Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sunday October 26, 2014

This Sunday we were presented with a few inspirational/educational videos regarding Operation Christmas Child boxes. WOW... we have soooo much and we could be put to share by how thankful these kids are who have nothing!! I encourage you to think about being a part of this awesome ministry!! What a great way to even teach our own kids about selflessly giving loving; on some child far away who has so little.

In one of the short videos, there was a lady who received a box as a child and it totally changed her life. She couldn't get over how someone so far away would send a gift. Why?? Then she found a picture with a note on it with John 3:16. As a young child this is what she got out of that one verse... 'God loved... God gave. Therefore if you love, then you give'. Like last week's bulletin cover said 'you will never know the effects of an act of kindness; how far and how wide the effects are felt!'

Pastor Todd came with the message. We welcome and love his unique way of bringing Word!!
He opened with a video (which I've attached) called 'A Pittance of Time' honoring and remembering our soldiers and all men and women who wear a uniform!

- They chose to be soldiers, officers, nurses. They weren't forced. They chose to be accountable to their country. Men and women who would give their lives for the health and welfare of their country; willing to GO.
- Not everyone is willing to lay down their lives. 
- Are you willing to lay down your life for your fellow man?! (see Pastor Todd's writing in the bulletin 'Sonny, true love is the greatest thing in the world, except for a nice MLT; a mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich'
TIME can be given away
- Are you willing to 'replace' some of your time and give it to others?
Time to listen to a friend in need?!... to give hope?!
Time to fill an operation Christmas Child box... smiles that can't be replaced; those in need of the message. They don't need the stuffies, the barbies, the socks... they need the message of HOPE and LOVE
- Although we didn't shake God's hand or meet Him face to face, He gave not just His time; He gave us His life.
- What are we willing to give up?? What are we willing to give up to save someone's life... eternal life?!
- After the introduction (hand shake, 'hello', OCC box), that's when the love of Jesus is shared!!
- Life is not about the life we see on tv or the violence we see in our video games.
- Let's get radical in LOVE and COMPASSION!! 
- We can show others what love can do for them.
- Take some time to radicalize someone's life, sharing love, time, compassion, sharing WHY you do it... sharing the love of Christ!

Pastor Todd finished with encouraging us to take some time over Remembrance and stand by someone who's fought; remembering what's been done in our past, in our present, and time to come.

We finished the night singing "Loving God, Loving each other"... that's what the Message is all about!

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