Here are some notes from Sunday's service. (Thanks, Heather)
(To view Dr. Barclay's "Something to Think About" and Pastors Dave MacLean's message, go to )
Something to Think About
- Proverbs 3:6
- What happens when you don't acknowledge God?
- Even if you do, it's still hard sometimes to know here you're going.
- Ex: Job. He couldn't understand why everything was happening the way they were. He lost everything... but gained it all back. PLUS more!
- Ex: Joseph. He was sold by his brothers. He was in prison
- Ex: Moses. Hard to see God leading your path when your parents put you in a basket and put you in a river
- Was God directing their paths? Sometimes it truly is hard to see.
- Numbers 20
- Only through the grace of Christ we are NOT punished for the lack of following of Christ..
Message ~ Pastor Dave
- Are you glad you don't have the 10 Commandments??
- We are given just 2: Love the Lord your God with all your heart; and love others as yourself.
- Funny how these two 'commandments' works along side with the 10 c
- If you love God you will not want to hurt His heart by dishonoring your parents, cheating, etc
- Denominational doctrines set you up for failure; as we all fail.
- Christian A - they read the word but don't believe in the power of Christ through the power of Christ. (power of healing)
- Christian B - 'Spirit Christian'. Love the spiritual part of Christ (ex: special speaker). But we need to get the Word in us so we don't have to thrive on others. Speakers are used to 'confirm' what you already know.
- John 15:7. Sending another comforter... hence, I'm going to take care of you.
- Christian C- Christians that are faith filled.
- The evidence of God filling, is a filling of LOVE
- Luke 4:18
- Through it all, we are victorious in Christ!
- He wants to bless you beyond blessings
- When we start to praise him with our words and lives he will 'break the chains'... like Paul and Silas in prison
- Praise does NOT please the devil.
- We need to mix the Word of God and faith ( there will be healing, demons will flea, etc)
- You may have said 'I don't really care for church., well God loves you so care for Him!
- When we're filled with the Spirit, we're equipt for battle... the Sword, the Word of God.
- The devil will try to manipulate your thinking to get your thinking away from Christ!
- Ex: breastplate. That's how people can say/do things to you and you can live and they can love them back... You're heart is protected. - Your fight is in the Spirit, not against people; we are to love people!
- Why haven't Jesus done miracles before he was baptized... He needed the Holy Spirit to do Christ's work ;)
- We then too need the Holy Spirit to do Christ's work...
Pastor Caroline closed with reminding us to ask men out to our Father's Day service next week.
Have a beautiful week.. and call your dad/father/grand father this Father's Day weekend :)
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