Ephesians Chapter 2 Verse 10 is the basis for my message today and you will understand that as you read through these words now.
We are all unique. I have two children and in some ways they are alike, but, in most of their ways, they are completely different. They both love to read collecting many books which are in pristine condition, they both have a good work ethic, and both are kind and loving and respect those in authority. Yet they are pleasantly and uniquely different. You can most likely say the same about your children, each one with their own special and unique ways.
God created us all with the gift of uniqueness, each person has a unique fingerprint for example. Most of us have a unique birthmark somewhere on our body. I remember meeting a man once, who had one blue eye and one brown eye and confessed he had perfect vision. To me that was unique and it always amazed me. My son is colour blind and yet my daughter can see the depths of colour that astonish me. Colour fascinates her. Some people love to sing to the world and others, who have the same amount of talent and perhaps even more, will only sing for their own pleasure. Some people have a way of bringing correction to your life that you absolutely thank them for, and you change for the better, while someone else may speak to you about the same issue, and because of how they delivered the correction, you immediately did not like them and most likely did not change in anyway.
Even when we are different or odd, as some may suggest to us, God made us that way, and so we are to be thankful to God and excel in our differences. You are the way you are because God made you that way. YOU are one of a kind!
Chapter 2 verse 10 in Ephesians says, in the Good News Bible:
(10) God has made us what we are, and in our union with Christ Jesus He has created us for a life of good deeds, which He has already prepared us to do.
You are uniquely chosen to carry out the will and works of the Lord here on earth.The above scripture tells us this and He has prepared us by giving us what we need.
Every day God will give you opportunity to share His love when you walk in His love, to share His peace, mercy, kindness, gentleness, joy, and contentment, as He has given to you all these qualities. You have received much and are rich in the Lord, and He gives you this wealth to share with others. To walk in all of this wealth, is to be richer by far, then the man who claims to have the riches of the world; for one day his riches will be gone; and the above riches you process, you will carry into eternity.
God created you and I with strengths and weaknesses, and both will shape who we become in life. I happen to have a weakness for lemon pie but my strength keeps me in check so that I do not try to live on lemon alone.
God designed me just the way I am, made a plan for my life before I even entered this world, and has watched over me all my life thus far, and I am confident He will continue to do so until the day of my graduation to heaven.
Over the years He has nurtured me and brought me to a maturity in Christ, allowing me the privilege to serve Him in many ways all the days of my life. I am very grateful and thankful to Him, for loving and caring for me.
Making me unique, making you unique, was His plan from day one and He wants us to enjoy the uniqueness of others so we can learn from each other and carry out His work here on earth.
We are not a cookie-cutter people. God made every single one of us different. From the very first man born until the end of time, God has a different design for every child brought into the world, think on that for a moment, isn’t that amazing? It sure is because we have an amazing God!!
God is unique and there is no other God like him! Praise Him and His name!!
Now today search out your uniqueness and the uniqueness in others and enjoy what you see, for with God there are no mistakes, only perfection. I am working toward my perfection and when I get to heaven I will have graduated with His honour, mercy and grace.
How about you?
Enjoy today for it is God’s gift to you.
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