Mission Statement

Loving God, Loving Each Other!

"We are children of God who welcome all to Fellowship, sing praises and worship to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, who guides us as we spend time in the Word as well as in Prayer & Petition for the needs of many."

"Little is much... when God is in it."

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sunday May 22, 2016

Some notes from Sunday's service. (Thanks, Heather)

  • Praise and prayer are two things that many people don't participate in.
  • They say they don't hear God.
  • Prayer is nothing more than communication. 
  • Bible says 'Pray without ceasing.' 
  • God said 'my house will be a house of prayer'... Or a house of communication
  • James 5 speaks of instances you should pray: when there's trouble or distress; when things aren't going your way (don't say things you don't mean)... PRAY, when you are in need of Spiritual guidance, pray for the nation)
  • God will help in all of these.
  • Communicate with God in everything, and pretty soon you'll hear God communicating back to you!
  • Praise and prayer are essentially the same!
  • If you want to hear from God, then you have to communicate to Him.
  • We have the Bible and we have prayer, used in the right way we can communicate with God, and He with us.

THE MESSAGE ~ Pastor Keith Hazzard
  • GIDEON: Judges 6:1-21
  • He was a judge (didn't have a King until some time later)
  • Things we can learn from Gideon...
  • #1. We need to HEAR what God speaks (vs 10)
  • Israel wouldn't have been in the mess they found themselves in if they had listened to God in the first place.
  • God will not compete with our devices/distractions. 
  • He CALLS us... He doesn't demand our attention.
  • #2. We need to SEE what God sees (vs 12)
  • Gideon is just trying to keep his family fed and safe... Yet the angel calls him 'mighty Warrior.'
  • We often don't see our selves as God sees us, agree?!
  • When God calls us to do something much bigger than us, trust that God is right there with you.
  • Gideon said 'How can I save Israel?'
  • Moses said 'Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?'
  • King Saul said 'But am I only a Benjaminite, from the smallest of Israel's tribes, and from the most insignificant clan in the tribe at that."
  • #3. We need to GO where God calls (vs go into the strength.. Am I not sending you)
  • We need to get our eyes off ourselves.
  • God will show up. He is faithful
  • In summary...
  • Make time to hear from God every day... Read your Bible & pray.
  • God doesn't make 'junk'.
  • Realize how precious & amazing you are in God's sight.
  • When God speaks... Do what He asks you to do... big or small.
  • Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Pastor Keith closed the night with a couple songs...

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Sunday May 15, 2016

Some notes from Sunday's service.  (Thanks, Heather)

** This week's Bible Study will be the last one on James... and the last one for the Summer
    **May 29th at 10:30am at Father's House Mrs. Pastor will be speaking.

    Something to Think About   
    •  (watched a YouTube video) Islamic lady calls Christian TV about committing suicide. The Pastor encouraged her to try Jesus for just ONE day... then God showed up. A miracle took place in her family. They later ministered in an underground church.
    • God loves a cheerful giver... We think money, but it's about giving of yourself too!
    • He who sows bountifully... Reaps bountifully
    • God loves:
    • 1. John 3:16 - the WHOLE world
    • 2. 1 John 4:15,16 
    • 3. Psalm 37:28 - Justice
    • 4. Psalm 11:7... 147:8
    • 5. Deuteronomy 7:9
    • 6. Proverbs 15:9
    • 7. Psalm 103:11
    • What does God hate?!
    • People being persecuted, as well as...
    • 1. Proud arrogance
    • 2. Untruth, lying
    • 3. Shedding of innocent blood
    • 4. Those who have evil, or run toward evil
    • 5. Perjury
    • 6. Problems that deal with disruption between the church/family
    • 7. Hypocrisy
    • The only thing the church needs to do is have a relationship with Christ!!
    • We need to give of ourselves joyfully.

    The Message ~ Richard Doucet
    • Deception... In the world and in church
    • Richard is an apologetic: which is someone who give reasons of Jesus (justification of something such as Religious doctrine)
    • 1 Peter 3:15 
    • 1 John 4:1-6
    • We live in a massive world of deception... Politically (in the States), entertainment-wise, Secular world (not meaning spiritually)
    • Deception... To mascarade, leading one away from the truth, making someone believe something that's false, dishonest, corruption
    • Joke/story... As a bagpiper I've done many gigs. I was to play at a funeral for a homeless man and because it was in an unfamiliar area, I got terribly lost and was an hour late. When I arrived, the men had already starting filling in the void with soil. Knowing the man must not of had many friends, I played my heart out! When I finished, one of the workers solemnly said "I've never heard anything like that before, and I've been digging sceptic tanks for years." :D
    • 1. WHAT can deceive me?
    • Satan... He's a spiritual being. His name means 'adversary'. Also called Devil, which is 'false accuser'. The Tempter, the Wicked one, Ruler of the World.
    • Don't be deceived. He already has the world... He's now after us.
    • Sin... Satan is busy deceiving us through sin.
    • Riches... This deceives us by making us think fiscal is more important than spiritual
    • Wars, famine, disease, nation rising against nation, deception (false prophets, false teachers, false signs... Mixing scripture with a couple lies, making it hard to decipher)
    • Ignorance... It is TRUTH that sets us free!
    • 2. WHO can be deceived?
    • Those who are satisfied with their own spirituality
    • Those who are too involved in the world
    • Those who think they are better than others
    • Those who place too much trust in tradition
    • 3. HOW can be overcome/avoid being deceived?
    • Learn sound Doctrine. It's not just about Love and Peace
    • "Know what to Believe" Book
    • Get the basics of your faith, then you can grow.
    • Read the Word constantly
    • Exogenous... Taking things out of the Bible. Ingenious... Putting things in the Bible.
    • Watch your life and doctrine; persevere in both
    • 4. EXAMINE yourself often to see if you're deceiving yourself.
    • Those who teach will be of higher standing
    • Love the Truth
    • Test all things by scripture
    • Make sure our priorities are set correctly
    • Pray without ceasing, for without prayer we will be tossed about

    This night... There was LOTS to think about!

    Tuesday, May 10, 2016

    Sunday May 8, 2016

    Here's some notes from Sunday's service.  (Thanks, Heather)

    • Please note that Bible Study this week, and next, will be at the New Glasgow Library, 7pm

      Something to Think About
      • Do you ever wish you could talk with the animals? Your pets?
      • You often know what they want by the way they act ;)
      • God is omniscient and can talk to the animals
      • Maybe the lambs once said to God that they didn't want their children as sacrifices?!
      • Maybe that's when God decided to send his own son?!
      • Jesus kept Mary in mind until his last breath
      • John 19: "behold your son... behold your mother'
      • Hmmmm... where were Jesus' brothers at this time?
      • Once animals are older, they leave the 'house'... they actually leave, unlike teens and sometimes young adults :D
      • There is a bond with a Mother and their offspring!... even if the mother is 94, and she loses her son of 71, deep sorrow is felt.
      • A bond that is not easily broken (Isaiah 39)
      • The mother does everything for her children and merits honour and respect.
      • If you're mother isn't still here... Honour her by your life.
      • The first interpersonal commandment is to love and honour your parents.

      The Message ~ Jacquie Ross
      • Things she learned: If you spray dust bunnies with hairspray and rollerblade over them, they will ignite...You shouldn't throw a softball at a moving ceiling fan... If you hear the toilet flush, it is already too late.
      • "I loved you enough" (poem below)
      • Mark 2:1-12 (healing of the paralytic)
      • 'Ignite Your Life'... Book. 'A saint is someone that light shines through.'
      • All of us will leave a legacy.
      • It's never too late to leave a good one!
      • What would you like to be remembered for?
      • Pastor once addressed his congregation that with their support and the help of the Lord, he'll lead them into the 20th century, to which an Elder corrected and said 'it's the 21st century.' The Pastor replied, 'Let's take it one century at a time."
      • If we are able to minister to people of this day, we need to be ready to tackle this day of age... The issues, the changes, the demographics
      • To be engaged so to communicate the Gospel.
      • How can we train ourselves to be aware of opportunities around us?!  It's not necessarily going to another program... It's about the sensitivity of the heart.
      • Do we see our relationships as what they are right now?? Or do we look expectantly?!
      • ... All because one believed things didn't have to stay the way they were.
      • Like a police who gives fines for parking, God gives 'fines' for inactivity, he does not bless this.
      • a stock-boy was positioning cans for a display. It is obvious that he has lost his vision when he stops an elderly lady from 'messing up' his display, wanting to purchase a couple cans.
      • We want to be the builder, who builds bridges, who helps Doctors Without Borders, who finds the cure for cancer... to 'go big or go home'
      • What does God say?! He says "If you give just a cup of water in my name..."
      • A cup given in Christ name is worth more than a headline!
      • Carry out the Lord's instruction to you... It's a very personal calling.

      ** Ladies in church left with a planter flower :)

      Happy Mother's day to all you ladies; you are of great influence to those around you, biological mother, or not.

      Thursday, May 5, 2016

      Sunday May 1, 2016

      Here's some notes from Sunday's sevice. (Thanks,Heather)

      Well... I'm back from a little vaca, and back to normal life :D 
      Please see notes from service below, but there were no bulletins for this upcoming week.

      · Mother's Day next week
      · Upcoming FCF Meeting
      · Nova Scotia Tattoo... Stan Jones has arrangements made for a bus for the Saturday July 2nd, matinee show. Cost is about $65, which includes bus fare and ticket. Please see Mike.
      · Eileen Steele passed this week. Our hearts are heavy for the family but we know she is with Jesus in Heaven... Where her laughter continues.
      · We sang "Where the Roses Never Fade" in her memory.

      Something to Think About
      · We are to pray without ceasing and in all things to give thanks to God.
      · Mr Stafford lost his son and all his daughters, and through all that he wrote the song "It is Well with my Soul".
      · Everyone goes through trials in their life. In the long run, a test is to develop our character.
      · Many get resentful and curse God... Some leave and don't want anything else to do with Him.
      · Temptations are a test from Satan.
      · The way we react to these tests and temptations tell about our life
      · Because of the Israelites stiff-neckness, God made them wander 40 years in the desert.  Numbers 14
      · We complain a lot, don't we.
      · We talk about the 'Patience of Job' but we should talk about the patience of Moses to put up with the people :D :D
      · Job questioned God, but he NEVER really complained/cursed God's judgement. In the result he was DOUBLY blessed.
      · Do we harden our hearts? Do we complain we don't get what we want, when we want it, as much when we want...  Or do we continue to honour Christ, to walk in His ways... 'Cause in the end, the blessings DO come!!

      ** Communion 

      The Message ~ Pastor Caroline
      · "The Bait of Satan" ~ book
      · You can be sure when you have an in-filling of the Holy Spirit, the Devil will act fast to try and slap you down!
      · When you feel like you want to crawl in a ball and not talk to anyone, you need to know you are NOT alone!!
      · We need to stand on the Power of Jesus Christ!... When the attack comes, you need to be grounded in order to stand! We don't sent troops out without the proper armour, or a firefighter without the right gear.
      · "Since I am in Christ, by the Grace of God..." (Please see attached pictures)

      · If you bought a new BMW, others next week will be checking out new cars as well. We have to be so infectious about Christ that others want to check Him out! This means coming to the throne room and asking God to help you... And He will!!
      · With these verses, Oh how this should change the way we believe about ourselves
      · The Devil wants to put us down; ONLY Christ can raise us up... Through the scriptures, the words of Christ.
