Something to Think About
- What makes you happy?
- Do you pray for things that make you happy? (Better job, more money, fewer bills)
- John 4 (Woman at the well story, but focused on when the decouples try to get Jesus to eat, He says, "I have food to eat that you know nothing about"
- The Israelites prayed for years to be free from bondage, and eventually they did, after 40 years in the wilderness.
- God gave them manna from heaven each day... Kept them alive And gave them energy for 40 years.
- They prayed for release, and then for food, having everything they really needed, but then still weren't happy... They were bored.
- Even with church, people get bored.
- How many times are we not happy with what we have, so we try something different.
- Get drunk for something different... Be sexually promiscuous for something different, but still don't find happiness.
- Revelations 2:17
- John 6:31+
- Many people leave the faith/religion because they are bored
- But if we look to HIM, we will never be bored or live a mundane life.
The Message ~ Jackie Ross
- What do you think when you see 'cop hat'? Depends what you're doing ;) :D
- Officer Happy Ross is out looking for smile stealers/joy stealers.
- If you have a Bible Verse to convict these fellons, bring it to their attention asap; Or please call 1-800-PICK-JOY.
- We are people of Faith when we come to Christ, and we're people of joy
- Because God is with you and I, He will strengthen and help us, He will uphold us...
- You do not walk through this thing called life alone or condemned!
- When God is on your side, you are a majority!
- God's presence is a shield, so there is no need to fear.
- To worship... To ascribe worth.
- A new system was coming in... Old Testament to New Testament (one sacrifice for all)... Some wouldn't believe/conform, then there were others who followed Jesus.
- Revelations 4:1-11... John wrote this book, and he knew things were changed.
Thou Art Worthy, Thou are worthy, Thou are worthy oh Lord, to received glory, glory and honour...
He paid a debt He did not owe, I owed a debt I could not paid. I needed something to wash my sins away. And now I sing a brand new song, "Amazing Grace"...
- John knew the 'world' he knew was changing.
- The world tries to steal our joy, but we are called to be faithful, joyful followers... That is our calling.
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