Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Sunday October 18,2015

Happy 'hump' day!! We've made it half way through yet another week. Isn't it amazing (good and/or bad) how much can happen in just 7 days?! Hope you see and recognize the blessings in your every day... for they are new every morning!!

Something to Think About
- we can all do something!
- When we go to heaven, sure we're saved, but then we are judged by our works.
- We won't all be evangelists, but plant a seed. Like in the Operation Christmas Child promo video; with each box, hope if created, a seed is planted.
- (Dr. Barclay told us a few history stories of how D.L. Moody came to Christ... as well how Billy Graham's journey started well before it actually reached him. Please check out our blog for video)
- We never know what will come about from mentioning the name of Christ!
- Always be ready to give a reason for the hope in you.
- Billy Sunday said 'Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.'
- Only took ONE... to change the world!!
- Faith without works is dead.

The Message ~ Ken Hayden
- Faith & Hope
FAITH - is complete confidence or trust in a person or thing; or a belief not based on proof
- There are MANY stories in the Bible where evidence of people's faith brought God's provision.
- Matthew 15:21+ (daughter vexed with a devil). Because of the mother's great faith, her daughter was healed instantly!
- Mark 5:24+ (woman who bleed for 12 years). She heard what Jesus was doing saying and went to see him. Being among the crowd, she pressed in saying 'I SHALL be healed!' and touching his cloak, she was!
- This is the type of faith we need!
- When you touch Him with a faith touch, he will meet you!
- Devil's most powerful words... 'You can't!'
- Like Jesus in the wilderness, we need to claim... 'I CAN do all things'
- I think it's time we told the devil who he is... and who we are!
HOPE - a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
- Our hope is in Christ... finisher of our Faith.
- Exodus 14: Moses and the Red Sea.
- Moses was sent in by God to deliver children out of slavery. When they were facing the Red Sea, all seemed helpless... but God had a plan!!
- We need to get in on THE plan!!
- All things will work out when we walk in His plans.
- When there is darkness... sow seeds of light; when there is hurt... sow seeds of love...
- 1 Samuel 17: David & Goliath
- God had already been by David's side helping him kill a bear and a lion. For David, God could take care of Goliath in the same way.
- God is able to bring down the 'giants' in your life
- Sometimes we see them as giants when they're are not.
- Jesus still responds to Faith
- "You have not, because you ask not..."
- Might not happen over night... we may need to stay in the fight a bit longer.
- If you're going through trials, look up, don't look down or behind... He'll see you through!!
- Get in His presence... 'come into His presence with Thanksgiving, into His courts with praise'... there is no condemnation with Christ, so just praise!! 

** Please note we are having our Christmas supper Friday, December 11th at a low lost of $15; HOWEVER, this is if we have a minimum of 80ppl signed up, so please let someone in our leadership know if you plan on attending, and how many. Invite a friend :)


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