Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Monday, August 31, 2020

Dr. Barclay with Something to Think About - TRULY I SAY


Christianity has the greatest message ever told to man - the Good News of the Gospel. Why then, aren’t more people Christian? If the greatest news is not being received as such, where does the problem lie? Is the message not being properly delivered or is it not being believed?

Jesus apparently also felt that His message would not be received by all. In fact, the Bible tells us that He would be “…despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows…” (Isaiah 53:3).  In fact, it wasn’t just strangers who didn’t believe Him, even His own family were not believers: “For even His brothers did not believe Him” (John 7:5).

Jesus Himself, however, was very insistent in making us aware of what was really the truth. In fact, He said, “I tell you the truth”, “Verily I say”, or “Truly I say” about 74 times in the New Testament.  Also, in many of these cases he will finish with “Amen,” not only once but twice.  Amen, according to the Greek lexicon is defined as “a strong affirmation of what is declared”.  So should we believe Him or are we to be like His siblings who denied who He really was for so long?

During our lifetime each of us must at some time make the decision whether to believe in Him or not.  Was Jesus telling us the truth or was this all a great deception?  Do we believe what Jesus spoke or do we put it down as to some ramblings of a deceiving mind? It’s something everyone has to decide for themselves.  If those who believe Jesus was not telling the truth and that nothing follows this life are correct, then really nothing we do during our present existence is of any real consequence.  But if there is one truth to Christ’s teachings, then all His sayings are to be accepted.

Each one of us has to make that decision.  And that is why studying His Word and background is so important.  An eternity is in the balance. 

If we really look at the situation carefully, then most likely we will come to the same conclusion as the unbelieving Roman soldier did at the time of the crucifixion.  “So when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly, saying ‘Truly this was the Son of God’.”

Truly I say, said Jesus and that truth is always something we should think about. 


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Pastor Caroline - August 26. 2020 - Psalm 23- (In Part)


Let’s look at Psalm 23 verses 1, 2 and 3 from the Amplified Study Bible.

(1) The Lord is my Shepherd (to feed, to guide and to shield me),
(2) He lets me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still and quiet waters.
(3) He refreshes and restores my soul (life);

As I look out upon the hills this morning from my home I can see the cloud of refreshing rain the Lord is lowering to the treetops. It lays over them like a shower, bringing a cleansing to the dust covered trees after the many past days when all was so dry that the dust raised from the ground, covering everything in its‘ path in dull brown or gray. I see the green breaking through and everything looks alive again!!!  The grass is beginning to look like a green carpet once again and the flowers reach up to get a cool drink. The leaves open up like a cup as they take their fill. The Lord is providing for all His creation and we have the opportunity to see the beauty He provides.

As I think of us, I realize here in Psalm 23, the Lord is my Shepherd, the very one who looks after me, who provides His care and guidance to me as I study His word and sit in His presence. He leads me to those quiet waters, a place to sit and rest awhile, from the busyness of the world and its distractions. What could be more beautiful than a large area of freshly mowed green grass with the fragrance that arises to fill our senses and the music of water rippling over rocks in a brook, or falling from a mountain in front of us as the water cascades a great distance down over a rock wall?  Oh the sounds and smells of nature, fresh and clean; as God intended. This is so refreshing and so restorative to our lives.

We need a new filling every day, especially after a dry spell. Sometimes we feel we are so dry we are like dust. Then we spend time in His word and suddenly we feel the anointing beginning to fall over us and we realize God is awakening us to a fresh start. When we spend time with some friends who share in our faith, their words are like a cool refreshing drink to our dry soul. Spending time listening to worship restores us and gives us a new life once again.

Whenever you feel you need refreshing and restoring sit with the Bible and even reading three lines, as I gave you in the beginning here today, brings a newness to your day.
(1) The Lord is Your Shepherd (to feed, guide and shield You).
You shall not want.
(2) He lets You lie down in green pastures;
He leads You beside still and quiet waters.
(3) He refreshes and restores Your soul (life);
Now read this again inserting your name where you read “your and you” and claim this very truth for your day.

God will and does take care of you and me and He will see we have all we need. We are forever grateful for how much He loves us.

Today, —- I choose to rest,—-beside the still waters listening to the melody of nature. How about you?

God bless each one who reads and shares this message as we give honour and glory to Him who is so deserving.

Have a beautiful day with Jesus. 🙏🙏

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Dr. Barclay's Bible Study - The Book of Ecclesiastes Part 4

The Real Meaning of Words











Best friends


"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass ... it's about caring and

loving your relatives and friends while you can touch and see
them, and they are still among us. 

May you always walk in sunshine, my friend!!

Be kind to all you meet, each of us carries a burden that others can't see.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Dr. Barclay with Something to Think About - FAMILIARITY


There is a saying, “Familiarity breeds contempt," or as others put it: “Familiarity breeds complacency.” This really means that the more someone visits a place, repeats a performance or knows a person the more likely that someone is to find that place less exciting, that job less interesting, or that person less likable. We tend to focus more on the negative of a situation instead of the evident positives.  As a result, as situations are repeated, we tend to become more bored instead of excited, more lethargic instead of energized, and more critical instead of complimentary. 

It is for reasons such as these that revisiting the same locals often leads to disappointment, that people often seen to build up resentment against long term care-givers, and marriages become tenuous due to the build up of relatively minor issues. It’s also why we start to take for granted persons and institutions which have always seemed to be there; our spouse, our friends, our schools, our church. Sometimes it’s only after one is lost that it is truly appreciated.

Jesus himself apparently felt this as well. In Mark 6:1-6 we read:

Then He went out from there and came to His own country, and His disciples followed Him. 

And when the Sabbath had come, He began to teach in the synagogue. And many hearing Him were astonished, saying, “Where did this Man get these things? And what wisdom is this which is given to Him, that such mighty works are performed by His hands! 

Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And are not His sisters here with us?” So they were offended at Him.

But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honour except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house”

Now He could do no mighty work there,…

And He marveled because of their unbelief…

People in His own area did not believe in Jesus because they thought they knew Him, because they looked at what they believed He had been and failed to look at Him as He really was. They took it for granted that He was only a carpenter, and probably one of many.

How often do we take people for granted because we believe we know so much about them, or institutions such as schools, restaurants, or churches because they have always been there for us and always available for us at our convenience. Perhaps this is why people flock to schools and churches when they open up in an area where previously there were none yet often just don’t bother to attend in places where they were available all along.

Familiarity does breed complacency if not contempt. This is why Jesus “could do no mighty work there” and why we often take for granted people and institutions which are “always there.” Perhaps our present situation will help us to realize the “norm” may not always be so, and help us to appreciate more what we still have. It may also help us to realize that even Christ may be taken for granted.

Taking what we do have for granted is not something we should ever do but we often will if we don’t take time to think about it.   


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Pastor Caroline - August 19, 2020


Today I read Psalm 111. What a powerful Psalm this is. 

Look over each line and say it over and over a couple of times.

Psalm 111 (Good News Bible)

In Praise of the Lord


Praise the Lord!

With all my heart I will thank the Lord

in the assembly of his people.

2 How wonderful are the things the Lord does!

    All who are delighted with them want to understand them.

3 All he does is full of honor and majesty;

    his righteousness is eternal.


4 The Lord does not let us forget his wonderful actions;

    he is kind and merciful.

5 He provides food for those who honor him;

    he never forgets his covenant.

6 He has shown his power to his people

    by giving them the lands of foreigners.


7 In all he does he is faithful and just;

    all his commands are dependable.

8 They last for all time;

    they were given in truth and righteousness.

9 He set his people free

    and made an eternal covenant with them.

    Holy and mighty is he!

10 The way to become wise is to honor the Lord;[a]

    he gives sound judgment to all who obey his commands.

He is to be praised forever.

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! This makes me want to sing.


With all my heart I will thank the Lord in the assembly of His people. Verse 1

( With all my heart; I will thank you Lord; as I gather with Your people.) (Take each line and do as I have just done as you see in brackets. Let His word apply to and cover your life. Make it personal, because He wants you to.)


In other words whenever you are with any number of people, 1 or 100, or any number in between; the number does not matter, it is gathering together with one or more and the sharing of His goodness with one another that makes the difference. Tell each other the wonderful things He has done for you or for someone you know. Testify to His greatness! Everything God does is full of honour and majesty, His righteousness is eternal. Verses 2 and 3 tell us this.


Verse 4, God reminds us of His wonderful actions, His kindness and mercy. He feeds the hungry, those who want to understand His word, He will enlighten. His covent is His oath and He never breaks an oath.


Continuing into Verses 7- 9,

He tells us His word is faithful and just; we know we can depend on Him. His truth and righteousness is our strong foundation as we accept His eternal covenant. This sets us free! Holy and mighty is He! Holy and mighty is He!  Again I say, holy and mighty is He!

Let this statement settle into your heart and mind and begin each day praising the Lord because, He is holy and mighty!!

Study His word and receive the wisdom He intends for you to have as you honour His commands. You will soon realize that your judgement when based on His advice, will always be good sound judgement. Verse 10.

When the plans you have for your day come under His umbrella of protection and provision, you can rest assured your day will be full.  Now I ask you, what better place is there to be?


No wonder the last line in the Psalm says, He is to be praised forever!

He is to be praised forever!!!!!


So praise the Lord and thank Him every day for the many blessings He bestows upon you and share His love, mercy and grace with everyone you meet. 

Enjoy your Christ filled day giving glory and honour to Him and see how wonderful your day will be as you Praise the Lord!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Dr. Barclay's Bible Study - The Book of Ecclesiastes Part 3

God Loves a Cheerful Giver


God loves a cheerful giver, as we are told in 2 Corinthians Chapter 9 Verse 7

Let us bring our offerings to the store house. At this time we are unable to meet at the store house, so if you’ve been keeping your offering tucked away that is wonderful. 

Perhaps at this time you would like to mail your offerings to:

Master’s Hand Ministry
 c/o of Peter MacLaren
Post Office Box 1924
Pictou Nova Scotia

Or please feel free to call Pastor Caroline and she will gladly pick up your gift and take it to Peter. As we move into the fall we have expenses to meet and we also would love to continue to support our local missions, (the breakfast program and Roots for Youth) and also our international mission with Pastor Gamel. 

We thank God for the faithfulness and generosity you have provided and as we continue to build the kingdom of God we love to reach out and help those who are in need of blessing. Thank you in advance for your generosity and remember God loves a cheerful giver. 😊

Little is much when God is in it!!

He can and does a marvelous work through us🙏🙏

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Dr. Barclay with Something to Think About - Tough Love


God is love. That’s what we often hear and that’s what the Bible states - “…God is love” (1 John 4:8). But what is love? Is it always that warm hug-type feeling, arms around you support, empathy that we so often need? What really is the love of God?

The Bible states that: “The rod and rebuke give wisdom, But a child left to himself brings shame…”(Proverbs 29:15) and “Do not withhold correction from a child, For if you beat him with a rod, he will not die”(Proverbs 23:13).  Now we don’t need true corporal punishment anymore, but take this in the allegorical sense. If a person does something wrong, let him/her accept the responsibility and consequences of the action and not just cover or gloss over the situation. A child or adult has to learn this and the only way may be to apply the “rod” of truth and justice.

After all, the Ten Commandments are there for us for our benefit, and to disobey them means the consequences. We often ask why bad things happen to good people. The Bible says that, “No one is good but One, that is God” (Matthew 19:17, Mark 10:18, and Luke 18:19) and that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

So, even though we’re not “good”, God still loves us but allows us to suffer the consequences of our actions. He may even make things more difficult for us at times to prove His love. How often as children have we been made to “suffer the rod” in order to show us the right way? 

The Old Testament has a number of examples of people “suffering the rod” when they  refused to obey God. Pharaoh was one in the book of Exodus when he refused God’s command to set the Hebrews free. As we all know, God sent plagues to convince him of the need to comply with God. Even the Hebrew people were not spared in the end, because if they did not comply with God’s instructions, they too would have suffered under the Angel of Death during the last plague. In 2 Samuel chapter 24, David took a census in an unscriptural way, thus sinning and because of this God made him choose a punishment - “… the Lord sent a plague upon Israel from the morning till the appointed time.  From Dan even to Beersheba seventy-thousand men of the people died” (2 Samuel 24:15).

God has shown tough love toward His people a number of times, but He has also shown empathy and compassion. If we have accepted Christ, and are therefore His children, He looks to us the same way we look to our own offspring and what parent, who loves their children, would not wish to trade places with that child if something truly serious or dangerous were threatening. So God in His compassion said: “No longer do I call you servants,…but I have called you friends,…”(John 15:15).  He also said this - “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends”(John 15:13).

And this is exactly what God did. He came down to earth in human flesh and took our death sentence upon Himself. Truly, what “Greater love has no one than this…”?  True love for us but probably tough on God.

Tough love - something to thing about.  

What God Hath Promised

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Pastor Caroline - August 12, 2020


Today’s reading should and will lift your heart in gratitude to the Lord. God understands our troubles, fear, anxiety, and He is in control. His guidance is ready for us whenever we ask as we trust and obey, where He leads. Jesus reminds us He overcame the world, (John 16:33), the same world we live in today, although a different time. In His time the troubles, fear, and anxiety were very present and He turned to His Father in heaven and God gave Him all He was in need off. God will do the same for us when we come to Him with an open heart, standing in obedience to His lead.

I love that David Jeremiah in today’s devotional, Daily in His Presence, reminds us we are justified by faith. Romans Chapter 5 Verse 1 tells us we have :
peace with God
Verse 2 we have:
access to Grace and the assurance of glory
and in Verses 3 and 4 we have: the reversal of grief.
Also in Verses 3 and 4 it tells us: in our times of trouble that tribulation  produces,
Perseverance,  perseverance produces character,
And character produces hope.
To be able to have perseverance with a Godly character keeping our heart full of hope in all of life’s circumstances certainly will give us a much better life than those who do not know God and His word.

Now that certainly is God seeing us through as we put our lives and our well-being in His hands.

Today let His peace and joy fill your heart and please share the word of God openly with all those your meet. It is such a gift to be freely given to everyone. Let us all be the bearer of good gifts from heaven above.

Enjoy your day as you give unto others.

Dr. Barclay's Bible Study - The Book of Ecclesiastes Part 2



Monday, August 10, 2020

Dr. Barclay with Something to Think About - WHEN YOU BELIEVE


Many night we prayed

With no proof anyone could hear…

Now we are not afraid

Although we know there’s much to fear…for

There can be miracles

When you believe

Though hope is frail

Its hard to kill

Who knows what miracles 

You can achieve

When you believe somehow you will

You will when you believe.*

Do you still believe in miracles? Do you still believe in prayer? Do you still believe miracles can happen through prayer? It says that, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16). The key words here seem to be fervent and righteous, for James continued to tell of Elijah who earnestly prayed that it would not rain and it did not for three and a half years. And he prayed again after that time, and the heaven gave rain.

In 2 Samuel it states that David prayed for his son to be healed after Nathan foretold the child’s death, but David had not been right before God.  He had sinned in his dealings with Bathsheba and so God did not save the child and he died (2 Samuel 11).

So what has this to do with our present situation and the pandemic. Science and Public Health have both provided us with help and direction in suppressing and controlling this virus but neither to date has found a way to eradicate the problem. So would it hurt to pray as well as follow the experts advice? Are we righteous enough and do we have enough faith for prayer to be effective?  It says in Hebrews: “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he that comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). Or are we more like David, whose prayers were not answered due to his sin and lack of righteous behaviour?

In the past, corporate prayer has been shown to be helpful when exercised properly. At the time of the bubonic plague in the 1600s, over 60% of the European population died. In the village of Oberammergau in Germany, 81 villagers died in 33 days. This was half of the village population at the time. On October 28th, 1633, the village prayed, vowing to God that they would honour Him if He would spare them from the plague. After that time, no one in the village died of the plague and as a result, the Passion Play has been done in the village every 10 years since that time in 1633 with only two exceptions, during WWII and presently due to Covid-19.

In 1746, the citizens of the Boston area were terrified due to an impending invasion by a powerful French fleet and army. When Governor William Shirley declared a day of prayer and fasting, citizens overflowed the meeting House to pray for deliverance. Historian Catherine Bowen reported that before long the sky darkened, wind came up, and an intense storm erupted; with the result the French fleet was devastated and Boston spared.

In 1849, Asiatic cholera was killing thousands of people in the United States.  Deaths were so frequent that in some cities the dead were being buried in mass graves.  There were no resources at that time to fight the disease (not like those we have today) and so President Zachery Taylor relied on something else. He called for a National Day of Prayer, and on August 3rd,1849 people all over America filled churches to humble themselves, to acknowledge their sins, and to ask for Divine Mercy. The President himself lead this day of prayer.  By the end of August, the death rate dropped suddenly and the plague abated. **

As this present situation continues, we all need to follow the guidelines as put forward by Public Health and the authorities. But perhaps, as nations, we should also consider the potential that could come by humbling ourselves, acknowledging our wrongdoings, and asking for Divine intervention. The Bible does say “…if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). 

Perhaps it’s just something we should try, after all, it has helped before. And who knows, miracles still might happen when we humble ourselves and pray. And when we believe, who knows what miracles we might achieve.

It’s certainly something to think about.

*When You Believe by Stephen Schwartz from the movie The Prince of Egypt

** From Daily in His Presence pg 243 By David Jeremiah