Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Pastor Caroline - Wednesday February 24, 2021 - I Will Be With You


And I will be with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew chapter 28 verse 20.


The very last line of this verse assures the disciples of Jesus‘ presence with them at all times. He told them that “in spirit” He would be very present; always. This conversation took place after the resurrection of Christ and the disciples met Jesus on the hill in Galilee, where he told them to go. 


Sometimes when a loved one is passing they may say something like this;

I will watch over you


I will always be near


When you see a white butterfly I’m letting you know I’m close to you.

They are trying to give you comfort before they leave, just as Jesus did with the disciples.


It is hard to let go of loved ones. But a time comes in everyone’s life when life here is over and a new life begins in eternity for those who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.


It brings us great comfort to be able to remember some of the funny things, or kind gestures, or times prayer, or a great meal we shared with the very one we are thinking about. Personally when I hear a woman whistle I think of my grandmother,  on my mother’s side; or when I hear a man whistle I think of my Dad. In both instances I recall Grandma and Dad, who have gone to heaven. At that moment I feel their very presence around me and those doing the whistling do not even know the joy they just filled my heart with.


Music, prayer, conversations about Jesus with friends and time in the word of God all bring the very presence of Jesus to me. I feel loved, protected, comforted and guided in my day. I never feel alone. His promise, he will never leave me nor for sake me, is found in Hebrews chapter 13 verse 5, rings in my ear. Even that one scripture brings me great comfort and empowers me to work through any challenge presented in my day. I never walk alone — Praise the Lord!! This is always amazing to me.


There’s a certain perfume that every now and again someone will be wearing and I think of my Mom when that scent lingers in the air. Or my daughter will say something and she is “so my Mom”, that it brings me right into Mom’s presence; in my mind. I am always grateful for the little nudges I get to stop; and, just remember!


Jesus assures us today, as He did with the disciples so long ago, that He will always be with us. To the very end of the age, He says.

And I will be with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew chapter 28 verse 20.

What a beautiful promise to hold in our hearts and minds.


Those very words to His disciples are meant for us to this very day, and throughout all our days bringing us much comfort, peace, joy and contentment until we meet with Him face-to-face in eternity.


I pray this word brightens your day and gives you strength to do all the Lord would have you do today.


See the cross, it is empty, Jesus has risen and sits with the Father in heaven!! Hallelujah!!   

The cross reminds us that Jesus is very near, He is always with us. That is good news!! Please share it with everyone you meet.

God bless you.

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