Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Pastor Caroline - Be Ready for Learning - September 2, 2020


Psalm 119 Verses147 and 148,
(147) Before sunrise I call to you for help; I place my hope in your promise;
(148) All night long I lie awake, to meditate on your instructions. (Good News Bible)

Here we are in September, soon we will feel the coolness in the morning and evening and the days will be filled with sunshine and rain as God prepares to us to transition from summer to fall. Changes are taking place now as we prepare to send our teachers and children back into the classroom for teaching and learning. Custodians and bus drivers have a whole new meaning of sanitation, as well as teachers and children, as we await the outcome of COVID-19 and whether it’ll stay low or ramp up. Businesses are trying to increase and office buildings slowly opening up allowing employees back into their offices, as we cautiously step forward to our new normal.

One thing should be and can be certain in every day. What is that you ask? Well it is the starting your day in the word of God and ending your day in the word of God. When you do this God has your days and nights covered. This is the most comforting thought. The scripture verse I used at the beginning of the reading today, Psalm 119 versus 147 and 148, tells us to start our day asking for God’s help; and to believe in His promises. This is a very good way to start your day knowing full well God is there to help you in all you do, and, who else do you know that keeps their promises like the Lord? As we hear His voice and we see His instruction in scripture for our day, we can rest assured that anything we face, can and will become conquered because God is with us. There’s great comfort in knowing God is watching over us, night and day and that should bring us wonderful peace. However we must study His word to reap all the benefits.

And there’s Verse 148 which says, all night long I lie awake to meditate on your instructions. Does this not remind you of your good all days in school when you stayed up all night cramming for an exam? You wanted to do your very best and so you took those extra hours to prepare. Well my dear friend, our Bible is our guide book, the greatest teaching tool we will ever own. God is our teacher, professor, counselor, guide, financial advisor, instructor, doctor, pastor, friend and lover. He is our “all in all”.  The more we know Him and the greater we understand Him and His ways for us; the more we will experience in life, learning and enjoying its daily presentations. Life is what we make it, and with God as our teacher, we will make the grade!!

As we sit in His presence day and night we are blessed knowing He guides our lives as we take time every day for our study time with Him. If one day we wish to graduate, with honours, then we must study and apply that which we have learned and we can learn much from God’s word, The Bible.
There is nothing in life that is not covered in our study material as God made certain His word would give us all the answers we will ever need. How amazing is that? I am so pleased to be enrolled in the greatest classroom ever, and I have the most wonderful, gentle, loving, caring teacher; who truly wants the best for my life and for yours. How do I know? His word tells me so in Jeremiah Chapter 29 verse 11,
(11) I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for. (Good News Bible)

Every good teacher wants their student to be the very best they can be and they will pour themselves into that student when they see the effort the student applies. God sees our effort, and when we give Him our all and all; He in return gives us His all in all; which is so much greater than we can imagine or ever know this side of heaven. One day I pray to graduate to glory, with honors, how about you?
Take out your study guide everyday and prepare your way to graduation, where you will reap the greatest benefits ever promised. God says so and I believe Him!!

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