Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Pastor Caroline - May 26, 2020

I can relate to the little boy David Jeremiah speaks about today in the reading from Daily in His Presence. I remember back in 1959, I was seven years old and Queen Elizabeth was visiting Canada and she, by motorcade, came through Trenton, Nova Scotia. I remember standing on the steps by the Anglican Church, by the War Memorial as she passed by. She waved directly to me, I am sure! I loved her white gloves.  She caught my eye as I stood on my tiptoes to see her. She was beautiful and I know she saw me, in the crowd. For days, and weeks, I told everyone I saw Queen Elizabeth blowing me a kiss, after I blew a kiss to her. That was how I knew she saw me!!
I was elated to say the least. I never forgot that moment in time and that’s 60 years ago. Now, some days, I can’t remember what I did yesterday, but 60 years ago, I remember the look on her face as she blew me the kiss. She was young and beautiful. Every time I see her to this day, I close my eyes and go back to being that little girl who received air blown kiss from our Queen.

If I was that excited about the Queen, can you even imagine how excited I’m going to be when I get to heaven and Jesus comes to welcome me?
Well I expect I will just be beside myself. He has been my friend, comforter, helper, advisor, teacher, and Father to me for 58 years and I can hardly wait to meet Him in person.

I want to walk and talk with Him, when I get to heaven. I want to tell Him I love Him and that I’ve loved Him for many, many years and I want to thank Him from the bottom of my heart; for all He has done for me during my years on earth. I want to thank Him for the cross, the gift of salvation, and how He gave His life for me and for everyone who has already accepted Him and for those yet to accept Him as Lord and Savior.

As I now enjoy His presence, by His spirit, (the Holy Spirit), who lives in me, I can hardly wait to know Him fully. As David says in the reading, “Christ is with me, around me, inside me”.
This is so true and exactly how I feel!

 From the time I was nine years old, I have never felt lonely or alone because I knew Jesus was always with me. I have all my life enjoyed His company and the comfort He always gives me. I truly have been blessed, and to this day, still enjoy the blessing.
To hear David say, “Learn to be comforted by His royal presence”,  brings me to a place where I can say, I am elated to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior.......And my friend.
My heart skips a beat when I think about His love for me and I feel very special to be called His daughter.

We are all called to be His children, children of the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, how amazing is that? Do you feel you are in the presence of royalty? Well today, YOU can be in the presence of royalty, Jesus the King, as you accept Him as Lord and Saviour of your life. Learn to be comforted by his Royal presence and know that the Lord is coming soon.

May you always find joy in the Lord, for there is no other joy that compares to knowing and loving Jesus. It is time for YOU to be overwhelmed by HIS glory!!

Have a beautiful day.

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