Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Pastor Caroline - Wednesday May 19, 2021 - Your Prayer List


Your Prayer List


(12) For the Lord watches over the righteous and listens to their prayers.

1 Peter Chapter 3 Verse 12(in part)


Do you have a prayer list? Names on your fridge or on a whiteboard, or perhaps a list on your phone of people you pray for? Or do you only pray when you are in need of something? Perhaps you need a job, or financial relief, maybe you’re sick, or in trouble with the law. Whatever it is, is it all about you and your needs?

Well it certainly is not wrong to pray for yourself or over yourself, and, I highly recommend you do, but it should not always be about you. Yes there are times in life when you will need God to help you get over the mountain your face, show you how to go around it, or teach you how to plough through it so that it does not return. And He will!


Now God is not like a store where you just walk in and order up the items you are in need of. A visit now and again does not allow you the benefit or discount that you would receive if you were, say, an employee or relative of the owner of the store. When we have a relationship with God, and are under His care, we have benefits allotted to us; such as,

(12) For the Lord watches over the righteous and listens to their prayers - as we are told in 1 Peter chapter 3 verse 12 (in part). Isn’t that beautiful?


God considers us righteous when Jesus is our Lord and Saviour as it is Jesus who intercedes on our behalf. We pray and Jesus our Lord, hears our voice. Today I stand on a promise from His word which Jesus taught while He was in Galilee as part of His teaching as He told others back then, (and we read it and apply it to our lives today), in Matthew chapter 7 verses 7 to 8 in the Good News Bible.

(7) Ask, and you will receive, Seek and you will find,

Knock and the door will be opened. The word goes on to say in verse 8:

(8) For everyone who asks will receive, and anyone who seeks will find, and the door will be opened to him who knocks.


The promises of God are real. You can trust what He says He will do — He will do!

I never shy away from knowing that Jesus’ teaching is solid ground for you and me to stand on and we can be very sure of our footing.


Now let’s go back to the prayer list. When you pray for others you are interceding, standing in on behalf of someone. You are praying because someone asked you to, or you felt lead in your heart to hold that person in prayer. You take “the responsibility of coming before the Lord with their need”. You are giving the need to Jesus, who then intercedes to His Father, Our Lord in heaven. The person who asked you to pray depends on you to do just that, and you give the prayer to Jesus and you depend on Him to deliver it to His father. Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened.


A thought just came to my mind; we stand on guard for thee. This line of course comes from our national anthem, O Canada. It means that wherever we are from in the world, we are all called to “stand on guard for Canada”. Wherever we are from in the world, if we have accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour and asked Him to reside within our hearts, He stands on guard for every one of us before His father.


There certainly will be times in life when we will be overcome with stressors that can bring us to a halt. Just what the devil wants. He wants us to stand still, broken in our thoughts and actions, because then we are an easy target. Well devil, you have no real estate in our lives; this needs to be our come back. Now let’s tell him, that all things are possible with God, as we see in Luke chapter 1 verse 37. So even if the stressors are here in our life for a time it is possible for us to move forward and onward with the life that God has planned for us as we see in Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11.


I would like you to know the more you pray for others, the more confident you will be. You will be comfortable to share with Jesus the needs of others and your needs as well. He waits for us to visit with Him. We must bring our thanks and our praise to Jesus as well. We will soon find that life is so much better under His care and direction and we will always have a place of shelter. There is no one like the Lord our God as we read in Psalm 113 verse 5 and, We are to praise His name Now and forever, Verse 2, all over the world - from the east to the west – praise the name of the Lord! Verse 3


Perhaps our prayer list will look like this;

Thanks to our Lord

Praise to God

Intercession for others (neighbours, family, friends, strangers, our nation, etc.)

For those who are sick

For those who do not know Jesus as Lord and Savior

For the dying

For families of those suffering

Spiritual warfare

Church family

All churches who preach Christ.

This is just a start, you can draw up your own prayer list, and you will find more to pray for, the more you pray. Amazing isn’t it?


When we pray it is always good to be specific in our request, to use God‘s word as we pray and always end with thanks, believing “the will of God is always the true answer to prayer”. Let us rejoice and testify to the glory of God. Now remember, we must take our time because God is not in a hurry and neither should we be. May we enjoy our time with the Lord and delight in Him as He delights in us.

When many people pray through a list, many prayers are raised and answered in the name of Jesus. Oh what a glorious day for prayer!! 🙏 🙏

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