Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Monday, February 9, 2015

Sunday February 8, 2015

Some notes from Sunday evening's service.  (Thanks, Heather)

Was it another 'Manic Monday' today? :D

Here's some notes from last night, remembering that Pastor Caroline and Spencer being done, means no 'Something to think about' :(  However, I'm sure notes from Pastor Dave's message will give you cause for thought!!

- Do you believe God can heal?
- There's a difference between belief and faith.
- God put faith in us to obtain great things!
- Faith can move mountains
- Learn to walk with Faith.
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
- When did 'ALL things become new in you?... When you asked Jesus into your life!
- Proverbs 4:20, 21 (pay attention to His words)
- Matthew 6:23 (seek first His kingdom)
- If you had to work hard, you wouldn't have time to seek Him. That's why He wants to GIVE you health, finances, peace
- When you listen to His words you will find you have prosperity, finances, joy, peace
- God is the God of impossibilities.
- We have to incline our ear to Him.
- Instead of dwelling on the bad... dwell on the good!! Even if Mrs. So-and-so 'makes good fudge' :D :D
- Why is it so hard to believe we can't be healed, we can't get a 'good' job, etc
- In all things, give thanks... be joyful.
- Story of David. Young boy, anointed to be King, but not til years later. Was is an easy journey? Did people say nasty things about him? Yes, but he kept the Faith!
- Story of Joseph. Was to be a ruler. But before this happened, he was sold into slavery by his brothers, then put into jail for 13yrs. Yet he kept the Faith!
- God’s love isn’t based on your goodness or badness… it’s based on HIM.
- We have to learn to walk by faith, not by sight
- Confess health over your body! Don’t confess defeat on your life!
- Tithes: What if God asked 20% and not 10%?! You’d be blessed 20% ;)
- He’s looking for cheerful givers!!
- You need to let go of the little… so He can give you the plenty
- He’s not out to be angry at the world… John 3:16
- You’ll never be holier than you are right now, in God’s eyes.
- He’s given you a new Spirit, not a new mind… so we have some ‘renovations’ to take care of.
- If you were to think, ‘there are hypocrites in church, so I’m not going’… Think of it like this. If you had a child being bullied in school, do you not let him/her go?! NO, ‘cause it hurts your child! They need to learn, grow, be taught…
- Hebrews 10:10+
- When you get to heaven, if all sins are forgiven, what are we being judged on?? We are judged on if we received Christ!
- Christians are examined on what they’ve done in their earthly bodies.
- Obeying God is always the right Choice! And Jesus gives good company.
- Victory – Faith. If we stay in the Faith, we will have Victory!
- If you believe it, you will see it… and people will prosper with you along the way.

Something I've been taught as a teen and youth... 'Garbage in... Garbage out!'  2015 WILL be the most prosperous year yet. Say this to yourself... and have Faith!! :)


1 comment:

  1. Nice job guys!
    Finally getting some sermons on-line.

