Today I will use scripture to bring you the message. Perfect Peace — really? Yes really!
(10) One day spent in your temple is better than a thousand anywhere else; I would rather stand at the gate of the house of my God than live in the homes of the wicked.
Psalm 84 verse 10 from the Good News Bible.
(1) Whoever goes to the Lord for safety, whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty,
(2) can say to him,
“You are my defender and protector.
You are my God; in you I trust,”
Psalm 91 verses 1-2
As I opened my Bible at random as I sometimes like to do, God showed me Psalm 84 verse 10. I read it over and over. How beautiful is the scripture and how peaceful it is. To spend one day with you is better than to spend a thousand days anywhere else; one day with God is better than anything we can possibly think of doing here on earth. Even our greatest joy here on earth pales in comparison to being in the presence of God.To stand at the gate of His house; I can only imagine the peace I would feel.
Then God directed me to Psalm 91 verses 1-2, Wow! When I read this I realized that God will keep me safe, and protect me because He is my defender. I can trust God to come through even on my darkest day, with a light found only in Him. God can take our days of nothing and make them beautiful and full, if only we keep our focus on Him. If we practice being at peace with God, reading His word, standing on His promises, and testifying of His goodness to us; then peace will wash over us like a river. This takes discipline but it’s so worth the time spent in His presence.
I only shared two scriptures with you today, but, if your Bible looks like mine, you will have a lot of it underlined. So go to your Bible and scan the pages and see what God wants to bring to your attention today. Today, He gave me two scriptures that speak of peace. If only I could spend 24 hours a day in the word, everyday, I would be well on my way to my perfect peace day.
To achieve a peaceful day we must;
(2) Keep your minds fixed on things there, (heaven); not on things here on earth. Colossians Chapter 3 Verse 2, from the Good News Bible.
So set your minds on Christ, fill your heart with Christ, walk in His ways, stay in His word, share His love with others and enjoy your “perfect peace” day; as you fix your eyes on heaven.
Spend some extra time with the Lord today and let His peace wash over you like a mighty rushing river. Then dangle your feet in the stream and look up and dream of Heaven. Enjoy this day the Lord has given you.
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