Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Operation Christmas Child


The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to provide God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

If you would like to have a shoebox to pack for Operation Christmas Child, please contact Peter MacLaren, as soon as possible, at 902-485-6384 or through Facebook message.

Operation Christmas Child Overview 2020 Video




Pastor Caroline - September 30, 2020


1 Corinthians Chapter 12 verse 27 in  the Good News Bible reads as follows:

All of you are Christ’s body,
and each one is a part of it.

This is such an amazing statement, as we realize who we are and what we are called to do.

Monday evening as I joined in a board meeting we prayed for God to show us how to move forward in our ministry. As I sat in the room, I realized that everyone of us and everyone of our congregation, are a part of the body of Christ. We all offer different aspects to the ministry such as delivering music, prayer, the sermons, technology expertise, greeting at the door, bookkeeper, etc. and it takes each one of us to keep it all going. As COVID-19 has kept us apart in assembly, it has not stopped the ministry moving forward. We still continue to deliver sermons, share in communion, the Bible study, Something to Think About, Peter’s Pics, all offered on our web site. We speak to each other by phone, email or text, as we stay in touch with one another. Now we certainly miss each other, however, if everyone continues to do their part, the love of God can and will be multiplied and nothing will stop the effects it will produce, especially during COVID-19 when everyone needs a special touch from our Heavenly Father. We are all called, everyone of us, to glorify God and we can do that because we all have been blessed with unique personalities, wonderful gifts and talents, and ways to reach everyone as technology is a wonderful tool to reach the masses. As we realize we are the body of Christ, a people working together, let us every day remind ourselves of the great work we can do, to bring heaven to earth, as we share the beautiful gospel and love of Christ.

Go out today and be Christ, doing your part, as God shows you how to offer Him, through you!!

Remember, you are His representative in the body of Christ.

Have a very blessed day.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Dr. Barclay with Something to Think About - DRY BONES


In the 37th chapter of the Book that bears his name, Ezekiel refers to a vision and prophecy that was given to him. He refers to a valley where there were numerous dry bones scattered about. Now obviously the people to whom these bones belonged were dead and long gone because theses bones were “very dry” (Ezekiel 37:2). Also, they were just scattered about and not buried, the usual custom of that time, indicating that these bones had been rejected to some extent by the general populace.

This all came about a number of years after the Hebrew people had been divided into Israel and Judea. They had been conquered by foreign invaders and the people as a result scattered into many lands. It may have seemed as if the Hebrew nation would be no more.

But God told Ezekiel to “…‘Prophesy upon these bones’…” (Ezekiel 37:4) and also to “…Prophesy unto the breath (wind)…and say to the breath to ‘Come…and breathe upon these slain, that they might live’” (Ezekiel 37:9). And breath came into these bones “…and they lived and stood upon their feet, an exceeding great army” (Ezekiel 37:10).

Breath is an important concept in the Bible. Man apparently did not become alive until God gave him breath. “And the Lord God formed man…and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7). The entire Bible is believed to be inspired (breathed into) by God for “All scripture is given by inspiration of God…” (2 Timothy 3:16). In Revelation it refers to the two witnesses being killed and remaining so until “…the breath of God entered them, and they stood on their feet…” (Revelation 11:11).

There is much in the Bible about receiving God’s breath and about receiving God’s word. If, as we believe, the Bible is God’s word and is fully inspired, then receiving God’s breath (His Word) should be one our top priorities. After all, according to Genesis, we’re all dead until we receive it and accept it. We see an example of this in Ephesians 2:1 were it states: “And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins…” This breath of life is also recorded in John 20:22 when, to the disciples “…He breathed on them, and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’.”

John states that “…the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” (John 1:14). The breath of God dwelt among us, that same breath that caused man to become a living being. In times of despair, discouragement and seeming defeat, it might be prudent to do more of what Ezekiel did back in the days of Judah’s trials: prophesy, pray, and ask for the breath of God to come once again. Then perhaps we won’t be like the fig tree that Jesus cursed “…The fig tree which You cursed has withered away…” (Mark 11:21) but more like those bones which received a new breath from God and arose to become “…an exceeding great army…”(Ezekiel 37:10)

In the beginning of the church era, the focus was on Christ and His resurrection, on the breath of God and the consequences. “…we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness…” (1Corinthians 1:23). But the church grew exponentially with that message. We need more of that message today.

It’s certainly something to think about. 


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Pastor Caroline - September 23, 2020


We battened down the hatches

As we settled in to pray;

That the storm would pass us by

And bring us safe into a new day

As we awoke to a calm "good morning",

The Lord has kept us in His care The gentle rain now falls roundabout us,


The ground has been well watered

And the wells no longer dry

Now, we give all glory and thanks to God

For the storm, has passed us by.


The Lord has given me these few words to share with you this morning. I thank Him for answered prayer.


As I look out this morning the day is gray, however, the beauty of everything I see is fresh and clean. I opened the door to warm temperatures and a soft gentle rain. How good is our Lord to provide this very refreshing time!!

Yesterday people were anxious about the storm, but the word of God tells us to, “Be anxious for nothing,  but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God”. Philippians chapter 4 verse 6 from the New King James version. And verse 7 reads as follows: And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Thank you Lord for your word on which we can depend.


Aren’t you glad you know the “Master of the Wind”, and when the storms come He promises to keep us safe “Until the Storm Passes By”. The titles of these two older gospel selections bring us peace just in the wording. Even if you can’t sing just look up the words to these songs, Until the Storm Passes By and Master of the Wind, and read the words over. They will bring you peace and fill you with promise.

Yesterday as I prayed with people I reminded them that we are in the family of God and we know Jesus, who is, the master of the wind. And then, another old hymn came to mind called, “Through It All”.  The chorus reads like this:

Through it all - through it all

I’ve learned to trust in Jesus

 I’ve learned to trust in God 

Through it all - through it all

I’ve learned to depend upon His word.


You know, it is these old hymns, precious gospel selections, and the word of God that brings us through all the storms of life and sets us free from fear, so that we can “Rest in the Arms of Jesus”.


So folks, settle in, pray, and always be thankful as you look to God and say,

Hold me fast, let me stand

In the hollow of Thy hand

Keep me safe

Till the storm passes by.


Thank you Lord for your everlasting care as you bring us safely into the new days ahead and we promise to keep our eyes focused on You and be grateful for the many blessings You bestow upon us.


Please join me Sunday as we hear a message from our Lord which we will put up on video to our web site Sunday evening. Be sure to watch for Peter’s Picks on Thursday this week.  

Enjoy your week ahead and stay safe in the hollow of His hand.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Dr. Barclay with Something to Think About - LONGEVITY


What would you consider a long life? Many people want to live a long time without really considering all the ramifications of such a prospect. Admittedly, infants and children think  little of how long life may be, they live essentially day to day only worrying about being fed and loved. Teens and youth often feel invincible, nothing will really harm them and life seems endless.  Being fifty years old is often considered old in their eyes. And by the time one gets to be seventy, well, you’re really still a pup at 50. So how old is a long life?

In today’s world how long would you wish to live? 60 years? 80 years? 100? 110years? Can you imagine living a really long life as the situation is today? Methuselah lived 969 years according to Genesis. That would mean about 940 years of paying taxes, of preparing meals three times a day, of mowing lawns every summer, not to mention the number of times you would have to remodel and repair your home and property at the same time you’re worried about developing dementia. And you would probably have to buy out Amazon to cover all the presents needed for the birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, Christmases, Easters, etc., after having descendants for over 900 years. Hopefully your pay would increase with inflation.

Perhaps that is why the longevity of man has been reduced to more manageable levels at the present time. But there is still a considerable variation in the life expectancy of individuals. Why do some people live much longer than others? Certainly genetics and lifestyle play a large part but also may family support and the help of friends. Further additional factors such as faith and obedience to God may also play a significant part.

For instance, it’s stated in Exodus “Honour your father and mother, that your days may be long upon the land…” (Exodus 20:12) and Jeremiah says: “For I know the thoughts I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (29:11). Psalm 37:37-38 states: “Mark the blameless man, and observe the upright; For the future of that man is peace. But the transgressors shall be destroyed together; The future of the wicked shall be cut off.”

This seems to be what happened to Solomon. He was promised by God that “…if you walk in My ways, to keep My statutes and My commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your days” (1 Kings 3:14). But Solomon did not maintain his relationship with God and turned to pagan idols and pagan gods in his later years. As a result, his lifespan ended when he was about 60.

Matthew 19:19 again says to “Honor your father and mother…," John 5:23 notes “that all should honour the Son just as they honour the Father…” and honouring is just what is done in the communion when we remember Christ’s sacrifice. What does it say regarding this? 1 Corinthians 11:29-30 “For He who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgement to himself…For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep.”

In Acts 5 it talks about Ananias and Sapphira who lied to the Holy Spirit regarding land they had sold and money they were to give to God. Because of this deceit, they both had their lives taken from them the same day. In Luke 12:16-21 it refers to a wealthy man planning all he would do to store his wealth “…I will say to my soul, ‘Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry’. But God said to him ‘Fool! This night your soul will be required of you…’ “(Luke 12:19-20)

Matthew 22:37-40 state “…You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and Prophets.” If all the Law is in these two, then so is the promise of one’s life being long in the land that God gave us. Science also bears this out stating that religious people live longer. “The risk of dying from all causes is up to 35 percent lower for people who attend religious services once or more a week than for those who attend less frequently.”*

So what about longevity? I don’t think many would opt for the life of Methuselah on this present earth; too many problems. But having a reasonably long life is nice and having an eternally long existence in a place with none of our present problems is even better. There is never a guarantee in this world, but following what is stated in Matthew 22:37-40 can make a big difference. Genetics, lifestyle, and relationships can all be important in determining the length of your life, but so can your faith and relationship with God 

And that is definitely something you should think about.

*The Healing Power of Faith by Harold G. Koenig M.D. Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Associate  professor of Medicine  Duke University              

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Pastor Caroline - September 16, 2020


Deuteronomy Chapter 11 verse 12 in the Good News Bible reads as follows;
(12) The Lord your God takes care of this land and watches over it throughout the year.

As I randomly opened my Bible my eyes fell on this verse in Chapter 11 in Deuteronomy. How appropriate this is when over this past week I have heard people asking, how will we get along now that schools and businesses are opening? Will COVID-19 lay low or flare up? What should we be doing? Well first of all, we need to obey the Lord. The very first verse of chapter 11 in Deuteronomy says,(1) Love the Lord your God and always obey all His laws. When we love God we do want to obey His laws, the laws of our land and those who are in place to keep our great nation covered in protection. We must pray for our leaders, asking God to give them wisdom in every decision made. They must be willing to listen and carry out the instructions given; hence we need to pray for Christians to step into political positions and wait on the Lord for His direction.

When life circumstances and battles seem too much to bear, we must pray and keep praying and speaking the word of the Lord over every single circumstance and battle. When we stand together united in our understanding that God does take care of this land and watches over it throughout the year; then we can stand in confidence that He is committed to us and cares for us because He loves us. When we stay in His will for our lives then we will know He is providing for us, protecting us, giving us new mercy and strength at the beginning of each new day. He is a good, good Father and wants the very best for His family all over the world. As we read Deuteronomy Chapter 11 we see that Moses is reminding the Israelites that God is taking care of them, and the land, and in this we realize God’s word is still the same for us today. His word and promises never change from the beginning of time to the end of eternity, of which I doubt will ever be.
So I draw from this that God is looking after us at all times, through all times, to eternity.

On this truth I stand and I pray you will as well. Thank you Lord for watching over our land especially in this year and during these trying times. Our lives are in Your Almighty hands and we are grateful for your care, over us and our land.


You are a “God Who Takes Care”.  

Monday, September 14, 2020

Dr. Barclay with Something to Think About - PRIORITIES


Those aspects of life that we deem to be important usually change as we progress through life. Raising a family, getting an education, finding a job, and maintaining that job along with a home all take on different degrees of importance depending on the stage of life one happens to be in. We will spend 10-20 years getting trained for a job or career that will consume the next 40-50 years while hoping then to enjoy a retirement which may or may not end up being what one hoped for or expected. Often the end result is does not live up to what was expected. 

In areas and in times when life is, or was not, as easy as we often appear to have it, people seem to have taken a more active interest in the religious aspect of their lives than apparently is the case in this part of the world today. Where we often have Bibles collecting dust on our shelves, people in more remote or less prosperous areas will often line up for hours to obtain their copy of the Bible and then read it until the pages are “dog-eared” with wear. In earlier times in this province, the Acadians would often walk up to 12 miles, carrying their shoes to save them, because dress shoes were hard to come by, in order to go to church and then would have to repeat the journey to return home after service.* Today, most people won’t walk across the street or drive around the block to attend a place of worship. There are frequently too many other priorities in their day.

We all seek, in our lives, for that “something” that provides the satisfaction really desired by all. For some, the priority seems to be an instant type of gratification sought through alcohol, drugs, or some other type of destructive self gratification. That may give some immediate “pleasure” but the total satisfaction we all seek just retreats further and further away. Others look for it through either their work, families, accomplishments, or education. This often gives a more lasting comfort, and at times greater satisfaction, but still in the end something is lacking and we, as we get closer to the end of our lives, realize that life has still been incomplete. There still may not be the complete life fulfillment that we crave.

King Solomon was like this. In Ecclesiastes, he states that he tried everything to find the true reason and meaning of life but with all his resources and knowledge was unable to do so until he realized that the void we all try to fill with our own efforts can only be filled by something outside ourselves. C. S. Lewis put it this way:

Creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for those desires exist. A baby feels hunger: well, there is such a thing as food. A duckling wants to swim: well, there is such a thing as water. Men feel sexual desire: well, there is such a thing as sex. If I find in myself a desire which no experience this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. If none of my earthly pleasures satisfy it… probably earthly pleasures were never meant to satisfy it, but only to arouse it, to suggest the real thing. (Mere Christianity, 1952)

Solomon never found the real meaning or satisfaction in life “under the sun.” It was only when he looked back to God did he realize from where the real meaning of life came. He made it his priority to find this out and he did. Our problem is that we spend 20 years or so preparing for about a 40 year career but no time trying to prepare for a possible eternity. That doesn’t seem to be in our priority any more. Rather than “dog-earing” our Bibles or walking miles to a service, our priority is more in keeping with the instant type of gratification: sports, entertainment, or that next new “toy.”

In his earlier years, King Solomon followed and walked with God. In his later years, he turned to idols and left his relationship with God for these other philosophies. It was only after this that he realized what he had lost when he left that relationship, including the true meaning and purpose in life.

Solomon had lost his main priority, and in many ways so have we. What’s your main priority? The Bible says: “…seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).

And that should be something to think about.  

*Plaque outside church in Minudie N.S.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Pastor Caroline - September 9, 2020


Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved. Acts chapter 16 verse 31.

New King James Version.


I love the reading today in Daily in His Presence by David Jeremiah and it bears reading over a couple of times. When you do that: please, read over again paragraph two and three.


The simple, plain truth. Everyone will understand the gospel when it is put in one-syllable words.

“God made man and loved him.

Man sinned and fell from God’s grace.

But God, in His great love, sent His son to die in our place, and then raised Him from the dead.

Now if we put our faith in Him, He will cleanse our sins and give us life”. I am using the quote from paragraph two.


Wow, that is pretty simple I would say. A child could understand this, as did the child stated in David’s message; to keep it simple so he could understand.


Perhaps I can relate to this so easily because I like simple and straightforward. It takes the guesswork out of things. The less complicated, the better, I say.


When anyone of us who have a relationship with Christ, want to share with someone who does not know Christ, we need to tell them the simple truth as stated above and then, when they accept Christ they will want to learn all about Him.


It’s like when you want to introduce your friend to another friend, you might only say that person’s name and one other interesting fact about that person. Then you introduce both parties and they can get to know one another, over several visits. You get them interested in each other and they take it from there.

When we introduce Jesus, we tell a few facts about Him and the person then wants to know more so we give them the account of His life as written in the Bible. If you go to the book of Matthew in the New Testament you can read there in the gospel of Matthew, the genealogy and birth of Jesus Christ through to His resurrection and appearances He made to His disciples after His death and resurrection. This is all found in chapter 1 through to the end of chapter 28. Also the gospels of Mark, Luke, and John are interesting reading as they also speak about Jesus.


The more time you spend with someone the better get you get to know them, trust them, confide in them, understand them. It’s the same with Jesus, study the Bible and you will be amazed at how quickly you will fall in love with this man who came to be our Saviour and Redeemer.


God wants you to understand who Jesus is, why He came to live among humanity so many years ago, and the gift of salvation only He could give to everyone who accepts Him, believing, He died to pay our sin debt and to free us from that load of sin.


The simple truth;

Jesus came, He lived, He died, gave up His life on the cross, to cover our sin, He rose again from the dead, and ascended to heaven to be with His father, where He intercedes on our behalf. His death bought us life, life eternal with Him, when we accept Him as Lord and Savior.


Simple and true!! The message is made understandable to everyone, and every person in the whole world over should hear the message of how He forgives us our sin and offers us life eternal with Him. Everyone should have the opportunity to accept Him as Lord and Saviour.


Let’s spread the simple true gospel to all those we meet and give all glory to our Lord, every day. We will then be carrying out the great commission as we are asked to do in the word. Matthew Chapter 28 Verses 19 and 2O in the Good News Bible has this important instruction,

(19)  Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, (20) and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of the age.


Enjoy every day knowing the simple truth of the gospel and sharing it with others. May God richly bless you in all you do as you bring glory to Him.


Please continue to stay connected with us on our website. We appreciate you taking time to join us in the word and sharing the love of Christ.

Have a wonderful glory filled day.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Dr. Barclay with Something to Think About - WHEN YOU BELIEVE - PART 2


About one month ago I mentioned about how corporate prayer helped change a number of problematic situations.  It shows how people who have faith can, at times, alter their circumstances by taking their concerns to God.  Does every prayer change a circumstance in the way in which we would like to see it done?  No.  It ultimately depends on God’s plan, but also many times when we do not see things go our way, it’s because we do not pray about them.  

James states: “…you do not have because you do not ask…” (4:2), “[b]ut let him ask in faith, with no doubting…”(1:6).  Perhaps that is why some people do not have answered prayers until they have reached the end of their rope and are so desperate that they can’t afford to have doubts. Yet, others can ask for years before a prayer is answered, indicating patience and perseverance may also be required.  Most importantly, prayers can be, and are, answered if we ask in faith and in humbleness and the circumstance is within God’s will.

So since I gave some examples of corporate prayer being answered previously, here are some others including individual requests that God responded to.

On a recent visit to Minudie, we saw a plaque which mentioned that “Bird Day” was the Monday after Easter Monday.  Acadians in this area traditionally celebrated this day because historically residents of this area had watched helplessly as flocks of birds descended and consumed all their grain before harvest.  So every year the people would gather in church and pray to be delivered from these “Bird Bandits.”  This tradition lasted for many years and the birds apparently did stay away.*

In 1949, Louis Zamperini, a WW2 solider, was suffering from severe PTSD.  His plane had been shot down and for two years he was held as a prisoner of war.  During that time he had been tortured, tormented, abused, and degraded.  After the war he went into a spiral of self destruction and suffered from PTSD symptoms.  This resulted in him almost losing his family.  His wife persuaded him to attend a Billy Graham Crusade and he began to change in his circumstance.  He started to read the Bible, and eventually gave his life to God, apparently never having another nightmare about his time being a POW.  He later became a Christian evangelist and youth mentor**.

On YouTube there is a channel called Precious Testimonies.  On it, young atheist who had been in the military and also to university, recounts her battle with eating disorders including anorexia and bulimia.  She describes her four year battle with these disorders, fearing that she would never be clear of her “addictions”.  It was only after she came to the conclusion that there had to be a power greater than herself and in desperation silently cried out to God for help, that a change came over her.  Instantly, she felt different and had no further problems with her eating disorders.***

Finally, in a book called Rush of Heaven, Ema McKinley tells her experience of an accident at work and, even though she remained a strong believer in Christ and His healing abilities, had about 18 years of increasing disability and pain. Her documented story shows how continued faith and belief is, at times, needed before God’s touch may be manifested. For after all those years of suffering with no evidence of relief, and after all medical treatment had failed to provide any real help, Jesus did reveal Himself to her one night and instantly after that, Ema’s broken and deformed body was changed.  She walked away from her overturned wheelchair, something for years she had not been able to do.****

Why does it sometimes take years for healing, while on other occasions, results occur instantly?  Why does it sometimes only require an individual’s prayer while at other times it seems to require the intervention of many?  Why does it seem to be that it’s only in times of utter desperation that Heaven seems to respond?  These are questions that only God alone can answer.  What we know is that we are told to “pray always” (Luke 21:36) and to “…stand fast in the faith..”(1Corinthians 16:13).  It may be difficult, but when you believe, miracles can still happen. 

That’s something we should continue to think about.

*Plaque outside a church,  Minudie N.S.

** Dr David Jeremiah Turning Points Magazine Sept 2019

*** As An Atheist - www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXWR5UL9BKo

**** Book “Rush of Heaven” by Cheryl Ricker and Ema McKinley  

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Pastor Caroline - Be Ready for Learning - September 2, 2020


Psalm 119 Verses147 and 148,
(147) Before sunrise I call to you for help; I place my hope in your promise;
(148) All night long I lie awake, to meditate on your instructions. (Good News Bible)

Here we are in September, soon we will feel the coolness in the morning and evening and the days will be filled with sunshine and rain as God prepares to us to transition from summer to fall. Changes are taking place now as we prepare to send our teachers and children back into the classroom for teaching and learning. Custodians and bus drivers have a whole new meaning of sanitation, as well as teachers and children, as we await the outcome of COVID-19 and whether it’ll stay low or ramp up. Businesses are trying to increase and office buildings slowly opening up allowing employees back into their offices, as we cautiously step forward to our new normal.

One thing should be and can be certain in every day. What is that you ask? Well it is the starting your day in the word of God and ending your day in the word of God. When you do this God has your days and nights covered. This is the most comforting thought. The scripture verse I used at the beginning of the reading today, Psalm 119 versus 147 and 148, tells us to start our day asking for God’s help; and to believe in His promises. This is a very good way to start your day knowing full well God is there to help you in all you do, and, who else do you know that keeps their promises like the Lord? As we hear His voice and we see His instruction in scripture for our day, we can rest assured that anything we face, can and will become conquered because God is with us. There’s great comfort in knowing God is watching over us, night and day and that should bring us wonderful peace. However we must study His word to reap all the benefits.

And there’s Verse 148 which says, all night long I lie awake to meditate on your instructions. Does this not remind you of your good all days in school when you stayed up all night cramming for an exam? You wanted to do your very best and so you took those extra hours to prepare. Well my dear friend, our Bible is our guide book, the greatest teaching tool we will ever own. God is our teacher, professor, counselor, guide, financial advisor, instructor, doctor, pastor, friend and lover. He is our “all in all”.  The more we know Him and the greater we understand Him and His ways for us; the more we will experience in life, learning and enjoying its daily presentations. Life is what we make it, and with God as our teacher, we will make the grade!!

As we sit in His presence day and night we are blessed knowing He guides our lives as we take time every day for our study time with Him. If one day we wish to graduate, with honours, then we must study and apply that which we have learned and we can learn much from God’s word, The Bible.
There is nothing in life that is not covered in our study material as God made certain His word would give us all the answers we will ever need. How amazing is that? I am so pleased to be enrolled in the greatest classroom ever, and I have the most wonderful, gentle, loving, caring teacher; who truly wants the best for my life and for yours. How do I know? His word tells me so in Jeremiah Chapter 29 verse 11,
(11) I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for. (Good News Bible)

Every good teacher wants their student to be the very best they can be and they will pour themselves into that student when they see the effort the student applies. God sees our effort, and when we give Him our all and all; He in return gives us His all in all; which is so much greater than we can imagine or ever know this side of heaven. One day I pray to graduate to glory, with honors, how about you?
Take out your study guide everyday and prepare your way to graduation, where you will reap the greatest benefits ever promised. God says so and I believe Him!!