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Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Monday, October 16, 2023

Dr. Barclay with Somethig to Think About - HELP



Sometimes, one of the difficulties in reading the Bible is in the different translations that are available and the different inferences of the implied meaning. For example, in Psalm 121 in the KJV, we have this statement:

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, 

from whence cometh my help.

 (verse 1)

This is considered a Song of Degree or of Ascents and was sung by travellers or pilgrims as they made their way to Jerusalem. As they approached the city, they would look to the surrounding hills and sing this song, acknowledging the fact that the Temple was located within. However, the rest of the verse is a little more difficult in that it is a statement in some versions of the Bible and a question in others.

For instance, in the KJV, AKJV, Webster’s, Wycliff, and the Orthodox Jewish Bible the latter part of verse 1 is given as a statement. In most other translations, it is written as a question.

where does my help come from?

When this Psalm was written, the writer certainly must have known that the rocks and hills of the mountains around Jerusalem would, of themselves, be of no help to any traveller nor could the Temple itself for the next line really settles the question:

My help cometh from the Lord, 

which made heaven and earth.

(verse 2)

It gives an indication of how it is important not to take one line of the Bible out of context with the full meaning. By asking the full question, this first verse really means that our help never comes from the majesty of nature, no matter how impressive and majestic it may seem. Nor does it come from the structures made by man, even one as magnificent as the Temple in Jerusalem. Even more, the question implies that true help does not come from within one’s self, for if this were the case, there would be no need to pose the question.

The true answer lies in verse 2 where it states that help comes from the Lord, and not just any lord or god but the one who made heaven and earth. There are many gods worshipped in this world, and in many ways, but only the God who made heaven and earth can provide the help one needs.

So, look to the hills and enjoy what you see; admire their majesty and the grandeur of nature. And don’t neglect examining within for whatever you can do for yourself, for to some extent self-help can be of benefit. But, the primary fact to keep in mind is that all true help comes from the one who made heaven and earth, and all that is contained within - and that includes ourselves.

Just another small thing to think about.

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