Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Sunday November 15, 2015


Here's some notes from Sunday's service.  (Thanks again, Heather)

If you would like to watch Pastor Todd's sermon and Dr. Barclay's "Something to Think About, click here: 
Master's Hand YouTube Channel

Well hello again... here we are. And here's what you may have missed Sunday past...

Something to Think About
- Soloman wrote Ecclesiastics. He concluded, with all his wisdom, that everything is vanity, except to honor God!
- He also wrote Proverbs; to give instruction
- 3rd book... Songs of Songs. This is a love story with a great deal of passion and intimacy.
- This book illustrates what love should be like between man and woman; what true love looks like. He wrote this book in an era when there were sex slaves and human sacrifices.
- As the illustration shown in Song of Songs, we need to give God our body, time, connection.
- We never expect our love with Christ to never die... but we sometimes don't 'show up'
- You can look at the events in Paris and ask 'why?' 'Where's God?'  The thing is, Satan is ruling the earth.
- Because we don't have the relationship like in Song of Songs, we are not as influential as we should/could
- Perhaps God isn't hearing our prayers as He would if we 'showed up' or were faithful to Him.
- Look at American Christianity where pre-marital sex, extra-marital sex, gay lifestyles as happening... why would they want to join our religion (THEY meaning other worldly religions that would literally die for their faith/god, ex. the events of Paris, ISIS, etc...)
- Psalm 57. Prayer for help

We then had a moment of silence for Paris

The Message ~ Pastor Todd MacDonald
- God provides the ultimate protection.
- Times are tragic, but there will be a time of triumph.
- John 1:1... In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.
- Strength in the darkness grows
- Every time darkness strikes, the light fights back! Example after 9-11, the pews were never so full!
- Where was God? He was crying for the loss as well
- Darkness cannot overcome the Light.
- Yes, darkness is spreading, but the more we know and understand, the better equip we are when Lucifer attacks.
- Lucifer is the 'Prince of Darkness', but he is NOT the King!
- Sure 'All things are made by Him and through Him', but God also gave FREE WILL.
- This gives us CHOICE, yet He still comes along the journey with us
- Sure there's fear, but faith in Christ is greater.
- We may cry 'where are you God', but we don't see God in our path (how He's working things out), but He says 'Ahhhh, here I am'
- People have been programmed to crave drama.
- If the news was all about good deeds, happy birthdays, 'thank God's... how long would that station last?!
- Goodness doesn't seem to govern attention as evil (ex: lines to get the latest war video game, but not the newest Bible version)
- We are the witness to the Light.
- Darkness... the absence of Light; like cold is the absence of heat.
- Darkness is the power of man (given by Lucifer)... Light is the power of Christ!
- Let's pray for the world that Christ's light will be seen/recognized

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