Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Friday, May 1, 2020

Pastor Caroline - May 1, 2020

Today is the beginning of a new month. May will bring us warm days and mayflowers. We will soon see the bees and more beautiful birds. The days will be longer and we will enjoy the beauty that will be brought forth by the hand of the Lord. In all of this God is speaking to us. Can you hear his voice?

Another way He speaks to us is when we meditate on His word. Meditate simply means to think deeply or carefully about something. When we read God‘s word we are to meditate on it. Most often we are “too busy” to meditate or study the word of the Lord. We do good to read a few scriptures in the day before “rushing off” into our daily routine.

But wait, we are not “rushing off” now, as we are in isolation so we can “take time” to meditate on the Scriptures. If you have a deck, front porch, or a special place in your house where you can get away from it all; take your Bible and open it randomly. Cast your eyes on the words and ask God to increase your understanding of what you’re reading. Pray to Him and ask Him to show you what it means and  how you can apply this word to your daily life.

I just opened my Bible at random and my eyes fell on the scripture Matthew Chapter 8 verses 23 to 26. The scripture tells us that Jesus was in the boat (asleep), with the disciples when a storm arose. The disciples were afraid and could not understand how Jesus could sleep during the storm. The disciples woke Jesus saying, “Save us Lord, we are about to die!” Jesus asked them why they were so afraid and where was their faith? Then He ordered the waves and the winds to stop, and there was a great calm. Wow! At the very sound of His voice He controlled the winds and the waves.  Powerful!!

As I meditate on this I learned that Jesus is in control. Yes things in life will happen (the storms of life)however, if we keep our focus on Jesus, the storm will pass by. The struggles we face will soon be over, and all will be OK. We must not lose sight of Who is in control. God’s small still voice is telling me,”do not lose focus, stay connected to me through my word and my promise. I am the master of the wind”.
His voice is clear and He is speaking to me through His word. I can hear Him because I am meditating on the Scripture.

As He brings the scripture alive to you, you will understand how important meditating on the word is and how to apply the word to this very day in your life. You will be thankful you took time to meditate, to understand His word and you will know God is speaking to you. Now, search out a scripture that you would like to meditate on and take some time to spend with the Lord. Enjoy your time talking with Him. He is waiting to speak to you.

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