Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Pastor Caroline - Wednesday Janauary 26, 2022 - Being Rooted in Christ


Being Rooted in Christ


Colossians Chapter 2 Verses 6 & 7 Good News Bible.

(6) Since you have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, live in union with him.

(7) Keep your roots deep in him, build your lives on him, and become stronger in your faith, as you were taught. And be filled with thanksgiving.


As I opened my Bible at random this morning the Lord showed me Colossians chapter 2 verses 6 and 7 as my reading today. I would like to share it with all of you.


He (God) is reminding us that we have accepted Jesus as Lord. He wants us to remember, claim and declare Whose we are, Who we belong to!!

Just as I am the daughter of Dick and Rita Stewart, I am also a daughter of Jesus Christ. As I spent my years being known as one of the Stewart girls, I’ve also been known as a child of Christ. We must never forget our roots. Tracing our family history builds us stronger in our heritage. The more we learn about our ancestors and their traditions the more we understand about ourselves. Perhaps you have a strong heritage of hospitality. You enjoy being with people. You will probably find another in your family who has this very same trait.


I was born in Cape Breton but only lived there till I was five years old. To this very day I claim Cape Breton as my home land and heritage along with the gift of hospitality Cape Bretoners are known for.

(P. S. You can take the Cape Bretoner out of Cape Breton but you cannot take Cape Breton out of Cape Bretoner.)

I love to be with people, I love to visit in their homes, in the senior nursing homes, do hospital visits and just be involved with people. When I traveled, even from a young age, my parents would say; there she goes talking to people she doesn’t know. I remember saying, “there are no strangers Mom – only just people we have not met. In a few minutes I’ll know them”. And I did!


Nowadays, I meet people on the phone. Due to Covid, visits are restricted in person, however, a fellow Cape Bretoner named Alexander Graham Bell, invented the telephone years ago and he probably never once imagined that it would become such an essential part of our lives. Who today can live without their phone? 😊

I have people on the phone call list that I do weekly, whom I’ve never met face-to-face. Perhaps when Covid  is behind us I’ll meet them but until then we share our lives by the phone. I learn a lot about them in the conversations we share.


Well just as I get to know them by phone, I also get to know more about Jesus because I stay in the word of God. The Bible tells me a lot about my heritage and Jesus. My faith is made stronger the more time I spend in the Word and as I spend time talking to God in prayer. It is amazing how much we learn when we become rooted in Christ. As we read the Bible we realize how blessed we are to be children of God. In verses 9 and 10 of chapter 2 here in Colossians we read:

(9) For the full content of divine nature lives in Christ, in his humanity,

(10) and you have been given full life in union with him. He is supreme over every spiritual ruler and authority.


We have fullness of life in Christ. We have been given a full life in union with him we are told in the above verse. This is our heritage. Jesus purchased our salvation on the cross and gives it freely to everyone who accepts Him as Lord and Saviour; this wonderful inheritance is ours already. We inherit life eternal through Jesus Christ when we are rooted deep in Him.


Today let’s raise thanks to Jesus for the gift of salvation. Let’s thank Him for giving His life in our place and by doing so forgiving us our sins, so that one day we may be in heaven with Him for eternity.


Remember He is supreme over every spiritual ruler and authority as we are told here in the Bible. Aren’t you glad you are a child of God, and heir to all that heaven holds because you are rooted in Jesus?

Then let us be filled with thanksgiving.

Everyday is a great day to be thankful!!

1 comment:

  1. I have so many zhi gs ro be thankful for, first and foremost is that Jesus saved me and came into my life over 40 years ago, though at time my journey has been full of trying times, He has always carried me through making my life full of blessed times even through the hard times. Jesus has grown me and taught me so much, He continues to amaze me even through the saddest times. He is my hope and with His help I will shine in and through every situation till He calls me home. I'm so thankful He has placed His children near and far to come along side and remind me, just as they held Moses arms in the air during battle that there are His children lifting myself in prayer giving strength from above to shine for Him during all the battles. Caroline know you are so precious to me, thank you for your encouraging words and prayers. I look forward to the day we can meet, either here or in heaven. What a glorious day that will be. 💞Diane
