministry and, while these letters were very encouraging and inspirational, many
were written while he was in jail. He was, however, a free man in that, while
his body was captive in a cell, his mind and soul had been set free years
before. While he was known as Saul of Tarsus, his primary mission was the
identification and persecution of those who followed Christ. He was at the
stoning of Stephen, holding onto the wraps of those who were casting stones and
was on his way to Damascus to continue his mission when Christ got a hold of
him and set his soul free from the bonds of hatred and anger. I look around at
the world today and feel great sorrow for those trapped in the bonds of hatred,
anger and chaos because they cannot see the beauty that surrounds them
continually. It is almost as if they were in a prison with no windows to look
out and they were trapped in the dark and gloom of a self-made exile. I was
once in that darkness, staring at the gloomy wall in front of me and focusing
on the wall. What I did not realize until later was this; there was an open
door behind me leading to the light and all that was needed was for me to turn
around and walk through the passage. When Paul’s eyes were opened, he saw the
freedom that was in Christ and broke free of the bonds that held him back. Even
though the walls held his physical self, Paul was set free in the Spirit and
the world rejoices in his writings.
This is why I remind you to fan into
flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. For
God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and
self-discipline. 2 Tim 1:6-7
years, I was silent about my faith but when God finally broke through my thick
skull and showed me there was truly a beautiful life out there, the bonds that
held me in check were broken and life began anew in Christ. I no longer fear
anyone knowing I am a follower of Christ because I know the Truth and He has
set me free, the scales were removed and I now see life as it is supposed to be
seen, live life as it is supposed to be lived. No longer does the question of
“what happens when we die” cause me stress for God has set my future, our
futures, in Glory, He has prepared a place for us. So while we are here, on
earth, we need to seek the power of the Holy Spirit, embrace the love, the
power and the self-discipline of the Spirit and shake off the bonds of fear and
timidity. Turn away from the darkness and embrace the newness of what God has
to offer each and every one of us. Why fear the darkness because the darkness
is chased away by the Light. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon
those in the upper room like tongues of fire and filled them all with wonderful
gifts and they went forth boldly proclaiming the Good News. Is today the day
all the chains come off?
invite you to join us this Sunday either in person (we are limited to numbers
inside the building) or online. Should you wish to join us online, click on
either link below to join us live:
Live - https://www.facebook.com/main.ave.31
Live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9LIkN_QTdVM6eVXEgy9QA
you all Sunday.
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