Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sunday May 24, 2015

Some notes from Sunday's service. (Thanks, Jean)

Dr. Spencer Barclay- Something to Think About

There is more to existence than what we can see. Many people will not believe unless they experience with their 5 senses. There are many realities that exist today because people thought outside the box. Examples such as cell phones and communicating with people over the internet  and television and life saving medical technology and developments. These types of beneficial innovations could have hardly have been imagined two hundred years ago. 

In Revelation chapter 19 John saw the throne room of God. In Revelation Chapter  21 we read of walls of Jasper and a city of  pure Gold and in Revelation Chapter 22 we read of a river clear as Crystal. To the secular and unbelieving world this would seem like Science Fiction.  Yet John fully believed.

But as it is written,  Eye hath  no seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

This verse noted above talks about Heaven, but also holds true about Hell, for those who refuse Christ.

The book of Revelation clearly tells us there is a Heaven and a Hell. If we think outside the box, beyond this earthly world, we will understand and appreciate John's warning. Therefore with our belief in salvation  through Christ's death on the cross and  commitment to live for Christ and a life of Godly actions. We can steer clear from Hell and be assured that Heaven is our eternal home.


Natalie Mac Donald- Speaker of the Night

Many fairy tales have a hidden message and meaning an example would be stories such as Little Red Riding Hood.

Stories written during the time of the Black Plague were used to teach children and adults about cleanliness. Fairy tales teach us about compassion and how not to be gullible. Many reoccurring themes that often appear in fairy  tales are such as a damsel in distress always gets the prince. There are stories such as Peter Pan who wanted to stay young forever, yet we know that growing up is not so bad and is actually a good thing.

Many people who have not experienced salvation through Christ, may think of Christianity as a fairy tale and not appreciate it's true eternal message. Jesus spoke in parables teaching a truth in a story. This was a clear way for the common people to comprehend and understand what he was saying.

John 14:15-31 The Holy Spirit came not as a physical being, but as a spiritual being. This holds true today when the Holy Spirit is involved in your life you will be a better Christian witness. Examples of this is being a better employee in the work place and being a better friend to others.

In our daily lives we will experience real villains who hurt us and real heroes who help us. As Christians we will go through hard times, we will have to pray and fight for our marriages and children's salvation. However the Holy Spirit is always with us and Jesus promised to never leave or forsake us.

Revelation 17:14  As Christians we know how the story ends, Jesus Christ the Lamb wins. He wins in splendid triumph for all eternity.

On this earth when we will go through hard times, we can rest assured that for the committed Christian there is a happy ending-Eternity in Heaven.


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