Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Sunday January 24, 2016

Here's some notes from Sunday's service (Thanks, Heather)

Good evening all!!

Please keep Pastor Caroline in your prayers. She was under the weather Sunday and wasn't in church... Maybe God just wanted her all to Himself :)

Here is what our Sunday service looked like...

Something to Think About
  • Old Testament is the New Testament concealed; New Testament is the Old Testament revealed.
  • Revelation 19
  • Hard to think of God as a bridegroom taking a wife (His church)
  • Different than our concept of marriage. To understand you need to go back to Genesis 2. "It is not good for 'God' to be alone, therefore I will make him a helper."
  • Ephesians 5. 'Wives submit to your husband'... The church (wife) submit to God.
  • The church and Christ should be one... We as the church should submit to Christ... Without spots or blemish.
  • Hmmm... it doesn't say for women to love their husbands... Says to respect them. Hence, we need to respect Christ.
  • Someday we will be one with him, living with Him.

The Message - Roxann
How to be victorious
  1. We must be in the Word for ourselves
  2. The Word of God is our authority.
  3. The Word of God is our weapon. 
  4. Stand in your authority- confess your trust.

  1. Genesis  2:15-18. Why did the serpent go after Eve? 
  • God gave the commandment to Adam. THEN made Eve, the helper.
  • Adam got his words from God. Who did Eve get her words from? Adam.
  • Eve may have seemed 'weaker', however, maybe she's thought of like that because she got her words second hand.
  • Satan can always attack the weaker Christian.
  • If you want to be victorious in your life, take hold of God's word.. FIRST-HAND, read His word.
  • With media, we can literally listen to sermons every minute of every day. But it's can NOT be our substance. We need to know it for myself.
    2. There's no real authority in second hand words. "They say"... "Everyone knows"...
  • If you read it, you can trust what He's said to be true.
  • James 4:7. Submit to God... Resist the devil... And He WILL...
  • There's some effort for the devil to flee.
  • Luke 4:1-13. Even Jesus himself addressed the devil with the Word of God. 
  • This happened before his Ministry began but before his death and victory over the devil... And he STILL had authority over him!!
  • We have that kind of authority! We are victorious when we understand how to do this kind of battle.
  • If we submit to Christ, and refuse to listen to what the devil is saying to us, and speak what Christ is saying into our situation/circumstances... He's got no place to attack you now; you're ignoring him.
  • Eve entertained what he had to say.
  • If you know the tactic of Satan.
  • Submit to God in full obedience to His word and in complete dependence and trust.
  • Doing so brings us into agreement with His word and will, rejecting the lies of the Adversary and accepting God's promises and evaluation of our situation.
  • 1 John 4:1-5. 
    3. WORD = Jesus Christ; Word = The Scriptures; word = spoken word
  • Weapons are only helpful to those who knows how to use it!
  • It's a weapon, but it's not always an offensive weapon.
  • Hebrews 4:12
  • Logos... The expression of a complete idea. Rhema... A word spoken.
  • Logos is the whole Bible... Rhema would be a single promise or promises the Holy Spirit may bring to mind.
  • The Holy Spirit can take the Bible (logos) and bring you a promise (rhema), making the Bible real to us and our situation.
  • The Bible is 'living'... Cause it 'applies' :)
  • When facing a situation of need, trial or difficulty, the promises of God may become rhema to you.
  • Faith's confession receives God's 'words'.
  • Faith's confession= we trust in what God has said - in the Bible (logos) and through the promise (rhema). This is what we say (speak) concerning our need, trial or difficulty.
    4.We need to speak it out loud.  Submit to God... (I trust you God. You are a good Father. You will provide)... Resist the devil... And speak God's words over it.
  • James 1:5-8 (AMP)
  • When you have first-hand words, there is no space for the devil to corner you.

Read God's work and speak His promises into your mind and heart! You WILL be the victor!



For those of you who haven't seen it yet, Pastor Todd MacDonald has a website for his new church up and running. You can view it at:

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