Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Pastor Caroline - Hold On To His Hand


Hold On To His Hand


A few years ago we did a Bible study on the book of Job. If you’re not familiar with the story, I encourage you to read it.

It’s about a good man who suffers total disaster however is restored to his former condition with even greater prosperity than before. The introduction to the book of Job tells you what I’ve just written and fills in between the lines so to speak.


I want to bring the story to your attention because I can see in this story that we are never to let go of God‘s hand. Hence, the title of my message today, Hold On To His Hand.  In sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, never let go of His hand.


I just recently spoke with a Christian friend who shared with me that cancer has become a reality within their household. Of course they are asking for prayers, believing for a miracle if it is the will of God, however; if God sees a home going for this person then so be it. This person knows Jesus, and also knows that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. They realize that the sting of death is lessened in the knowledge and acceptance of Jesus and the resurrection and eternal life provided through Him. One must go and leave the remainder of the family here for a time until they too are called home.


As we look at life, especially in our golden years we look back and realize how blessed we’ve been. Everything we have in life has been a blessing sent to us from above. Our birth, our youth through old age, every possession we have, and every special relationship we have, has all been gifted to us.  Love has been, and is, a wonderful gift, and the more we share love the more love we have. To be given a mate in life and to enjoy children, grandchildren and great - grandchildren possibly, and to have special blendships with friends along the way, all this is much to give thanks for.


As I look at my friends’ lives who now are facing cancer I realize that God has given them much over the years. They have been good stewards of their lives, giving and sharing with those in need and never once expecting or looking for any praise. They always give the glory to God for allowing them the privilege to serve and have been grateful for every blessing they have. It was not always an easy life, they endured hardships that were indeed a challenge, but they never let go of God‘s hand. Now this challenge has them holding on tightly knowing God will not let go. In Him they put their trust, hope and faith.


As time seemingly closes in and a separation becomes a close reality, they know as Job did in his story, to always hold on to the Father’s hand. Job said in Chapter 1 Verse 21 and we read;

(21) He said, “I was born with nothing and I will die with nothing. The Lord gave and now he has taken away. May his name be praised!”


You see Job realized that anything and everything he owned and enjoyed was given to him by God. We must all be reminded that every breath we breathe is given to us by our heavenly Father. Our family, friends, our home containing our possessions, our bank account and the moments of everyday life are God’s gift to us. Our sound mind, strong body, and ability to do our daily tasks and our profession, are all gifts, given to us by the Lord and may be taken away and yet we are to praise his name.


We came into the world with nothing and we shall leave with nothing. We came as a gift from God and hopefully we shall return as a gift to God.


I know that when the time comes and this family has to say goodbye to their loved one, heartache and sorrow will be their cross to bear for a time. God will comfort them as His word promises.


I feel certain God will greet my friend and will say, “Welcome home my good and faithful servant. You are now entering into the eternal life I promised you, there will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain. The old things have disappeared. (Revelation Chapter 21 Verse 4).  I watched you over your lifetime and you never let go of My hand. You have left a legacy of love for your family and friends and a directive to never let go. Now come and enjoy the eternal life I have prepared for you.”


Hold on to His Hand, and one day we will all be together – forever. This is the message the Lord wants us to hear today.

Thank you Lord for reminding us of our future with You in heavenly places.

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