Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November 16, 2014

Here are some thoughts for you from last  Sunday’s meeting.

One of the songs sang during worship was ‘More Than Anything’ which you would know if I added the lyrics ‘God loves people more than anything’. The last part to the songs goes like this, ‘More than anything, He wants us to go, and show the world so they will know that God loves people more than anything’. Just felt to share that part.

Spencer brought Psalm 59, talking about vengeance. Vs 5 “… Rouse yourself to punish all the nations; show no mercy to wicked traitors”. Now, what vengeance did we see from Christ?! As he was on the cross, He said “Forgive them, for they know not what they do”. While we were sinners, he begged for our forgiveness. Is it easy to forgive our enemies? Is it easy to love them? How is it that God can love us through our sin? Maybe it’s because he can see the future! That’s why scripture says to love your enemies, do good to those who abuse you… you will be blessed! You do not know what’s to come.

I will apologize for my lack of notes this time around. I love it when I’m enthralled by a speaker, who captivates with his speaking, stories, and analogies. But this is what I can share with you from Rev Glen Matheson…
-      Everyone has skills and abilities. Technology is not one of Rev. Glen’s. So when he’s in a computer store he is welcomed by some ‘computer-geek’ who’s trying to make him understand the issue or solution. Rev. Glen humbly prides himself as a ‘church geek’ :D
-      The Bible is not like a novel that can be read from beginning chapter to end chapter. The Old Testament helps to understand the New Testament
-      Exodus 33, when Moses was setting up a village, he would situate one tent away from the village to be designated as the ‘tent of gathering’, or church, or sanctuary.
-      God spoke to Moses face to face; as a friend speaks to a friend.
-      Moses brought his worries to God; wondering where his helper was.
-      Everyday people are used in the right place, for the right reason, for a certain period.
-      We can live each day as we choose; we are in control. Like a pendulum, on one side we can be crabby Cathy, or on the other side we can be pleasant Patsy. We can get the right amount of sleep, or not; we can eat the right foods or not; we can over-work, or under-work. We have to choose for ourselves.
-      Rev. Glen encouraged us, as Ehab did last week, about our perspective on speaking to God and sensing His presence. He is alive and present!
Well if you haven’t been out to church, you are missed. Come for a visit. And bring a friend out to our Christmas night, Saturday December 6th as we celebrate the reason for the season!

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