Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Service of Feb. 22, 2015

Some notes from Sunday's Service  (Thanks, Heather)

Yet another Wintery day... I was even sent home from work. Craziness... but now safe at home :)

Here's what you may have missed in service Sunday past...

Here's some notes from Spencer's 'Something to think about':
- We build many buildings but are making them harder to get into
- People struggle with the following when thinking of 'church'...
1. Perception of church
- 'I'm too bad a person; can't go to church.'
- But the Saints of the church were not 'saints'!
- Everyone has problems.
- Do people think you have no problems when you attend church??
- 'I'm too good for church.'
- 1 Corinthians 1
- Church seems unnecessary
2. Organization of the church
- Matthew 16:15-18
- Basis should not be rules! But about the Rock!
3. The People
- We need to be reminded that God made all!! ... all kinds of people (ex: what music they like, what the wear, what they prefer...)
- God loves all!!
** 'Church', relationship with Christ: There's no doorknob, no keypad... Just OPEN THE DOOR!

Although Pastor Caroline was sick last week she made two great references: #1 "Although I didn't feel good, I felt good in God" and "I was blessed in the rest." Sometimes God 'prepares a place' where you have no choice but to be still and hear from him; blessed are those times of renewal and refreshing :)  Here is what Pastor Caroline brought to us...

- 1 Corinthians 13 (the LOVE chapter). Read it. Then read it the second time and substitute 'God' for 'Love'... God is love!  This is agape love!
- Romans 12. 'Life in God's Service' (good, pleasing and perfect)
- Are you being pleased??
- Do you come to church to be pleased? Pleased by the music... pleased by the message.
- We need to be pleasing to God.
- He is soooo pleased of the things you do in His name... EVERYTHING... big and small.
- God doesn't want us to be busy!... He wants us to be pleasing.
- You can be busy, but not busy doing things that God is asking of you.
- #1 We are to please God... #2. There are many in the body of Christ. (many different people)
- Different people mean different likes/dislikes/expectations
- Clothes?! It's not what's on the outside; it's what's going on, on the inside... are you open for God?
- Structure of services
- A 'Halleluiah and Amen' church
- Music too loud; too youth orientated
- End of service: leave in quiet reverence; alter call, prayer circle... ALL are pleasing
- What's the happy medium??
- We are not in the pleasing business... we are to be in the God pleasing business!!
- Again, God is soooo please of the things you do in His name!
- He wants us obedient to Him
- We are many people with many talents by the grace given by God.
- Please the father and He will be please with you, and through you.
- If you come to church to be 'pleased', come next week with the mind/heart thought to come and please God!
- and be open to what God wants to show you :)

As you can see, God put this service together well again tonight, as Pastor Caroline's and Spencer's message worked hand-in-hand :)

Be safe out there, and remember God Love you... YES, even you, with all your flaws and imperfections. :)


Monday, February 9, 2015

Sunday February 8, 2015

Some notes from Sunday evening's service.  (Thanks, Heather)

Was it another 'Manic Monday' today? :D

Here's some notes from last night, remembering that Pastor Caroline and Spencer being done, means no 'Something to think about' :(  However, I'm sure notes from Pastor Dave's message will give you cause for thought!!

- Do you believe God can heal?
- There's a difference between belief and faith.
- God put faith in us to obtain great things!
- Faith can move mountains
- Learn to walk with Faith.
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
- When did 'ALL things become new in you?... When you asked Jesus into your life!
- Proverbs 4:20, 21 (pay attention to His words)
- Matthew 6:23 (seek first His kingdom)
- If you had to work hard, you wouldn't have time to seek Him. That's why He wants to GIVE you health, finances, peace
- When you listen to His words you will find you have prosperity, finances, joy, peace
- God is the God of impossibilities.
- We have to incline our ear to Him.
- Instead of dwelling on the bad... dwell on the good!! Even if Mrs. So-and-so 'makes good fudge' :D :D
- Why is it so hard to believe we can't be healed, we can't get a 'good' job, etc
- In all things, give thanks... be joyful.
- Story of David. Young boy, anointed to be King, but not til years later. Was is an easy journey? Did people say nasty things about him? Yes, but he kept the Faith!
- Story of Joseph. Was to be a ruler. But before this happened, he was sold into slavery by his brothers, then put into jail for 13yrs. Yet he kept the Faith!
- God’s love isn’t based on your goodness or badness… it’s based on HIM.
- We have to learn to walk by faith, not by sight
- Confess health over your body! Don’t confess defeat on your life!
- Tithes: What if God asked 20% and not 10%?! You’d be blessed 20% ;)
- He’s looking for cheerful givers!!
- You need to let go of the little… so He can give you the plenty
- He’s not out to be angry at the world… John 3:16
- You’ll never be holier than you are right now, in God’s eyes.
- He’s given you a new Spirit, not a new mind… so we have some ‘renovations’ to take care of.
- If you were to think, ‘there are hypocrites in church, so I’m not going’… Think of it like this. If you had a child being bullied in school, do you not let him/her go?! NO, ‘cause it hurts your child! They need to learn, grow, be taught…
- Hebrews 10:10+
- When you get to heaven, if all sins are forgiven, what are we being judged on?? We are judged on if we received Christ!
- Christians are examined on what they’ve done in their earthly bodies.
- Obeying God is always the right Choice! And Jesus gives good company.
- Victory – Faith. If we stay in the Faith, we will have Victory!
- If you believe it, you will see it… and people will prosper with you along the way.

Something I've been taught as a teen and youth... 'Garbage in... Garbage out!'  2015 WILL be the most prosperous year yet. Say this to yourself... and have Faith!! :)


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Service of Sunday February 1, 2015

Some notes from Sunday's service.  (Thanks, Jean)

Dr. Barclay talked about the importance of wood throughout scripture.
From the beginning to the end in both the Old and New Testaments.
Genesis Chapter 3- Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the tree in the midst of the Garden.
Exodus 4-Through the Wooden Rod God controlled the evil that Satan did through the Serpent.
Salvation for the Israelite people did not end on Passover; they still had to follow God and obey. 
Jesus died on a wooden Cross for our Salvation.
Dr. Barclay stated that God wants us to learn and study his word. God never intended that learning from the Bible should be hard difficult or complicated.

Pauline V. gave an amazing testimony of being healed from cancer and having no disabilities or lasting effects from a massive stroke.

Dr. Solimon stressed the importance of continued prayer, to keep praying faithfully for every need and never give up.

Pastor Caroline Barclay spoke on the theme of understanding the Trinity.
2 Corinthians 3:14

Father God
Jesus the Son
Holy Spirit the Comforter
Yet still the three in one, are all members of the God Head.

Christians here on this earth will never be perfect. However, we do have a perfect example to follow in Jesus.
God knew we would go through hard and sorrowful times so he sent the Holy Spirit to comfort us.
With the comfort of the Holy Spirit we would have no need to feel alone because we would have the continued assurance the Lord is with us.
Humans are three in one Body, Mind and Spirit. God is three in one Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Communion was observed at the end out the service and the old Hymn, "He Looked Beyond My Fault and Saw My Need" was sung followed by a time of prayer.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Brady Croft

This is Brady Croft. What a delight he is. We met this week and I presented him with the cheque our ministry donated to him to help provide meals to children in Africa. This young boy is doing what Jesus would do, feeding the hungry, and it was a pleasure to be able as a ministry to contribute to this worthy cause. Blessings all around. God is good!

- Pastor Caroline

Brady accepting a donation from Pastor Caroline Barclay of Master's Hand Ministry