Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Monday, June 15, 2020

Pastor Caroline - June 15, 2020

“Come to me, all you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest”. Matthew Chapter 11 verse 28 (Good News Bible). This is Jesus speaking and what a beautiful invitation.

We all love an invitation, to dinner at a friends house, to a movie with a loved one, to church for an evening of worship and praise, or to spend quiet time at a location unknown to others so we can just “do nothing“ and not feel guilty.

When we read the Scriptures and see this invitation from Jesus, it surely does our hearts good to know He cares about us and wants to give us rest.

Perhaps you are burdened in these days with having to do your job from home, or doing it in your workplace, but everything is so different. This causes extra stress and you carry the weight of that burden.

God wants us to step away from the things in life that entangle us. He wants us to come to His word and find a message from Him, directed to us for just this particular time. He wants us to make a conscious choice, to spend quiet time with Him. May I suggest that you put on your favourite gospel CD, make a coffee, and just sit and listen as He speaks to you through the words the artist brings in the song. Learn to step away from the distractions that rob you of your rest. You need to be determined to be obedient when you hear that small still voice calling you. Perhaps God is suggesting you go for a walk, by yourself, so He can show you the beauty that lies before you. Slow down, take a deep breath and appreciate who you are in Jesus and who He is in you. The happenings in our daily life should not be so consuming that we do not have time for the creator of this world. Before the busyness of your day begins speak with the Lord and tell Him you are going to spend time with Him and then; keep your word. His rest will rejuvenate you, give you a fresh energy, clear your head and put a smile on you face that is a mile wide. Now that is a better rest than an eight hour sleep. And that is His intention!

When we submit ourselves to God, we realize we are giving Him control over our lives as we choose to obey His commands. When God has control we can rest in knowing that all things will work out to His glory. It will not always be easy, and we will struggle, but our rest will be in Him who cares for us.

Accept the invitation. “Come to me all you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest”. Choose today to accept the invitation Jesus extends, know He is in control; and you can trust Him when He says, it is time to rest.

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