Proverbs, as defined in the dictionary: a short pithy saying in general use, stating a general truth or piece of advice.
Today I would like to highlight the book of Proverbs. It is a practical book with moral and religious teachings which can be used every day of your life. You will receive much wisdom from this book when you study it. If we all lived by the book of Proverbs our world would be a much different existence. It teaches self-control, etiquette, humility, patience, respect for the poor, and loyalty to friends, as is said in the introduction. Again, proverbs state a general truth or piece of advice. We can all use solid truth and advice.
Chapter 1 to Chapter 9 verse 18; are all about wisdom. This is a good read, one we all need to understand. Today I will share one proverb from this section and you will have to read the rest for yourself, as I can only share a limited amount with you at this time. I do want to share some of the highlighted or underlined Proverbs that I have in my Bible, but, I have too many to share here.They are all so good!!!
Proverbs Chapter 1 verse 7 reads;
(7) To have knowledge, you must first have reference for the Lord. Stupid people have no respect for wisdom and refuse to learn.
There is lots to read in Chapters 1 to the end of Chapter 9 and will give you lots to think about.
Moving on, Chapter 10 to Chapter 29 verse 27, are all the proverbs of Solomon. They share wonderful truths and great advice.
Proverbs chapter 10 verse 12 reads:
(12) Hate stirs up trouble, but love forgives all offenses.
Chapter 11 verses 5 and 17 read:
(5) Honesty makes a good man’s life easier, but a wicked man will cause his own downfall.
(17) You do yourself a favour when you are kind. If you are cruel, you will only hurt yourself.
Chapter 15 verses 29 and 30 share this advice;
(29) When good people pray, the Lord listens, but He ignores those who are evil.
(30) Smiling faces make you happy, and good news makes you feel better.
Chapter 18 verse 24 says:
(24) Some friendships do not last, but some friends are more loyal than brothers.
Chapter 20 verse 27:
(27) The Lord gave us mind and conscience; we cannot hide from ourselves.
Chapters 22 versus 1, 4, and 6, read this way:
(1) If you have to choose between a good reputation and great wealth, choose a good reputation.
(4) Have reference for the Lord, be humble, and you will get riches, honor, and a long life.
(6) Teach a child how he should live, and he will remember it all his life.
Chapter 29 verses 18 and 25:
(18) A nation without God’s guidance is a nation without order. Happy is the man who keeps God’s law!
(25) It is dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you, but if you trust the Lord, you are safe.
Reading just these scriptures are wonderful, but, let yourself be filled as you read all that is in Chapters 10-29.
Chapter 30- The Words of Agur
Verse 30 is a truth you do not want to miss.
(30) God keeps every promise He makes. He is a shield for all who seek His protection.
Now this is a good word to lean on in these trying times for sure!
You will find various sayings in chapter 31 verses 1 to 31.These are well worth a read.
Take time to sit and study (not just read), the book of Proverbs. It certainly is a wonderful guideline to a well lived life. This book covers our home life, how we raise our children, our business adventures with guidelines for success, and how we give and earn respect. You will enjoy every chapter, so please, take time to press in to what God wants to teach you. You’ll be glad you did. Let wisdom be your guide.
Have a beautiful day in the love, wisdom, and advice of the Lord.
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