Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Pastor Caroline - Wednesday December 16, 2020 -

My Love Letter to God

Today I want to write a love letter to God. I guess this year because of Covid I am much more aware of God‘s protection than ever before. I also have more time to just sit and appreciate what God has done and is doing for me over the years of my life. So please forgive me if this seems personal, however, the Lord is leading me to share this with all of you. Perhaps it could be that you would be able to say, “That is just how I feel”, and so maybe it can be your love letter to Him as well. So here goes.

Dear Lord:

Good morning my dear Heavenly Father. I am writing you today as I just want to say thank you for everything in my life. For so many years I have felt you close to me, watching over me, protecting me, loving me and showing me Your ways in my life. The people who have come and gone and the people who are now in my life have brought me Your love and guidance in so many ways, especially in areas where I need correction, direction, and guidance. You always sent and still send someone to be Jesus to me. There have been times in my life when I could and still do, feel your arms drawing me close as to comfort and console me. Strong arms that say “I won’t let go”. And I know you won’t.

Thank you for showing me how to accept myself as I am, and at times that wasn’t easy on my part, until you reminded me that you made me and what you make is always good. Please help me to always live up to your expectation of me to be the person you see me being. You understand me, you strengthen me, you allow me opportunity to tell others about you, you influence my every day with Your word and the joy I feel in You. You teach me to look up because I am of Your world, not the world here on earth which I am passing through. I cannot thank You enough for even this one great truth of which I claim and tuck away in my heart. So many times I’ve had to remind myself of this and suddenly, my day became brighter!!  You are my source of joy, today and for all my tomorrows until I am finally home where I belong. Wow —how blessed I am. Thank you.


Thank you for giving me the ability to do the things I never imagined I could do, and I couldn’t without you.

Thank you for teaching me how to love, especially when it seems most impossible and to learn that all things are possible in Christ.

Show me how to be a living sacrifice as Jesus was and continues to be to us every day.

Please allow me when I leave this world to leave Your love and gift of salvation to more people than I can count, and not to bring any glory to me but rather, to bring glory to You and one day welcome them to Your heavenly home.

Oh yes, and thank you for giving me a talent or two which made it easier to share You with others. Thanks for helping me develop them on Your time frame and only when I needed them so I would not boast.  You are so amazing!!


Please Lord, never never let me take You for granted, or take for granted the gifts and blessings you have given me over the years. Every day, a new day, a new gift, breath itself and the joy of seeing the day from dawn to dusk, adding yet another day to my journey in life.


I am sure I don’t tell you often enough how much I love You, so please forgive me. I’m sure I don’t say thank you enough, however, I do love You and thank You more than I could ever express. I am so grateful for a Father such as You, Who accepts me as I am, never gives up on me, comes to my aid when I fail or need help, puts words in my mouth that are like honey on my lips when someone needs a soft, sweet word and shows me how to be silent, in the tender, mercy moments of life.

Am I blessed?


And it’s all because of you, Father God.


Well I guess I’ll close for now Lord and one day we will be together, to walk and talk together in a place where the roses never fade and when all the finishing touches are complete on my mansion over the hilltop. Then I will come to you, because I’d rather have Jesus than anything this world affords today.

Lord, one request please, may I be in the choir, and lift my voice every day, forever more.

Love, your grateful daughter Caroline.

P.S. Thank you for your gift of Jesus to the world so many years ago, heaven continues to receive those who have received Him as Lord and Saviour and many more still to come. Praise His name!

Merry Christmas to you and it is a Merry Christmas for us because of Your great love.

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