Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Pastor Caroline - Wednesday June 30, 2021 - You Are My All in All


You Are My All in All

Good morning and please have a wonderful day as we close out the month of June.

When I fall down

You pick me up

When I am dry

You fill my cup

You are my all in all.

By Nicole Nordeman


As I awoke today I heard this chorus in my head and I thought to myself how faithful God truly is. He never leaves us down or dry. He picks us up - every day, there are new mercies every morning.

Lamentations Chapter 3 verses 22 to 24 in my Good News Bible tells me:

(22) The Lord‘s unfailing love and mercies continue,

(23) Fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunshine.

(24) The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.

And God gives us living water. Jeremiah Chapter 2 verses 13 and Chapter 17 verse 13 confirms this. The prophet Jeremiah describes God as “the spring of living water”, who has been forsaken by His chosen people Israel and in John Chapter 4 verse 10 Jesus speaks to the Samaritan woman at the well saying, “If you only knew what God gives and who it is that is asking for a drink, you would ask him, and he would give you life-giving water”.

God is our strength and our hope; He is our all in all.


The chorus I opened with was from the song You are my All in All, by Nicole Nordeman and so I will give you the lyrics today as our reading and I would like you to concentrate on the words and the blessing it brings to your heart.


You are my strength when I am weak

You are the treasure that I seek

You are my all in all

Seeking you as a precious jewel

Lord, to give up I’d be a fool

You are my all in all.


Taking my sin, my cross, my shame

Rising again I bless Your name

You are my all in all

When I fall down You pick me up

When I am dry You fill my cup

You are my all in all.


Jesus, Lamb of God

Worthy is Your name

Jesus, Lamb of God

Worthy is your name.


You are my strength when I am weak

You are the treasure that I seek

You are my all in all

Seeking you as a precious jewel

Lord, to give up I’d be a fool

You are my all in all


Jesus, Lamb of God

Worthy is your name

Jesus, Lamb of God

Worthy is your name


Jesus, Lamb of God

Worthy is your name

Jesus, Lamb of God

Worthy is your name.

Worthy is your name.


From this song I can say my Lord is:

My fresh start every morning

My strength in my weakness

The very one I seek

God is a precious jewel to me

I can always count on Him - He is faithful.

He took my sin and my shame to the cross, He is my redeemer!!

When I am down – He comforts me – He picks me up

When I’m thirsty - He fills my cup; meaning He replenishes my emotional, mental and physical energy. When I run out of anyone or all of these I need to go to His word and recharge who I am in Christ. As I plug into His word He fills me to overflowing.

Lamb of God – the sacrificial lamb, Jesus, who came into the world to suffer and die on the cross as He carried the sin of the world, all our sin, once and for all; and redeemed us back to the Lord for eternity, when we accept Jesus as Savior. When He rose from the grave He arose triumphantly and so we stand triumphant in Him.

He gives us mercy and peace. Only Jesus could bring us back into right relationship with God the Father, so that sin no longer separates us from God and His glory. What a precious Savior!!


Jesus, Lamb of God

Worthy is Your name.


Only God is worthy of our praise. He is to be honored, respected, and loved for all He has done for us. We can trust in Him so we ascribe greatness to Him because He is the very one who created us, and because of who He is and what He has done for us in saving us to eternity.


Praise His name, for He is worthy to be praised, which leads me into another great worship song which I will leave for another time.


So sing or speak the words to You are my All in All, and I am sure your heart will be greatly blessed today.


P. S. Go to YouTube and listen to Nicole Nordeman sing her song and your heart will be filled with the peace of the Lord.


Have a blessed day in Jesus.

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