Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Pastor Caroline - July 1, 2020

Happy Canada Day.
Thank you Lord for such the wonderful country we live in. May we all lift a prayer of thanks to our Heavenly Father today for His protection over our country and our leaders. We are truly blessed Canadians.

Thank you for joining me in this reading today. God impressed on my heart this week, several times, on the blessing of faith. He said, “I send many blessings and faith is one of them, and to receive the other blessings you must have faith”.
Faith is a large subject of which I could not possibly give the depth of it in this message, however, perhaps I can just give you a glimpse into it in this writing.

Faith is to be exercised every day. When you first wake up exercise your faith before you get out of bed. Say, “Lord, I believe this will be a good day, directed by You, for my life. I place myself in Your hands for your service and your care”.
This will start to build your faith, even for this day.

See, faith is first a decision, second it is obedience, and third it is a gift from God. I read this one time in a book by Stormie  Omartian entitled Seven Prayers, and I am paraphrasing. When we decide to have faith in the Saviour who we have accepted in our heart, then we must obey His plan for our life. We will then see the gift, the many blessings we receive on a daily basis, as we enjoy nature, our family and friends, our church fellowship, the secure feeling we have in the eye of the storm, and so on.

When someone calls you out of the blue and wants to spend time with you it probably was an unction, (a mental impulse) of the Lord to do that, thus, giving you both; the blessing of the company of each other,  and the Lord, in your day.

Build your faith every day. Talk to God every morning, noon and night, in other words, talk to Him all the day long. Thank Him for the little things that happen, those little blessings; like going through Tim Hortons drive-through and the girl at the window tells you your coffee has been paid for by the person in the car ahead of you. This is a blessing; now take time to thank God, and then pray a blessing over the person who purchased your coffee and maybe even pay this forward. Wouldn’t that be a nice way to start a full day of blessing to many people?

Faith is trusting in God. When we come to God in prayer we trust He hears our voice and our heart. We must believe what He says about His promises in the Bible; so therefore we must search the Bible For His promises.
Romans Chapter 10 Verse 17 says in the Good News Bible:
(17) So then, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message comes through preaching Christ.

As you study, read, hear and apply the word of God to your life you will increase the blessing of faith in your life. As you increase this blessing in your life you will share it with others, naturally.  Ask God to increase your faith as you walk and talk with Him every day and your relationship with Him will grow stronger and stronger, day by day, year after year, until one day finally, your faith shall be sight. What a glorious day that will be!!

Now enjoy Canada Day and all the blessings we have in this great country, keep the faith, and be a blessing to all you meet.

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