Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Sunday June 21, 2015.

A short up-date on Sunday night’s service.


After the opening welcome and announcements, Master’s Hand Singers blessed us with their music.

Dr. Spencer Barclay gave his always thought provoking “Something to Think About.”
To view click here:

The message was given by Peter MacLaren.
To see Peter’s full message, click here:

The service ended with more music and prayer.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Sunday June 14, 2015

Here are some notes from Sunday's service.  (Thanks, Heather)

(To view Dr. Barclay's "Something to Think About" and Pastors Dave MacLean's message, go to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrUaNS-N8LPEpsbWiJDYloQ )

Something to Think About
- Proverbs 3:6
- What happens when you don't acknowledge God?
- Even if you do, it's still hard sometimes to know here you're going.
- Ex: Job. He couldn't understand why everything was happening the way they were. He lost everything... but gained it all back. PLUS more!
- Ex: Joseph. He was sold by his brothers. He was in prison
- Ex: Moses. Hard to see God leading your path when your parents put you in a basket and put you in a river
- Was God directing their paths? Sometimes it truly is hard to see.
- Numbers 20
- Only through the grace of Christ we are NOT punished for the lack of following of Christ..

Message ~ Pastor Dave
- Are you glad you don't have the 10 Commandments??
- We are given just 2: Love the Lord your God with all your heart; and love others as yourself.
- Funny how these two 'commandments' works along side with the 10 c
- If you love God you will not want to hurt His heart by dishonoring your parents, cheating, etc
- Denominational doctrines set you up for failure; as we all fail.
- Christian A - they read the word but don't believe in the power of Christ through the power of Christ. (power of healing)
- Christian B - 'Spirit Christian'. Love the spiritual part of Christ (ex: special speaker). But we need to get the Word in us so we don't have to thrive on others. Speakers are used to 'confirm' what you already know.
- John 15:7. Sending another comforter... hence, I'm going to take care of you.
- Christian C- Christians that are faith filled.
- The evidence of God filling, is a filling of LOVE
- Luke 4:18
- Through it all, we are victorious in Christ!
- He wants to bless you beyond blessings
- When we start to praise him with our words and lives he will 'break the chains'... like Paul and Silas in prison
- Praise does NOT please the devil.
- We need to mix the Word of God and faith ( there will be healing, demons will flea, etc)
- You may have said 'I don't really care for church., well God loves you so care for Him!
- When we're filled with the Spirit, we're equipt for battle... the Sword, the Word of God.
- The devil will try to manipulate your thinking to get your thinking away from Christ!
- Ex: breastplate. That's how people can say/do things to you and you can live and they can love them back... You're heart is protected. - Your fight is in the Spirit, not against people; we are to love people!
- Why haven't Jesus done miracles before he was baptized... He needed the Holy Spirit to do Christ's work ;)
- We then too need the Holy Spirit to do Christ's work...

Pastor Caroline closed with reminding us to ask men out to our Father's Day service next week.

Have a beautiful week.. and call your dad/father/grand father this Father's Day weekend :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Sunday June 7, 2015

Sorry, there are no notes for Sunday's service.

Doug MacDonald, from our congregation, gave his testimony and notes just could not do him justice.

Have a great week and may God Bless.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Sunday May 31, 2015

Here are some note's from Sunday's service.  (Thanks, Heather)

Hi all. Good night here to be a duck! :)
Here's a quick summary of Sunday night.
Something to Think About
- 30% of people have a religious belief
- 27% are atheist
- 43% are unknown
- Problem... Christian population is not showing their beliefs.
- Christianity is the only religion that has documented evidence of a Christ (Bible).
- Why do some have NO religious belief?
- Why so lacksadaisy?
- 1. Church doesn't really promote the power of Jesus Christ. Church is becoming more of a Social event. There's more concern for rules and regulations.
- 2. Some believe you have to accept Jesus Christ once OR brought beliefs/title is brought down through generations. (My parents were Catholic, therefore I am Catholic).
- 3. The whole Bible isn't being preached (ex: Revelation)
- Why are people leaving Christ?
- 2 Thessalonians 2:3
- Haggai 2:11+ ... Every man has 'religion' for himself.
- Amos 5
- We have shown throughout the years that we don't and haven't served God.
- ... we need to not just 'accept' Christ... but to 'seek' Him and his salvation.

Message ~ Pastor Caroline
- Proverbs 3:5+
- TRUST... in the LORD... with ALL your HEART!
- Remember God in everything you do
- Through growing up/school/university, we are preparing ourselves for years to come.
- God still have things for you to learn even after University
- We are all on a path of learning: marriage, giving birth, raising a family, looking after elderly
- We can use our own experiences to help others through hard times.
- In life we have a choice
- Life is short. Live as if tomorrow will never come... til we graduate from life here on earth to life with Christ.
- We're always learning here on earth.
- After receiving Christ we learn courses in love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.(Fruit of the Spirit)
- Colossians 3:12-17
- We graduate to a place where there is fullness of joy
- We graduate to a level that you can better handle life's events
- God is the greatest teacher... the Bible the greatest manual
- If we choose to NOT stay in school, we will barely get by, life would be a struggle (work, money)
- Being Christians (Christ-like), we need to continue to study God's Word.
- Our choices today determine our days of tomorrow
- Look up to God; he's looking down on you!
- Psalm 23:6... ' Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.' 
- Isaiah 26:23 (perfect peace)
- Isaiah 48:17
- Proverbs 16:3
- Psalm 37:5, 6... 'Open up before God, keep nothing back; he'll do whatever needs to be done: He'll validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with approval at high noon. 
- 1 Corinthians 2:9
- Trust, believe and look for Him for direction, accepting who you are in Him
- Believe His words for your life... then you'll be successful!
- God sees your whole life. The important thing is that you say 'take my hand, I want to be a student'
- He's the God of 'possible'... and ALL things are possible.

One of the songs sang at the beginning of the night, I really wanted to share, and 'God-lead' fitted right with the sermon!


Have a great week! And be reminded that we are ALL on a journey!!! :)
