Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Pastor Caroline - Wednesday March 3, 2021 - God’s Amazing Grace


Hebrews Chapter 4 Verse 16 tells us in the Good News Bible, (16) Let us be brave, then, and approach God‘s throne, where there is grace. There we will receive mercy and grace and help us just when we need it. And also in James Chapter 4 Verse 6 it reads, (6)But the grace that God gives us is even stronger. As the Scripture says, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble”.


God‘s amazing grace. The above scriptures remind me that God does extend to us His amazing grace.


How can we be an example of His grace?

One way is to be forgiving, as God is forgiving to us. When someone wrongs us and asks for forgiveness we must extend that forgiveness fully, just as God forgives us when we say we are sorry. God forgives us and forgets our sin. In Psalm 103 verse 12 the Psalmist reminds us what God says about our sin,

(12)As far as the east is from the west so far does he remove our sins from us.

A wonderful reminder of God’s love and grace and how He forgives and forgets.


When Jesus went to the cross for our sin, grace was extended to us, in unmerited mercy (favour) which God extends to every one of us, because, Jesus paid our debt of sin and purchased our eternal life, through salvation, when He freely gave up His life for our sins.  What a gift we receive when we accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. We owe a great debt of gratitude to Jesus who bore our sins on the cross and to God the Father who extends His mercy and grace to cover us from the very judgement we deserve.

We understand that grace is; when we get something we don’t deserve (such as the forgiveness of our sin), and mercy is; when we don’t get what we deserve (such as the full punishment and judgement of our sin). Jesus came to rescue us from our separation, (we were separated because of our sin) to God when He paid the debt of our sins on the cross, thus keeping us from the full punishment and judgement that sin deserves. Thank you Jesus.


We can, now, fully accept God‘s Amazing Grace and live a life of abundance as the word of God tells us in John Chapter 10 verse 10, last line says, (10) I have come in order that you might have life — life in all its fullness.

This was Jesus speaking and He meant fullness of joy, peace and comfort. How amazing is that?


We can extend God’s grace to others when we are kind to one another. When we pay forward the kindness given to us we are extending grace. When we help someone in need, when we give thanks before meal, when we are at the bedside of someone who is ill, or when we share a time with the lonely, we are extending grace. When we give a hot coffee and a sandwich to a homeless person we are extending grace. God will give us many opportunities in a day to extend His grace if we pay close attention to how He is leading us.


Before we are introduced to Jesus we are spiritually blind, and we do not have a heart for Jesus because we do not even know Him, our thoughts are formed by the world around us and so we can be wicked in our ways and in our deeds. We are self people, looking out for ourselves and looking after our selves. We are all about us!

But; when Jesus comes into our lives, (after someone introduces Him), we begin to change, little by little as we are taught about Him and His ways. As we study His word we become “people who see”, leaving behind our spiritual blindness, and we are no longer “lost in this world”, when we accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour, for in His word we find our path in life here leading us to our eternal home with Him. How beautiful is this?


God gives us His amazing grace the very moment we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. His powerful love covers us and His amazing grace is found in His life.


Let God’s powerful love for you with His amazing grace fill you and you will experience a fuller, closer, relationship with Him.  Be humble and receive His grace as told to us in James Chapter 4 Verse 6, which I have at the top of my message for you to refer to.  


Let’s give God thanks for His powerful love, His amazing grace, His unlimited mercy to us, and the gift of salvation. One day in glory we will have the full realization of these gifts we are now enjoying. We have so much to be thankful for so; Thank you Lord!!


I have a wall hanging that my niece sent to me and it reminds me every day of God’s Amazing Grace. It is the first verse of the hymn, Amazing Grace. I used it as my picture today so please take a close look at it.


Be blessed in this day and all your days ahead, and live the abundant life that God has just for you!! Be humble, give thanks and share your gifts with everyone you meet. What a difference you will make in the lives of others and what a joy will bubble up in you. Enjoy your day.

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