Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Pastor Caroline - Wednesday March 2, 2022 - Worry versus Prayer


Worry versus Prayer

Matthew Chapter 6 Verse 27 in the Good News Bible reads as follows:

(27) Can any of you live a little longer by worrying about it?


My husband, Spencer, often says, nothing in life is worth worrying about, because nothing is worth getting an ulcer over.  He is so right. Worry will make you sick. There is no need to bring on sickness if we can possibly avoid it.


In the world right now this war in the Ukraine is a lot to worry about. Our concerns are on high alert at this point. As we see the scenes on television and hear the news it makes one sick to their stomach and breaks our heart. Such brokenness bringing such disaster, devastation and death; and really no need whatsoever for it. I can only imagine how God must feel when He sees this. This is not what He wants for the world.


We worry. What will tomorrow bring?  Rather than worry (because in our worry we cannot change anything); let’s pray – – prayer changes everything!

In Matthew; Jesus tells us in Verse 27 here in Chapter 6 that we cannot live any longer by worrying about life itself. Actually Jesus is telling His disciples not to worry about anything but rather put their faith in God who supplies all our needs. God knows our needs and supplies them.  With this confidence, we can now change our worry to powerful prayer!


When you feel worry overtake you, pray about what causes you to worry. Go to the word of God and look up scripture to use to pray over what you are worrying about. Finances making you worry, loss of a job causing you worry, sickness or the loss of a loved one causing you worry, loneliness, or any number of things that are causing you to worry I suggest; you pray. Every one of these and much more is covered in the word of God in scripture. Take your worry to God, leave it with Him, and pray your way to peace of mind and power over your worries.


Right now, pray for peace. Pray for a change of mind in leader- ship in Russia. Pray for the Ukraine and its people, and for provision for every need there. Pray for protection for the citizens, their property, for comfort for those who have already lost loved ones and for all who are suffering the evil of this war. Pray for a swift end to this destruction. Pray for all government leaders who have much to discern at this time. Use your time wisely in prayer, powerfully in prayer and give way to worry for worry changes nothing but prayer changes everything!!


Focus on today and what you can do today. Help someone who needs you, spend time with the sick or lonely person that you know, reach out to help someone who needs an extra hand with the job they are doing or perhaps, help teach someone about the word and promises of God. Take your focus off worry! Put your focus on making the world a better place to live, starting in your community.


Please pray for all missionaries. They are in desperate need of prayer, especially right now as they serve the Lord, wherever they are – worldwide. Help fund needs in your local area or send funding to churches who especially fund missionaries and send Bibles to countries who need yet to hear and read the word of God. If you do not know how to help our church can direct you with pleasure. There’s great joy in giving and joy replaces worry. You will know you are helping to further the kingdom of God here on earth in these challenging times. Joy replaces worry and never made anyone sick; and I can say that with a confident heart.


In Matthew Jesus told the disciples not to worry about the birds or the wildflowers because God promises to provide for them always. Aren’t we worth more to God than the birds and the flowers, we are asked in Matthew Chapter 6 Verse 26.


Let’s agree today to take worry and throw it to the wind to be carried off and away from our presence. Now let’s agree to pray more about all things that come to our mind, especially what is happening in our world today.  Let’s bring those prayers to Father God, the Almighty, Who is more than able to answer our prayers. Then give all glory to God, for He is worthy of all glory and praise. Our prayers and His Almighty hand, can and will bring about the change this world needs. Today and every day until Jesus returns!


Worry causes fear and in the Bible, “Fear Not” is found 365 times – one for every day. Praise the Lord!

And this will be another writing for another day.

Please pray for the Ukraine and her people every day until we see an end to this war. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Thank you.




  1. The leadership in Russia: May God's will be done. Ukrainian people: that their hearts draw near to God, may they feel His love and support to carry them through this difficult time. May the Lord protect them just as He protected Corrie Ten Boom during her lifetime. May God become so real in there life through these horrific times, that they become a testimony for God's grace and sufficiency and may they come through more blessed than Job at the end of hi trial. May God's will be done for He sees the bigger picture. May He use this awful time to draw His children closer to Himself may He awaken the eyes of those who sleep and revive His church and save the souls of of the lost. Give strength to all those who are a part of the army of God and give them power to help the weak, give encouragement to the down cast and shine for Jesus for the glory of God. Help us to be more prayerful minded and eager to help where God leads us. In Jesus name 🙏 Amen
