Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Pastor Caroline - June 17, 2020

In conversation the other evening I spoke with someone for years has not been able to express their true feelings. It brought me back to a conversation I had with a young man many years ago in prison. At the time I was doing prison ministry and so I will recap what sticks out in my mind.

He was young, six or seven to his recollection when his mother used to lock him in his bedroom for hours at a time. In his room was a small bed, with one old pillow and a quilt that was at least 100 years old he told me. It had an odour and so often he threw it on the floor and just laid on the bed with not even a blanket to curl into. At that moment, I made a mental picture of this because at the time, I was a mother of two young children and could not for the life of me ever imagine doing that to my kids. Anyway, for years he was a prisoner in his own home. He said his dad had left with someone else, his mom drank every day, and his older sister was rarely home. However when she was home, she fed him, watch movies with him, bought him pop and chips and played cards with him.( He never did tell me her age). These were days of fun, he said and he enjoyed being with her. She talked about God, but he did not understand and so he just listened and she said things like; God is good, God is kind, God is my strength, He’s with me all the time. She even told him she was not afraid of the dark anymore because she knew God was watching over her and keeping her safe. He like to hear about God because He sounded nice. (She actually planted seeds in his young mind at heart at the time).

As years went on she married and moved away. She married a Christian, whatever that meant, he said. He was happy for her. However he still lives with his mother who had an increased drinking problem, was older now and had health issues. At 16 he dropped out of school and got a part-time job to help at home. At least he was now meeting other people who really didn’t know his past, or even cared. Before long he got involved with the wrong crowd. He started stealing, small stuff from stores, and bigger more expensive items, which he sold for a profit because after all he never paid for any of this, he said. Then he got involved with a drug dealer.He never did drugs, smoke or drink because from a young age he saw the destruction it caused and he was just not interested. But somehow he missed the point that stealing and delivering drugs for a price was just as bad and destructive. Long story short, one night things went wrong, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, a murder took place, and he was blamed. He told me he never had a gun or pull the trigger but he was a scapegoat. You know, I believed him then and to this day, I still do.

Anyway during our conversation I told him about Jesus. He said you sound like my sister, who by the way visits me and brought me a book called a love letter from God, it was the Bible. He would spend hours reading God‘s love letter and it changed his heart, his attitude, his outlook on life even behind bars, and gives him hope for the future, he said. The seeds that were planted earlier by his sister years ago, were now being watered by ministering teams that were coming into the prison, and because he was reading the Bible the seeds were starting to grow. Praise the Lord!! I could see he had a tender heart and we prayed. Over the few times I saw him he loved the Lord more and anxiously awaited his release from prison. His sister wanted him to go live in her town where he would find work and attend her church. He loved to sing and learned to play guitar, and wanted to share his story, his testimony, especially with kids who did not have a great home life. He wanted them to know God can and will meet you wherever you are in life and he will make life different and better. This young man was on his way to being a great ambassador for Jesus and it showed on his countenance. I was excited for him.

You know, I have no idea where this young man is today, but I pray he’s been released both from prison (and I’m sure he has), and his past,  and that the God who gave him life brings him life abundant today. I really feel he had a forgiving heart from the moment I met him as he did not speak with any malice or hate toward his mom or the gang he was involved with. He forgave his mother as he said, once he started reading the word and realized God‘s forgiveness for him. He was old enough to see and realize that her life was a living hell and sometimes he was the recipient of the heat. He made mistakes, committed crimes, but he did not murder anyone, he lied, cheated, stole and made wrong choices in the past, but said after reading the love story, the Bible, he realizes why he has been forgiven, and that’s because God loved him enough, in whatever state he was in, and sent him Jesus and His love. He accepted Jesus into his heart in a cold and lonely cell, much like the bedroom he has a child, but he felt he was in a palace when he heard a voice say:
“My son, You are forgiven! No need to hurt anymore. You are free. I am your helper and deliverer”. 
He said he remembered reading that in Psalm 70:5 . He heard the message loud and clear and it changed his life.
This is God’s love and it truly does change lives, all over the world. Praise the mighty name of Jesus!!
I pray this man has a family today and can share the Lord of the Lord with them and know what true love is. I pray one day I will know him when we meet in heaven.
So many years have passed since those conversations with this young man and I am glad brought this back to my remembrance. It warms my heart and I hope it does yours as well to know, Psalm 70:5,
You are my help and my deliverer.
In the Good News it reads like this:
I am weak and helpless; come to me quickly, O God.
You are my Saviour and Lord —
Hurry to my aid!

God came to this young man and I am happy he did.

Enjoy your day knowing He is your Lord and Saviour.

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